Atheists Want Proof Of God?

BreezeWood said:
eggs are multi- subdivision of a single cell
Eggs ARE The Single Cell
There Is No Division Into Anything
Until It Is Fertilized By Another Single Cell
(My Gawd....)
An Egg Is Not A Mule, Tree, Or Human Being
It's Not Even A Life, It Is A Potential For Life
Until It Is Fertilized By Another Single Cell
your argument is futile as a post evolutionary process
There Would Never Be Any Life To Evolve
Unless There Is A Potential For Life To Exist To Begin With
There Can Be No Action, Without The Potential For Action
It's The Same Thing

So Did Life Exist While The Earth Was Trying To Form
Or Did It Evolve Itself Into Existence Later On
What Gave Life It's Potential To Create Itself
A Pre-Existing Chicken ??
Because That's What You Believe

So The Only Thing Futile
Is Pointing Out The Obvious To You
With A Simple Irrefutable Scientific Example
While You Stubbornly Refuse To Use Your Brain
To See Your Dogma Makes No Sense
And It Makes No Sense
Because It Is Wrong And It's Going To Stay Wrong
No Matter Who Teaches It
james bond said:
God already gave us the rainbow to show that he will not wipe us out again in a global flood
And The Rainbow Is Currently Co-Oped By Lucifer
To Promote Gay Activism

A Growing Number Of Openly Practicing Deviant Degenerates
Will Tell You They Are Practicing Christians Too
While They Flaunt Their Sodomy In God's Face From The Pulpit
james bond said:
God already gave us the rainbow to show that he will not wipe us out again in a global flood
And The Rainbow Is Currently Co-Oped By Lucifer
To Promote Gay Activism

A Growing Number Of Openly Practicing Deviant Degenerates
Will Tell You They Are Practicing Christians Too
While They Flaunt Their Sodomy In God's Face From The Pulpit

Partying like it's 1599....
So god's sending mass murderers on us as a warning? :blowpop:

Why doesn't god just wipe us all out with another flood? He too much of a pussy?

I don't believe satan exists, and no one has proven that it does yet, not even you.

I've proven you just do not get it. God already gave us the rainbow to show that he will not wipe us out again in a global flood. What we have to see is whether we get a global fire as he said.

I've already pointed out the atheists/evos have their own end of the world scenario. It used to be AGW, but since no one believes it they have gone to a large asteroid. No one thought of an end of the world scenario, but the media started to write about it and now all the atheists/evos are convinced this will be it. The chances are remote as it hasn't happened for billions of years nor thousands of years. Even the last one didn't end the world.

More evidence Satan exists is because you do not believe Satan exists when he does. Satan wants you to believe he doesn't exist. The only person you were trolling before was God. I'm here not to remind you that without God, then you are with Satan. We just worked that all out.
The only thing you've proven is that you're nothing but a skinbag full of fartsmoke. Otherwise, god must be satan's bitch, according to your scenario.
Crazy people usually don't know they are crazy...thanks for the illustration....

We had atheist The Satanic Temple get validated as non-profit by the Feds. What they're doing upsets communities. You're a good example of a crazy nut jobber who doesn't think sin and evil exists in the world. We've established all your beliefs contradict God's word in the Bible.
The only thing you've proven is that you're nothing but a skinbag full of fartsmoke. Otherwise, god must be satan's bitch, according to your scenario.


You can't help, but troll God. Who's really Satan's beotch haha? Is there an ignorant and troll level of hell?
BreezeWood said:
eggs are multi- subdivision of a single cell
Eggs ARE The Single Cell
There Is No Division Into Anything
Until It Is Fertilized By Another Single Cell
(My Gawd....)
An Egg Is Not A Mule, Tree, Or Human Being
It's Not Even A Life, It Is A Potential For Life
Until It Is Fertilized By Another Single Cell
your argument is futile as a post evolutionary process
There Would Never Be Any Life To Evolve
Unless There Is A Potential For Life To Exist To Begin With
There Can Be No Action, Without The Potential For Action
It's The Same Thing

So Did Life Exist While The Earth Was Trying To Form
Or Did It Evolve Itself Into Existence Later On
What Gave Life It's Potential To Create Itself
A Pre-Existing Chicken ??
Because That's What You Believe

So The Only Thing Futile
Is Pointing Out The Obvious To You
With A Simple Irrefutable Scientific Example
While You Stubbornly Refuse To Use Your Brain
To See Your Dogma Makes No Sense
And It Makes No Sense
Because It Is Wrong And It's Going To Stay Wrong
No Matter Who Teaches It
Eggs ARE The Single Cell

the egg is not the cell but a derived (subdivided) cell within an established organism (that multi-subdivides) - all beings on earth are single cell organisms, the outer band remains the same for all. the "egg" is a post, metaphysical, evolutionary stage of reproduction for multisubdivided organisms.


