Atheism Is Not A Religion!!!

Complete BS. I do not treat atheism as a religion, because it is not one. I spent the past 8 years referring to myself as an agnostic simply because it's not controversial. Atheism is very unpopular, hence the meaningless weasel-word "Agnostic," which is far less controversial and will seldom be challenged.

Atheism is not two sides of the same coin. We have no doctrine. Atheism is often portrayed as an all-nor-nothing position. In most cases however, it is a statement about probability or likelihood.
That you choose not to be religious regarding your atheism does not mean that the religion of atheism is non-existent. One of your leading atheists, Richard Dawkins calls Pantheism "sexed up Atheism". There are numerous churches that have been formed for atheists to attend and fellowship with like-minded atheists. Therefore, the religion of Atheism just choose not to participate.

They will always be there for you....and the courts agree. In this case, it doesn't really matter what you believe. Nothing that you can say or do will change the fact that Atheism is a religion. It is a godless religion, but a religion nonetheless. That you are not a religious person means nothing here. It's not all about you.

Richard Dawkins is not my leader. I have no leader. Since you have blind faith, that may be foreign to you. The courts don't agree and have never defined atheism as a religion. We only have equal protection.

The atheist churches you've mentioned, are nothing more than community centers, and I suspect the one that ordains ministers is just trying to raise money, possibly in a very unethical way.
It's just a fact that you can provide no supportable evidence for your gods.

I don't need faith to understand that. I can conclude your claims to absurdities of nature are false until proven true. Identify for us a single, verifiable supernatural event. Just one that is connected to your gods. You can't, right? I knew you couldn't.

I happen to live in a reality where your claims to supernatural entities are utterly absent substantiation.

No. I can't. I never once claimed I could. Do you see how that works? I don't make a claim so I don't have to support it. You do make a claim so you do have to support it.

My only claim made on this or any of the other threads on the subject is that Atheism is not a matter of non-belief. The claim that it is just non-belief is utter bullshit. It is false. Untrue. Pure crap.

Sorry, that's false. Untrue. Pure crap.

I don't believe in the Easter Bunny. That doesn't make not believing in the Easter Bunny a "religion".

That's all there is to it. You yourself admitted it earlier. And I quote:
Not smoking itself is not a religion, but it be treated like one. Same with Atheism. In and of itself, it is not a religion. But that does not mean there are no Atheists who don't treat it that way. Science is not a religion, but I have certainly known people who treated it as one.

And you were right. So the revisionistas can stop treating it like one.

You spend a lot of time discussing your non-belief of the Easter Bunny on message boards, do you? It's so important that you actually apply a label to yourself as an Alepidist to identify yourself as someone who has no beliefs in the Easter Bunny? Remember what I said about the value of pithy little sayings?

Atheism is not in and of itself a religion. But it sure as hell is being treated as one. Just a simple little statement of "I believe there are no gods" has been so twisted, defined and encased in doctrine that you have turned it into one. So don't blame others. You're the ones who did it.

Here you are, talking out of both sides of your mouth. If you know atheism is not a religion, why are YOU treating it as one?

Please do try to take the time to read what I say. I'm not treating it as a religion. The only people who can treat Atheism as a religion are Atheists. All I am doing is pointing out that that is happening.

Nonsense. You want all philosophy called a religion so YOUR: "I know you are but what am I" argument will hold some water.

You NEED Atheists to be "groupthink" as you and your people operate. You would like nothing more than to be able to point to some selfproclaimed AUTHORITY on Atheism and ask why I don't take it up with MY leaders. Sadly for YOU there are none.

Solly Chawlee.... wrong species. I don't roll that way. I don't have any sign on my front door that reads "Suckers..Welcome"

I can impose nothing on you. Only you can do that. So if what you claim is actually true, that you just don't believe and there is no doctrine or dogma to follow - why do you care? Why apply a name to it? Why do you need a definition? Why do you bother talking about it at all?

To use one of your analogies, I don't believe in unicorns. Do you know how long you could keep me in a conversation on the subject of whether or not they existed? Zero time. The best you would get from me would be a blank stare and I would quickly find an excuse to wander away.

No, I'm not buying your claim of non-belief. You are showing both faith and dogma, the trappings of religion. There is even proselytizing, courtesy of the Christian influence. Atheism is not of itself a religion, you all just turned it into one.

Utter absurdity. Oh never mind, you just did.
Having a freaking preference or opinion on something does not a religion make. You may prefer Ford over Chevy or Pepsi over Coke. You may like South Dakota passionately and work for its Tourism Department. That doesn't make Ford, Pepsi or South Dakota "religions".

It doesn't make Christianity religion either. So you tell me, what does make it religion? What are the attributes we need to look for?

Okay, I think I see the problem here. Maybe once you learn the definition of religion, you'll see the flaws in your argument.
Complete BS. I do not treat atheism as a religion, because it is not one. I spent the past 8 years referring to myself as an agnostic simply because it's not controversial. Atheism is very unpopular, hence the meaningless weasel-word "Agnostic," which is far less controversial and will seldom be challenged.

