Atheists have granite monument installed at Florida Courthouse

A person can believe in what ever they so choose, its their decision and free choice, however, criticism of another for their beliefs is hypocritical. I choose to believe in God, thats my business and what gets me through the day, its my foundation, road map, and strength that defines who I am as a person. The founding fathers believed in God, to the point they incorporated it into our laws and judicial system, but then again by todays standards they are somehow viewed as weak and misguided. Easy to say considering you would not have this luxury to voice opposition for organized religion if not for those who paved the way to provide you with this liberty. No one person has the right to impose or mandate a religious belief on another, because it will never work, one has to be willing to accept it out of love not fear to be genuine and real. Is the act of forcing compliance what Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, or any other profit desired, or is it a case of zealot corrupt religious sects assuming control in total disregard for the Divine message of salvation? What does an atheist stand for, and what is their moral code, and why is it that they tend to push Divine government, structured on religious foundations, upon other people?

(My bold)

I disagree that the Founding Fathers incorporated their belief in God into our laws & judiciary. Personal conscience is left free, & the state is prohibited from establishing a religion, nor are any religious tests of candidates allowed, etc. It took time for this to work through government - just like the Voting Rights Act dragged & dragged.

But anymore, it is v. difficult for any state or even local government to get away with favoring any one specific religion over any other. This is a good thing - when politics & religion ride in the same cart - well, you only have to look @ Iran recently, or the most-benighted Islamic countries/governments to see how theocracies can run wild. Once treason & blasphemy run together, it becomes v. hard to simply replace one political regime with - hopefully - a better one.
I think statues to any religion are stupid. But hey xtians wanna play that way so we will.


?A Stick in the Eye to the Christian People of Florida?: Atheists Unveil Own Monument Near Ten Commandments ? and Promise 50 More Across U.S. |

Awesome! I love it. Would love to go see that. I am not sure if politics is where this belongs or choose mods...I figured its pretty political/controversial.

Bless your heart

Thanks for verifying your age.
I am 28 so no problem.

Wrong. I hate all religion but I don't see Muslims Or Jews harassing me every day. I live in the bible belt so of course xtians are going to get the majority of my hate.I think ALL religion is silly.Its like Santa Claus for Adults.

Are you afraid that the word "God" will sneak out of your wallet and bite your ass ?
Nope. I don't believe in god and have no interest in it being on my federal reserve notes.

Aren't you fortunate that the American Muslims don't follow their religion. they wouldn't harass you they would simply stone you....

Actually they would behead him.

A person can believe in what ever they so choose, its their decision and free choice, however, criticism of another for their beliefs is hypocritical. I choose to believe in God, thats my business and what gets me through the day, its my foundation, road map, and strength that defines who I am as a person. The founding fathers believed in God, to the point they incorporated it into our laws and judicial system, but then again by todays standards they are somehow viewed as weak and misguided. Easy to say considering you would not have this luxury to voice opposition for organized religion if not for those who paved the way to provide you with this liberty. No one person has the right to impose or mandate a religious belief on another, because it will never work, one has to be willing to accept it out of love not fear to be genuine and real. Is the act of forcing compliance what Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, or any other profit desired, or is it a case of zealot corrupt religious sects assuming control in total disregard for the Divine message of salvation? What does an atheist stand for, and what is their moral code, and why is it that they tend to push Divine government, structured on religious foundations, upon other people?

(My bold)

I disagree that the Founding Fathers incorporated their belief in God into our laws & judiciary. Personal conscience is left free, & the state is prohibited from establishing a religion, nor are any religious tests of candidates allowed, etc. It took time for this to work through government - just like the Voting Rights Act dragged & dragged.

But anymore, it is v. difficult for any state or even local government to get away with favoring any one specific religion over any other. This is a good thing - when politics & religion ride in the same cart - well, you only have to look @ Iran recently, or the most-benighted Islamic countries/governments to see how theocracies can run wild. Once treason & blasphemy run together, it becomes v. hard to simply replace one political regime with - hopefully - a better one.

