Atheism's big LIE

Of all the various, competing religions and the various believers of those religions claiming "experiences" with various gods, assuming they're all true assumes lots and lots of gods are "real" and extant.

What if you have been given the wrong gods?
I've said this God, many, many perspectives. I see my dad as my dad. Others see him as child, husband, coach, math teacher, teammate, colleague, etc. One person, many perspectives, not one of them wrong. The same with God, only He's greater.
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.
One does not need to worship any gods in order to live a life that "makes sense".
The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

So... yeah, one kinda does need to worship God to show God that appreciation to live a life that makes sense.
I disagree.

one can be thankful without worshiping any gods.

My life is not a gift given by some god it is a cosmic accident that could just as easily not have happened. That however in no way means I am not glad to be alive and I certainly don't owe anything to any gods.
Not in the manner I described.

The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

And the "gift giver" is who exactly?
God. He created existence. You are sharing in His existence.
That's your theory not mine.
Yes, which is why you can't the same benefit as I can.
Do you maybe want to write a complete sentence?
No. :)

Why am I not surprised?
Because you think you know everything?
I know that what you wrote was an incomplete sentence and therefore meaningless.
Because you couldn't figure it out?
Because I don't read minds. But hey you can throw out word salad all you want
Sorry to have confused you so much.
that you cannot write complete sentences is not a sign of my confusion
That you think nitpicking is a winning argument is. ;)

No I don't.

If you can't write a coherent sentence that actually expresses a complete thought then there can be no argument
Your continued participation says otherwise.
Yep. I was under the impression this is a discussion board. I never expected that everyone would agree with everything I write. To enter a board such as this and allow your feelings to be hurt by a differing opinion suggests you might want to reconsider participating.
It should not that be that difficult to distinguish between "hurt feelings" and genuine curiosity. Recall the question is why people who do not pursue an interest post in forum for those who are interested in that pursuit. People who do not care for gardening, astronomy, or sewing do not enter these forums to discuss how much they dislike gardening, astronomy, sewing. So why do people who do not care for religion come into religions forums/thread to discuss how much they dislike religion?

No hurt feelings here, just curiosity. Interesting though that you see hurt feelings. Are we hurting your feelings? (Again, honest question.)
gee Meri------that's how the art of "CONTENTION" works. Do you wonder why
Jehovah witness ladies keep knocking on the doors of persons of "other" religions.
Sorry----but it is a fact that atheism is a BELIEF -----and as you KNOW people want
to SPREAD'em
Which is why when atheists deny that they are trying to spread their beliefs they subconsciously reveal that they believe that trying to spread their belief is inherently wrong. JW's don't deny what they are doing because they believe in what they are doing and believe it is right to try to spread their belief.
OH-----I never ran into any atheist activist who wanted to DENY HIS MISSION. Usually
they point out the violence and injustice FOSTERED by religions-----and such creeps
And yet they usually stop short of saying that they want to abolish and ban religion but continue to proselytize their belief that religion is harmful. That seems rather disingenuous.
No one wants to ban religion.

It's the source of too much entertainment
You will have to pardon me for disagreeing that those words do not match the rhetoric I read in these forums.
I suppose you can't quote anyone actually saying they want to ban religion right?
Some have been brave enough to do so. The rest that vehemently proselytize against religious beliefs are too cowardly to do so.
And yet you won't supply a quote.
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.
One does not need to worship any gods in order to live a life that "makes sense".
The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

So... yeah, one kinda does need to worship God to show God that appreciation to live a life that makes sense.
I disagree.

one can be thankful without worshiping any gods.

My life is not a gift given by some god it is a cosmic accident that could just as easily not have happened. That however in no way means I am not glad to be alive and I certainly don't owe anything to any gods.
Not in the manner I described.

The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

And the "gift giver" is who exactly?
God. He created existence. You are sharing in His existence.
That's your theory not mine.
Yes, which is why you can't the same benefit as I can.
Do you maybe want to write a complete sentence?
No. :)

Why am I not surprised?
Because you think you know everything?
I know that what you wrote was an incomplete sentence and therefore meaningless.
Because you couldn't figure it out?
Because I don't read minds. But hey you can throw out word salad all you want
Sorry to have confused you so much.
that you cannot write complete sentences is not a sign of my confusion
That you think nitpicking is a winning argument is. ;)

No I don't.

If you can't write a coherent sentence that actually expresses a complete thought then there can be no argument
Your continued participation says otherwise.

No I'm just reminding you that words mean things. Something you often tend to forget.