Atheism is not two sides of the same coin. We have no doctrine. Atheism is often portrayed as an all-nor-nothing position. In most cases however, it is a statement about probability or likelihood.
That you choose not to be religious regarding your atheism does not mean that the religion of atheism is non-existent. One of your leading atheists, Richard Dawkins calls Pantheism "sexed up Atheism". There are numerous churches that have been formed for atheists to attend and fellowship with like-minded atheists. Therefore, the religion of Atheism just choose not to participate.

They will always be there for you....and the courts agree. In this case, it doesn't really matter what you believe. Nothing that you can say or do will change the fact that Atheism is a religion. It is a godless religion, but a religion nonetheless. That you are not a religious person means nothing here. It's not all about you.

"Richard Dawkins" = Strawman. See "Saul Alinksy". See also definition of religion posted earlier, which makes obvious atheism dos not qualify.

For the 99th time --- WHY do you need to revise atheism into a "religion"? What's in it for you?

Do you believe in reincarnation? If not, is that non-presence of belief a "religion"?

Easter Bunny? Unicorns? Loch Ness Monster? Elvis still alive?
I don't. It has been done by some of your fellow atheists.

Nothing. I am merely discussing the now ridiculous posit of the OP....that Atheism is not a religion.

It has been clearly shown...repeatedly...that there are Atheist churches available, that they have ministers, that they solicit funds (to build a church), that they seek new members, that the courts recognize them under the 1st Amendment....just like other religions.

The fact that you and Carla believe otherwise is fine with me. I do not care what you believe or disbelieve. What is obvious to any reasonable adult is that you have lost this debate. Atheism is a religion.

So you're saying this guy is a god...


Your own logic, dood...
You are pathetic, my friend....totally unequipped to participate in logical debate, obviously a regular user of the errant belief that "the last cute post wins" and incessantly depending upon false claims of what others say in order to beat a fucking dead horse.

Good luck in the continuance of your education. You have a long row to hoe.

Here's another interesting read about atheist churches...going GLOBAL!!

Godless Church Services for Atheists Go Global - The Daily Beast

The church’s first General Assembly is being held this weekend with leaders from all over the world gathered in South London. In 150 years of the Anglican Church’s Lambeth Conference, it’s safe to say none has begun quite like this--with a raucous group karaoke rendition of “I’m So Excited,” but then Sunday Assembly is a very different kind of world religion. Their gatherings resemble traditional church services with singing, lessons and the chance to interact with members of the community. The only thing missing is God.
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Complete BS. I do not treat atheism as a religion, because it is not one. I spent the past 8 years referring to myself as an agnostic simply because it's not controversial. Atheism is very unpopular, hence the meaningless weasel-word "Agnostic," which is far less controversial and will seldom be challenged.

Atheism is not two sides of the same coin. We have no doctrine. Atheism is often portrayed as an all-nor-nothing position. In most cases however, it is a statement about probability or likelihood.
That you choose not to be religious regarding your atheism does not mean that the religion of atheism is non-existent. One of your leading atheists, Richard Dawkins calls Pantheism "sexed up Atheism". There are numerous churches that have been formed for atheists to attend and fellowship with like-minded atheists. Therefore, the religion of Atheism just choose not to participate.

They will always be there for you....and the courts agree. In this case, it doesn't really matter what you believe. Nothing that you can say or do will change the fact that Atheism is a religion. It is a godless religion, but a religion nonetheless. That you are not a religious person means nothing here. It's not all about you.

"Richard Dawkins" = Strawman. See "Saul Alinksy". See also definition of religion posted earlier, which makes obvious atheism dos not qualify.

For the 99th time --- WHY do you need to revise atheism into a "religion"? What's in it for you?

Do you believe in reincarnation? If not, is that non-presence of belief a "religion"?

Easter Bunny? Unicorns? Loch Ness Monster? Elvis still alive?
I don't. It has been done by some of your fellow atheists.

Nothing. I am merely discussing the now ridiculous posit of the OP....that Atheism is not a religion.

It has been clearly shown...repeatedly...that there are Atheist churches available, that they have ministers, that they solicit funds (to build a church), that they seek new members, that the courts recognize them under the 1st Amendment....just like other religions.

The fact that you and Carla believe otherwise is fine with me. I do not care what you believe or disbelieve. What is obvious to any reasonable adult is that you have lost this debate. Atheism is a religion.

So you're saying this guy is a god...


Your own logic, dood...
You are pathetic, my friend....totally unequipped to participate in logical debate, obviously a regular user of the errant belief that "the last cute post wins" and incessantly depending upon false claims of what others say in order to beat a fucking dead horse.

Good luck in the continuance of your education. You have a long row to hoe.

In other words, you can't refute that this is where your own logic leads, so you'll take your ball and go home.

