At this moment, this Presidency is not going well

Yes. And? Can you think of any other variables?

So how can you grow more unless you destroy the welfare state?
Again, it's about consumer and business spending. It has slowed. It could turn, but it has slowed.

Both individual and corporate debt are getting up there, and that might not be a good sign. And incomes have not increased enough to allow for better spending.
that's hilarious, since the July consumer spending did better than expected, and August isn't over. Yep, when you just can't pay attention to details. there's MAC.
Do you understand that "better than expected" and "what is needed to push growth" are two different things?

You're just trying too hard here. It would be smarter for you to just not post. Calm down. Have a cookie.
too fking funny. stay in your saddle lone ranger!! consumer spending was better than expected. that means it was up! you implied it was down, again!!! it wasn't.
Gawd. I can only make this so simple.

Think what you want. You're a good and obedient Trumpster.
Yes. And? Can you think of any other variables?

So how can you grow more unless you destroy the welfare state?
Again, it's about consumer and business spending. It has slowed. It could turn, but it has slowed.

Both individual and corporate debt are getting up there, and that might not be a good sign. And incomes have not increased enough to allow for better spending.
that's hilarious, since the July consumer spending did better than expected, and August isn't over. Yep, when you just can't pay attention to details. there's MAC.
Do you understand that "better than expected" and "what is needed to push growth" are two different things?

You're just trying too hard here. It would be smarter for you to just not post. Calm down. Have a cookie.
too fking funny. stay in your saddle lone ranger!! consumer spending was better than expected. that means it was up! you implied it was down, again!!! it wasn't.

BAMM! :clap2::clap2:
So how can you grow more unless you destroy the welfare state?
Again, it's about consumer and business spending. It has slowed. It could turn, but it has slowed.

Both individual and corporate debt are getting up there, and that might not be a good sign. And incomes have not increased enough to allow for better spending.
that's hilarious, since the July consumer spending did better than expected, and August isn't over. Yep, when you just can't pay attention to details. there's MAC.
Do you understand that "better than expected" and "what is needed to push growth" are two different things?

You're just trying too hard here. It would be smarter for you to just not post. Calm down. Have a cookie.
too fking funny. stay in your saddle lone ranger!! consumer spending was better than expected. that means it was up! you implied it was down, again!!! it wasn't.
Gawd. I can only make this so simple.

Think what you want. You're a good and obedient Trumpster.
I trust the stats, they said consumer spending was better than expected. Now, do you know if what was expected was to be down or up from the previous month. See you must set the table for your deception.
No you didn’t, you posted a bunch of talking points with nothing but conjecture. Is unemployment lowest in 60 years yes or no? Let’s start there
Yes it is. Unfortunately, it's not driving either growth or inflation. Treasury yields have crashed. The Fed is having to drop rates to deal with weakness. Consumer and corporate debt are getting high. Markets are nervous and expecting further cuts, like 50bps.

This is my profession. If you want to try this, you'll have to do better than talk radio platitudes and simplistic data.

Go ahead.
Why do you suppose that is? He’s having to do it on his own, no gop no dem wanting the success. Feds raised interest rates for no reason! Fact that curbed growth when it wasn’t needed And you’re bitching at trump. Again two words
He's a wanna be King, he is NOT a Leader.

Leaders take advice from their advisors, they don't fire them so they can put in simply yes men.

Trump is in, WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY over his head, and has no idea what to do about it, because he won't rely on those who have more expertise than he ever could... he's woefully unfit for the job.... and proving it daily, to those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear.

Notice the White House daily briefing doesn't happen anymore and hasn't for months.
It's been replaced by Trump himself, in the driveway or WH lawn on his way to Marine One.

It's like Bill Maher said last night: the only difference between a cranky, demented old man standing on his lawn with a garden hose and shouting at people is the suit. Trump wears a suit instead of what he really should be wearing: a bathrobe.

All of his WH appointments are "Acting...." He likes keeping people in limbo. Only insufferable sycophants like Barr and Pompeo get the actual full title.

He has no idea what the fuck he's doing with China and the trade war, immigration, health care or anything else. He's just winging it, buying time and feeding manure to the MAGA mushrooms.

The reason why there are so many "acting" members of the Trump Administration is that the libs refuse to move them right through and try to block them from being confirmed. If the GOP hadn't retained the Senate in 2018, they'd all be "acting" by now.

Although there are also a lot of vacancies in the administration. A lot of departments are top heavy, and leaving positions unfilled makes things run smoother.
That is simply NOT TRUE. He has "Acting" heads, because he has NO SUGGESTIONS or people he has found to replace the Department heads that he has fired or just quit on him because they could not take him anymore!

Every time he and his team picks another replacement, they have not even bothered to vet them on qualifications or secret scandals.... his hiring team is inept.... just plain lousy, to say the least.

He also has more power over the "Actings", they are not Advisors, as the Head position is suppose to be.... he likes making all decisions, instead of the "Two heads are better than one" proven theory and

Biblical theory as well....