I beg to differ, the laws and very constitution of this country reflects their moral and religious beliefs. These same men went so far as to prohibit the establishment of a government sponsored religion in that they incorporated the separation of church and state so as to abide by their belief all should be free to worship as they choose. So my assumption is that the use of a bible during the swearing into office reflects they were atheists? You have visited the halls of the Supreme court building and viewed what is written on the walls? The very existence of all law has a deep religious foundation.
Sad part is, he'd have a hard time finding a country that doesn't have some type of religion.

As for as I know there are no "Godless" nations.

He doesn't want to escape it---he wants to destroy it.

He would have a better chance escaping it. As long as there is man, there will be religion. I'd even argue that atheism is itself a religion.
Only for the militant ones like AnCapAtheist.
Many of us atheists silently go about our lives as non-believers, and let the believers carry on.
I am 28 so no problem.

Wrong. I hate all religion but I don't see Muslims Or Jews harassing me every day. I live in the bible belt so of course xtians are going to get the majority of my hate.I think ALL religion is silly.Its like Santa Claus for Adults.

Nope. I don't believe in god and have no interest in it being on my federal reserve notes.

Aren't you fortunate that the American Muslims don't follow their religion. they wouldn't harass you they would simply stone you....

Actually they would behead him.


Not that there's anything wrong with that....
I am 28 so no problem.

Wrong. I hate all religion but I don't see Muslims Or Jews harassing me every day. I live in the bible belt so of course xtians are going to get the majority of my hate.I think ALL religion is silly.Its like Santa Claus for Adults.

Nope. I don't believe in god and have no interest in it being on my federal reserve notes.

Aren't you fortunate that the American Muslims don't follow their religion. they wouldn't harass you they would simply stone you....

Actually they would behead him.


Either way, I just figured stoning might be more fun........
Only for the militant ones like AnCapAtheist.
Many of us atheists silently go about our lives as non-believers, and let the believers carry on.

Wouldn't that make you an Agnostic?

Atheism implies the desire to aggressively proselytize.
I just looked at this thread and the OP for the first time a few minutes ago...

I thought it was funny that the still-photo showing the Christian Preacher standing on top of the Atheist Monument showed a whole lotta people in the audience, but the Atheist Militant standing (teetering) on the edge of the Ten Commandments Monument showed only one or two people in the audience...

Was the crowd listening to each Mouthpiece pretty much proportionate to that which we can see in the still-photos?

I wouldn't be all that surprised.

Meanwhile, given that Atheism is a Void, an Absence-of-Belief, rather than a Belief itself, it seems a little difficult to commit a Religious Hate Crime directed at an Atheist...


Anybody know any good Atheist jokes?
Oh sure. How can you prove that? This government far from endorses Christianity at all.

Seriously? Gee lets see,its on our money,supposedly our legal system is based from it,you are asked to swear on a bible in court,pledge of allegiance in schools...fucks sakes what else am I missing something?

You really are confused....I thought it wasn't money?

And I have zero respect for anyone who calls themselves American yet refuses to say the pledge. Even if you leave out the two little words that upset you i would accept that. But the pledge is a dedication of your loyalty to the country you pretend to care so much for.....

you got nothing.........

Where the fuck did I say I loved this country? I hate this country...I want the country to collapse so it will split up.

god is on the money shouldn't be.

Whether it should or shouldn't be, your claim was false. There is nothing "Christian" on money,

If it was for muslims it would say in allah we trust moron...don't play stupid...pledge of allegiance has god in it...doesn't belong there...

"Allah" is simply the Arabic word for god.

You're not only a bigot, but not very bright to boot.

I don't have faith in religion just in myself..anything I do is because I made it happen not some god.

Who cares?

The issue is that you are of the Taliban and want to force others to follow your ridiculous religion.

Ugh dealing with an idiot...
I just looked at this thread and the OP for the first time a few minutes ago...