You could be more gracious about it, Danth....
Complete BS. I do not treat atheism as a religion, because it is not one. I spent the past 8 years referring to myself as an agnostic simply because it's not controversial. Atheism is very unpopular, hence the meaningless weasel-word "Agnostic," which is far less controversial and will seldom be challenged.

Atheism is not two sides of the same coin. We have no doctrine. Atheism is often portrayed as an all-nor-nothing position. In most cases however, it is a statement about probability or likelihood.
That you choose not to be religious regarding your atheism does not mean that the religion of atheism is non-existent. One of your leading atheists, Richard Dawkins calls Pantheism "sexed up Atheism". There are numerous churches that have been formed for atheists to attend and fellowship with like-minded atheists. Therefore, the religion of Atheism just choose not to participate.

They will always be there for you....and the courts agree. In this case, it doesn't really matter what you believe. Nothing that you can say or do will change the fact that Atheism is a religion. It is a godless religion, but a religion nonetheless. That you are not a religious person means nothing here. It's not all about you.

"Richard Dawkins" = Strawman. See "Saul Alinksy". See also definition of religion posted earlier, which makes obvious atheism dos not qualify.

For the 99th time --- WHY do you need to revise atheism into a "religion"? What's in it for you?

Do you believe in reincarnation? If not, is that non-presence of belief a "religion"?

Easter Bunny? Unicorns? Loch Ness Monster? Elvis still alive?
I don't. It has been done by some of your fellow atheists.

Nothing. I am merely discussing the now ridiculous posit of the OP....that Atheism is not a religion.

It has been clearly shown...repeatedly...that there are Atheist churches available, that they have ministers, that they solicit funds (to build a church), that they seek new members, that the courts recognize them under the 1st Amendment....just like other religions.

The fact that you and Carla believe otherwise is fine with me. I do not care what you believe or disbelieve. What is obvious to any reasonable adult is that you have lost this debate. Atheism is a religion.

So you're saying this guy is a god...


Your own logic, dood...

Complete BS. I do not treat atheism as a religion, because it is not one. I spent the past 8 years referring to myself as an agnostic simply because it's not controversial. Atheism is very unpopular, hence the meaningless weasel-word "Agnostic," which is far less controversial and will seldom be challenged.

Atheism is not two sides of the same coin. We have no doctrine. Atheism is often portrayed as an all-nor-nothing position. In most cases however, it is a statement about probability or likelihood.
That you choose not to be religious regarding your atheism does not mean that the religion of atheism is non-existent. One of your leading atheists, Richard Dawkins calls Pantheism "sexed up Atheism". There are numerous churches that have been formed for atheists to attend and fellowship with like-minded atheists. Therefore, the religion of Atheism just choose not to participate.

They will always be there for you....and the courts agree. In this case, it doesn't really matter what you believe. Nothing that you can say or do will change the fact that Atheism is a religion. It is a godless religion, but a religion nonetheless. That you are not a religious person means nothing here. It's not all about you.

"Richard Dawkins" = Strawman. See "Saul Alinksy". See also definition of religion posted earlier, which makes obvious atheism dos not qualify.

For the 99th time --- WHY do you need to revise atheism into a "religion"? What's in it for you?

Do you believe in reincarnation? If not, is that non-presence of belief a "religion"?

Easter Bunny? Unicorns? Loch Ness Monster? Elvis still alive?
I don't. It has been done by some of your fellow atheists.

Nothing. I am merely discussing the now ridiculous posit of the OP....that Atheism is not a religion.

It has been clearly shown...repeatedly...that there are Atheist churches available, that they have ministers, that they solicit funds (to build a church), that they seek new members, that the courts recognize them under the 1st Amendment....just like other religions.

The fact that you and Carla believe otherwise is fine with me. I do not care what you believe or disbelieve. What is obvious to any reasonable adult is that you have lost this debate. Atheism is a religion.

So you're saying this guy is a god...


Your own logic, dood...
You are pathetic, my friend....totally unequipped to participate in logical debate, obviously a regular user of the errant belief that "the last cute post wins" and incessantly depending upon false claims of what others say in order to beat a fucking dead horse.

Good luck in the continuance of your education. You have a long row to hoe.

Here's another interesting read about atheist churches...going GLOBAL!!

Godless Church Services for Atheists Go Global - The Daily Beast

The church’s first General Assembly is being held this weekend with leaders from all over the world gathered in South London. In 150 years of the Anglican Church’s Lambeth Conference, it’s safe to say none has begun quite like this--with a raucous group karaoke rendition of “I’m So Excited,” but then Sunday Assembly is a very different kind of world religion. Their gatherings resemble traditional church services with singing, lessons and the chance to interact with members of the community. The only thing missing is God.

