Atheists want iconic 17-foot cross removed from 9/11 museum

The Ground Zero mosque was allowed by Obama, Bloomberg and co...despite 70% of Americans not wanting it.

So the Cross must be allowed to stay..."Religious Freedom".
Does anyone really believe that Jesus cared at all about stock traders? God has been nowhere near the World Trade Center at any time before or since.

Yes! odds are there were Christian stock traders there.

I believe he has been there.
Does anyone really believe that Jesus cared at all about stock traders? God has been nowhere near the World Trade Center at any time before or since.

Why would jesus have a problem with people who trade stocks? Dont project your idiotic beliefs on others.
Doesn't belong. Get another piece of the towers and put it in there.

Perhaps if it looked like this, the atheists wouldn't complain?


Why are you so stupid?

That symbol would be viewed by atheists in exactly the same manner that the cross is viewed.

It is YOU who would be arguing the other side if that symbol was the one being put in the museum. Right?

I think it should stay, of course. It was there...and people who had their world shattered turned to a means of drawing inner strength. They mistakenly attribute their own ability to persevere as coming from some dude in the sky.....but whatever.
You know what's funny? A friend and I were talking about this and suggest to atheists that they are already represented at the site. The empty space around all the other memorials is theirs to claim! After all, it is quite fitting considering what is between their ears... :lmao:

^^^^ This is why I support the rights of atheists. If you leave religious freedom up to the Christians - you will get bigotry every time.

And if you leave opinion up to you, we'll get religious bigotry every time. Funny how bigots always attack Christians not Muslims, wonder why? (not really wondering)
Does anyone really believe that Jesus cared at all about stock traders? God has been nowhere near the World Trade Center at any time before or since.

Jesus cares for all people, even you. But it is simply amazing that now liberals are telling us what God thinks and does. Is there anyone you people don't speak for?
CaféAuLait;8748101 said:
Atheists want iconic 17-foot cross removed from 9/11 museum

Atheists want iconic 17-foot cross removed from 9/11 museum | Fox News

Come on. The judge is correct, they are trying to censor history now.

“There are countless cases of museums including religious artifacts among their exhibits and it’s going to be described in a way that talks about the history of the object, what is the problem here?” she said. “An argument has been made that you are trying to censor history.”

Thinkanything bigger than the original is excessive. :)
When you continue to worship a false god that is proven to be a false god, you are either the muslim who wears no clothes, or the atheist who wears blinders lest he be struck down by providence.
Doesn't belong. Get another piece of the towers and put it in there.

Perhaps if it looked like this, the atheists wouldn't complain?


Why are you so stupid?

That symbol would be viewed by atheists in exactly the same manner that the cross is viewed.

It is YOU who would be arguing the other side if that symbol was the one being put in the museum. Right?

I think it should stay, of course. It was there...and people who had their world shattered turned to a means of drawing inner strength. They mistakenly attribute their own ability to persevere as coming from some dude in the sky.....but whatever.

Let's see if I can get through this without calling you a moron....No, can't do it.

Since Islamist were responsible for knocking down the WTC, and being, as noted in this thread, that the political powers in D.C. and NYC were more than responsive to muslim's building a mosque so close to the WTC, it would only be logical that atheists, who very rarely, if ever, complain about anything Islamic being displayed, anywhere, would NOT complain! After all, those atheists aren't stupid, they know Christians aren't going to physically attack them, BUT, as we have all read in diverse news accounts, muslims have no problem, attacking people they don't agree with!


Being an agnostic, I take no offense to anything that promotes hope and peace in this world. That supposed cross accomplishes just that to most Americans. That Islamic symbol, does just the opposite, IMHO.

At least you agree it should stay, but I see you being a dumbing F****** atheist, you give little acknowledgement to something that inspires people to do good...FAITH! I admire religious people for their ethical, moral, and principled beliefs, as I hold those in the highest esteem, even though I have my doubts about a GOD!
Where does it state in the constitution that you have the right not to be offended?
CaféAuLait;8748160 said:
You know what's funny? A friend and I were talking about this and suggest to atheists that they are already represented at the site. The empty space around all the other memorials is theirs to claim! After all, it is quite fitting considering what is between their ears... :lmao:

I actually see this as different, the cross was not built by anyone, it was an anomaly of the explosion, and should be allowed to remain.

What explosion?

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