Atheists Want Proof Of God?

The bible was written by men, so god didn’t actually say anything in the bible. Jesus may have existed but nothing he did can be proven to have happened.

Again, your ignorance is showing. Satan also had people write and populate his contradictions throughout the ages. The mountain of evidence is uncanny that he exists. At first, I thought he contradicted the first two books of Genesis, but it permeates everything.

For example, the end of the world isn't in Genesis. However, we find that people have come up with their own end of the world scenario. Maybe global warming was too much like global fire, so Satan changed it lol. Anyway, both comes from the sky.

So why doesn’t god destroy Satan? Is god too weak?

We don't know. God isn't too weak, but he's waiting and that which has been prophecized, such as another global conflict and famines, has to take place first or it contradicts the Bible.

Anyway, I think my work is done here. I'm off for a vacation and maybe I'll pop in on the Epstein threads. Even Trump thinks it was Arkancide.
So more misery has to befall humankind for god to intervene. Why is that?
So more misery has to befall humankind for god to intervene. Why is that?

I have to get my house in order before vacation and had some time.

Not sure what you mean? Are you referring to tribulation? I don't know that as well as others, and it sounds like you're still blaming God. Thus, it fits everything that was discussed here. Anyway, your questions will all be answered in the end with God. Isn't that what the evidence shows?
So more misery has to befall humankind for god to intervene. Why is that?

I have to get my house in order before vacation and had some time.

Not sure what you mean? Are you referring to tribulation? I don't know that as well as others, and it sounds like you're still blaming God. Thus, it fits everything that was discussed here. Anyway, your questions will all be answered in the end with God. Isn't that what the evidence shows?
You have absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Everything you have comes from a book of fiction written by men who weren't even smart enough to invent toilet paper yet. Now go back to your housework. :biggrin:
You have absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Everything you have comes from a book of fiction written by men who weren't even smart enough to invent toilet paper yet. Now go back to your housework. :biggrin:


Atheists are usually wrong. The Bible was first found on clay tablets.

We should thank God TP was invented to easily wipe off excrement. Aren't you at that level? Hm...? More evidence if you ask me

And who wrote the stuff that Satan said that contradicted God's every word?

Like I said, all you have are stupid questions when the answers have been provided to you. Can't you figure this out haha?

I may have to watch the movie again. How did you get it in the movie?

The red eyes even through the shades is creepy.

ETA: I did find it interesting that the even the movie poster said, "No coincidences."
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I care that people like you try to FORCE your religion and beliefs on us throughout society.

How did Victor try to "force" his religion on you?

"How did Victor try to "force" his religion on you?"

I have no evidence that victor tried to force his religion on me.

I merely suggested (and I shall clarify) that I have no problem with any person believing in any religion as long as they don't try to force their religious believes on everyone else.

Victor, perhaps, is not doing this but there is no doubt that LOTS of religious believers ARE doing that.
You have absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Everything you have comes from a book of fiction written by men who weren't even smart enough to invent toilet paper yet. Now go back to your housework. :biggrin:

View attachment 274036

Atheists are usually wrong. The Bible was first found on clay tablets.

We should thank God TP was invented to easily wipe off excrement. Aren't you at that level? Hm...? More evidence if you ask me

And who wrote the stuff that Satan said that contradicted God's every word?

Like I said, all you have are stupid questions when the answers have been provided to you. Can't you figure this out haha?

I may have to watch the movie again. How did you get it in the movie?

The red eyes even through the shades is creepy.

ETA: I did find it interesting that the even the movie poster said, "No coincidences."
You say god's every word. But it was written by goat herders, so what did god have to do with this book? Makes no sense "god's word".
You have absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Everything you have comes from a book of fiction written by men who weren't even smart enough to invent toilet paper yet. Now go back to your housework. :biggrin:

View attachment 274036

Atheists are usually wrong. The Bible was first found on clay tablets.

We should thank God TP was invented to easily wipe off excrement. Aren't you at that level? Hm...? More evidence if you ask me

And who wrote the stuff that Satan said that contradicted God's every word?

Like I said, all you have are stupid questions when the answers have been provided to you. Can't you figure this out haha?

I may have to watch the movie again. How did you get it in the movie?

The red eyes even through the shades is creepy.