Spoken like a true Christian.... :biggrin:
Complete BS. I do not treat atheism as a religion, because it is not one. I spent the past 8 years referring to myself as an agnostic simply because it's not controversial. Atheism is very unpopular, hence the meaningless weasel-word "Agnostic," which is far less controversial and will seldom be challenged.

Atheism is not two sides of the same coin. We have no doctrine. Atheism is often portrayed as an all-nor-nothing position. In most cases however, it is a statement about probability or likelihood.
That you choose not to be religious regarding your atheism does not mean that the religion of atheism is non-existent. One of your leading atheists, Richard Dawkins calls Pantheism "sexed up Atheism". There are numerous churches that have been formed for atheists to attend and fellowship with like-minded atheists. Therefore, the religion of Atheism just choose not to participate.

They will always be there for you....and the courts agree. In this case, it doesn't really matter what you believe. Nothing that you can say or do will change the fact that Atheism is a religion. It is a godless religion, but a religion nonetheless. That you are not a religious person means nothing here. It's not all about you.

"Richard Dawkins" = Strawman. See "Saul Alinksy". See also definition of religion posted earlier, which makes obvious atheism dos not qualify.

For the 99th time --- WHY do you need to revise atheism into a "religion"? What's in it for you?

Do you believe in reincarnation? If not, is that non-presence of belief a "religion"?

Easter Bunny? Unicorns? Loch Ness Monster? Elvis still alive?
I don't. It has been done by some of your fellow atheists.

Nothing. I am merely discussing the now ridiculous posit of the OP....that Atheism is not a religion.

It has been clearly shown...repeatedly...that there are Atheist churches available, that they have ministers, that they solicit funds (to build a church), that they seek new members, that the courts recognize them under the 1st Amendment....just like other religions.

The fact that you and Carla believe otherwise is fine with me. I do not care what you believe or disbelieve. What is obvious to any reasonable adult is that you have lost this debate. Atheism is a religion.

So you're saying this guy is a god...


Your own logic, dood...
You are pathetic, my friend....totally unequipped to participate in logical debate, obviously a regular user of the errant belief that "the last cute post wins" and incessantly depending upon false claims of what others say in order to beat a fucking dead horse.

Good luck in the continuance of your education. You have a long row to hoe.

Here's another interesting read about atheist churches...going GLOBAL!!

Godless Church Services for Atheists Go Global - The Daily Beast

The church’s first General Assembly is being held this weekend with leaders from all over the world gathered in South London. In 150 years of the Anglican Church’s Lambeth Conference, it’s safe to say none has begun quite like this--with a raucous group karaoke rendition of “I’m So Excited,” but then Sunday Assembly is a very different kind of world religion. Their gatherings resemble traditional church services with singing, lessons and the chance to interact with members of the community. The only thing missing is God.

That's an oxymoron!

From your link...

Godless Church Services for Atheists Go Global
Congregations for atheists are springing up all over the planet. There’s already a schism: celebrate life without a deity, or preach atheism. The celebration is winning.
Plans to set up almost 400 “atheist churches” on five continents are underway after the extraordinary success of one small congregation that began holding godless services just over a year ago.

Word about the religion-free church spread like wildfire after the first Sunday Assembly was held in a deconsecrated church in Highbury, North London, in January 2013. By September, 100 congregations will be holding services from Singapore and South Africa to Sao Paulo and San Diego. A further 274 teams currently are working on plans to launch their own assemblies.

I'll repeat....religion-free!

From your link...

Godless Church Services for Atheists Go Global
Congregations for atheists are springing up all over the planet. There’s already a schism: celebrate life without a deity, or preach atheism. The celebration is winning.
Plans to set up almost 400 “atheist churches” on five continents are underway after the extraordinary success of one small congregation that began holding godless services just over a year ago.

Word about the religion-free church spread like wildfire after the first Sunday Assembly was held in a deconsecrated church in Highbury, North London, in January 2013. By September, 100 congregations will be holding services from Singapore and South Africa to Sao Paulo and San Diego. A further 274 teams currently are working on plans to launch their own assemblies.

I'll repeat....religion-free!
I'll repeat: from the same link....

In 150 years of the Anglican Church’s Lambeth Conference, it’s safe to say none has begun quite like this--with a raucous group karaoke rendition of “I’m So Excited,” but then Sunday Assembly is a very different kind of world religion.
In a related story, we do have evidence that trolls exist. And that they practice when they've lost the argument.


Funny, I thought you usually just run away when you lose an argument. At least, that is what you do every time you lose an argument with me.
Those free from faith do not 'practice' a 'religion' as perceived by theists; indeed, it's a false comparison fallacy.

Moreover, there is nothing to be 'advanced,' just as the Earth orbiting the Sun doesn't need to be 'advanced.' One either accepts the fact that there is no 'god' as perceived by theists or he rejects it; one acknowledges a fact because it is a fact, not because one is enticed to do so by doctrinal incentives or promises made by religious dogma.

