Atheists have granite monument installed at Florida Courthouse

Ohhhh 1 out of 3 I picked...fuck off dick head. I picked places that look and sound nice to live in...maybe Switzerland! They love guns there...Europe is far more ahead of the US in so many areas...including the level of idiots who believe in god.Its far less in parts of Europe.

Jesus but you're fucking stupid.

{Icelanders have freedom of religion under the constitution of Iceland, though the Church of Iceland, a Lutheran body, is the state church.}

Fucktard troll.
Why is it that agnostics and atheists have it in for Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and Muslims..etc? Why do they feel everyone should believe and act as they do? What are they afraid of? Is it due to that fact that one has a moral compass and the other does not? Or is it that one believes in God and the other divine government?
Ohhhh 1 out of 3 I picked...fuck off dick head. I picked places that look and sound nice to live in...maybe Switzerland! They love guns there...Europe is far more ahead of the US in so many areas...including the level of idiots who believe in god.Its far less in parts of Europe.

Jesus but you're fucking stupid.

{Icelanders have freedom of religion under the constitution of Iceland, though the Church of Iceland, a Lutheran body, is the state church.}

Fucktard troll.

:cuckoo: Obviously you don't pay much attention.

Why is it that agnostics and atheists have it in for Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and Muslims..etc? Why do they feel everyone should believe and act as they do? What are they afraid of? Is it due to that fact that one has a moral compass and the other does not? Or is it that one believes in God and the other divine government?

LMAO so without god we can't have morals? LMAO...what a crock of shit..I have a moral compass I am again abortion...on that area me and xtians agree...I am sure there are other things as well.
:cuckoo: Obviously you don't pay much attention.


You're zero for ten, troll.

LMAO so without god we can't have morals? LMAO...what a crock of shit..I have a moral compass I am again abortion...on that area me and xtians agree...I am sure there are other things as well.

Your straw man fallacy won't alter the fact of your stupidity, troll.
I'm not an overly religious man, but I frankly don't get why atheists get so butt hurt over the Ten Commandments sitting in front of the court house. I fail to see how it's harming any of them. The religious meanings aside, "thou shalt not kill," "thou shalt not steal," etc. seem to be a pretty good way to live one's life. Why is this so harmful.

Furthermore, it seems the people that started this aren't even local so I can understand why the local population holds resentment towards them over this.

Because religion doesn't belong ANYWHERE near law/politics/education etc...By it being in front of a court house the state is in essence endorsing religion.

not quite..... it is more as if they are endorsing the tenets of religion. Most religions i know of have the same tenets of do not kill, do not steal.....

the problem with the 10 commandments is that what it has to say..... is not only about the "law".... it also about worshiping a god.
Lolz not continue believing in your santa claus for adults...we will continue poking fun at you and fighting your dream of a theocracy here.
Your inability to comprehend the difference between a Secular Republic which acknowledges its religious demographics - and a Theocracy - is not my problem to solve. It's yours.
Nah...Costa Rica? Iceland? New Zealand? all sound nice...


See, I knew you were a dullard, even for a troll.

Let's see - New Zealand - official state religion - Anglican.... (That would be Christian to you - moron.)

The places that outlaw religion the way you want, are North Korea, Cambodia, Cuba, et al.

Ohhhh 1 out of 3 I picked...fuck off dick head. I picked places that look and sound nice to live in...maybe Switzerland! They love guns there...Europe is far more ahead of the US in so many areas...including the level of idiots who believe in god.Its far less in parts of Europe.

You don't know much about Europe do you...........
Where the fuck did I say I loved this country? I hate this country...I want the country to collapse so it will split up.

Ugh dealing with an idiot...

So get the fuck out...We certainly won't miss you.......
Well if you are paying for the passports,moving expenses etc then I will do it in a heartbeat...only thing holding us back is that...I would rather stick around and try and transform this land into what it should be.

Why not?
I already pay for your food, your medical care, your rent, your electric, your internet and your fucking cell phone.
Ohhhh 1 out of 3 I picked...fuck off dick head. I picked places that look and sound nice to live in...maybe Switzerland! They love guns there...Europe is far more ahead of the US in so many areas...including the level of idiots who believe in god.Its far less in parts of Europe.

