Atheists are the moral ones

So now you contend morality is set by the President, not by community norms?
You're the one telling that story, I don't believe I've said that. In any case, if torture is not commonplace it is not a community norm. As far as I know, cases of waterboarding under colour of law in the US have been prosecuted.
You are the one who cited the president as a moral authority, saying he called enhanced interrogation torture, and this somehow validates the claim that enhanced interrogation is torture and is immoral.

Just because something isn't regularly practiced , doesn't mean it isn't accepted by the community. The majority of the community support the idea of the right to self defense, but most individuals don't encounter a position where they have to defend themselves. It doesn't mean that self defense is recognized as moral and legitimate.The majority of Americans support waterboarding, and thus by your community norms standard, the practice is moral.

Those cases mean nothing without context. Can you cite a case where a US Court has banned the use of waterboarding for US Military or Intelligence Officials or prosecuted and convicted them?

Where do you people come from?

I said no such thing.

You don't even know me or have had and such discussion with me on this or any forum.

Go back under the rock you slithered from.
Change accounts before you respond.

You need mental health attention..seriously.

I have had ONLY ONE account at ONLY ONE political MB for several years...the join date is clearly posted idgit. Before I was on this MB I was on another forum for several more years under the Name Sean Corey which remarkably enough is my name.

Your accusations are wackadoodle ramblings of someone in dire need of mental health attention...seriously.
Lol, calm down. What's with the multiple accounts and online breakdowns?
I have seen no numbers that suggest Atheists get more abortions than any other type of person.

It is my impression that all types of women get abortions. I would guess that cultures that promote unprotected sex would be the largest population that handles too many mouths to feed by abortion.

Being a male I can assure you all that I have never had an abortion.
Oh yeah, you're real moral, aren't you? Your morality shines through as you're butchering babies.

I have butchered no babies. Your accusation is rediculous.

If you want to make moral accusations that are directly related to a religious affiliation let's consider the raping of thousands of children by Catholic priests and religious leaders of many types...Mormans..the guy in Texas that died in the fire....Koresh was his name..along with his cult that supported rape of children. I have raped no children either.
You're a liberal, aren't you? You support abortion, don't you? Then you're just as guilty as the butchers who perform them. Deal with it.

BTW, No one ever established that Koresh raped any children, that was Janet Reno's excuse for killing all of them, including the children.

"You're a liberal, aren't you? You support abortion, don't you? "

"No", what? You're not a liberal or you don't support abortion?

No to both.
So, you're a conservative atheist who defends liberals but you're not a liberal? Ok.
You're the one telling that story, I don't believe I've said that. In any case, if torture is not commonplace it is not a community norm. As far as I know, cases of waterboarding under colour of law in the US have been prosecuted.
You are the one who cited the president as a moral authority, saying he called enhanced interrogation torture, and this somehow validates the claim that enhanced interrogation is torture and is immoral.

Just because something isn't regularly practiced , doesn't mean it isn't accepted by the community. The majority of the community support the idea of the right to self defense, but most individuals don't encounter a position where they have to defend themselves. It doesn't mean that self defense is recognized as moral and legitimate.The majority of Americans support waterboarding, and thus by your community norms standard, the practice is moral.

Those cases mean nothing without context. Can you cite a case where a US Court has banned the use of waterboarding for US Military or Intelligence Officials or prosecuted and convicted them?

Where do you people come from?

I said no such thing.

You don't even know me or have had and such discussion with me on this or any forum.

Go back under the rock you slithered from.
Change accounts before you respond.

You need mental health attention..seriously.

I have had ONLY ONE account at ONLY ONE political MB for several years...the join date is clearly posted idgit. Before I was on this MB I was on another forum for several more years under the Name Sean Corey which remarkably enough is my name.

Your accusations are wackadoodle ramblings of someone in dire need of mental health attention...seriously.
Lol, calm down. What's with the multiple accounts and online breakdowns?

You are an idiot. What is all this recent talk of multiple accounts?

Check with the admin. I have had the same account for many years. You people are fucking wack between the ears.

I don't suppose when the admin says you are full of shit that you will post a public apology? No? I didn't think so.
I have seen no numbers that suggest Atheists get more abortions than any other type of person.

It is my impression that all types of women get abortions. I would guess that cultures that promote unprotected sex would be the largest population that handles too many mouths to feed by abortion.

Being a male I can assure you all that I have never had an abortion.

Actually I am a Republican and I am pro-choice. Why? Because legislating morality is impossible. Making something illegal has never stopped activity. The war on drugs and prohibition should have taught us that. Making abortion illegal will not stop abortion. That is a fool's strategy despite how mush I hate abortion
I have butchered no babies. Your accusation is rediculous.