I know people who believe very passionately in God who do not practice a religion as defined by atheists in this thread. Does that mean they don't have faith or does it just mean atheists are full of shit when they attempt to define religion?
NOTE the emphasis on "HAS" as "REQUIRED" which is NOT the case!

See definitions of religion below, which INCLUDE beliefs in general held personally important or sacred:
So YES your idea of religion IS included but is NOT the ONLY one:

noun \ri-ˈli-jən\
: the belief in a god or in a group of gods

: an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods

: an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group

b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural(2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness
: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
re·li·gion·less adjective

So Pogo my point is a religion does not HAVE to have these things you cite to be a religion.
That is NOT a requirement.

These are equally considered proper usage of the term religion:
: an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group
: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

That's my point. Do you get it now?

See below marked in BOLD:

Where do YOU get that religion has to ask or answer questions about these particular things?

Just because religion is used to mean traditional religions, doesn't mean it cannot also apply loosely
to the more general term of religion as cited above. These two can both exist, and not one is right and one is wrong.
Some religions meet the formal traditional sense of organized religion, and some do not. What is wrong with both????

2. Again, note:
Even though BUDDHISM is considered a world religion,
there are many members who say it is not.

So that's an even STRONGER argument for Atheism.
Just because it is a religion to some people, as Buddhism is considered,
doesn't mean it is a religion to those who call themselves Buddhists (or Atheists).

I know many people who fit under either category or none at all,
and call themselves Buddhists or call themselves Atheist or Christian.
Some of them DO fall under traditional religion, some under personal belief and not a formal religion,
and some without this sense of religion at all. SO FU WHAT.

Why is there this absolute COMPULSION to label people the same?
What religion IS THAT?
Pogo said:
-- what you keep seeming to veer off to with these tangents on Constitutionalism and non-smokers are nothing more than belief systems about how government should work or what smokers should do with their habit. That's not "religion" -- we have sets of beliefs about what we'd like for dinner or which is the best way to get to Springfield; that doesn't make them "religions" either. All that is is having an opinion.

3. When Constitutional values are INSTITUTIONALIZED into laws and govt, and people PRACTICE them and
rebuke each other by those laws BY CONSCIENCE, by formal commitment and profession to uphold these laws, the same way Christians do with the Bible, to establish agreement on laws in the authority they all agree to follow, THEN it becomes religious just like Christianity.

Pogo said:
I don't know where you get these strange ideas about Buddhism but Buddhists do not "worship Buddha" -- he's considered a teacher, as is for example Lao Tzu. That doesn't make them deities; the point in those religions is the teachings, not the teacher. That's perhaps the difference from a personality cult such as Christianism. However that (their not being deities) does not mean Buddhism and Taoism (and others) are not religions, as their teachings and guiding principles DO address those spiritual questions in the definition.

4. I was citing how people look at Buddhism from the outside as a religion.
My mother claims not to worship Buddha, but the Buddhist do have religious rituals where they treat
Buddha statues and any representation of Buddha so reverently that it appears to be worshipping his image.

So my POINT, Pogo is that all this IS projected from the outside. For the convenience of other people
trying to LABEL something as religion or as worship -- when in fact, if you are inside that group, you say no it isn't that!!!

So if this happens with Buddhism, how is that any different from it happening with Atheism?

Pogo said:
(As we said much earlier, every culture has some kind of religion, but not every religion has theism as part of it).

And the SAME is true of some Atheists who DO treat it as their religious convictions!
Why are we having this argument if we agree?

When my mother argues that Buddhism is not a religion, we go through this same thing.
Fine, I agree. With some people Buddhism is not a religion at all, nothing like one and has nothing to do with any of that.
So of course I agree that some Atheists are going to say that, and some are going to be offended,
and some are going to protest so much they contradict themselves as my mother does who IS very religious about her Buddhism!

Pogo, you of all people, I don't think I need to have this argument with.
I don't see you as religious about anything. I am probably more religious than you are about things.

But that is not to say there AREN'T atheists out there who make a religion of their beliefs.

If you and I both agree there are religious scientists, and media nuts, or pro-this or anti-that who make
religions out of their systems and beliefs, can we agree there are some atheists who fall into that group also?
  1. 1.
    complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
    "this restores one's faith in politicians"
    synonyms:trust, belief, confidence, conviction; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]
  2. 2.
    strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
    synonyms:religion, church, sect, denomination, (religious) persuasion, (religious) belief, ideology, creed, teaching, doctrine
    "she gave her life for her faith"
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

You trust in the something that there are no gods, thus you have faith.

End of discussion.
I can impose nothing on you. Only you can do that. So if what you claim is actually true, that you just don't believe and there is no doctrine or dogma to follow - why do you care? Why apply a name to it? Why do you need a definition? Why do you bother talking about it at all?

To use one of your analogies, I don't believe in unicorns. Do you know how long you could keep me in a conversation on the subject of whether or not they existed? Zero time. The best you would get from me would be a blank stare and I would quickly find an excuse to wander away.