Jesus but you're fucking stupid.

{Icelanders have freedom of religion under the constitution of Iceland, though the Church of Iceland, a Lutheran body, is the state church.}

Fucktard troll.

:cuckoo: Obviously you don't pay much attention.

Why is it that agnostics and atheists have it in for Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and Muslims..etc? Why do they feel everyone should believe and act as they do? What are they afraid of? Is it due to that fact that one has a moral compass and the other does not? Or is it that one believes in God and the other divine government?

LMAO so without god we can't have morals? LMAO...what a crock of shit..I have a moral compass I am again abortion...on that area me and xtians agree...I am sure there are other things as well.

I don't want to pile on because I actually agree with a lot of what you say in different threads. I am curious though. You say that you have a moral compass. That's great! However, do you think you were born with a moral compass or do you think the society you were brought up in taught you about morality? If you believe that you weren't born with a moral compass then do you think you would have the same moral compass as someone who grew up in particular tribes in Afghanistan or elsewhere in the middle east?
I simply think you are anti-Christian because you grew up in a Judea Christian society that allows you to be anti Christian. Otherwise, elsewhere in the world, denouncing particular religions would mean that your head would be chopped off with government approval.
Of course, you have stated in earlier posts that you don't care about other religions around the world. Christianity allows you to do that too... without cutting off your hands.
I simply hope you are not anti religion because you think you are rebelling against something. Because, in the end, the only thing you are rebelling against are the people who allow you to rebel. How empty of a rebellion is that?
I'd be personally happy if atheists dropped the militant victim mentality that I see so many religious people displaying, but you''re gonna have loudmouth activists in any group, I guess.
So get the fuck out...We certainly won't miss you.......
Well if you are paying for the passports,moving expenses etc then I will do it in a heartbeat...only thing holding us back is that...I would rather stick around and try and transform this land into what it should be.

Why not?
I already pay for your food, your medical care, your rent, your electric, your internet and your fucking cell phone.

Got any receipts to prove that?
Well if you are paying for the passports,moving expenses etc then I will do it in a heartbeat...only thing holding us back is that...I would rather stick around and try and transform this land into what it should be.

Why not?
I already pay for your food, your medical care, your rent, your electric, your internet and your fucking cell phone.

Got any receipts to prove that?

I bet you can look at the National Deficit to figure that out, Einstein.
Well if you are paying for the passports,moving expenses etc then I will do it in a heartbeat...only thing holding us back is that...I would rather stick around and try and transform this land into what it should be.

Why not?
I already pay for your food, your medical care, your rent, your electric, your internet and your fucking cell phone.

Got any receipts to prove that?

Only check stubs

See, I knew you were a dullard, even for a troll.

Let's see - New Zealand - official state religion - Anglican.... (That would be Christian to you - moron.)

The places that outlaw religion the way you want, are North Korea, Cambodia, Cuba, et al.

Ohhhh 1 out of 3 I picked...fuck off dick head. I picked places that look and sound nice to live in...maybe Switzerland! They love guns there...Europe is far more ahead of the US in so many areas...including the level of idiots who believe in god.Its far less in parts of Europe.

You don't know much about Europe do you...........
Demographics of atheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Results were widely varied between different countries, with 95% of Maltese respondents stating that they believe in God, on the one end, and only 16% of Estonians stating the same on the other.[32]

Seems like Estonia is a good place to look in to.

So get the fuck out...We certainly won't miss you.......
Well if you are paying for the passports,moving expenses etc then I will do it in a heartbeat...only thing holding us back is that...I would rather stick around and try and transform this land into what it should be.

Why not?
I already pay for your food, your medical care, your rent, your electric, your internet and your fucking cell phone.
Orly...I swore that was what my income and my wife's income do...interesting.

Jesus but you're fucking stupid.

{Icelanders have freedom of religion under the constitution of Iceland, though the Church of Iceland, a Lutheran body, is the state church.}

Fucktard troll.

:cuckoo: Obviously you don't pay much attention.

Why is it that agnostics and atheists have it in for Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and Muslims..etc? Why do they feel everyone should believe and act as they do? What are they afraid of? Is it due to that fact that one has a moral compass and the other does not? Or is it that one believes in God and the other divine government?

