At this moment, this Presidency is not going well

So we've gone from a "great economy" to "the economy goes up and down". Brilliant.

And you're welcome!

So, according to YOU the economy does NOT go up and down? WTF? Of course it does!! Different segments of the economy rise and fall all the time and always has, even when your 'god' Obama was in office. (of course for Obama it was mostly down or klunking along the bottom) Your OP and your responses have been a kind of peek into the desperate land of Democrat TDS.
So we've gone from a "great economy" to "the economy goes up and down". Brilliant.

And you're welcome!

So, according to YOU the economy does NOT go up and down? WTF? Of course it does!! Different segments of the economy rise and fall all the time and always has, even when your 'god' Obama was in office. (of course for Obama it was mostly down or klunking along the bottom) Your OP and your responses have been a kind of peek into the desperate land of Democrat TDS.
I'm sure you're right, thanks!
Well, I listen regularly, and I see and hear the very same words, phrases, and (most interestingly) thought processes that talk radio uses.

I'll often see one of you guys start a thread not five minutes after Rush or Sean brought it up, which is always funny.

But of course, and as always, you guys can deny it. I expect nothing less.

AND we also see YOU guys starting threads seconds after some leftist media source or TDS Democrat bleats their lies. If you 'listened regularly" to conservative points of view you wouldn't post such idiocy as we see in your OP.
Well, I listen regularly, and I see and hear the very same words, phrases, and (most interestingly) thought processes that talk radio uses.

I'll often see one of you guys start a thread not five minutes after Rush or Sean brought it up, which is always funny.

But of course, and as always, you guys can deny it. I expect nothing less.

AND we also see YOU guys starting threads seconds after some leftist media source or TDS Democrat bleats their lies. If you 'listened regularly" to conservative points of view you wouldn't post such idiocy as we see in your OP.
Such as, specifically?

Don't worry, I'm not expecting a straight answer.
Much to your dismay right comrade?
Go fuck yourself you leftist bigot. Trump is doing a good job, and if that sociopath hag you supported had won, we'd be in the 11th year of the longest recession ever.
Powerful, impressive stuff there.

Perhaps you can point out some specific areas of disagreement.
I already did, but one more point-I FEEL better about America and myself than I did under Obama. Doesn't that count for something?
Much to your dismay right comrade?
Go fuck yourself you leftist bigot. Trump is doing a good job, and if that sociopath hag you supported had won, we'd be in the 11th year of the longest recession ever.
Powerful, impressive stuff there.

Perhaps you can point out some specific areas of disagreement.
I already did, but one more point-I FEEL better about America and myself than I did under Obama. Doesn't that count for something?
Okay, sure!
The more racist that Trump appears, the more support from the GOP base.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.

Is this how the corporate media is telling folks to think?

Thanks for the update.

Think I'll go outside and play.

Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.

Is this how the corporate media is telling folks to think?

Thanks for the update.

Think I'll go outside and play.

You're free to point out the errors.

No one else can, in this group meltdown.
I'm sure you're right, thanks!

Yes I am right. For example, the Stock Market fluctuates all the time. That being said, over time, the U.S. stock market gives a positive return. If it did not, there would be no such thing as a 401K. Picking on a short time frame in the stock market in order to blame someone or something on a 'bad' economy is nothing but propaganda. Smart investors know that the best way to invest is 'dollar cost averaging' which has been a tried and true strategy for investing for probably multiple decades going back a long way.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.
I think this presidency is going a lot better than the Democrats, confident that all their lying slurs and crude schemes against President Trump, his staff, his appointees, and now his supporters - for the mere audacity of winning the presidency and a treasonous House Speaker to bring her San Francisco feces to throw at the president for every decision he has made has caused a shameful rift in America. She will not go out of office with a decent legacy, but as a poor sport, a liar, and a divider of the nation. She thinks she only has to account to her party, but that's not true. She violated the trust of the American people to win short-term gains, but in the long term, she failed to help the President help border states, and she particularly and blatantly failed basic humanitarian support of people she sent her fellow congresscritters to Mexico to solicit even more illegal border crossers to trouble our Border Patrol and nullify Homeland Security in doing such evil and preplanned political ploys to fire up her base. Instead, she laid the groundwork for an Antifa to hate and destroy opportunities for the truth to be told and to solidify the Press as the Democrat-only propaganda outlets.

It's a miracle President Trump has faithfully executed his oath of office to provide for the common defense when Nancy Pelosi has sabotaged him 24-7-365. I hate the precedents she has set for politicians in the future, and when I think of her, she has been a malevolent pillar of hatred in her division of her party from not only a free and proud America, but has helped the more naive followers to claw their way into the mirage that Socialism is good. It isn't. It is a nightmare for free people to try to overcome. But we shall overcome this blight she has scattered across the American continent, the blight of hatred and the withholding of brotherly love for all. I hope she turns over the gavel soon, and if she doesn't, I hope she loses it by the American people voting her and her miserable obsequious comrades out of office.
Last edited:
I'm sure you're right, thanks!

