Atheists have granite monument installed at Florida Courthouse

You really are confused....I thought it wasn't money?

And I have zero respect for anyone who calls themselves American yet refuses to say the pledge. Even if you leave out the two little words that upset you i would accept that. But the pledge is a dedication of your loyalty to the country you pretend to care so much for.....

you got nothing.........

Where the fuck did I say I loved this country? I hate this country...I want the country to collapse so it will split up.

Whether it should or shouldn't be, your claim was false. There is nothing "Christian" on money,

"Allah" is simply the Arabic word for god.

You're not only a bigot, but not very bright to boot.

Who cares?

The issue is that you are of the Taliban and want to force others to follow your ridiculous religion.

Ugh dealing with an idiot...

So get the fuck out...We certainly won't miss you.......
Well if you are paying for the passports,moving expenses etc then I will do it in a heartbeat...only thing holding us back is that...I would rather stick around and try and transform this land into what it should be.
Where the fuck did I say I loved this country? I hate this country...I want the country to collapse so it will split up.

Ugh dealing with an idiot...

So get the fuck out...We certainly won't miss you.......
Well if you are paying for the passports,moving expenses etc then I will do it in a heartbeat...only thing holding us back is that...I would rather stick around and try and transform this land into what it should be.

Hostility is never a good message.
Where the fuck did I say I loved this country? I hate this country...I want the country to collapse so it will split up.

Ugh dealing with an idiot...

So get the fuck out...We certainly won't miss you.......
Well if you are paying for the passports,moving expenses etc then I will do it in a heartbeat...only thing holding us back is that...I would rather stick around and try and transform this land into what it should be.

Who are you to define "what it should be"?

Millions of Americans have given their blood, sweat and tears making this country the greatest in the world.

Just be honest and say you want to transform this country into how "you" think it should be.

Though I'm certain you do not speak for the atheist community. All 25 of them.
Oh yes...spying on its citizens,killed with drones,no knock search warrants,granting criminals citizenship,sky high unemployment from an out of control government that continues to eat away at our rights...just a few of the awesome things we have here.
Well if you are paying for the passports,moving expenses etc then I will do it in a heartbeat...only thing holding us back is that...I would rather stick around and try and transform this land into what it should be.

North Korea?

Maybe he'd like to try one of the emerging African nations or someplace in the Middle east, I understand most of them hate Christians too......
Are the atheists around here trying to pretend (again) that the United States is not largely a Christian nation, founded by Christians, for Christians?

Hell, even our generic charter documents and finest speeches speak of Divine Providence.

Most of the fellows that signed the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation and Constitution were rock-solid Christians.

The neutrality and secularism found within those documents was really designed to ensure that Christian Church A did not get the upper hand over Christian Church B.

And to let those off-the-hook, who did not care to participate, as had been forced upon the populace in the countries from which our ancestors emmigrated.

But the neutrality and secularism found within those documents was never intended to allow a Godless minority to hold the God-believing majority in thrall.

And that neutrality and secularism was never intended to position that Godless minority to be in a position to attack the God-believing majority at-will and without consequences.

Not with respect to the handful of theists or naturalists, but, with respect to the vast majority of Founding Fathers who were Believers...

The shades of our Founding Fathers are both shaking their heads in amazement and disgust at us, and laughing their asses off at us...

This is not what they envisioned.

They probably also failed to anticipate that the Spine would be bred-out of Believers so fast as that sorry state of affairs seems to be materializing in our present age.
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Where the fuck did I say I loved this country? I hate this country...I want the country to collapse so it will split up.

Ugh dealing with an idiot...

So get the fuck out...We certainly won't miss you.......
Well if you are paying for the passports,moving expenses etc then I will do it in a heartbeat...only thing holding us back is that...I would rather stick around and try and transform this land into what it should be.

My attorney is drawing up the paperwork as we speak. I will pay all your moving expenses with the condition you renounce your citizenship and never return to US soil.
Are the atheists around here trying to pretend (again) that the United States is not largely a Christian nation, founded by Christians, for Christians?

Hell, even our generic charter documents and finest speeches speak of Divine Providence.


(My bold)

Are you arguing that the only good US citizen is a Christian US citizen? If so - & assuming that Osama bin Laden has a soul & an afterlife - somewhere he's laughing in his grave.

Civics class taught that the great thing about the US was that anyone could come here & work their way up - socially, educationally, economically, politically. & if not the individual, then their children could look forward to a brighter future & better possibilities. Are we now going to go back on the Constitution & impose a religious test on citizenship?

I suppose that if we follow that trend, next will be the imposition of a poll tax, a literacy test, only white gentlemen with so much property or money will be able to vote, women, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Italians, Catholics, Jews & any other non-acceptable cults will be sticken from the voting rolls. Look out, Dark Ages, here we come!
Are the atheists around here trying to pretend (again) that the United States is not largely a Christian nation, founded by Christians, for Christians?

Hell, even our generic charter documents and finest speeches speak of Divine Providence.