LMAO so without god we can't have morals? LMAO...what a crock of shit..I have a moral compass I am again abortion...on that area me and xtians agree...I am sure there are other things as well.

I don't want to pile on because I actually agree with a lot of what you say in different threads. I am curious though. You say that you have a moral compass. That's great! However, do you think you were born with a moral compass or do you think the society you were brought up in taught you about morality? If you believe that you weren't born with a moral compass then do you think you would have the same moral compass as someone who grew up in particular tribes in Afghanistan or elsewhere in the middle east?
I simply think you are anti-Christian because you grew up in a Judea Christian society that allows you to be anti Christian. Otherwise, elsewhere in the world, denouncing particular religions would mean that your head would be chopped off with government approval.
Of course, you have stated in earlier posts that you don't care about other religions around the world. Christianity allows you to do that too... without cutting off your hands.
I simply hope you are not anti religion because you think you are rebelling against something. Because, in the end, the only thing you are rebelling against are the people who allow you to rebel. How empty of a rebellion is that?
I think I made my own moral compass over time...from experiences and just life in general. I am anti christian because religion has done nothing but bring death/disease/suffering/war/genocide the entire time its been around. Do you see any Atheists blowing themselves up for Atheism? No....Do you see Atheists hating gay folks because their god told them to? HELL NO....religion is an evil evil thing for simple minded people who need a crutch to make them feel like their lives are worth something. I am strong enough to not need that.
Ohhhh 1 out of 3 I picked...fuck off dick head. I picked places that look and sound nice to live in...maybe Switzerland! They love guns there...Europe is far more ahead of the US in so many areas...including the level of idiots who believe in god.Its far less in parts of Europe.

You don't know much about Europe do you...........
Demographics of atheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Results were widely varied between different countries, with 95% of Maltese respondents stating that they believe in God, on the one end, and only 16% of Estonians stating the same on the other.[32]

Seems like Estonia is a good place to look in to.

Orly...I swore that was what my income and my wife's income do...interesting.

:cuckoo: Obviously you don't pay much attention.

LMAO so without god we can't have morals? LMAO...what a crock of shit..I have a moral compass I am again abortion...on that area me and xtians agree...I am sure there are other things as well.

I don't want to pile on because I actually agree with a lot of what you say in different threads. I am curious though. You say that you have a moral compass. That's great! However, do you think you were born with a moral compass or do you think the society you were brought up in taught you about morality? If you believe that you weren't born with a moral compass then do you think you would have the same moral compass as someone who grew up in particular tribes in Afghanistan or elsewhere in the middle east?
I simply think you are anti-Christian because you grew up in a Judea Christian society that allows you to be anti Christian. Otherwise, elsewhere in the world, denouncing particular religions would mean that your head would be chopped off with government approval.
Of course, you have stated in earlier posts that you don't care about other religions around the world. Christianity allows you to do that too... without cutting off your hands.
I simply hope you are not anti religion because you think you are rebelling against something. Because, in the end, the only thing you are rebelling against are the people who allow you to rebel. How empty of a rebellion is that?
I think I made my own moral compass over time...from experiences and just life in general. I am anti christian because religion has done nothing but bring death/disease/suffering/war/genocide the entire time its been around. Do you see any Atheists blowing themselves up for Atheism? No....Do you see Atheists hating gay folks because their god told them to? HELL NO....religion is an evil evil thing for simple minded people who need a crutch to make them feel like their lives are worth something. I am strong enough to not need that.

"I am strong enough to not need that".
Ones own strength should not be measured by how one perceives the weakness of others. How does a religious zealot who believes himself superior to those who don't worship his God any different from you? The passion and devotion certainly seems to be the same. I also think you must know better than to suggest christianity has only done bad things. That's like say mankind has only done bad. It's a myopic view of a complicated world.
"I think I made my own moral compass over time.. from experiences and just life in general"
Experiences come from the society you live in. The society your parents grew up in. If you lived in a different society you would have had different experiences. Do you really believe society has not helped guide you to your current view point? Seriously?
Do I see any atheists blowing themselves up in the name of atheism? No I don't. I also don't see any christians blowing themselves up either.
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