At this moment, this Presidency is not going well

So, now you link to the Brian comment, that I was referring to, and show that he either was or was not making that point.

Otherwise, you did nothing with that post. Nothing.
Sorry but you made it up and now you are caught. Try to be honest.

So, to prove that claim, post the comment I was referring to and then explain how you were NOT making any racial comparisons between the different countries.

Otherwise, STFU.
Ahem. Guess whose racial inferences are yours alone? The pertinent quotes have been supplied. Your imagination doesn't count.

You provided a quote of my referencing another post, without showing the other post, and claim that my inference is incorrect.

So, show the other post and make your case that it meant something else.

Otherwise, admit that you cannot.
If it exists you should have no trouble showing it. So go for it.

I already did. When you made the comments and i addressed your points.

You can just go back and reply again, this time addressing what I actually said.
Yes, cops get shot, but at least they have a chance. There are mass shootings everywhere.
A chance? Cops are rarely shot in countries with strong gun control. See another mass shooting in TX? TX is pretty armed aren't they? Yet they own 4 out of our 10 worst mass shootings. Go figure.
Let's see a lik

Lets see a link to your stats.
Here is an example with the UK.
But more civilians with guns, more cops getting killed. Since 2000, six U.K. cops have died from gunshots; in the U.S., 788. We have 11 times as many cops, but 130 times as many killed by guns. (The other two leading causes of police deaths are heart attacks and car accidents.)
Yet cops support the NRA and firearms training.
They have been lied to by the gun lobby. I bet the gun lobby never shared those stats now did they?
No, you've been lied to. You believe cops are your self defense. They're not.
The main question that needs to be asked is what has Trump done that effects the economy

Tax breaks is the obvious first answer but tax breaks have been given by every president since Kennedy. Business are using tax breaks given to help build there businesses

Replace NAFTA, well NAFTA was already in place. All he did was tweek some numbers and rename it. Still the effect on the economy will not be know for a few years

China Trade wars. Well as China sinks in for the long haul, it has been a failure when it hurts certain sections of the population.

NK continues missile testing which will improve their capability of having nuclear weapons

tax cuts help everyone that pays taxes, not just the rich

Point being every president since Kennedy has done tax breaks and there have been 9 recessions since Kennedy. Tax breaks is a political tool to get votes. All it does is reduce revenue and add to government debt but hey the government can print more money

NAFTA was, and is, a disaster for the USA. USMCA should be passed by congress

If NAFTA was a disaster then USMCA should be a disaster.
You seem to be missing the point that they just tweeked NAFTA and renamed it

for example
Automobiles must have 75 percent of their components manufactured in Mexico, the US, or Canada to qualify for zero tariffs (up from 62.5 percent under NAFTA

different - access to Canada dairy market but Trump had to end steel and aluminum tariff going back to business as usual

By your reasoning NAFTA was a failure then USMCA is a failure

but if USMCA is great then NAFTA must have at least good

China is caving and asking for negotiations, the tariffs worked

Yeah right it has been 2 years and Trump is still increasing tariffs as China is not caving otherwise they would have a deal but they are still negotiating. China has been accused of manipulating their currency

NK is not testing long range missiles, that was the agreement.

Oh my bad they tested short range missiles
denucularization is not just long range missles

There is no agreement thanks to trump
  1. The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new US-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity
  2. The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula
  3. Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
  4. The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified.
nothing about US ability to inspect compliance for anything just a bunch of vague references

NK launches 2 short range ballistic missles in Aug this year
Trump - oh Kim likes missle testing, so do we

Bottom line NK has a nuclear weapons program and its estimated that they have 20 to 30 nuclear weapons. They can make another between 30 to 60 more. .
A chance? Cops are rarely shot in countries with strong gun control. See another mass shooting in TX? TX is pretty armed aren't they? Yet they own 4 out of our 10 worst mass shootings. Go figure.
Let's see a lik

Lets see a link to your stats.
Here is an example with the UK.
But more civilians with guns, more cops getting killed. Since 2000, six U.K. cops have died from gunshots; in the U.S., 788. We have 11 times as many cops, but 130 times as many killed by guns. (The other two leading causes of police deaths are heart attacks and car accidents.)
Yet cops support the NRA and firearms training.
They have been lied to by the gun lobby. I bet the gun lobby never shared those stats now did they?
No, you've been lied to. You believe cops are your self defense. They're not.
Very few police are aware of stats. They have been lied to. We need to make them aware.

You have been lied to. You think having lots of guns around is safer? Then why is our homicide rate much higher than countries with strong gun control? Why do we have regular mass shootings? Heck hundreds die each year just in gun accidents. Countries with strong gun control are much safer.
You have been lied to. You think having lots of guns around is safer? Then why is our homicide rate much higher than countries with strong gun control? .

