Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End

Actually, there is. That you are wrong about the existence of a "First Cause". Then there is no need tfor a special pleading, now is there?
Logically... there is a first cause.
Time and space are eternal no God necessary. What happened before our universe and what happens after are unknowable but it's funny God gets to be eternal but time and space can't.

In every argument you make you always leave something out. I believe you are willfully ignorantly lying for the lord
I am sorry to burst your bubble, but time and space are an artifact of this universe. They do not exist outside of it.
Free your mind and the rest will follow.

In order to learn the truth you may have to think outside the box(universe)
I agree with that and that is exactly what I did too. The Truth will set you free.
Not based on the arguments you're making
Yes, the first cause which is outside of this universe is not bound by the natural laws of our universe.
Back to special pleading. Your cause is "special". It's "eternal", and not subject to physics. This is the problem with insisting on your imaginary God; ultimately you an only support your position by relying on logigcal fallacy, and irrational arguments.
Nothing outside of space and time is subject to physics.
You're absolutely right. Nothing is subject to the laws of physics, because nothing is all that exists outside of time and space.

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Nothing that we can directly observe. Yes. That's where faith comes in.
Which is a polite way of saying believing in fantasies. Sorry. There is nothing outside of Time and Space, and wishing it so does not make it so.
I have more good reason for my faith than you do for yours.
Logically... there is a first cause.
Time and space are eternal no God necessary. What happened before our universe and what happens after are unknowable but it's funny God gets to be eternal but time and space can't.

In every argument you make you always leave something out. I believe you are willfully ignorantly lying for the lord
I am sorry to burst your bubble, but time and space are an artifact of this universe. They do not exist outside of it.
Free your mind and the rest will follow.

In order to learn the truth you may have to think outside the box(universe)
I agree with that and that is exactly what I did too. The Truth will set you free.
Not based on the arguments you're making
I'm not making any arguments. That's what you want me to do.
Yes, the first cause which is outside of this universe is not bound by the natural laws of our universe.
Back to special pleading. Your cause is "special". It's "eternal", and not subject to physics. This is the problem with insisting on your imaginary God; ultimately you an only support your position by relying on logigcal fallacy, and irrational arguments.
Nothing outside of space and time is subject to physics.
You're absolutely right. Nothing is subject to the laws of physics, because nothing is all that exists outside of time and space.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nothing that we can directly observe. Yes. That's where faith comes in.
Which is a polite way of saying believing in fantasies. Sorry. There is nothing outside of Time and Space, and wishing it so does not make it so.
What do you think about the theories of parallel worlds, multiple universes, or other realms or dimensions to existence?

Do you think that your consciousness is bound by space and time and subject to the laws of physics because it is connected to this reality by a body that is?
Time and space are eternal no God necessary. What happened before our universe and what happens after are unknowable but it's funny God gets to be eternal but time and space can't.

In every argument you make you always leave something out. I believe you are willfully ignorantly lying for the lord
I am sorry to burst your bubble, but time and space are an artifact of this universe. They do not exist outside of it.
Free your mind and the rest will follow.