New International Version
The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.

New Living Translation
Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to others.

English Standard Version
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.
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Again, it's about consumer and business spending. It has slowed. It could turn, but it has slowed.

Both individual and corporate debt are getting up there, and that might not be a good sign. And incomes have not increased enough to allow for better spending.
that's hilarious, since the July consumer spending did better than expected, and August isn't over. Yep, when you just can't pay attention to details. there's MAC.
Do you understand that "better than expected" and "what is needed to push growth" are two different things?

You're just trying too hard here. It would be smarter for you to just not post. Calm down. Have a cookie.
too fking funny. stay in your saddle lone ranger!! consumer spending was better than expected. that means it was up! you implied it was down, again!!! it wasn't.
Gawd. I can only make this so simple.

Think what you want. You're a good and obedient Trumpster.
I trust the stats, they said consumer spending was better than expected. Now, do you know if what was expected was to be down or up from the previous month. See you must set the table for your deception.
Nope, I'd have to look it up, and I'm a little busy researching fixed income mutual funds for clients. All I care about is that it improves. I want significantly better than 2.1% GDP growth, as Trump promised.

The numbers and facts I provided in the OP were correct. You guys just don't want to admit that.
that's hilarious, since the July consumer spending did better than expected, and August isn't over. Yep, when you just can't pay attention to details. there's MAC.
Do you understand that "better than expected" and "what is needed to push growth" are two different things?

You're just trying too hard here. It would be smarter for you to just not post. Calm down. Have a cookie.
too fking funny. stay in your saddle lone ranger!! consumer spending was better than expected. that means it was up! you implied it was down, again!!! it wasn't.
Gawd. I can only make this so simple.

Think what you want. You're a good and obedient Trumpster.
I trust the stats, they said consumer spending was better than expected. Now, do you know if what was expected was to be down or up from the previous month. See you must set the table for your deception.
Nope, I'd have to look it up, and I'm a little busy researching fixed income mutual funds for clients. All I care about is that it improves. I want significantly better than 2.1% GDP growth, as Trump promised.

The numbers and facts I provided in the OP were correct. You guys just don't want to admit that.
me too, perhaps congress could do their jobs. I see you never mention that stack of losers in your rants.
Do you understand that "better than expected" and "what is needed to push growth" are two different things?

You're just trying too hard here. It would be smarter for you to just not post. Calm down. Have a cookie.
too fking funny. stay in your saddle lone ranger!! consumer spending was better than expected. that means it was up! you implied it was down, again!!! it wasn't.
Gawd. I can only make this so simple.

Think what you want. You're a good and obedient Trumpster.
I trust the stats, they said consumer spending was better than expected. Now, do you know if what was expected was to be down or up from the previous month. See you must set the table for your deception.
Nope, I'd have to look it up, and I'm a little busy researching fixed income mutual funds for clients. All I care about is that it improves. I want significantly better than 2.1% GDP growth, as Trump promised.

The numbers and facts I provided in the OP were correct. You guys just don't want to admit that.
me too, perhaps congress could do their jobs. I see you never mention that stack of losers in your rants.
I prefer to hold a President responsible for his presidency. Unlike wingers, who always have an excuse to blame someone else.
too fking funny. stay in your saddle lone ranger!! consumer spending was better than expected. that means it was up! you implied it was down, again!!! it wasn't.
Gawd. I can only make this so simple.

Think what you want. You're a good and obedient Trumpster.
I trust the stats, they said consumer spending was better than expected. Now, do you know if what was expected was to be down or up from the previous month. See you must set the table for your deception.
Nope, I'd have to look it up, and I'm a little busy researching fixed income mutual funds for clients. All I care about is that it improves. I want significantly better than 2.1% GDP growth, as Trump promised.

The numbers and facts I provided in the OP were correct. You guys just don't want to admit that.
me too, perhaps congress could do their jobs. I see you never mention that stack of losers in your rants.
I prefer to hold a President responsible for his presidency. Unlike wingers, who always have an excuse to blame someone else.
me too, when it's warranted. there are three branches of government, and when two of the three impede progress, I think it's important. so I'll deviate from your rant and blame the legislative dip shits as the reason for 2.1 GDP. They could pass the tax cuts as permanent, not done, They could change immigration laws to allow focus to the country's business. And the judges could stay the fk away from judicial matters they rule against our constitution. I'm just saying.
me too, perhaps congress could do their jobs.
And do...what? Rebuke the president's terrible policies? Hahahahaha....good one. Moscow Mitch wouldn't even let that cross his desk.
sure, make the tax cuts permanent for starters, then correct the immigration laws, that would help, maybe help their constituents and their jobs? It is amazing how much you leftists don't know about how a country does its business. amazing.
sure, make the tax cuts permanent for starters,
Further harming the economy...

then correct the immigration laws
Further harming the economy...

maybe help their constituents and their jobs?
Haha...what a great idea! Should they also ensure world peace and end world hunger? Why hasn't anyone thought of this?!?!?
can't make it up!!!