No it isn't at all.

America's closest neighbor, where our nation gets the plurality of its immigrants- Mexico, has very stringent gun control.

And also a fantastically high murder rate as well, much more than us in the estatos unedos.
You have been lied to. You think having lots of guns around is safer? Then why is our homicide rate much higher than countries with strong gun control? .

No it isn't at all.

America's closest neighbor, where our nation gets the plurality of its immigrants- Mexico, has very stringent gun control.

And also a fantastically high murder rate as well, much more than us in the estatos unedos.
I said strong gun control. Mexico has lots of laws and nobody to enforce them. Recently a whole police force was disarmed. Law enforcement is corrupt, can't have strong gun control without anyone capable of enforcing.
You have been lied to. You think having lots of guns around is safer? Then why is our homicide rate much higher than countries with strong gun control? .

No it isn't at all.

America's closest neighbor, where our nation gets the plurality of its immigrants- Mexico, has very stringent gun control.

And also a fantastically high murder rate as well, much more than us in the estatos unedos.
I said strong gun control. Mexico has lots of laws and nobody to enforce them. Recently a whole police force was disarmed. Law enforcement is corrupt, can't have strong gun control without anyone capable of enforcing.

Mexico has the Federales, as well as the Policia.

Pretty tough hombres, and if they catch you with an illegal firearm, you'll rot in a Mexican jail.
Cocaine Mitch needs to put up Crazy Bernie's legislation to raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour up for a vote.

and once it gets passed by the Senate and the House we'll see what that fraud in the white house thinks of the american poor
You have been lied to. You think having lots of guns around is safer? Then why is our homicide rate much higher than countries with strong gun control? .

No it isn't at all.

America's closest neighbor, where our nation gets the plurality of its immigrants- Mexico, has very stringent gun control.

And also a fantastically high murder rate as well, much more than us in the estatos unedos.
I said strong gun control. Mexico has lots of laws and nobody to enforce them. Recently a whole police force was disarmed. Law enforcement is corrupt, can't have strong gun control without anyone capable of enforcing.

Mexico has the Federales, as well as the Policia.

Pretty tough hombres, and if they catch you with an illegal firearm, you'll rot in a Mexican jail.
Unless you pay them a few bucks then they have no problem. The police are all corrupt.
Entire Acapulco police force disarmed due to links to drug gangs
Cocaine Mitch needs to put up Crazy Bernie's legislation to raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour up for a vote.

and once it gets passed by the Senate and the House we'll see what that fraud in the white house thinks of the american poor

What makes you think it will pass?

The people of America aren't ready to pay $10 for a Big Mac or a glass of PBR, just so the minimal wage can be raised.

Crazy Bernie's legislation would destroy the economy.

Sen. McConnell is right for not putting it up for a vote at this point in time.
I d
That's on your mind?
No only Primarily on my mind is the presidents lack of any logical response to these mass murders Talks backround checks out of the sides of his mouth ,then bashes them He's in the pocket of the NRA and it's disgusting
You know that we can't pass enough laws to stop crazy people. Someone can be normal one day and crazy the next. You know as well as I do that the only solution is self defense.
Funny that gun control works so well in all the countries not having regular mass shootings....
Gun control works elsewhere because they have little if any access to guns.
That will NEVER work here unless you somehow confiscated 95% of the guns available.
If a shooter walks into a restaurant and half the people are armed, he isn't going to get very far.

Lot of people get shot in the bedlam.
Cocaine Mitch needs to put up Crazy Bernie's legislation to raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour up for a vote.

and once it gets passed by the Senate and the House we'll see what that fraud in the white house thinks of the american poor

What makes you think it will pass?

The people of America aren't ready to pay $10 for a Big Mac or a glass of PBR, just so the minimal wage can be raised.

Crazy Bernie's legislation would destroy the economy.

Sen. McConnell is right for not putting it up for a vote at this point in time.

Big Mac has more than doubled since the last minimum wage hike
Still selling them
Cocaine Mitch needs to put up Crazy Bernie's legislation to raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour up for a vote.

and once it gets passed by the Senate and the House we'll see what that fraud in the white house thinks of the american poor

If the D's win the Presidency next year, Trump will do Crazy Bernie one better by raising the Minimum Wage during the Lame Duck Session. He'll raise it above the Sanders' proposal.
Let's see a lik

Lets see a link to your stats.
Here is an example with the UK.
But more civilians with guns, more cops getting killed. Since 2000, six U.K. cops have died from gunshots; in the U.S., 788. We have 11 times as many cops, but 130 times as many killed by guns. (The other two leading causes of police deaths are heart attacks and car accidents.)
Yet cops support the NRA and firearms training.
They have been lied to by the gun lobby. I bet the gun lobby never shared those stats now did they?
No, you've been lied to. You believe cops are your self defense. They're not.
Very few police are aware of stats. They have been lied to. We need to make them aware.