In order to learn the truth you may have to think outside the box(universe)
I agree with that and that is exactly what I did too. The Truth will set you free.
Not based on the arguments you're making
I'm not making any arguments. That's what you want me to do.
When do you work and when do you golf?
Back to special pleading. Your cause is "special". It's "eternal", and not subject to physics. This is the problem with insisting on your imaginary God; ultimately you an only support your position by relying on logigcal fallacy, and irrational arguments.
Nothing outside of space and time is subject to physics.
You're absolutely right. Nothing is subject to the laws of physics, because nothing is all that exists outside of time and space.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nothing that we can directly observe. Yes. That's where faith comes in.
Which is a polite way of saying believing in fantasies. Sorry. There is nothing outside of Time and Space, and wishing it so does not make it so.
I have more good reason for my faith than you do for yours.
No you don't but you are the first theist to bore me. LOL. Usually the theist stops but you have forced me to lose interest and give up. Mission accomplished I bet huh god believer?
Back to special pleading. Your cause is "special". It's "eternal", and not subject to physics. This is the problem with insisting on your imaginary God; ultimately you an only support your position by relying on logigcal fallacy, and irrational arguments.
Nothing outside of space and time is subject to physics.
You're absolutely right. Nothing is subject to the laws of physics, because nothing is all that exists outside of time and space.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nothing that we can directly observe. Yes. That's where faith comes in.
Which is a polite way of saying believing in fantasies. Sorry. There is nothing outside of Time and Space, and wishing it so does not make it so.
I have more good reason for my faith than you do for yours.
No, you don't. What objective evidence do you have that anything exists beyond reality?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
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Back to special pleading. Your cause is "special". It's "eternal", and not subject to physics. This is the problem with insisting on your imaginary God; ultimately you an only support your position by relying on logigcal fallacy, and irrational arguments.
Nothing outside of space and time is subject to physics.
You're absolutely right. Nothing is subject to the laws of physics, because nothing is all that exists outside of time and space.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nothing that we can directly observe. Yes. That's where faith comes in.
Which is a polite way of saying believing in fantasies. Sorry. There is nothing outside of Time and Space, and wishing it so does not make it so.
What do you think about the theories of parallel worlds, multiple universes, or other realms or dimensions to existence?

Do you think that your consciousness is bound by space and time and subject to the laws of physics because it is connected to this reality by a body that is?
They're fun thought exercises, but without any objective evidence to support their existence, they are useless in any practical sense.
Nothing outside of space and time is subject to physics.
You're absolutely right. Nothing is subject to the laws of physics, because nothing is all that exists outside of time and space.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nothing that we can directly observe. Yes. That's where faith comes in.
Which is a polite way of saying believing in fantasies. Sorry. There is nothing outside of Time and Space, and wishing it so does not make it so.
I have more good reason for my faith than you do for yours.
No, you don't. What objective evidence do you have that anything exists beyond reality?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
what reality?
Do you think that your consciousness is bound by space and time and subject to the laws of physics because it is connected to this reality by a body that is?

if there were not a way for the Spirit to disconnect from its physiology it would perish with it, end of story ... how about trapped or confined till finding a way out, freeing itself while defying the known laws of physics.

if not now then as an evolutionary objective, like utilizing oxygen to not just vitalize blood but also as a nourishment minimizing the need for body mass.

which came first: the Spirit or physiology.
I am sorry to burst your bubble, but time and space are an artifact of this universe. They do not exist outside of it.
Free your mind and the rest will follow.

In order to learn the truth you may have to think outside the box(universe)
I agree with that and that is exactly what I did too. The Truth will set you free.
Not based on the arguments you're making
I'm not making any arguments. That's what you want me to do.
When do you work and when do you golf?
Usually every other Friday (9/80), then a couple of times on the weekends, after work 2 to 3 times a week when DST hits and then during my 6 weeks of vacation. Of course this year I have carried over so much vacation (52 days in 2017) that I will be taking all Friday's off. For the last 4 months we have been working 16 hour days and weekends. I had 131 rounds through September. Since September I've had 4.
Nothing outside of space and time is subject to physics.
You're absolutely right. Nothing is subject to the laws of physics, because nothing is all that exists outside of time and space.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nothing that we can directly observe. Yes. That's where faith comes in.
Which is a polite way of saying believing in fantasies. Sorry. There is nothing outside of Time and Space, and wishing it so does not make it so.
I have more good reason for my faith than you do for yours.
No, you don't. What objective evidence do you have that anything exists beyond reality?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
We've gone over this a dozen times, what He created and what I have tested. What do you have?
Nothing outside of space and time is subject to physics.
You're absolutely right. Nothing is subject to the laws of physics, because nothing is all that exists outside of time and space.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nothing that we can directly observe. Yes. That's where faith comes in.
Which is a polite way of saying believing in fantasies. Sorry. There is nothing outside of Time and Space, and wishing it so does not make it so.
I have more good reason for my faith than you do for yours.
No you don't but you are the first theist to bore me. LOL. Usually the theist stops but you have forced me to lose interest and give up. Mission accomplished I bet huh god believer?
What reason do you have for yours?
You're absolutely right. Nothing is subject to the laws of physics, because nothing is all that exists outside of time and space.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nothing that we can directly observe. Yes. That's where faith comes in.
Which is a polite way of saying believing in fantasies. Sorry. There is nothing outside of Time and Space, and wishing it so does not make it so.
I have more good reason for my faith than you do for yours.
No, you don't. What objective evidence do you have that anything exists beyond reality?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
what reality?
You believe there is more than one? And your objective evidence to support that belief would be...?
Nothing that we can directly observe. Yes. That's where faith comes in.
Which is a polite way of saying believing in fantasies. Sorry. There is nothing outside of Time and Space, and wishing it so does not make it so.
I have more good reason for my faith than you do for yours.
No, you don't. What objective evidence do you have that anything exists beyond reality?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
what reality?
You believe there is more than one? And your objective evidence to support that belief would be...?