This doofus thinks raising taxes helps economies. with stupid like that the world is doomed.
sure, make the tax cuts permanent for starters,
Further harming the economy...

then correct the immigration laws
Further harming the economy...

maybe help their constituents and their jobs?
Haha...what a great idea! Should they also ensure world peace and end world hunger? Why hasn't anyone thought of this?!?!?
can't make it up!!!


This doofus thinks raising taxes helps economies. with stupid like that the world is doomed.
It did with Clinton.... he raised the highest bracket to 39% when he first got in, Citizens/consumers/businesses got confidence from the move, that our gvt was finally serious about paying the debts from spending we owed.
sure, make the tax cuts permanent for starters,
Further harming the economy...

then correct the immigration laws
Further harming the economy...

maybe help their constituents and their jobs?
Haha...what a great idea! Should they also ensure world peace and end world hunger? Why hasn't anyone thought of this?!?!?
can't make it up!!!


This doofus thinks raising taxes helps economies. with stupid like that the world is doomed.
It did with Clinton.... he raised the highest bracket to 39% when he first got in, Citizens/consumers/businesses got confidence from the move, that our gvt was finally serious about paying the debts from spending we owed.
what happened when Newt came around? hmmmmm? when did it take off? hmmmmmmm
Sorry, I SAW and HEARD her-that's when I changed my vote!
Please post up video or at least direct quotes of this.

I'll wait.
Clinton admitted she's for 'open borders' in paid, private speech: WikiLeaks I can't do links so I copy and paste.

So, unless you were one of those banksters at that paid, private speech, you lied to us:

Sorry, I SAW and HEARD her-that's when I changed my vote!
BS-I saw her on video-read the GOD DAMN post I put out! You wanted proof you got it! Now SHUT UP!
sure, make the tax cuts permanent for starters,
Further harming the economy...

then correct the immigration laws
Further harming the economy...

maybe help their constituents and their jobs?
Haha...what a great idea! Should they also ensure world peace and end world hunger? Why hasn't anyone thought of this?!?!?
can't make it up!!!


This doofus thinks raising taxes helps economies. with stupid like that the world is doomed.
It did with Clinton.... he raised the highest bracket to 39% when he first got in, Citizens/consumers/businesses got confidence from the move, that our gvt was finally serious about paying the debts from spending we owed.
what happened when Newt came around? hmmmmm? when did it take off? hmmmmmmm
The surplus went …. poof.
Sorry, I SAW and HEARD her-that's when I changed my vote!
Please post up video or at least direct quotes of this.

I'll wait.
Clinton admitted she's for 'open borders' in paid, private speech: WikiLeaks I can't do links so I copy and paste.

So, unless you were one of those banksters at that paid, private speech, you lied to us:

Sorry, I SAW and HEARD her-that's when I changed my vote!
BS-I saw her on video-read the GOD DAMN post I put out! You wanted proof you got it! Now SHUT UP!

No one so much as claims there is video of the speech. All there is are transcripts.

And you are lying again, and lying about your lying.

BTW, dummy, do you think putting your lies in bigger fonts makes them more appealing, or true, somehow?
Also, I had read in the general sense....higher taxes make businesses smarter.... I know that seems dumb, but .... when they owe higher taxes, they find ways to spend their money, that is tax deductible, like paying their employees more or hiring or finding ways on expanding their businesses.... they'd rather do that, then just hand their money from profit, over to the govt when taxes are high.... is what some think....
China has been using questionable trade tactics for years, hijacking American business.

And Trump is the bully? Do these leftist morons always root with any other possible nation than America, regardless of their activities?
Trump thinks he can keep upping tariffs & force China to yield.

He could give a rat's ass as to the damage to American Farmers, American manufacturing or the American people.

How fucking stupid are you if your success would mean the destruction of your customer's economy?
so why isn't China coming to the table if that is all true? why aren't you asking that question, you anti american hack.

Why should China bend to stupid ass bullying.

Trump is sofa king stupid he thinks trade deficits are losses.
Sorry, I SAW and HEARD her-that's when I changed my vote!
Please post up video or at least direct quotes of this.

I'll wait.
Clinton admitted she's for 'open borders' in paid, private speech: WikiLeaks I can't do links so I copy and paste.

So, unless you were one of those banksters at that paid, private speech, you lied to us:

Sorry, I SAW and HEARD her-that's when I changed my vote!
BS-I saw her on video-read the GOD DAMN post I put out! You wanted proof you got it! Now SHUT UP!

No one so much as claims there is video of the speech. All there is are transcripts.

And you are lying again, and lying about your lying.

BTW, dummy, do you think putting your lies in bigger fonts makes them more appealing, or true, somehow?
You and that guy Dave Hunt need to find yourself a girl or each other, so you stop bothering me with your stupid, petty bullshit. And the fonts are for my fading eyesight butt munch. If I do run across that video in the future-I expect a BIG apology!

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