There can be no argument when all you can provide is nonsensical word salad
Yep. I was under the impression this is a discussion board. I never expected that everyone would agree with everything I write. To enter a board such as this and allow your feelings to be hurt by a differing opinion suggests you might want to reconsider participating.
It should not that be that difficult to distinguish between "hurt feelings" and genuine curiosity. Recall the question is why people who do not pursue an interest post in forum for those who are interested in that pursuit. People who do not care for gardening, astronomy, or sewing do not enter these forums to discuss how much they dislike gardening, astronomy, sewing. So why do people who do not care for religion come into religions forums/thread to discuss how much they dislike religion?

No hurt feelings here, just curiosity. Interesting though that you see hurt feelings. Are we hurting your feelings? (Again, honest question.)
gee Meri------that's how the art of "CONTENTION" works. Do you wonder why
Jehovah witness ladies keep knocking on the doors of persons of "other" religions.
Sorry----but it is a fact that atheism is a BELIEF -----and as you KNOW people want
to SPREAD'em
Which is why when atheists deny that they are trying to spread their beliefs they subconsciously reveal that they believe that trying to spread their belief is inherently wrong. JW's don't deny what they are doing because they believe in what they are doing and believe it is right to try to spread their belief.
OH-----I never ran into any atheist activist who wanted to DENY HIS MISSION. Usually
they point out the violence and injustice FOSTERED by religions-----and such creeps
And yet they usually stop short of saying that they want to abolish and ban religion but continue to proselytize their belief that religion is harmful. That seems rather disingenuous.
No one wants to ban religion.

It's the source of too much entertainment
You will have to pardon me for disagreeing that those words do not match the rhetoric I read in these forums.
I suppose you can't quote anyone actually saying they want to ban religion right?
Some have been brave enough to do so. The rest that vehemently proselytize against religious beliefs are too cowardly to do so.
And yet you won't supply a quote.
My desire to convince you of anything is not high on my to do list.

If you wish to dismiss the reality of militant atheism, be my guest.
Yep. I was under the impression this is a discussion board. I never expected that everyone would agree with everything I write. To enter a board such as this and allow your feelings to be hurt by a differing opinion suggests you might want to reconsider participating.
It should not that be that difficult to distinguish between "hurt feelings" and genuine curiosity. Recall the question is why people who do not pursue an interest post in forum for those who are interested in that pursuit. People who do not care for gardening, astronomy, or sewing do not enter these forums to discuss how much they dislike gardening, astronomy, sewing. So why do people who do not care for religion come into religions forums/thread to discuss how much they dislike religion?

No hurt feelings here, just curiosity. Interesting though that you see hurt feelings. Are we hurting your feelings? (Again, honest question.)
gee Meri------that's how the art of "CONTENTION" works. Do you wonder why
Jehovah witness ladies keep knocking on the doors of persons of "other" religions.
Sorry----but it is a fact that atheism is a BELIEF -----and as you KNOW people want
to SPREAD'em
Which is why when atheists deny that they are trying to spread their beliefs they subconsciously reveal that they believe that trying to spread their belief is inherently wrong. JW's don't deny what they are doing because they believe in what they are doing and believe it is right to try to spread their belief.
OH-----I never ran into any atheist activist who wanted to DENY HIS MISSION. Usually
they point out the violence and injustice FOSTERED by religions-----and such creeps
And yet they usually stop short of saying that they want to abolish and ban religion but continue to proselytize their belief that religion is harmful. That seems rather disingenuous.
yes---they tout THEIR OWN BELIEF ----how is that different from the christian and islamic
modes of proselytizing which insist "other religions are just NOT RIGHT"
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.
One does not need to worship any gods in order to live a life that "makes sense".
The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

So... yeah, one kinda does need to worship God to show God that appreciation to live a life that makes sense.
I disagree.

one can be thankful without worshiping any gods.

My life is not a gift given by some god it is a cosmic accident that could just as easily not have happened. That however in no way means I am not glad to be alive and I certainly don't owe anything to any gods.
Not in the manner I described.

The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

And the "gift giver" is who exactly?
God. He created existence. You are sharing in His existence.
That's your theory not mine.
Yes, which is why you can't the same benefit as I can.
Do you maybe want to write a complete sentence?
No. :)

Why am I not surprised?
Because you think you know everything?
I know that what you wrote was an incomplete sentence and therefore meaningless.
Because you couldn't figure it out?
Because I don't read minds. But hey you can throw out word salad all you want
Sorry to have confused you so much.
that you cannot write complete sentences is not a sign of my confusion
That you think nitpicking is a winning argument is. ;)

No I don't.

