Atheists have granite monument installed at Florida Courthouse

I am 28 so no problem.

Wrong. I hate all religion but I don't see Muslims Or Jews harassing me every day. I live in the bible belt so of course xtians are going to get the majority of my hate.I think ALL religion is silly.Its like Santa Claus for Adults.

Nope. I don't believe in god and have no interest in it being on my federal reserve notes.

Coloring on money is something I'd expect a ten year old to do. I doubt you're 28.
I don't care what you think.

No argument there I think this country fucking sucks.

Don't need a godless nation just one where religion isn't state endorsed legally or de facto wise.

a psychotic 28 maybe

One who shouldn't be allowed to raise children, definitely.
I have 3 kids...thinking about having more. :clap2: People that shouldn't be allowed to raise children are idiots who believe in their adult santa claus...even kids eventually realize santa claus and easter bunny and tooth fairy aren't real...You xtian fuckers are a crazy bunch who damage children by raising them in that cult.

A bunch of crazies that built this great nation.

Why do you fear that which you do not believe?

And how does my faith harm you personally?
LMAO...oh please...give me 1 example of it being prohibited? Are they closing and burning churches? Arresting xtians? Making them wear patches that identifies them? What a bunch of bullshit.
Seriously? Gee lets see,its on our money,


Nothing about "Christ" or "Jesus" or anything else Christian on our money.

"In God We Trust" is a reference to a generic deity. Could be Allah, could be Vishnu.

supposedly our legal system is based from it,

Don't be loony - any case you might have is destroyed by it.

you are asked to swear on a bible in court,

True - though you can request to swear on a Koran if you choose. I'm sure that the "Noam Chomsky Reader" could be pulled out for those who are easily duped.

pledge of allegiance in schools...

Pledge of Allegiance? The socialist screed of obedience to the state?


fucks sakes what else am I missing something?

Quite a lot, it appears.
Oh I am an Atheist..a militant one.I not only hate religion I think its so dangerous it should be outlawed.

So, you're basically the equivalent of the Taliban for your silly little faith... You want to force others to believe as you do, or you'll kill them.

Most Atheists are much like you.
Seriously? Gee lets see,its on our money,


Nothing about "Christ" or "Jesus" or anything else Christian on our money.

"In God We Trust" is a reference to a generic deity. Could be Allah, could be Vishnu.

supposedly our legal system is based from it,

Don't be loony - any case you might have is destroyed by it.

True - though you can request to swear on a Koran if you choose. I'm sure that the "Noam Chomsky Reader" could be pulled out for those who are easily duped.

pledge of allegiance in schools...

Pledge of Allegiance? The socialist screed of obedience to the state?


fucks sakes what else am I missing something?

Quite a lot, it appears.
god is on the money shouldn't be. If it was for muslims it would say in allah we trust moron...don't play stupid...pledge of allegiance has god in it...doesn't belong there...
Oh I am an Atheist..a militant one.I not only hate religion I think its so dangerous it should be outlawed.

So, you're basically the equivalent of the Taliban for your silly little faith... You want to force others to believe as you do, or you'll kill them.

Most Atheists are much like you.

I don't have faith in religion just in myself..anything I do is because I made it happen not some god.
As an atheist I am disturbed by this anti-religious hyperbolic bigotry. The logical result of atheism is apathy. "I don't believe in God, you do, so what?"
It is these atheist fringe elements impassioned by self-serving "victimhood" that embarrasses those who don't think atheism is something that should be worshiped and treated like every other organized religion.
Yep. We have...That isn't money. Its federal reserve notes. Says so right on there. :) I just black them out with a marker or write other things on them.

Thanks for verifying your age.
I am 28 so no problem.

Wrong. I hate all religion but I don't see Muslims Or Jews harassing me every day. I live in the bible belt so of course xtians are going to get the majority of my hate.I think ALL religion is silly.Its like Santa Claus for Adults.

Yep. We have...That isn't money. Its federal reserve notes. Says so right on there. :) I just black them out with a marker or write other things on them.

Are you afraid that the word "God" will sneak out of your wallet and bite your ass ?
Nope. I don't believe in god and have no interest in it being on my federal reserve notes.

Aren't you fortunate that the American Muslims don't follow their religion. they wouldn't harass you they would simply stone you....
Not fear,its anger about it being pushed on everyone who doesn't believe.

How is it pushed on you?
Oh's on money,its EVERYWHERE...courthouse,school,anywhere and everywhere you go its pushed on you...just by it being on something I must use or somewhere I need to go to get things or see about things etc it is pushed on everyone...not just me.

Not fear,its anger about it being pushed on everyone who doesn't believe.

How is it pushed on you?

Question too difficult?
I had things to do. Fixing to leave again...gotta go pick up some stuff and go out to eat with the wife and kids.
xtianity is a de facto government endorsed religion...

Oh sure. How can you prove that? This government far from endorses Christianity at all.

Seriously? Gee lets see,its on our money,supposedly our legal system is based from it,you are asked to swear on a bible in court,pledge of allegiance in schools...fucks sakes what else am I missing something?

You really are confused....I thought it wasn't money?

And I have zero respect for anyone who calls themselves American yet refuses to say the pledge. Even if you leave out the two little words that upset you i would accept that. But the pledge is a dedication of your loyalty to the country you pretend to care so much for.....

you got nothing.........
god is on the money shouldn't be.

Whether it should or shouldn't be, your claim was false. There is nothing "Christian" on money,

If it was for muslims it would say in allah we trust moron...don't play stupid...pledge of allegiance has god in it...doesn't belong there...

"Allah" is simply the Arabic word for god.

You're not only a bigot, but not very bright to boot.

I don't have faith in religion just in myself..anything I do is because I made it happen not some god.

Who cares?

The issue is that you are of the Taliban and want to force others to follow your ridiculous religion.
Oh's on money,its EVERYWHERE...courthouse,school,anywhere and everywhere you go its pushed on you...just by it being on something I must use or somewhere I need to go to get things or see about things etc it is pushed on everyone...not just me.

I had things to do. Fixing to leave again...gotta go pick up some stuff and go out to eat with the wife and kids.

OH MY GAWD - and you're so weak minded, that seeing the word GOD has you fall to your knees in worship - you just don't have enough strength to think for yourself in the face of printed text.

Say Cletus, you know what else is on money?


Well goddamn and Obama forbid, it's a Masonic/Occult symbol. An openly religious symbol - assuredly not Christian. But somehow, you are able to control your bigotry on that...
Caught AnCapAtheist rooting for the Hobby Lobby in their fight over abortion coverage. He is a hack, a troll. Why is he bashing Christians here, but backing them as far as this case goes?
I suspect AnCapAtheist is another poster we had on here, just came in under another name now.
A person can believe in what ever they so choose, its their decision and free choice, however, criticism of another for their beliefs is hypocritical. I choose to believe in God, thats my business and what gets me through the day, its my foundation, road map, and strength that defines who I am as a person. The founding fathers believed in God, to the point they incorporated it into our laws and judicial system, but then again by todays standards they are somehow viewed as weak and misguided. Easy to say considering you would not have this luxury to voice opposition for organized religion if not for those who paved the way to provide you with this liberty. No one person has the right to impose or mandate a religious belief on another, because it will never work, one has to be willing to accept it out of love not fear to be genuine and real. Is the act of forcing compliance what Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, or any other profit desired, or is it a case of zealot corrupt religious sects assuming control in total disregard for the Divine message of salvation? What does an atheist stand for, and what is their moral code, and why is it that they tend to push Divine government, structured on religious foundations, upon other people?

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