Yes I am right. For example, the Stock Market fluctuates all the time. That being said, over time, the U.S. stock market gives a positive return. If it did not, there would be no such thing as a 401K. Picking on a short time frame in the stock market in order to blame someone or something on a 'bad' economy is nothing but propaganda. Smart investors know that the best way to invest is 'dollar cost averaging' which has been a tried and true strategy for investing for probably multiple decades going back a long way.
Yes, that is very brilliant stuff there. I'll be sure to pass it on to my CFP/Financial Advisor peers.

Now, my post was clearly and specifically about where we are right now.

Maybe you could have somebody read it to you.
If you think your words have no meaning then you posted nonsense as I originally posted
My points are clear and specific. They speak for themselves, and they don't need you to fabricate anything that I don't intend to say.

The fact that I can't get any of you to address them specifically and clearly tells me that I've nailed it once again.
And yet you implied the economy tanking
You just keep trying this. I pointed out where the economy IS RIGHT NOW. I made no projections. Not one.

If this is beyond you, just don't read the thread.
What does this mean then?

we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that

You don’t even know what you wrote
My goodness. This really isn't that difficult.

Two quarters ago, GDP was up 3.1%. Last quarter, it was up 2.1%. In Normal Word, that's a downward trend that I'd like to see reverse.

That could happen. I don't know. I made no projections.

Is this really that difficult? Is English your first language?
You’re so childish you fk. I give two shits your position. There’s no sign of downturn and consumer spending up that’s a key indicator. Plus, as you conveniently left out the entire world is actually in a recession. The US isn’t and is the cause for the inversion but leave that out. You’re just the kind of tool that would do that. You are never honest
I'm sure you're right, thanks!

Yes I am right. For example, the Stock Market fluctuates all the time. That being said, over time, the U.S. stock market gives a positive return. If it did not, there would be no such thing as a 401K. Picking on a short time frame in the stock market in order to blame someone or something on a 'bad' economy is nothing but propaganda. Smart investors know that the best way to invest is 'dollar cost averaging' which has been a tried and true strategy for investing for probably multiple decades going back a long way.
Yes, that is very brilliant stuff there. I'll be sure to pass it on to my CFP/Financial Advisor peers.

Now, my post was clearly and specifically about where we are right now.

Maybe you could have somebody read it to you.

I answered every point in your post yet, you pivot, spin, obfuscate and avoid directly addressing my posts. Perhaps you should ask your Mom or your junior high teacher or something to help you. :abgg2q.jpg:
My points are clear and specific. They speak for themselves, and they don't need you to fabricate anything that I don't intend to say.

The fact that I can't get any of you to address them specifically and clearly tells me that I've nailed it once again.
And yet you implied the economy tanking
You just keep trying this. I pointed out where the economy IS RIGHT NOW. I made no projections. Not one.

If this is beyond you, just don't read the thread.
What does this mean then?

we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that

You don’t even know what you wrote
My goodness. This really isn't that difficult.

Two quarters ago, GDP was up 3.1%. Last quarter, it was up 2.1%. In Normal Word, that's a downward trend that I'd like to see reverse.

That could happen. I don't know. I made no projections.

Is this really that difficult? Is English your first language?
You’re so childish you fk. I give two shits your position. There’s no sign of downturn and consumer spending up that’s a key indicator. Plus, as you conveniently left out the entire world is actually in a recession. The US isn’t and is the cause for the inversion but leave that out. You’re just the kind of tool that would do that. You are never honest
You obviously "give two shits", since you keep posting to me. I didn't post to you.

Yes, the world is not in good shape, which makes this trade war an even worse idea.

You guys are really melting down here. Much appreciated.
I'm sure you're right, thanks!

Yes I am right. For example, the Stock Market fluctuates all the time. That being said, over time, the U.S. stock market gives a positive return. If it did not, there would be no such thing as a 401K. Picking on a short time frame in the stock market in order to blame someone or something on a 'bad' economy is nothing but propaganda. Smart investors know that the best way to invest is 'dollar cost averaging' which has been a tried and true strategy for investing for probably multiple decades going back a long way.
Yes, that is very brilliant stuff there. I'll be sure to pass it on to my CFP/Financial Advisor peers.

Now, my post was clearly and specifically about where we are right now.

Maybe you could have somebody read it to you.

I answered every point in your post yet, you pivot, spin, obfuscate and avoid directly addressing my posts. Perhaps you should ask your Mom or your junior high teacher or something to help you. :abgg2q.jpg:
Okay, thanks. I'm sure that dollar cost averaging is a key component of our current situation.