If you want to make moral accusations that are directly related to a religious affiliation let's consider the raping of thousands of children by Catholic priests and religious leaders of many types...Mormans..the guy in Texas that died in the fire....Koresh was his name..along with his cult that supported rape of children. I have raped no children either.
You're a liberal, aren't you? You support abortion, don't you? Then you're just as guilty as the butchers who perform them. Deal with it.

BTW, No one ever established that Koresh raped any children, that was Janet Reno's excuse for killing all of them, including the children.

"You're a liberal, aren't you? You support abortion, don't you? "

"No", what? You're not a liberal or you don't support abortion?

No to both.
So, you're a conservative atheist who defends liberals but you're not a liberal? Ok.

I defend my own posts mostly. Once in a while I will lay into an asshole that claims to be a conservative but clearly is not.

I will also berate a liberal type if I believe they are full of shit.

There is a lot of willfull ignorance in the world.
I have seen no numbers that suggest Atheists get more abortions than any other type of person.

It is my impression that all types of women get abortions. I would guess that cultures that promote unprotected sex would be the largest population that handles too many mouths to feed by abortion.

Being a male I can assure you all that I have never had an abortion.

Actually I am a Republican and I am pro-choice. Why? Because legislating morality is impossible. Making something illegal has never stopped activity. The war on drugs and prohibition should have taught us that. Making abortion illegal will not stop abortion. That is a fool's strategy despite how mush I hate abortion
So we should legalize armed robbery, since people are gonna do it anyway?
You are the one who cited the president as a moral authority, saying he called enhanced interrogation torture, and this somehow validates the claim that enhanced interrogation is torture and is immoral.

Just because something isn't regularly practiced , doesn't mean it isn't accepted by the community. The majority of the community support the idea of the right to self defense, but most individuals don't encounter a position where they have to defend themselves. It doesn't mean that self defense is recognized as moral and legitimate.The majority of Americans support waterboarding, and thus by your community norms standard, the practice is moral.

Those cases mean nothing without context. Can you cite a case where a US Court has banned the use of waterboarding for US Military or Intelligence Officials or prosecuted and convicted them?

Where do you people come from?

I said no such thing.

You don't even know me or have had and such discussion with me on this or any forum.

Go back under the rock you slithered from.
Change accounts before you respond.

You need mental health attention..seriously.

I have had ONLY ONE account at ONLY ONE political MB for several years...the join date is clearly posted idgit. Before I was on this MB I was on another forum for several more years under the Name Sean Corey which remarkably enough is my name.

Your accusations are wackadoodle ramblings of someone in dire need of mental health attention...seriously.
Lol, calm down. What's with the multiple accounts and online breakdowns?

You are an idiot. What is all this recent talk of multiple accounts?

Check with the admin. I have had the same account for many years. You people are fucking wack between the ears.

I don't suppose when the admin says you are full of shit that you will post a public apology? No? I didn't think so.
lol, you are unhinged. What's with these posts all of a sudden?
Huggy...I would think that you agree with me on this idea. Remember when Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords was shot and the liberals started screaming "we need a law that says that no one can carry a gun within 100 yards of an elected official"? Remember how all us Republicans laughed and said "uh yeah...if someone is out to shoot someone they are not going to suddenly stop just because a law says they can't take a gun in the area" That was the most hilarious argument liberals have ever made.

But now apply the same logic to us. Just like a person who is intent on shooting someone won't give a DAMN about a law prohibiting guns do you really think a law prohibiting abortion is going to stop a single person intent on making it happen?

It's the same thing brother. Pass all the laws you want. Nothing will change until society as a whole chooses something different.
So now you contend morality is set by the President, not by community norms?
You're the one telling that story, I don't believe I've said that. In any case, if torture is not commonplace it is not a community norm. As far as I know, cases of waterboarding under colour of law in the US have been prosecuted.
You are the one who cited the president as a moral authority, saying he called enhanced interrogation torture, and this somehow validates the claim that enhanced interrogation is torture and is immoral.

Just because something isn't regularly practiced , doesn't mean it isn't accepted by the community. The majority of the community support the idea of the right to self defense, but most individuals don't encounter a position where they have to defend themselves. It doesn't mean that self defense is recognized as moral and legitimate.The majority of Americans support waterboarding, and thus by your community norms standard, the practice is moral.

Those cases mean nothing without context. Can you cite a case where a US Court has banned the use of waterboarding for US Military or Intelligence Officials or prosecuted and convicted them?

Where do you people come from?

I said no such thing.

You don't even know me or have had and such discussion with me on this or any forum.

Go back under the rock you slithered from.
If you aren't this person, than why are you even responding to me in this way?

