Atheists have granite monument installed at Florida Courthouse

Yep. We have...That isn't money. Its federal reserve notes. Says so right on there. :) I just black them out with a marker or write other things on them.

Thanks for verifying your age.
I am 28 so no problem.

Wrong. I hate all religion but I don't see Muslims Or Jews harassing me every day. I live in the bible belt so of course xtians are going to get the majority of my hate.I think ALL religion is silly.Its like Santa Claus for Adults.

Yep. We have...That isn't money. Its federal reserve notes. Says so right on there. :) I just black them out with a marker or write other things on them.

Are you afraid that the word "God" will sneak out of your wallet and bite your ass ?
Nope. I don't believe in god and have no interest in it being on my federal reserve notes.

Coloring on money is something I'd expect a ten year old to do. I doubt you're 28.
Thanks for verifying your age.
I am 28 so no problem.

Wrong. I hate all religion but I don't see Muslims Or Jews harassing me every day. I live in the bible belt so of course xtians are going to get the majority of my hate.I think ALL religion is silly.Its like Santa Claus for Adults.

Are you afraid that the word "God" will sneak out of your wallet and bite your ass ?
Nope. I don't believe in god and have no interest in it being on my federal reserve notes.

Coloring on money is something I'd expect a ten year old to do. I doubt you're 28.

a psychotic 28 maybe
I am 28 so no problem.

Wrong. I hate all religion but I don't see Muslims Or Jews harassing me every day. I live in the bible belt so of course xtians are going to get the majority of my hate.I think ALL religion is silly.Its like Santa Claus for Adults.

Nope. I don't believe in god and have no interest in it being on my federal reserve notes.

Coloring on money is something I'd expect a ten year old to do. I doubt you're 28.

a psychotic 28 maybe

One who shouldn't be allowed to raise children, definitely.
xtianity is a de facto government endorsed religion...

Oh sure. How can you prove that? This government far from endorses Christianity at all.

Seriously? Gee lets see,its on our money,supposedly our legal system is based from it,you are asked to swear on a bible in court,pledge of allegiance in schools...fucks sakes what else am I missing something?

Yes, seriously. You claim this government endorses Christianity. I'm sorry maybe you had you head up your backside when it took sides on gay marriage and abortion, both an affront to Christianity.

You have a choice not to swear on a bible, in fact as I am watching the George Zimmerman trial, the witnesses are swearing oaths by raising their right hands, not placing their hands on a Bible. The pledge is to your country not to god. If you don't want to swear fealty to your country, you needn't be here. Am I missing something?

For pete's sake, you are such a liar.
You didn't touch on the legal system or the money part...this is not a fucking dictatorship we should not be declaring loyalty like we are slaves...oh and it says one nation UNDER uh yeah it does include god in it and fortunately my 6 year old doesn't say it...fucking school didn't like it,I don't care.she isn't their slave.Like I said xtianity is a de facto government endorsed religion...

Did you leave out the part where Christians in the town where this monument was erected decided not to fight it? They made it clear that you guys have the same right to free speech as they do. Yes, they are being tolerant to your beliefs, not because they approve of it, but because they understand you have a right to your own beliefs. That should contradict the very notion that Christians are intolerant.

How is it funding or endorsing anything? You aren't proving it!
Thanks for verifying your age.
I am 28 so no problem.

Wrong. I hate all religion but I don't see Muslims Or Jews harassing me every day. I live in the bible belt so of course xtians are going to get the majority of my hate.I think ALL religion is silly.Its like Santa Claus for Adults.

Are you afraid that the word "God" will sneak out of your wallet and bite your ass ?
Nope. I don't believe in god and have no interest in it being on my federal reserve notes.

Coloring on money is something I'd expect a ten year old to do. I doubt you're 28.
I don't care what you think.
Oh I am an Atheist..a militant one.I not only hate religion I think its so dangerous it should be outlawed.

Then you live in the wrong country
No argument there I think this country fucking sucks.

Oh I am an Atheist..a militant one.I not only hate religion I think its so dangerous it should be outlawed.

Then you live in the wrong country

Sad part is, he'd have a hard time finding a country that doesn't have some type of religion.

As for as I know there are no "Godless" nations.
Don't need a godless nation just one where religion isn't state endorsed legally or de facto wise.