No, I'm not buying your claim of non-belief. You are showing both faith and dogma, the trappings of religion. There is even proselytizing, courtesy of the Christian influence. Atheism is not of itself a religion, you all just turned it into one.

Utter absurdity. Oh never mind, you just did.
Having a freaking preference or opinion on something does not a religion make. You may prefer Ford over Chevy or Pepsi over Coke. You may like South Dakota passionately and work for its Tourism Department. That doesn't make Ford, Pepsi or South Dakota "religions".

It doesn't make Christianity religion either. So you tell me, what does make it religion? What are the attributes we need to look for?

For this leave us go back to post 395 (directed originally to Emily) -- roll tape:

religion [ri-lij-uh n]
a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. (

-- what you keep seeming to veer off to with these tangents on Constitutionalism and non-smokers are nothing more than belief systems about how government should work or what smokers should do with their habit. That's not "religion" -- we have sets of beliefs about what we'd like for dinner or which is the best way to get to Springfield; that doesn't make them "religions" either. All that is is having an opinion.

I don't know where you get these strange ideas about Buddhism but Buddhists do not "worship Buddha" -- he's considered a teacher, as is for example Lao Tzu. That doesn't make them deities; the point in those religions is the teachings, not the teacher. That's perhaps the difference from a personality cult such as Christianism. However that (their not being deities) does not mean Buddhism and Taoism (and others) are not religions, as their teachings and guiding principles DO address those spiritual questions in the definition.

(As we said much earlier, every culture has some kind of religion, but not every religion has theism as part of it).

So religion addresses some human thirst for spiritual/mystical knowledge. Buddhism does that, so it's a religion. Taoism does that so it too is a religion. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Shintoism, Jainism, Sikhism, Bahá'í, Zoroastrianism, they all do that and are therefore "religions".

Not smoking does not do that; Constitutionalism does not do that; atheism does not do that. None of them therefore are "religions". I get the impression some here believe that proselytizing for any cause whatsoever constitutes a "religion" but it doesn't. It constitutes advocacy. Nothing more.

--- which last point still doesn't apply to atheism since it's a personal conclusion.

Perhaps the missing ingredient in all this is the admission that beliefs are not necessarily always extroverted. There's no reason they need to be to qualify as either belief or religion. Atheism is by definition introspective. Trying to pretend it "proselytizing" is like trying to pretend a desert is "against" the idea of water.

That was a definition not a list of attributes. I would point out that even with that definition Atheism would not be excluded. It is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature and purpose of the universe. But I would not call Atheism a religion simply because it fit a definition.

The only attribute I can see described is this, "So religion addresses some human thirst for spiritual/mystical knowledge." Do you want to go with that or are there other attributes you would prefer?

All beliefs are personal conclusions. All beliefs are introspective. Until we master the mind meld, it can be no other way.

As to proselytizing, I think it was Hollie (or perhaps Huggy) who said they wanted to convince people of the truth. The truth being their own beliefs. Call it what you like, there is no difference between that and someone saying they want to bring you to Jesus. Proselytizing is an attribute in some religions, but not all.
NOTE the emphasis on "HAS" as "REQUIRED" which is NOT the case!

See definitions of religion below, which INCLUDE beliefs in general held personally important or sacred:
So YES your idea of religion IS included but is NOT the ONLY one:

noun \ri-ˈli-jən\
: the belief in a god or in a group of gods

: an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods

: an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group

b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural(2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness
: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
re·li·gion·less adjective

So Pogo my point is a religion does not HAVE to have these things you cite to be a religion.
That is NOT a requirement.

These are equally considered proper usage of the term religion:
: an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group
: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

That's my point. Do you get it now?

See below marked in BOLD:

Where do YOU get that religion has to ask or answer questions about these particular things?

Just because religion is used to mean traditional religions, doesn't mean it cannot also apply loosely
to the more general term of religion as cited above. These two can both exist, and not one is right and one is wrong.
Some religions meet the formal traditional sense of organized religion, and some do not. What is wrong with both????

2. Again, note:
Even though BUDDHISM is considered a world religion,
there are many members who say it is not.

So that's an even STRONGER argument for Atheism.
Just because it is a religion to some people, as Buddhism is considered,
doesn't mean it is a religion to those who call themselves Buddhists (or Atheists).

I know many people who fit under either category or none at all,
and call themselves Buddhists or call themselves Atheist or Christian.
Some of them DO fall under traditional religion, some under personal belief and not a formal religion,
and some without this sense of religion at all. SO FU WHAT.

Why is there this absolute COMPULSION to label people the same?
What religion IS THAT?
Pogo said:
-- what you keep seeming to veer off to with these tangents on Constitutionalism and non-smokers are nothing more than belief systems about how government should work or what smokers should do with their habit. That's not "religion" -- we have sets of beliefs about what we'd like for dinner or which is the best way to get to Springfield; that doesn't make them "religions" either. All that is is having an opinion.