It is easy to believe that reality as we see it is a reflection of reality as it actually is. In other words we tend to assume that the perceptual function that the mind plays is passive, like a mirror, and doesn’t alter the image of reality that it reflects to us. Not so, said Kant. Our perception of reality might start with sensations of something outside of ourselves, but by the time we perceive it our mind has organized, categorized and arranged those raw sensations into reality as it appears to us.

We can’t know reality directly. We don’t perceive of things in themselves. What we perceive as reality is in part created by our minds. And this creation of reality isn’t only the unconscious work of the mind as a machine, as some before Kant had believed, the creative process that constructs reality as we see it is also influenced by us. Of all of the infinite sensations, physical, emotional and conceptual that we experience at any given time we are only aware of a small percentage. The rest we ignore, but those that we attend to are compiled into reality as we see it.
What Kant did for Western Philosophy was make human beings part of the creative process of reality as we see it. In this he dealt a blow to both religion and science. To religion he insisted that we can’t perceive of God directly because our perception of God will also be partly of our own construction. To science likewise he takes away the ruse of objectivity because everything we observe will always be influenced by us.

Kant and the Creation of Reality

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When do you work and when do you golf?

supposedly bing found himself after wandering in the wilderness ... and christianity is what saved him, big surprise.
Not exactly, more like I realized something was missing.
Not exactly, more like I realized something was missing.

and what could your 4th century savior provide that only they posses the answer for [sic] in whatever you were seeking to find.
You're absolutely right. Nothing is subject to the laws of physics, because nothing is all that exists outside of time and space.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Nothing that we can directly observe. Yes. That's where faith comes in.
Which is a polite way of saying believing in fantasies. Sorry. There is nothing outside of Time and Space, and wishing it so does not make it so.
I have more good reason for my faith than you do for yours.
No you don't but you are the first theist to bore me. LOL. Usually the theist stops but you have forced me to lose interest and give up. Mission accomplished I bet huh god believer?
What reason do you have for yours?
Taking a quick break
Free your mind and the rest will follow.

In order to learn the truth you may have to think outside the box(universe)
I agree with that and that is exactly what I did too. The Truth will set you free.
Not based on the arguments you're making
I'm not making any arguments. That's what you want me to do.
When do you work and when do you golf?
Usually every other Friday (9/80), then a couple of times on the weekends, after work 2 to 3 times a week when DST hits and then during my 6 weeks of vacation. Of course this year I have carried over so much vacation (52 days in 2017) that I will be taking all Friday's off. For the last 4 months we have been working 16 hour days and weekends. I had 131 rounds through September. Since September I've had 4.

You're going to hell

Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches,
Jeremiah 9:23

Proverbs 27:1
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.


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