Coloring on money is something I'd expect a ten year old to do. I doubt you're 28.

a psychotic 28 maybe

One who shouldn't be allowed to raise children, definitely.
I have 3 kids...thinking about having more. :clap2: People that shouldn't be allowed to raise children are idiots who believe in their adult santa claus...even kids eventually realize santa claus and easter bunny and tooth fairy aren't real...You xtian fuckers are a crazy bunch who damage children by raising them in that cult.
Oh sure. How can you prove that? This government far from endorses Christianity at all.

Yes, seriously. You claim this government endorses Christianity. I'm sorry maybe you had you head up your backside when it took sides on gay marriage and abortion, both an affront to Christianity.

You have a choice not to swear on a bible, in fact as I am watching the George Zimmerman trial, the witnesses are swearing oaths by raising their right hands, not placing their hands on a Bible. The pledge is to your country not to god. If you don't want to swear fealty to your country, you needn't be here. Am I missing something?

For pete's sake, you are such a liar.
You didn't touch on the legal system or the money part...this is not a fucking dictatorship we should not be declaring loyalty like we are slaves...oh and it says one nation UNDER uh yeah it does include god in it and fortunately my 6 year old doesn't say it...fucking school didn't like it,I don't care.she isn't their slave.Like I said xtianity is a de facto government endorsed religion...

Did you leave out the part where Christians in the town where this monument was erected decided not to fight it? They made it clear that you guys have the same right to free speech as they do. Yes, they are being tolerant to your beliefs, not because they approve of it, but because they understand you have a right to your own beliefs. That should contradict the very notion that Christians are intolerant.

How is it funding or endorsing anything? You aren't proving it!

LOL...they won't fight it because they know they would lose. Its a free speech zone...nice how the government tells us we only have certain areas to have free speech...they ain't dumb enough to waste the money which is shocking seeing how they believe in an invisible thing in the sky.
Oh I am an Atheist..a militant one.I not only hate religion I think its so dangerous it should be outlawed.

Safe it to say if you come in my neighborhood threatening people of faith, you will be met will all deliberate force. Trust me.

I don't invade neighborhoods threatening people...I will leave that up to the jehovah witnesses and xtian fundamentalists...I threaten those with the shotgun...usually only takes once.
I am 28 so no problem.

Wrong. I hate all religion but I don't see Muslims Or Jews harassing me every day. I live in the bible belt so of course xtians are going to get the majority of my hate.I think ALL religion is silly.Its like Santa Claus for Adults.

Nope. I don't believe in god and have no interest in it being on my federal reserve notes.

Coloring on money is something I'd expect a ten year old to do. I doubt you're 28.
I don't care what you think.

No argument there I think this country fucking sucks.

Don't need a godless nation just one where religion isn't state endorsed legally or de facto wise.

a psychotic 28 maybe

One who shouldn't be allowed to raise children, definitely.
I have 3 kids...thinking about having more. :clap2: People that shouldn't be allowed to raise children are idiots who believe in their adult santa claus...even kids eventually realize santa claus and easter bunny and tooth fairy aren't real...You xtian fuckers are a crazy bunch who damage children by raising them in that cult.


You don't care what people think? That is the crux of your argument right there. If you think this country sucks, get the hell out of here. You are not effectively proving to us how this government is currently endorsing ANY religion whatsoever. You are a detriment to your children, spewing violent hate rhetoric on here and most likely around them as well.

You are a kook, AnCap.
Oh I am an Atheist..a militant one.I not only hate religion I think its so dangerous it should be outlawed.

Safe it to say if you come in my neighborhood threatening people of faith, you will be met will all deliberate force. Trust me.

I don't invade neighborhoods threatening people...I will leave that up to the jehovah witnesses and xtian fundamentalists...I threaten those with the shotgun...usually only takes once.

Keep doing that. The results may surprise you.
Oh I am an Atheist..a militant one.I not only hate religion I think its so dangerous it should be outlawed.

Safe it to say if you come in my neighborhood threatening people of faith, you will be met will all deliberate force. Trust me.

I don't invade neighborhoods threatening people...I will leave that up to the jehovah witnesses and xtian fundamentalists...I threaten those with the shotgun...usually only takes once.