3. When Constitutional values are INSTITUTIONALIZED into laws and govt, and people PRACTICE them and
rebuke each other by those laws BY CONSCIENCE, by formal commitment and profession to uphold these laws, the same way Christians do with the Bible, to establish agreement on laws in the authority they all agree to follow, THEN it becomes religious just like Christianity.

Pogo said:
I don't know where you get these strange ideas about Buddhism but Buddhists do not "worship Buddha" -- he's considered a teacher, as is for example Lao Tzu. That doesn't make them deities; the point in those religions is the teachings, not the teacher. That's perhaps the difference from a personality cult such as Christianism. However that (their not being deities) does not mean Buddhism and Taoism (and others) are not religions, as their teachings and guiding principles DO address those spiritual questions in the definition.

4. I was citing how people look at Buddhism from the outside as a religion.
My mother claims not to worship Buddha, but the Buddhist do have religious rituals where they treat
Buddha statues and any representation of Buddha so reverently that it appears to be worshipping his image.

So my POINT, Pogo is that all this IS projected from the outside. For the convenience of other people
trying to LABEL something as religion or as worship -- when in fact, if you are inside that group, you say no it isn't that!!!

So if this happens with Buddhism, how is that any different from it happening with Atheism?

Pogo said:
(As we said much earlier, every culture has some kind of religion, but not every religion has theism as part of it).

And the SAME is true of some Atheists who DO treat it as their religious convictions!
Why are we having this argument if we agree?

When my mother argues that Buddhism is not a religion, we go through this same thing.
Fine, I agree. With some people Buddhism is not a religion at all, nothing like one and has nothing to do with any of that.
So of course I agree that some Atheists are going to say that, and some are going to be offended,
and some are going to protest so much they contradict themselves as my mother does who IS very religious about her Buddhism!

Pogo, you of all people, I don't think I need to have this argument with.
I don't see you as religious about anything. I am probably more religious than you are about things.

But that is not to say there AREN'T atheists out there who make a religion of their beliefs.

If you and I both agree there are religious scientists, and media nuts, or pro-this or anti-that who make
religions out of their systems and beliefs, can we agree there are some atheists who fall into that group also?

Sorry Emily, that simply doesn't work. Under that broad a definition an interest in anything at all could be described as "religion".

"I'm going to the grocery store; are you interested in coming along? Bring your prayer mat".

What you have there appears to be a colloquialism, a deliberately overstated misuse for comic effect. When a fan says they "worship" a rock musician (movie actor, sports player, whoever) they don't mean it literally. It's simply expressing a strong degree of passion integrated into the verb instead of standing alone as an adjective; it's imagery.

Doesn't apply here even in the colloquial sense; atheism is a simple logical conclusion, as such rational and not subject to passion.

What gives you the idea I'm not religious? Curious. I've barely ever even been in this forum.
Complete BS. I do not treat atheism as a religion, because it is not one. I spent the past 8 years referring to myself as an agnostic simply because it's not controversial. Atheism is very unpopular, hence the meaningless weasel-word "Agnostic," which is far less controversial and will seldom be challenged.

Atheism is not two sides of the same coin. We have no doctrine. Atheism is often portrayed as an all-nor-nothing position. In most cases however, it is a statement about probability or likelihood.

Agnosticism is only a weasel word to idiots that believe they know everything. No honest person can categorically state they know there is no God, yet you do so.

Even though I believe in the existence of God, I would never claim I could prove it to anyone else. In fact, I have repeatedly said it isn't my job to prove it, if God wants to make his existence known to you he is more than capable of doing so, He doesn't need my help.

You have expressed your belief as indisputable fact, that makes you the intellectual equivalent of Young Earth Creationists, and just as wrapped up in your faith as they are. The reason you reject that fundamental truth is that you refuse to see yourself as you really are. Funny thing, the Young Earthers have exactly the same problem.
You just contradicted yourself.

Is your non-belief in unicorns describable as "religion"? Obviously it is not.
Same damn thing. Exactly . Period. Waiter, check please.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

No, it's not and no it is not the same thing. I don't care enough to treat it as a religion. But I get I am questioning the dogma, which is blasphemy.

You can't "question" nothingness. There is no "dogma" since atheism is not a thing or concept; it's simply the dearth of a concept. In the same way that dark is not a "thing" but the dearth of light and silence is not a "thing" but the dearth of sound. Second, you can't "blaspheme" something you never accepted in the first place.

What evidence do you have God equates to nothingness? If the answer is none, what word would you use to describe a position made in the total absence of evidence?

See the defensiveness yet again?
"Nothingness" there does not refer to "God". It refers to atheism and its nonexistent "dogma" which you pretend to question (which questioning is a strawman since there's no such thing).

Again, why do you feel this need to lie?

My mistake. Though I don't pretend to question the dogma, I think I'm pretty forthright that I do question it.