ETA: I did find it interesting that the even the movie poster said, "No coincidences."
The Bible was first found on clay tablets.

where's your link for that - clay would be about its relevance than were it etched in stone ...

So more misery has to befall humankind for god to intervene. Why is that?

I have to get my house in order before vacation and had some time.

Not sure what you mean? Are you referring to tribulation? I don't know that as well as others, and it sounds like you're still blaming God. Thus, it fits everything that was discussed here. Anyway, your questions will all be answered in the end with God. Isn't that what the evidence shows?
You have absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Everything you have comes from a book of fiction written by men who weren't even smart enough to invent toilet paper yet. Now go back to your housework. :biggrin:
Look, GOD is very real. Talk to Him Yourself. Tell HIM you don't believe in HIM. HE's big enough to handle your rejection. Ask HIM to please see HIS reality. Ask HIM to open your eyes! Tell HIM what need from HIM. If you are honest and not playing around, I firmly believe GOD will surprise you; however, you will have no excuses left. Be ready to accept HIM or be willing to accept the eternity you yourself have chosen. The ball is in your court.
You have absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Everything you have comes from a book of fiction written by men who weren't even smart enough to invent toilet paper yet. Now go back to your housework. :biggrin:

View attachment 274036

Atheists are usually wrong. The Bible was first found on clay tablets.

We should thank God TP was invented to easily wipe off excrement. Aren't you at that level? Hm...? More evidence if you ask me

And who wrote the stuff that Satan said that contradicted God's every word?

Like I said, all you have are stupid questions when the answers have been provided to you. Can't you figure this out haha?

I may have to watch the movie again. How did you get it in the movie?

The red eyes even through the shades is creepy.

ETA: I did find it interesting that the even the movie poster said, "No coincidences."
You say god's every word. But it was written by goat herders, so what did god have to do with this book? Makes no sense "god's word".
Funny how those goat herders sound so much more profound than most of the educated and sophisticated songwriters right now! Seems rare for anyone today to not express themselves in 4 letter words...

Ecclesiastes 3
1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

9 What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?

10 I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.

11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

12 I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life.

13 And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God.

14 I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.

15 That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past.

16 And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there.

17 I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.

18 I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts.

19 For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.

20 All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.

21 Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?

22 Wherefore I perceive that there is nothing better, than that a man should rejoice in his own works; for that is his portion: for who shall bring him to see what shall be after him?
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So more misery has to befall humankind for god to intervene. Why is that?

I have to get my house in order before vacation and had some time.

Not sure what you mean? Are you referring to tribulation? I don't know that as well as others, and it sounds like you're still blaming God. Thus, it fits everything that was discussed here. Anyway, your questions will all be answered in the end with God. Isn't that what the evidence shows?
You have absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Everything you have comes from a book of fiction written by men who weren't even smart enough to invent toilet paper yet. Now go back to your housework. :biggrin:
Look, GOD is very real. Talk to Him Yourself. Tell HIM you don't believe in HIM. HE's big enough to handle your rejection. Ask HIM to please see HIS reality. Ask HIM to open your eyes! Tell HIM what need from HIM. If you are honest and not playing around, I firmly believe GOD will surprise you; however, you will have no excuses left. Be ready to accept HIM or be willing to accept the eternity you yourself have chosen. The ball is in your court.
Already did that, he never answered.
Look, GOD is very real. Talk to Him Yourself.
God can't read a message board?

Btw, your silly, magical threats hold no weight here, shaman.
Your lack of honesty with GOD, yourself and others is so noted. GOD wants a one on one chat with YOU and not a pretentious message entered in an attempt to be humorous.

I'm going to tell god you were threatening people.
I'm merely warning you that your house is on fire. GOD already knows my feelings and yours. Can you comprehended that? Are you willing to seek direct answers from HIM.
So more misery has to befall humankind for god to intervene. Why is that?

I have to get my house in order before vacation and had some time.