If you can't write a coherent sentence that actually expresses a complete thought then there can be no argument
Your continued participation says otherwise.

No I'm just reminding you that words mean things. Something you often tend to forget.

There can be no argument when all you can provide is nonsensical word salad
I left out the word "get." I'm almost certain you figured that out all on your own. That you continue to make it more than it is is your mistake to make.
Why would you be hurting my feelings? It seems the hurt feelings are expressed by the believers who rail against any critique of claims to the supernatural.
As noted before, you brought up hurt feelings. As my feelings are never hurt, I was wondering if the hurt feelings you saw on the table were your own. Perhaps you are trying to read minds? If so, perhaps give it a pass in the future. No one is any good at mind reading anyway.
Yep. I was under the impression this is a discussion board. I never expected that everyone would agree with everything I write. To enter a board such as this and allow your feelings to be hurt by a differing opinion suggests you might want to reconsider participating.
It should not that be that difficult to distinguish between "hurt feelings" and genuine curiosity. Recall the question is why people who do not pursue an interest post in forum for those who are interested in that pursuit. People who do not care for gardening, astronomy, or sewing do not enter these forums to discuss how much they dislike gardening, astronomy, sewing. So why do people who do not care for religion come into religions forums/thread to discuss how much they dislike religion?

No hurt feelings here, just curiosity. Interesting though that you see hurt feelings. Are we hurting your feelings? (Again, honest question.)
gee Meri------that's how the art of "CONTENTION" works. Do you wonder why
Jehovah witness ladies keep knocking on the doors of persons of "other" religions.
Sorry----but it is a fact that atheism is a BELIEF -----and as you KNOW people want
to SPREAD'em
Which is why when atheists deny that they are trying to spread their beliefs they subconsciously reveal that they believe that trying to spread their belief is inherently wrong. JW's don't deny what they are doing because they believe in what they are doing and believe it is right to try to spread their belief.
OH-----I never ran into any atheist activist who wanted to DENY HIS MISSION. Usually
they point out the violence and injustice FOSTERED by religions-----and such creeps
And yet they usually stop short of saying that they want to abolish and ban religion but continue to proselytize their belief that religion is harmful. That seems rather disingenuous.
yes---they tout THEIR OWN BELIEF ----how is that different from the christian and islamic
modes of proselytizing which insist "other religions are just NOT RIGHT"
The difference for Christians is that we don't deny doing it and were instructed to do so by Jesus Christ.

So... the difference is one of conviction.
Yep. I was under the impression this is a discussion board. I never expected that everyone would agree with everything I write. To enter a board such as this and allow your feelings to be hurt by a differing opinion suggests you might want to reconsider participating.
It should not that be that difficult to distinguish between "hurt feelings" and genuine curiosity. Recall the question is why people who do not pursue an interest post in forum for those who are interested in that pursuit. People who do not care for gardening, astronomy, or sewing do not enter these forums to discuss how much they dislike gardening, astronomy, sewing. So why do people who do not care for religion come into religions forums/thread to discuss how much they dislike religion?

No hurt feelings here, just curiosity. Interesting though that you see hurt feelings. Are we hurting your feelings? (Again, honest question.)
gee Meri------that's how the art of "CONTENTION" works. Do you wonder why
Jehovah witness ladies keep knocking on the doors of persons of "other" religions.
Sorry----but it is a fact that atheism is a BELIEF -----and as you KNOW people want
to SPREAD'em
Which is why when atheists deny that they are trying to spread their beliefs they subconsciously reveal that they believe that trying to spread their belief is inherently wrong. JW's don't deny what they are doing because they believe in what they are doing and believe it is right to try to spread their belief.
OH-----I never ran into any atheist activist who wanted to DENY HIS MISSION. Usually
they point out the violence and injustice FOSTERED by religions-----and such creeps
And yet they usually stop short of saying that they want to abolish and ban religion but continue to proselytize their belief that religion is harmful. That seems rather disingenuous.
No one wants to ban religion.

It's the source of too much entertainment
You will have to pardon me for disagreeing that those words do not match the rhetoric I read in these forums.
I suppose you can't quote anyone actually saying they want to ban religion right?
Some have been brave enough to do so. The rest that vehemently proselytize against religious beliefs are too cowardly to do so.
And yet you won't supply a quote.
My desire to convince you of anything is not high on my to do list.