Holy crap.
I'm sure you're right, thanks!

Yes I am right. For example, the Stock Market fluctuates all the time. That being said, over time, the U.S. stock market gives a positive return. If it did not, there would be no such thing as a 401K. Picking on a short time frame in the stock market in order to blame someone or something on a 'bad' economy is nothing but propaganda. Smart investors know that the best way to invest is 'dollar cost averaging' which has been a tried and true strategy for investing for probably multiple decades going back a long way.
Yes, that is very brilliant stuff there. I'll be sure to pass it on to my CFP/Financial Advisor peers.

Now, my post was clearly and specifically about where we are right now.

Maybe you could have somebody read it to you.

I answered every point in your post yet, you pivot, spin, obfuscate and avoid directly addressing my posts. Perhaps you should ask your Mom or your junior high teacher or something to help you. :abgg2q.jpg:
Okay, thanks. I'm sure that dollar cost averaging is a key component of our current situation.

Holy crap.

It was an example wherein I proved that your economic treatise is entirely false. If you are old enough to be working and have some kind of investment portfolio like a 401K for example, that is part of what the people who you entrust your 'nest egg' with do. Are you THAT ignorant?
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.

Perhaps your glass is half empty, Dotard, I see it as half full and getting fuller every day. Just as with the stock market, you have your ups and your downs. You just have to take the good with the bad and be patient. Gee, if you think things are bad now, you must have been ripping your hair out 8 years ago under Obumma.
Another one who can't address my clear and specific posts with clear and specific responses.

Platitudes, insults and Obama. Par for the course.

Holy crap, that must be 25 of you by now.

I DID, Moron. Can't help you're an idiot. Need it SPELLED OUT FOR YOU?

THE ECONOMY: It goes up and down.
TRADE WITH CHINA: Fuck China. The Tariffs are hitting them at least 4X harder than us, and sooner or later they are going to crack, give in, concede, or be badly damaged as we restructure or trade elsewhere. This is a huge fundamental shift in the planet and will take time.
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: We are finding out a lot of our "friends" were only fair weather friends. Now that the USA is asking them to put up their fair share, we are finding out many aren't really our friends. We'll get by. Make new friends. Don't see too many of them worrying about losing OUR friendship!
THE WALL: Slowly getting built piece by piece despite everything the Dems can do to block it.
RACE: Only an issue where the race-baiters want to make it an issue. If you have the moxy, the opportunities are there for you.
China's economy has been built and the companies using their cheap labor have been thieves and robber barons leaving the working class in the streets; plus we have had leaders using the bully pulpit on how we shouldn't piss China off because of the debt, etc.... I have never understood what makes people think they should go along with a thief and/or a bully. When they do that they are just subjecting everyone and themselves to a bully/thug that will gain more power over them. It is like allowing a bully at school to take your lunch money every day until one day you realize you are starving and you decide you are not going to take it any more.

If I were president Trump I would let them howl like banshees if that is want they want to do and I would not give into thugs and thieves. If the fund managers pushing the likes of Clinton's and Obama and all their crap onto the American public screw them. Let them go broke and whoever invested with them as well.
I'm sure you're right, thanks!

Yes I am right. For example, the Stock Market fluctuates all the time. That being said, over time, the U.S. stock market gives a positive return. If it did not, there would be no such thing as a 401K. Picking on a short time frame in the stock market in order to blame someone or something on a 'bad' economy is nothing but propaganda. Smart investors know that the best way to invest is 'dollar cost averaging' which has been a tried and true strategy for investing for probably multiple decades going back a long way.
Yes, that is very brilliant stuff there. I'll be sure to pass it on to my CFP/Financial Advisor peers.

Now, my post was clearly and specifically about where we are right now.

Maybe you could have somebody read it to you.

I answered every point in your post yet, you pivot, spin, obfuscate and avoid directly addressing my posts. Perhaps you should ask your Mom or your junior high teacher or something to help you. :abgg2q.jpg:
Okay, thanks. I'm sure that dollar cost averaging is a key component of our current situation.

Holy crap.

It was an example wherein I proved that your economic treatise is entirely false. If you are old enough to be working and have some kind of investment portfolio like a 401K for example, that is part of what the people who you entrust your 'nest egg' with do. Are you THAT ignorant?
I do enjoy it when you guys try to change the subject and put me on the defensive, but it just doesn't work with me.

It's flattering, though, I must say.

I made specific points about the economy, that were correct. That's where we are, right now, today. Maybe things will improve. Here's hoping.
America's been on the road to perdition for a while, Trump's MAGA is no different than Obama's 'hope and change' , in that it's trying to convince the constituency of an alternate reality that's just not happening


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