You are a "militant" Athiest. Doesn't need more explanation than that. I think the Jehovah's witnesses are a cult if you want my honest opinion. Threatening people with a shotgun without probable cause is a felony my paranoid friend. I hope one day you get your butt busted for it.
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Coloring on money is something I'd expect a ten year old to do. I doubt you're 28.
I don't care what you think.

No argument there I think this country fucking sucks.

Don't need a godless nation just one where religion isn't state endorsed legally or de facto wise.

One who shouldn't be allowed to raise children, definitely.
I have 3 kids...thinking about having more. :clap2: People that shouldn't be allowed to raise children are idiots who believe in their adult santa claus...even kids eventually realize santa claus and easter bunny and tooth fairy aren't real...You xtian fuckers are a crazy bunch who damage children by raising them in that cult.


You don't care what people think? That is the crux of your argument right there. If you think this country sucks, get the hell out of here. You are not effectively proving to us how this government is currently endorsing ANY religion whatsoever. You are a detriment to your children, spewing violent hate rhetoric on here and most likely around them as well.

You are a kook, AnCap.

I am not the one raising my kids to think some invisible being in the sky gives a shit about them and requires their loyalty and to believe in him...that is crazy. I tell my kids they can follow their own far they daughter decided she didn't want to say the pledge of allegiance and I backed her up. I don't control my kids thoughts but I make sure they know all sides of the deal...they make their own decision and if they ask for help then I help.
Safe it to say if you come in my neighborhood threatening people of faith, you will be met will all deliberate force. Trust me.

I don't invade neighborhoods threatening people...I will leave that up to the jehovah witnesses and xtian fundamentalists...I threaten those with the shotgun...usually only takes once.

Keep doing that. The results may surprise you.
I doubt that.
Safe it to say if you come in my neighborhood threatening people of faith, you will be met will all deliberate force. Trust me.

I don't invade neighborhoods threatening people...I will leave that up to the jehovah witnesses and xtian fundamentalists...I threaten those with the shotgun...usually only takes once.

You are a "militant" Athiest. Doesn't need more explanation than that. I think the Jehovah's witnesses are a cult if you want my honest opinion. Threatening people with a shotgun without probable cause is a felony my paranoid friend. I hope one day you get your butt busted for it.
There are no trespassing signs up they trespassed there are also signs that say I am armed and will shoot...don't come on my damn property. PERIOD! Go harass someone else.
You didn't touch on the legal system or the money part...this is not a fucking dictatorship we should not be declaring loyalty like we are slaves...oh and it says one nation UNDER uh yeah it does include god in it and fortunately my 6 year old doesn't say it...fucking school didn't like it,I don't care.she isn't their slave.Like I said xtianity is a de facto government endorsed religion...

Did you leave out the part where Christians in the town where this monument was erected decided not to fight it? They made it clear that you guys have the same right to free speech as they do. Yes, they are being tolerant to your beliefs, not because they approve of it, but because they understand you have a right to your own beliefs. That should contradict the very notion that Christians are intolerant.

How is it funding or endorsing anything? You aren't proving it!

LOL...they won't fight it because they know they would lose. Its a free speech zone...nice how the government tells us we only have certain areas to have free speech...they ain't dumb enough to waste the money which is shocking seeing how they believe in an invisible thing in the sky.

No. If Atheists were fighting the Christian monument, and losing, then the Christians would have the option of fighting the Atheist monument too. You people are provocative, arrogant and narcissistic. You whine like children and throw temper tantrums when people don't see it your way.
I don't care what you think.

No argument there I think this country fucking sucks.

Don't need a godless nation just one where religion isn't state endorsed legally or de facto wise.

I have 3 kids...thinking about having more. :clap2: People that shouldn't be allowed to raise children are idiots who believe in their adult santa claus...even kids eventually realize santa claus and easter bunny and tooth fairy aren't real...You xtian fuckers are a crazy bunch who damage children by raising them in that cult.


You don't care what people think? That is the crux of your argument right there. If you think this country sucks, get the hell out of here. You are not effectively proving to us how this government is currently endorsing ANY religion whatsoever. You are a detriment to your children, spewing violent hate rhetoric on here and most likely around them as well.

You are a kook, AnCap.

I am not the one raising my kids to think some invisible being in the sky gives a shit about them and requires their loyalty and to believe in him...that is crazy. I tell my kids they can follow their own far they daughter decided she didn't want to say the pledge of allegiance and I backed her up. I don't control my kids thoughts but I make sure they know all sides of the deal...they make their own decision and if they ask for help then I help.

