At this moment, this Presidency is not going well

We made America and are responsible for every social advance
I wouldn't call murdering innocent defenseless babies a "social advance". Perhaps if you're a Nazi......

Never murdered babies......that is illegal
No, it's legal. Now you're gonna play games, huh. Shame on you.
Murdering babies has always been against the law
Supreme Court said it's legal. Idiot. Go play your game with someone else.
They said it is not murder
You must be wrong
I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of you and your pals.
Nope, you're pointing out your own, which is much worse. Oops!
You're sick. You don't even believe a fetus is a human being. Children are nothing but useful pawns for you twits.
And you are the nauseating religious nutball who values fetuses more than 5 yr olds. And the truly sick thing about it is that you only force yourself to do it for selfish reasons, because you believe in magical, iron aged myths about the afterlife. Really, uou dont value either fetuses or 5 yr olds, but rather only value yourself. You would stomp either of them out to get through the pearly gates.

That's truly gross, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Nothing religious about basic biology. A fetus is human. Idiot.
And you care about fetuses, but not about 5 year olds. That's what your vile, iron aged religion has done to your brain and to your morality.
Oh the irony in that statement
I wouldn't call murdering innocent defenseless babies a "social advance". Perhaps if you're a Nazi......

Never murdered babies......that is illegal
No, it's legal. Now you're gonna play games, huh. Shame on you.
Murdering babies has always been against the law

Say what?
You can look it up

I cant read your silly mind..
I wouldn't call murdering innocent defenseless babies a "social advance". Perhaps if you're a Nazi......

Never murdered babies......that is illegal
No, it's legal. Now you're gonna play games, huh. Shame on you.
Murdering babies has always been against the law
Supreme Court said it's legal. Idiot. Go play your game with someone else.
They said it is not murder
You must be wrong


So you justifying it now..
In psychology, that's called "mental illness".
Sorry, in psychology, identifying as a different gender from their biological sex is not mental illness. That's a fact. You don't know what you are talking about and should shut up immediately. While your iron aged rag might teach you how not to eat shellfuish and how to stone women for adultery, it teaches fuck all about modern, clinical psychology.

We know liberalism is a mental illness, that's a fact
You sound like a moron.
I wouldn't call murdering innocent defenseless babies a "social advance". Perhaps if you're a Nazi......

Never murdered babies......that is illegal
No, it's legal. Now you're gonna play games, huh. Shame on you.
Murdering babies has always been against the law
Supreme Court said it's legal. Idiot. Go play your game with someone else.
They said it is not murder
You must be wrong
They also said marriage can be two people of the same sex. They're not perfect.
In psychology, that's called "mental illness".
Sorry, in psychology, identifying as a different gender from their biological sex is not mental illness. That's a fact. You don't know what you are talking about and should shut up immediately. While your iron aged rag might teach you how not to eat shellfuish and how to stone women for adultery, it teaches fuck all about modern, clinical psychology.

We know liberalism is a mental illness, that's a fact
You sound like a moron.

You sound like you're from Indiana.

Oh wait you live there
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They also said marriage can be two people of the same sex.
Which is a fact. Check the scoreboard. Sorry shaman, your iron aged myths hold no sway, outside of your own mind.
And the scoreboard says
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View attachment 276983 View attachment 276983 View attachment 276983 View attachment 276983
They also said marriage can be two people of the same sex.
Which is a fact. Check the scoreboard. Sorry shaman, your iron aged myths hold no sway, outside of your own mind.
And the scoreboard says
View attachment 276983
Oh, sorry troll...if i still cared about football, I would be a Bears fan. But I donwt watch the idiotic game of football anynore. Sticking hot pokers in my eyes would be more enjoyable.
View attachment 276983 View attachment 276983 View attachment 276983 View attachment 276983
They also said marriage can be two people of the same sex.
Which is a fact. Check the scoreboard. Sorry shaman, your iron aged myths hold no sway, outside of your own mind.
And the scoreboard says
View attachment 276983
Oh, sorry troll...if i still cared about football, I would be a Bears fan. But I donwt watch the idiotic game of football anynore. Sticking hot pokers in my eyes would be more enjoyable.

But I donwt

So you never went to skoll huh?
View attachment 276983 View attachment 276983 View attachment 276983 View attachment 276983
They also said marriage can be two people of the same sex.
Which is a fact. Check the scoreboard. Sorry shaman, your iron aged myths hold no sway, outside of your own mind.
And the scoreboard says
View attachment 276983
Oh, sorry troll...if i still cared about football, I would be a Bears fan. But I donwt watch the idiotic game of football anynore. Sticking hot pokers in my eyes would be more enjoyable.
Great idea. You finally said something I agree with.
So you agree with every decision of the Supreme Court.
So you disagree with every decision of the court.

So you like the supreme court's decision on banning union money?
Sobyou like the supreme courts decision on gay marriage?

Doesn't matter what you like. And,while the decisions on union money may ne reversed,ypu will not be using your religious nonsense, which is fading in importance, to reverse the gay marriage decision.

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