If you wish to dismiss the reality of militant atheism, be my guest.
ding-bat are you really saying that christian proselytizers do not TRY
TO CONVINCE? (uhm----your personal bucket list is not in question)
Yep. I was under the impression this is a discussion board. I never expected that everyone would agree with everything I write. To enter a board such as this and allow your feelings to be hurt by a differing opinion suggests you might want to reconsider participating.
It should not that be that difficult to distinguish between "hurt feelings" and genuine curiosity. Recall the question is why people who do not pursue an interest post in forum for those who are interested in that pursuit. People who do not care for gardening, astronomy, or sewing do not enter these forums to discuss how much they dislike gardening, astronomy, sewing. So why do people who do not care for religion come into religions forums/thread to discuss how much they dislike religion?

No hurt feelings here, just curiosity. Interesting though that you see hurt feelings. Are we hurting your feelings? (Again, honest question.)
gee Meri------that's how the art of "CONTENTION" works. Do you wonder why
Jehovah witness ladies keep knocking on the doors of persons of "other" religions.
Sorry----but it is a fact that atheism is a BELIEF -----and as you KNOW people want
to SPREAD'em
Which is why when atheists deny that they are trying to spread their beliefs they subconsciously reveal that they believe that trying to spread their belief is inherently wrong. JW's don't deny what they are doing because they believe in what they are doing and believe it is right to try to spread their belief.
OH-----I never ran into any atheist activist who wanted to DENY HIS MISSION. Usually
they point out the violence and injustice FOSTERED by religions-----and such creeps
And yet they usually stop short of saying that they want to abolish and ban religion but continue to proselytize their belief that religion is harmful. That seems rather disingenuous.
No one wants to ban religion.

It's the source of too much entertainment
You will have to pardon me for disagreeing that those words do not match the rhetoric I read in these forums.
I suppose you can't quote anyone actually saying they want to ban religion right?
Some have been brave enough to do so. The rest that vehemently proselytize against religious beliefs are too cowardly to do so.
And yet you won't supply a quote.
My desire to convince you of anything is not high on my to do list.

If you wish to dismiss the reality of militant atheism, be my guest.
I'm not asking you to convince me of anything. I am asking you to provide an actual quote to support the claims you made.

And I find it interesting that even though I have asked you to do the same many times in many other threads you never seem to be able to provide any quotes that support your accusations.
Yep. I was under the impression this is a discussion board. I never expected that everyone would agree with everything I write. To enter a board such as this and allow your feelings to be hurt by a differing opinion suggests you might want to reconsider participating.
It should not that be that difficult to distinguish between "hurt feelings" and genuine curiosity. Recall the question is why people who do not pursue an interest post in forum for those who are interested in that pursuit. People who do not care for gardening, astronomy, or sewing do not enter these forums to discuss how much they dislike gardening, astronomy, sewing. So why do people who do not care for religion come into religions forums/thread to discuss how much they dislike religion?

No hurt feelings here, just curiosity. Interesting though that you see hurt feelings. Are we hurting your feelings? (Again, honest question.)
gee Meri------that's how the art of "CONTENTION" works. Do you wonder why
Jehovah witness ladies keep knocking on the doors of persons of "other" religions.
Sorry----but it is a fact that atheism is a BELIEF -----and as you KNOW people want
to SPREAD'em
Which is why when atheists deny that they are trying to spread their beliefs they subconsciously reveal that they believe that trying to spread their belief is inherently wrong. JW's don't deny what they are doing because they believe in what they are doing and believe it is right to try to spread their belief.
OH-----I never ran into any atheist activist who wanted to DENY HIS MISSION. Usually
they point out the violence and injustice FOSTERED by religions-----and such creeps
And yet they usually stop short of saying that they want to abolish and ban religion but continue to proselytize their belief that religion is harmful. That seems rather disingenuous.
yes---they tout THEIR OWN BELIEF ----how is that different from the christian and islamic
modes of proselytizing which insist "other religions are just NOT RIGHT"
The difference for Christians is that we don't deny doing it and were instructed to do so by Jesus Christ.

So... the difference is one of conviction.
oh------that makes it ok----YOUR special deity told you to
The true liars are the religious who pretend to believe in God but secretly have reservations

They attend services and say all the right words because they don’t want to admit to family and their community that they really don’t believe all they are being told.
Why do you think doubts and reservations are not discussed among family and friends? Even Bible study groups discuss doubts and reservations and other possibilities on some accounts and issues.