I doubt that.
I don't invade neighborhoods threatening people...I will leave that up to the jehovah witnesses and xtian fundamentalists...I threaten those with the shotgun...usually only takes once.

You are a "militant" Athiest. Doesn't need more explanation than that. I think the Jehovah's witnesses are a cult if you want my honest opinion. Threatening people with a shotgun without probable cause is a felony my paranoid friend. I hope one day you get your butt busted for it.
There are no trespassing signs up they trespassed there are also signs that say I am armed and will shoot...don't come on my damn property. PERIOD! Go harass someone else.

You said you were threatening people with your shotgun. That's criminal. Unless they try to burglarize your home or harm you in any way, you have no reason to endanger the lives of anyone. You are a sicko.
Did you leave out the part where Christians in the town where this monument was erected decided not to fight it? They made it clear that you guys have the same right to free speech as they do. Yes, they are being tolerant to your beliefs, not because they approve of it, but because they understand you have a right to your own beliefs. That should contradict the very notion that Christians are intolerant.

How is it funding or endorsing anything? You aren't proving it!

LOL...they won't fight it because they know they would lose. Its a free speech zone...nice how the government tells us we only have certain areas to have free speech...they ain't dumb enough to waste the money which is shocking seeing how they believe in an invisible thing in the sky.

No. If Atheists were fighting the Christian monument, and losing, then the Christians would have the option of fighting the Atheist monument too. You people are provocative, arrogant and narcissistic. You whine like children and throw temper tantrums when people don't see it your way.
The atheists did try to get the monument removed it was ruled since it was a free speech zone that nothing could be they put their own there.


You don't care what people think? That is the crux of your argument right there. If you think this country sucks, get the hell out of here. You are not effectively proving to us how this government is currently endorsing ANY religion whatsoever. You are a detriment to your children, spewing violent hate rhetoric on here and most likely around them as well.

You are a kook, AnCap.

I am not the one raising my kids to think some invisible being in the sky gives a shit about them and requires their loyalty and to believe in him...that is crazy. I tell my kids they can follow their own far they daughter decided she didn't want to say the pledge of allegiance and I backed her up. I don't control my kids thoughts but I make sure they know all sides of the deal...they make their own decision and if they ask for help then I help.

I doubt that.
You are a "militant" Athiest. Doesn't need more explanation than that. I think the Jehovah's witnesses are a cult if you want my honest opinion. Threatening people with a shotgun without probable cause is a felony my paranoid friend. I hope one day you get your butt busted for it.
There are no trespassing signs up they trespassed there are also signs that say I am armed and will shoot...don't come on my damn property. PERIOD! Go harass someone else.

You said you were threatening people with your shotgun. That's criminal. Unless they try to burglarize your home or harm you in any way, you have no reason to endanger the lives of anyone. You are a sicko.

I defended my property from trespassers. Nothing criminal.
LOL...they won't fight it because they know they would lose. Its a free speech zone...nice how the government tells us we only have certain areas to have free speech...they ain't dumb enough to waste the money which is shocking seeing how they believe in an invisible thing in the sky.

No. If Atheists were fighting the Christian monument, and losing, then the Christians would have the option of fighting the Atheist monument too. You people are provocative, arrogant and narcissistic. You whine like children and throw temper tantrums when people don't see it your way.
The atheists did try to get the monument removed it was ruled since it was a free speech zone that nothing could be they put their own there.

I am not the one raising my kids to think some invisible being in the sky gives a shit about them and requires their loyalty and to believe in him...that is crazy. I tell my kids they can follow their own far they daughter decided she didn't want to say the pledge of allegiance and I backed her up. I don't control my kids thoughts but I make sure they know all sides of the deal...they make their own decision and if they ask for help then I help.

I doubt that.

There are no trespassing signs up they trespassed there are also signs that say I am armed and will shoot...don't come on my damn property. PERIOD! Go harass someone else.

You said you were threatening people with your shotgun. That's criminal. Unless they try to burglarize your home or harm you in any way, you have no reason to endanger the lives of anyone. You are a sicko.

I defended my property from trespassers. Nothing criminal.

Sure, using terms like "threaten". You need to be put on medication.

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