Either way, you are nuts.
Huggy...I would think that you agree with me on this idea. Remember when Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords was shot and the liberals started screaming "we need a law that says that no one can carry a gun within 100 yards of an elected official"? Remember how all us Republicans laughed and said "uh yeah...if someone is out to shoot someone they are not going to suddenly stop just because a law says they can't take a gun in the area" That was the most hilarious argument liberals have ever made.

But now apply the same logic to us. Just like a person who is intent on shooting someone won't give a DAMN about a law prohibiting guns do you really think a law prohibiting abortion is going to stop a single person intent on making it happen?

It's the same thing brother. Pass all the laws you want. Nothing will change until society as a whole chooses something different.
You aren't conservative, you are an atomized and detached libertarian
I have seen no numbers that suggest Atheists get more abortions than any other type of person.

It is my impression that all types of women get abortions. I would guess that cultures that promote unprotected sex would be the largest population that handles too many mouths to feed by abortion.

Being a male I can assure you all that I have never had an abortion.

Actually I am a Republican and I am pro-choice. Why? Because legislating morality is impossible. Making something illegal has never stopped activity. The war on drugs and prohibition should have taught us that. Making abortion illegal will not stop abortion. That is a fool's strategy despite how mush I hate abortion
So we should legalize armed robbery, since people are gonna do it anyway?

No but there is a difference between laws that punish and laws that expect people to cease an activity. I am of the opinion that no laws make people stop doing things. If that was the case the jails would not be full of drug offenders. What it really comes down to is what we wish to punish. But don't make the error of thinking that punishment is a deterrent for anything. Jaywalking, murder, theft, or rape....punishment doesn't stop crime. It just assigns consequences to given actions
Huggy...I would think that you agree with me on this idea. Remember when Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords was shot and the liberals started screaming "we need a law that says that no one can carry a gun within 100 yards of an elected official"? Remember how all us Republicans laughed and said "uh yeah...if someone is out to shoot someone they are not going to suddenly stop just because a law says they can't take a gun in the area" That was the most hilarious argument liberals have ever made.

But now apply the same logic to us. Just like a person who is intent on shooting someone won't give a DAMN about a law prohibiting guns do you really think a law prohibiting abortion is going to stop a single person intent on making it happen?

It's the same thing brother. Pass all the laws you want. Nothing will change until society as a whole chooses something different.
You aren't conservative, you are an atomized and detached libertarian
I never said I was a conservative. I said I was a Republican. Big difference
I have seen no numbers that suggest Atheists get more abortions than any other type of person.

It is my impression that all types of women get abortions. I would guess that cultures that promote unprotected sex would be the largest population that handles too many mouths to feed by abortion.

Being a male I can assure you all that I have never had an abortion.

Actually I am a Republican and I am pro-choice. Why? Because legislating morality is impossible. Making something illegal has never stopped activity. The war on drugs and prohibition should have taught us that. Making abortion illegal will not stop abortion. That is a fool's strategy despite how mush I hate abortion
So we should legalize armed robbery, since people are gonna do it anyway?

No but there is a difference between laws that punish and laws that expect people to cease an activity. I am of the opinion that no laws make people stop doing things. If that was the case the jails would not be full of drug offenders. What it really comes down to is what we wish to punish. But don't make the error of thinking that punishment is a deterrent for anything. Jaywalking, murder, theft, or rape....punishment doesn't stop crime. It just assigns consequences to given actions
If you're in jail, you can't rob a bank, can you?
I have seen no numbers that suggest Atheists get more abortions than any other type of person.

It is my impression that all types of women get abortions. I would guess that cultures that promote unprotected sex would be the largest population that handles too many mouths to feed by abortion.

Being a male I can assure you all that I have never had an abortion.

Actually I am a Republican and I am pro-choice. Why? Because legislating morality is impossible. Making something illegal has never stopped activity. The war on drugs and prohibition should have taught us that. Making abortion illegal will not stop abortion. That is a fool's strategy despite how mush I hate abortion
So we should legalize armed robbery, since people are gonna do it anyway?

No but there is a difference between laws that punish and laws that expect people to cease an activity. I am of the opinion that no laws make people stop doing things. If that was the case the jails would not be full of drug offenders. What it really comes down to is what we wish to punish. But don't make the error of thinking that punishment is a deterrent for anything. Jaywalking, murder, theft, or rape....punishment doesn't stop crime. It just assigns consequences to given actions
If you're in jail, you can't rob a bank, can you?

Pfft....wanna bet?
So now you contend morality is set by the President, not by community norms?
You're the one telling that story, I don't believe I've said that. In any case, if torture is not commonplace it is not a community norm. As far as I know, cases of waterboarding under colour of law in the US have been prosecuted.
You are the one who cited the president as a moral authority, saying he called enhanced interrogation torture, and this somehow validates the claim that enhanced interrogation is torture and is immoral.