The Christian Way of Life makes sense. This can be lived even if one does have doubts about miracles, about some stories, or even about God.
One does not need to worship any gods in order to live a life that "makes sense".
The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

So... yeah, one kinda does need to worship God to show God that appreciation to live a life that makes sense.
I disagree.

one can be thankful without worshiping any gods.

My life is not a gift given by some god it is a cosmic accident that could just as easily not have happened. That however in no way means I am not glad to be alive and I certainly don't owe anything to any gods.
Not in the manner I described.

The act of worship is giving thanks to the gift giver by showing one's appreciation for the talent he was given by using that talent.

And the "gift giver" is who exactly?
God. He created existence. You are sharing in His existence.
That's your theory not mine.
Yes, which is why you can't the same benefit as I can.
Do you maybe want to write a complete sentence?
No. :)

Why am I not surprised?
Because you think you know everything?
I know that what you wrote was an incomplete sentence and therefore meaningless.
Because you couldn't figure it out?
Because I don't read minds. But hey you can throw out word salad all you want
Sorry to have confused you so much.
that you cannot write complete sentences is not a sign of my confusion
That you think nitpicking is a winning argument is. ;)

No I don't.

If you can't write a coherent sentence that actually expresses a complete thought then there can be no argument
Your continued participation says otherwise.

No I'm just reminding you that words mean things. Something you often tend to forget.

There can be no argument when all you can provide is nonsensical word salad
I left out the word "get." I'm almost certain you figured that out all on your own. That you continue to make it more than it is is your mistake to make.

Unlike you I do not assume to know the minds of other people.

All I know of your thought process is what you write in your posts.
I think you're taking offense
And this is wrong. I don't take offense. 99.9% of the time I am sitting here, a big smile on my face because I enjoy considering the ideas going back and forth. Therefore, if you see offense, it is coming from you, not me.

My suggestion is not to tell people what they are thinking, saying, doing...instead concentrate on your own message, your own thoughts. I've yet to meet a good mind reader, so I am convinced they do not exist.
If you would identify where I have expressed offense that would be helpful. The "Atheism's a Big Lie" thread and the similarly themed threads are opened by adherents to one particular religious persuasion. I wonder why that is?
Of all the various, competing religions and the various believers of those religions claiming "experiences" with various gods, assuming they're all true assumes lots and lots of gods are "real" and extant.

What if you have been given the wrong gods?
I've said this God, many, many perspectives. I see my dad as my dad. Others see him as child, husband, coach, math teacher, teammate, colleague, etc. One person, many perspectives, not one of them wrong. The same with God, only He's greater.
No matter how many times you say "one god", that is an inconsequential (well, perhaps an insulting), opinion to believers of past and current competing gods. It is pure arrogance to insist, wholly without support, that "one god" is in any way accurate. Especially so since the Christian gods are triune, supposedly.
Yep. I was under the impression this is a discussion board. I never expected that everyone would agree with everything I write. To enter a board such as this and allow your feelings to be hurt by a differing opinion suggests you might want to reconsider participating.
It should not that be that difficult to distinguish between "hurt feelings" and genuine curiosity. Recall the question is why people who do not pursue an interest post in forum for those who are interested in that pursuit. People who do not care for gardening, astronomy, or sewing do not enter these forums to discuss how much they dislike gardening, astronomy, sewing. So why do people who do not care for religion come into religions forums/thread to discuss how much they dislike religion?

No hurt feelings here, just curiosity. Interesting though that you see hurt feelings. Are we hurting your feelings? (Again, honest question.)
gee Meri------that's how the art of "CONTENTION" works. Do you wonder why
Jehovah witness ladies keep knocking on the doors of persons of "other" religions.
Sorry----but it is a fact that atheism is a BELIEF -----and as you KNOW people want
to SPREAD'em
Which is why when atheists deny that they are trying to spread their beliefs they subconsciously reveal that they believe that trying to spread their belief is inherently wrong. JW's don't deny what they are doing because they believe in what they are doing and believe it is right to try to spread their belief.
OH-----I never ran into any atheist activist who wanted to DENY HIS MISSION. Usually
they point out the violence and injustice FOSTERED by religions-----and such creeps
And yet they usually stop short of saying that they want to abolish and ban religion but continue to proselytize their belief that religion is harmful. That seems rather disingenuous.
No one wants to ban religion.

It's the source of too much entertainment
You will have to pardon me for disagreeing that those words do not match the rhetoric I read in these forums.
I suppose you can't quote anyone actually saying they want to ban religion right?
Some have been brave enough to do so. The rest that vehemently proselytize against religious beliefs are too cowardly to do so.
And yet you won't supply a quote.
My desire to convince you of anything is not high on my to do list.