(My bold)

Are you arguing that the only good US citizen is a Christian US citizen?
Nope. Didn't even hint at that, anywhere, up-and-down that little op-ed piece.

"...Are we now going to go back on the Constitution & impose a religious test on citizenship?..."

Nope. Didn't even hint at that...

"...I suppose that if we follow that trend, next will be the imposition of a poll tax, a literacy test, only white gentlemen with so much property or money will be able to vote, women, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Italians, Catholics, Jews & any other non-acceptable cults will be sticken from the voting rolls. Look out, Dark Ages, here we come!..."

"Now hear this. Now hear this. All hands, stand-by to repel Drama, starboard!"

That 'trend' is pure fabrication on your part and does not logically follow an acknowledgment that we are largely a Christian nation.

Oh, and, last I looked, most Blacks, Hispanics, Italians and Catholics were Christian...

I seriously doubt that you will catch many Americans advocating for exclusiveness or forcing any Belief System underground or to make it subordinate to any of its peers.

No, my little bit of Op-Ed fluff was directed against the excesses of Militant Atheism...

Along with a much-needed reminder that we are, indeed, in large part, a nation comprised of Christians, and serving-up a couple of observations on the Majority being bullied and how despicable and laughable that is.
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Well if you are paying for the passports,moving expenses etc then I will do it in a heartbeat...only thing holding us back is that...I would rather stick around and try and transform this land into what it should be.

North Korea?
Nah...Costa Rica? Iceland? New Zealand? all sound nice...

Are the atheists around here trying to pretend (again) that the United States is not largely a Christian nation, founded by Christians, for Christians?

Hell, even our generic charter documents and finest speeches speak of Divine Providence.

Most of the fellows that signed the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation and Constitution were rock-solid Christians.

The neutrality and secularism found within those documents was really designed to ensure that Christian Church A did not get the upper hand over Christian Church B.

And to let those off-the-hook, who did not care to participate, as had been forced upon the populace in the countries from which our ancestors emmigrated.

But the neutrality and secularism found within those documents was never intended to allow a Godless minority to hold the God-believing majority in thrall.

And that neutrality and secularism was never intended to position that Godless minority to be in a position to attack the God-believing majority at-will and without consequences.

Not with respect to the handful of theists or naturalists, but, with respect to the vast majority of Founding Fathers who were Believers...

The shades of our Founding Fathers are both shaking their heads in amazement and disgust at us, and laughing their asses off at us...

This is not what they envisioned.

They probably also failed to anticipate that the Spine would be bred-out of Believers so fast as that sorry state of affairs seems to be materializing in our present age.

Ya really can't make up this kind of must come naturally.:cuckoo:
So get the fuck out...We certainly won't miss you.......
Well if you are paying for the passports,moving expenses etc then I will do it in a heartbeat...only thing holding us back is that...I would rather stick around and try and transform this land into what it should be.

My attorney is drawing up the paperwork as we speak. I will pay all your moving expenses with the condition you renounce your citizenship and never return to US soil.

Awesome! Do I get to pick the country?Oh and no problem I will never return...I am even trying to convince my mother she should come with us and teach English overseas,She is a teacher so.
Soon as the paperwork is ready and the jet is fueled! Ya know if you would go back and read through the entire thread you have seen more than once your notion that this is a xtian country founded by xtian men is completely wrong but hey you believe in a invisible being in the sky there is no way talking sense into you is going to happen.
Nah...Costa Rica? Iceland? New Zealand? all sound nice...


See, I knew you were a dullard, even for a troll.

Let's see - New Zealand - official state religion - Anglican.... (That would be Christian to you - moron.)

The places that outlaw religion the way you want, are North Korea, Cambodia, Cuba, et al.
He doesn't want to escape it---he wants to destroy it.

He would have a better chance escaping it. As long as there is man, there will be religion. I'd even argue that atheism is itself a religion.
Only for the militant ones like AnCapAtheist.
Many of us atheists silently go about our lives as non-believers, and let the believers carry on.
^^ Would that the entire world adhered to this kind of life philosophy.
Nah...Costa Rica? Iceland? New Zealand? all sound nice...


See, I knew you were a dullard, even for a troll.

Let's see - New Zealand - official state religion - Anglican.... (That would be Christian to you - moron.)

The places that outlaw religion the way you want, are North Korea, Cambodia, Cuba, et al.

Ohhhh 1 out of 3 I picked...fuck off dick head. I picked places that look and sound nice to live in...maybe Switzerland! They love guns there...Europe is far more ahead of the US in so many areas...including the level of idiots who believe in god.Its far less in parts of Europe.
Soon as the paperwork is ready and the jet is fueled! Ya know if you would go back and read through the entire thread you have seen more than once your notion that this is a xtian country founded by xtian men is completely wrong but hey you believe in a invisible being in the sky there is no way talking sense into you is going to happen.
Kinda tough, bein' on the outside, lookin' in, I'm sure...

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Lolz not continue believing in your santa claus for adults...we will continue poking fun at you and fighting your dream of a theocracy here.

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