Just because something isn't regularly practiced , doesn't mean it isn't accepted by the community. The majority of the community support the idea of the right to self defense, but most individuals don't encounter a position where they have to defend themselves. It doesn't mean that self defense is recognized as moral and legitimate.The majority of Americans support waterboarding, and thus by your community norms standard, the practice is moral.

Those cases mean nothing without context. Can you cite a case where a US Court has banned the use of waterboarding for US Military or Intelligence Officials or prosecuted and convicted them?

Where do you people come from?

I said no such thing.

You don't even know me or have had and such discussion with me on this or any forum.

Go back under the rock you slithered from.
If you aren't this person, than why are you even responding to me in this way?

Either way, you are nuts.

I treat idiots like idiots. I didn't start this stupid talk of multiple accounts. YOU are furthering it. Go fuck yourself.

It really doesn't matter if a clearly lying asshole makes crazy accusations. SO it seems you are a lying idiot and will be responded to in like manner.

Your posts are obviously intending on derailing the thread/posts. This is my last response to you. Bye Bye.
I have seen no numbers that suggest Atheists get more abortions than any other type of person.

It is my impression that all types of women get abortions. I would guess that cultures that promote unprotected sex would be the largest population that handles too many mouths to feed by abortion.

Being a male I can assure you all that I have never had an abortion.

Actually I am a Republican and I am pro-choice. Why? Because legislating morality is impossible. Making something illegal has never stopped activity. The war on drugs and prohibition should have taught us that. Making abortion illegal will not stop abortion. That is a fool's strategy despite how mush I hate abortion
So we should legalize armed robbery, since people are gonna do it anyway?

No but there is a difference between laws that punish and laws that expect people to cease an activity. I am of the opinion that no laws make people stop doing things. If that was the case the jails would not be full of drug offenders. What it really comes down to is what we wish to punish. But don't make the error of thinking that punishment is a deterrent for anything. Jaywalking, murder, theft, or rape....punishment doesn't stop crime. It just assigns consequences to given actions
If you're in jail, you can't rob a bank, can you?

Pfft....wanna bet?
Do you speak from experience?
Huggy...I would think that you agree with me on this idea. Remember when Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords was shot and the liberals started screaming "we need a law that says that no one can carry a gun within 100 yards of an elected official"? Remember how all us Republicans laughed and said "uh yeah...if someone is out to shoot someone they are not going to suddenly stop just because a law says they can't take a gun in the area" That was the most hilarious argument liberals have ever made.

But now apply the same logic to us. Just like a person who is intent on shooting someone won't give a DAMN about a law prohibiting guns do you really think a law prohibiting abortion is going to stop a single person intent on making it happen?

It's the same thing brother. Pass all the laws you want. Nothing will change until society as a whole chooses something different.
You aren't conservative, you are an atomized and detached libertarian
I never said I was a conservative. I said I was a Republican. Big difference
Yes, there is a big difference, especially today, and GOP abandoning its base in favor of the amoral materialist and libertarian-lite platform you espouse. The GOP is getting less of a turnout from its white working class base in succeeding presidential elections.
So now you contend morality is set by the President, not by community norms?
You're the one telling that story, I don't believe I've said that. In any case, if torture is not commonplace it is not a community norm. As far as I know, cases of waterboarding under colour of law in the US have been prosecuted.
You are the one who cited the president as a moral authority, saying he called enhanced interrogation torture, and this somehow validates the claim that enhanced interrogation is torture and is immoral.

Just because something isn't regularly practiced , doesn't mean it isn't accepted by the community. The majority of the community support the idea of the right to self defense, but most individuals don't encounter a position where they have to defend themselves. It doesn't mean that self defense is recognized as moral and legitimate.The majority of Americans support waterboarding, and thus by your community norms standard, the practice is moral.

Those cases mean nothing without context. Can you cite a case where a US Court has banned the use of waterboarding for US Military or Intelligence Officials or prosecuted and convicted them?

Where do you people come from?

I said no such thing.

You don't even know me or have had and such discussion with me on this or any forum.

Go back under the rock you slithered from.
If you aren't this person, than why are you even responding to me in this way?

Either way, you are nuts.

I treat idiots like idiots. I didn't start this stupid talk of multiple accounts. YOU are furthering it. Go fuck yourself.

It really doesn't matter if a clearly lying asshole makes crazy accusations. SO it seems you are a lying idiot and will be responded to in like manner.

Your posts are obviously intending on derailing the thread/posts. This is my last response to you. Bye Bye.
Either you have multiple accounts or you are some nut that just responded to me when I was never talking to you in the first place. Either way you are nuts, and your posts continue to prove it. You are the only one derailing friends. Good riddance you freak.

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