Why do you feel the need to villianize?

Aaaand we're right back to where we started, where you call your own strawman to the witness stand.
Proceed, Counselor. Let this strawperson explain to the court what this "dogma" is. The First Court of Circular Reasoning is now in session, Judge Pee Wee Herman presiding.... :rofl:

Aaaand I am once again answering that question. The dogma is that your belief is not belief.

So now you would have this Court believe that any belief about anything constitutes a "religion"?

Or did you mean to type "non-belief" with a hyphen? i.e. that the absence of belief is itself a belief?

The absence of belief is the absence of belief. There is that dogma again. You do not have an absence of belief. We have already established that, but we can again if you like.
You just contradicted yourself.

Is your non-belief in unicorns describable as "religion"? Obviously it is not.
Same damn thing. Exactly . Period. Waiter, check please.

Having it both ways: Priceless.

Except he didn't. Your problem is that you think your belief that there is no god is a non belief. If it were really a non belief you would have no need to defend your non beliefs from people who have a belief that is different from yours, you would simply ignore them.
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It's just a fact that you can provide no supportable evidence for your gods.

I don't need faith to understand that. I can conclude your claims to absurdities of nature are false until proven true. Identify for us a single, verifiable supernatural event. Just one that is connected to your gods. You can't, right? I knew you couldn't.

I happen to live in a reality where your claims to supernatural entities are utterly absent substantiation.

No. I can't. I never once claimed I could. Do you see how that works? I don't make a claim so I don't have to support it. You do make a claim so you do have to support it.

My only claim made on this or any of the other threads on the subject is that Atheism is not a matter of non-belief. The claim that it is just non-belief is utter bullshit. It is false. Untrue. Pure crap.

Sorry, that's false. Untrue. Pure crap.

I don't believe in the Easter Bunny. That doesn't make not believing in the Easter Bunny a "religion".

That's all there is to it. You yourself admitted it earlier. And I quote:
Not smoking itself is not a religion, but it be treated like one. Same with Atheism. In and of itself, it is not a religion. But that does not mean there are no Atheists who don't treat it that way. Science is not a religion, but I have certainly known people who treated it as one.

And you were right. So the revisionistas can stop treating it like one.

You spend a lot of time discussing your non-belief of the Easter Bunny on message boards, do you? It's so important that you actually apply a label to yourself as an Alepidist to identify yourself as someone who has no beliefs in the Easter Bunny? Remember what I said about the value of pithy little sayings?

Atheism is not in and of itself a religion. But it sure as hell is being treated as one. Just a simple little statement of "I believe there are no gods" has been so twisted, defined and encased in doctrine that you have turned it into one. So don't blame others. You're the ones who did it.

Here you are, talking out of both sides of your mouth. If you know atheism is not a religion, why are YOU treating it as one?

Please do try to take the time to read what I say. I'm not treating it as a religion. The only people who can treat Atheism as a religion are Atheists. All I am doing is pointing out that that is happening.

Nonsense. You want all philosophy called a religion so YOUR: "I know you are but what am I" argument will hold some water.

You NEED Atheists to be "groupthink" as you and your people operate. You would like nothing more than to be able to point to some selfproclaimed AUTHORITY on Atheism and ask why I don't take it up with MY leaders. Sadly for YOU there are none.

Solly Chawlee.... wrong species. I don't roll that way. I don't have any sign on my front door that reads "Suckers..Welcome"

I can impose nothing on you. Only you can do that. So if what you claim is actually true, that you just don't believe and there is no doctrine or dogma to follow - why do you care? Why apply a name to it? Why do you need a definition? Why do you bother talking about it at all?

To use one of your analogies, I don't believe in unicorns. Do you know how long you could keep me in a conversation on the subject of whether or not they existed? Zero time. The best you would get from me would be a blank stare and I would quickly find an excuse to wander away.

No, I'm not buying your claim of non-belief. You are showing both faith and dogma, the trappings of religion. There is even proselytizing, courtesy of the Christian influence. Atheism is not of itself a religion, you all just turned it into one.

Utter absurdity. Oh never mind, you just did.
Having a freaking preference or opinion on something does not a religion make. You may prefer Ford over Chevy or Pepsi over Coke. You may like South Dakota passionately and work for its Tourism Department. That doesn't make Ford, Pepsi or South Dakota "religions".

It doesn't make Christianity religion either. So you tell me, what does make it religion? What are the attributes we need to look for?

Okay, I think I see the problem here. Maybe once you learn the definition of religion, you'll see the flaws in your argument.

No. I don't think you see the problem at all.
You can't "question" nothingness. There is no "dogma" since atheism is not a thing or concept; it's simply the dearth of a concept. In the same way that dark is not a "thing" but the dearth of light and silence is not a "thing" but the dearth of sound. Second, you can't "blaspheme" something you never accepted in the first place.

Atheism is the belief that there is no god. That, like it or not, is something.

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