I thought it was funny that the still-photo showing the Christian Preacher standing on top of the Atheist Monument showed a whole lotta people in the audience, but the Atheist Militant standing (teetering) on the edge of the Ten Commandments Monument showed only one or two people in the audience...

Was the crowd listening to each Mouthpiece pretty much proportionate to that which we can see in the still-photos?

I wouldn't be all that surprised.

Meanwhile, given that Atheism is a Void, an Absence-of-Belief, rather than a Belief itself, it seems a little difficult to commit a Religious Hate Crime directed at an Atheist...


Anybody know any good Atheist jokes?

I don't believe in em
I just looked at this thread and the OP for the first time a few minutes ago...

I thought it was funny that the still-photo showing the Christian Preacher standing on top of the Atheist Monument showed a whole lotta people in the audience, but the Atheist Militant standing (teetering) on the edge of the Ten Commandments Monument showed only one or two people in the audience...

Was the crowd listening to each Mouthpiece pretty much proportionate to that which we can see in the still-photos?

I wouldn't be all that surprised.

Meanwhile, given that Atheism is a Void, an Absence-of-Belief, rather than a Belief itself, it seems a little difficult to commit a Religious Hate Crime directed at an Atheist...


Anybody know any good Atheist jokes?

I have to ask, are there any good atheists? :) Sorry that was uncalled for.

Seriously? Gee lets see,its on our money,supposedly our legal system is based from it,you are asked to swear on a bible in court,pledge of allegiance in schools...fucks sakes what else am I missing something?

You really are confused....I thought it wasn't money?

And I have zero respect for anyone who calls themselves American yet refuses to say the pledge. Even if you leave out the two little words that upset you i would accept that. But the pledge is a dedication of your loyalty to the country you pretend to care so much for.....

you got nothing.........

Where the fuck did I say I loved this country? I hate this country...I want the country to collapse so it will split up.

Whether it should or shouldn't be, your claim was false. There is nothing "Christian" on money,

"Allah" is simply the Arabic word for god.

You're not only a bigot, but not very bright to boot.

I don't have faith in religion just in myself..anything I do is because I made it happen not some god.

Who cares?

The issue is that you are of the Taliban and want to force others to follow your ridiculous religion.

Ugh dealing with an idiot...

So get the fuck out...We certainly won't miss you.......
Seriously? Gee lets see,its on our money,supposedly our legal system is based from it,you are asked to swear on a bible in court,pledge of allegiance in schools...fucks sakes what else am I missing something?

You really are confused....I thought it wasn't money?

And I have zero respect for anyone who calls themselves American yet refuses to say the pledge. Even if you leave out the two little words that upset you i would accept that. But the pledge is a dedication of your loyalty to the country you pretend to care so much for.....

you got nothing.........

Where the fuck did I say I loved this country? I hate this country...I want the country to collapse so it will split up.

Whether it should or shouldn't be, your claim was false. There is nothing "Christian" on money,

"Allah" is simply the Arabic word for god.

You're not only a bigot, but not very bright to boot.

I don't have faith in religion just in myself..anything I do is because I made it happen not some god.

Who cares?

The issue is that you are of the Taliban and want to force others to follow your ridiculous religion.

Ugh dealing with an idiot...

I just looked at this thread and the OP for the first time a few minutes ago...

I thought it was funny that the still-photo showing the Christian Preacher standing on top of the Atheist Monument showed a whole lotta people in the audience, but the Atheist Militant standing (teetering) on the edge of the Ten Commandments Monument showed only one or two people in the audience...

Was the crowd listening to each Mouthpiece pretty much proportionate to that which we can see in the still-photos?

I wouldn't be all that surprised.

Meanwhile, given that Atheism is a Void, an Absence-of-Belief, rather than a Belief itself, it seems a little difficult to commit a Religious Hate Crime directed at an Atheist...


Anybody know any good Atheist jokes?

I have to ask, are there any good atheists? :) Sorry that was uncalled for.


But funny. Fit the bill.

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