If you wish to dismiss the reality of militant atheism, be my guest.
ding-bat are you really saying that christian proselytizers do not TRY
TO CONVINCE? (uhm----your personal bucket list is not in question)
No. I said the exact opposite. We don't deny we are proselytizing. Atheists do deny they are proselytizing. Just as Jews deny they are proselytizing.
Yep. I was under the impression this is a discussion board. I never expected that everyone would agree with everything I write. To enter a board such as this and allow your feelings to be hurt by a differing opinion suggests you might want to reconsider participating.
It should not that be that difficult to distinguish between "hurt feelings" and genuine curiosity. Recall the question is why people who do not pursue an interest post in forum for those who are interested in that pursuit. People who do not care for gardening, astronomy, or sewing do not enter these forums to discuss how much they dislike gardening, astronomy, sewing. So why do people who do not care for religion come into religions forums/thread to discuss how much they dislike religion?

No hurt feelings here, just curiosity. Interesting though that you see hurt feelings. Are we hurting your feelings? (Again, honest question.)
gee Meri------that's how the art of "CONTENTION" works. Do you wonder why
Jehovah witness ladies keep knocking on the doors of persons of "other" religions.
Sorry----but it is a fact that atheism is a BELIEF -----and as you KNOW people want
to SPREAD'em
Which is why when atheists deny that they are trying to spread their beliefs they subconsciously reveal that they believe that trying to spread their belief is inherently wrong. JW's don't deny what they are doing because they believe in what they are doing and believe it is right to try to spread their belief.
OH-----I never ran into any atheist activist who wanted to DENY HIS MISSION. Usually
they point out the violence and injustice FOSTERED by religions-----and such creeps
And yet they usually stop short of saying that they want to abolish and ban religion but continue to proselytize their belief that religion is harmful. That seems rather disingenuous.
No one wants to ban religion.

It's the source of too much entertainment
You will have to pardon me for disagreeing that those words do not match the rhetoric I read in these forums.
I suppose you can't quote anyone actually saying they want to ban religion right?
Some have been brave enough to do so. The rest that vehemently proselytize against religious beliefs are too cowardly to do so.
And yet you won't supply a quote.
My desire to convince you of anything is not high on my to do list.

If you wish to dismiss the reality of militant atheism, be my guest.
I'm not asking you to convince me of anything. I am asking you to provide an actual quote to support the claims you made.

And I find it interesting that even though I have asked you to do the same many times in many other threads you never seem to be able to provide any quotes that support your accusations.
It sure seems like you are asking me to convince you.
Yep. I was under the impression this is a discussion board. I never expected that everyone would agree with everything I write. To enter a board such as this and allow your feelings to be hurt by a differing opinion suggests you might want to reconsider participating.
It should not that be that difficult to distinguish between "hurt feelings" and genuine curiosity. Recall the question is why people who do not pursue an interest post in forum for those who are interested in that pursuit. People who do not care for gardening, astronomy, or sewing do not enter these forums to discuss how much they dislike gardening, astronomy, sewing. So why do people who do not care for religion come into religions forums/thread to discuss how much they dislike religion?

No hurt feelings here, just curiosity. Interesting though that you see hurt feelings. Are we hurting your feelings? (Again, honest question.)
gee Meri------that's how the art of "CONTENTION" works. Do you wonder why
Jehovah witness ladies keep knocking on the doors of persons of "other" religions.
Sorry----but it is a fact that atheism is a BELIEF -----and as you KNOW people want
to SPREAD'em
Which is why when atheists deny that they are trying to spread their beliefs they subconsciously reveal that they believe that trying to spread their belief is inherently wrong. JW's don't deny what they are doing because they believe in what they are doing and believe it is right to try to spread their belief.
OH-----I never ran into any atheist activist who wanted to DENY HIS MISSION. Usually
they point out the violence and injustice FOSTERED by religions-----and such creeps
And yet they usually stop short of saying that they want to abolish and ban religion but continue to proselytize their belief that religion is harmful. That seems rather disingenuous.
yes---they tout THEIR OWN BELIEF ----how is that different from the christian and islamic
modes of proselytizing which insist "other religions are just NOT RIGHT"
The difference for Christians is that we don't deny doing it and were instructed to do so by Jesus Christ.

So... the difference is one of conviction.
oh------that makes it ok----YOUR special deity told you to
Yes. And it seems to have worked as Western Civilization flourished until such time as we forgot God.

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