Not sure what you mean? Are you referring to tribulation? I don't know that as well as others, and it sounds like you're still blaming God. Thus, it fits everything that was discussed here. Anyway, your questions will all be answered in the end with God. Isn't that what the evidence shows?
You have absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Everything you have comes from a book of fiction written by men who weren't even smart enough to invent toilet paper yet. Now go back to your housework. :biggrin:
Look, GOD is very real. Talk to Him Yourself. Tell HIM you don't believe in HIM. HE's big enough to handle your rejection. Ask HIM to please see HIS reality. Ask HIM to open your eyes! Tell HIM what need from HIM. If you are honest and not playing around, I firmly believe GOD will surprise you; however, you will have no excuses left. Be ready to accept HIM or be willing to accept the eternity you yourself have chosen. The ball is in your court.
Already did that, he never answered.
May I ask what you asked Him about?
So more misery has to befall humankind for god to intervene. Why is that?

I have to get my house in order before vacation and had some time.

Not sure what you mean? Are you referring to tribulation? I don't know that as well as others, and it sounds like you're still blaming God. Thus, it fits everything that was discussed here. Anyway, your questions will all be answered in the end with God. Isn't that what the evidence shows?
You have absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Everything you have comes from a book of fiction written by men who weren't even smart enough to invent toilet paper yet. Now go back to your housework. :biggrin:
Look, GOD is very real. Talk to Him Yourself. Tell HIM you don't believe in HIM. HE's big enough to handle your rejection. Ask HIM to please see HIS reality. Ask HIM to open your eyes! Tell HIM what need from HIM. If you are honest and not playing around, I firmly believe GOD will surprise you; however, you will have no excuses left. Be ready to accept HIM or be willing to accept the eternity you yourself have chosen. The ball is in your court.
Already did that, he never answered.
Already did that, he (they) never answered.

when an answer is found is it yours or a piece to a metaphysical puzzle.
Look, GOD is very real. Talk to Him Yourself.
God can't read a message board?

Btw, your silly, magical threats hold no weight here, shaman.
Your lack of honesty with GOD, yourself and others is so noted. GOD wants a one on one chat with YOU and not a pretentious message entered in an attempt to be humorous.

I'm going to tell god you were threatening people.
I'm merely warning you that your house is on fire. GOD already knows my feelings and yours. Can you comprehended that? Are you willing to seek direct answers from HIM.
Hmm, no, you're making threats. Just like any other fanatic running around, making threats for their gods.
So more misery has to befall humankind for god to intervene. Why is that?

I have to get my house in order before vacation and had some time.

Not sure what you mean? Are you referring to tribulation? I don't know that as well as others, and it sounds like you're still blaming God. Thus, it fits everything that was discussed here. Anyway, your questions will all be answered in the end with God. Isn't that what the evidence shows?
You have absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Everything you have comes from a book of fiction written by men who weren't even smart enough to invent toilet paper yet. Now go back to your housework. :biggrin:
Look, GOD is very real. Talk to Him Yourself. Tell HIM you don't believe in HIM. HE's big enough to handle your rejection. Ask HIM to please see HIS reality. Ask HIM to open your eyes! Tell HIM what need from HIM. If you are honest and not playing around, I firmly believe GOD will surprise you; however, you will have no excuses left. Be ready to accept HIM or be willing to accept the eternity you yourself have chosen. The ball is in your court.
Already did that, he never answered.
May I ask what you asked Him about?
I asked him to give me a sign that he exists. Never got anything.
I have to get my house in order before vacation and had some time.

Not sure what you mean? Are you referring to tribulation? I don't know that as well as others, and it sounds like you're still blaming God. Thus, it fits everything that was discussed here. Anyway, your questions will all be answered in the end with God. Isn't that what the evidence shows?
You have absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Everything you have comes from a book of fiction written by men who weren't even smart enough to invent toilet paper yet. Now go back to your housework. :biggrin:
Look, GOD is very real. Talk to Him Yourself. Tell HIM you don't believe in HIM. HE's big enough to handle your rejection. Ask HIM to please see HIS reality. Ask HIM to open your eyes! Tell HIM what need from HIM. If you are honest and not playing around, I firmly believe GOD will surprise you; however, you will have no excuses left. Be ready to accept HIM or be willing to accept the eternity you yourself have chosen. The ball is in your court.
Already did that, he never answered.
May I ask what you asked Him about?
I asked him to give me a sign that he exists. Never got anything.
Never got anything.

that is true of anyone that has past away, because they do not communicate does not mean they never existed there would be chaos if there were direct exchange between physical and metaphysical states of existence. not necessarily responsiveness but a metaphysical network responsible from whence we came. does exist. and has rules.

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