You have been lied to. You think having lots of guns around is safer? Then why is our homicide rate much higher than countries with strong gun control? Why do we have regular mass shootings? Heck hundreds die each year just in gun accidents. Countries with strong gun control are much safer.
Crazy people. Why don't you get rid of all the cars?
Here is an example with the UK.
But more civilians with guns, more cops getting killed. Since 2000, six U.K. cops have died from gunshots; in the U.S., 788. We have 11 times as many cops, but 130 times as many killed by guns. (The other two leading causes of police deaths are heart attacks and car accidents.)
Yet cops support the NRA and firearms training.
They have been lied to by the gun lobby. I bet the gun lobby never shared those stats now did they?
No, you've been lied to. You believe cops are your self defense. They're not.
Very few police are aware of stats. They have been lied to. We need to make them aware.

You have been lied to. You think having lots of guns around is safer? Then why is our homicide rate much higher than countries with strong gun control? Why do we have regular mass shootings? Heck hundreds die each year just in gun accidents. Countries with strong gun control are much safer.
Crazy people. Why don't you get rid of all the cars?

That might be an idea. Togo has only 2 cars per 10,000 people in their country, and very, very few injuries and death from auto accidents. If America switched over to swinging on vines like Tarzan for transportation, it would be a lot more green as well as be a big aid to traffic safety.
Here is an example with the UK.
But more civilians with guns, more cops getting killed. Since 2000, six U.K. cops have died from gunshots; in the U.S., 788. We have 11 times as many cops, but 130 times as many killed by guns. (The other two leading causes of police deaths are heart attacks and car accidents.)
Yet cops support the NRA and firearms training.
They have been lied to by the gun lobby. I bet the gun lobby never shared those stats now did they?
No, you've been lied to. You believe cops are your self defense. They're not.
Very few police are aware of stats. They have been lied to. We need to make them aware.

You have been lied to. You think having lots of guns around is safer? Then why is our homicide rate much higher than countries with strong gun control? Why do we have regular mass shootings? Heck hundreds die each year just in gun accidents. Countries with strong gun control are much safer.
Crazy people. Why don't you get rid of all the cars?
Well if we got rid of all the cars the economy would collapse when people can't get to work. People would die when they can't get emergency medical treatment and food. I think the chaos is obvious. Now most of us wouldn't notice if we got rid of all the guns.
Yet cops support the NRA and firearms training.
They have been lied to by the gun lobby. I bet the gun lobby never shared those stats now did they?
No, you've been lied to. You believe cops are your self defense. They're not.
Very few police are aware of stats. They have been lied to. We need to make them aware.

You have been lied to. You think having lots of guns around is safer? Then why is our homicide rate much higher than countries with strong gun control? Why do we have regular mass shootings? Heck hundreds die each year just in gun accidents. Countries with strong gun control are much safer.
Crazy people. Why don't you get rid of all the cars?
Well if we got rid of all the cars the economy would collapse when people can't get to work. People would die when they can't get emergency medical treatment and food. I think the chaos is obvious. Now most of us wouldn't notice if we got rid of all the guns.
Tell me how you're going to get rid of all the guns. Chicago, Baltimore, etc, really want to know because they've been trying for years.
Yet cops support the NRA and firearms training.
They have been lied to by the gun lobby. I bet the gun lobby never shared those stats now did they?
No, you've been lied to. You believe cops are your self defense. They're not.
Very few police are aware of stats. They have been lied to. We need to make them aware.

You have been lied to. You think having lots of guns around is safer? Then why is our homicide rate much higher than countries with strong gun control? Why do we have regular mass shootings? Heck hundreds die each year just in gun accidents. Countries with strong gun control are much safer.
Crazy people. Why don't you get rid of all the cars?
Well if we got rid of all the cars the economy would collapse when people can't get to work. People would die when they can't get emergency medical treatment and food. I think the chaos is obvious. Now most of us wouldn't notice if we got rid of all the guns.

Why don't we just reduce the number of cars down to the level they have in Togo?

We don't have to ban them, just be a lot greener, and a lot safer.
Pitiful losers that don’t know what they talk about and totally gives out the incorrect weight on issues

This is what makes foolish losers their low logic makes them blind to see and understand correctly

Again low logic makes people blind to understandings like above

China has no choice but to work with trump and not against and this soon will show up to all but the blind and the crooks that covers up the truth

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