No Matter Who Teaches It

yours would be the ministry of atheism or a for profit online home degree for under a hundred dollars, everyone else's would be established science.
The only thing you've proven is that you're nothing but a skinbag full of fartsmoke. Otherwise, god must be satan's bitch, according to your scenario.

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You can't help, but troll God. Who's really Satan's beotch haha? Is there an ignorant and troll level of hell?
Satan can do what he wants and god doesn't do a thing, or can't. So tell me, who is whose bitch? really.
Satan can do what he wants and god doesn't do a thing, or can't. So tell me, who is whose bitch? really.

You still can't figure out who's the beotch haha? Just look in the mirror. Even Satan is laughing his arse off at you.
Satan can do what he wants and god doesn't do a thing, or can't. So tell me, who is whose bitch? really.

You still can't figure out who's the beotch haha? Just look in the mirror. Even Satan is laughing his arse off at you.
So one of your invisible imaginary friends is laughing at me. Is this something I should care about? :dunno:
So one of your invisible imaginary friends is laughing at me. Is this something I should care about? :dunno:


You can't figure this out either? Satan is going to get a kick out of you. He's not imaginary and he's not my friend, but your master. Otherwise, Christianity would have been destroyed centuries ago.
Satan can do what he wants and god doesn't do a thing, or can't. So tell me, who is whose bitch? really.

You still can't figure out who's the beotch haha? Just look in the mirror. Even Satan is laughing his arse off at you.
So one of your invisible imaginary friends is laughing at me. Is this something I should care about? :dunno:

Well, yeah. Didn't you see those eyes flashing? Very scary.
So one of your invisible imaginary friends is laughing at me. Is this something I should care about? :dunno:

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You can't figure this out either? Satan is going to get a kick out of you. He's not imaginary and he's not my friend, but your master. Otherwise, Christianity would have been destroyed centuries ago.
Are you 10 years old? What about Santa? He real too?
So one of your invisible imaginary friends is laughing at me. Is this something I should care about? :dunno:

View attachment 273956

You can't figure this out either? Satan is going to get a kick out of you. He's not imaginary and he's not my friend, but your master. Otherwise, Christianity would have been destroyed centuries ago.
Are you 10 years old? What about Santa? He real too?

Shouldn't we wrap this up? I had my fun trolling you.

How come you keep asking questions of me? Normally, people present arguments like ToE or big bang to counter, but no one has been able to contradict the Bible and what God said except Satan. Not exactly contradict, but make people believe his lies and deception, i.e. his contradictions. Talk about magic. Talk about the flying spaghetti monster.

I think it was this thread that I discovered the evidence for Satan. The evidence for Jesus is in the Resurrection and there were multiple different witnesses who saw him alive again with the wounds and all. We also have the hard evidence of the large stone to his tomb being moved aside. There would be no way to move it and even then how could one fake Jesus' dead body?

Thus, the atheists/evos claim Jesus didn't exist and all the rest of their bull. This is part of the evidence for Satan, but it's not really a strong argument.

Do you remember what the evidence for Satan was? He is pretty slick. The slickest I've ever witnessed. He doesn't want us to know he exists, so he hides from us. All we know is when he appeared to Eve as a voice of the serpent. He also appeared before Jesus as voice to tempt him and become ruler of the world. He tempted him to use his powers to provide food and drink for himself when he was starving and thirsty in the desert. Any other Satan appearances?

However, God said that Satan would provide the antiChrist and tribulation or the end of the world. This hasn't happened yet. I'm not as familiar if there are any others. What Satan also did is provide the antiGenesis. You cannot deny that this was a coincidence. Look at everything the atheists/evos believe and argue about compared to what God said in the Bible. It contradicts his every word.
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It's not just in science and prophecies that Satan has contradictions. It's with moral values, too. We have abortion vs. saving a fetus. We have homosexuality vs. heterosexuality. I mean what the Bible or God said can't change, but throughout human history, we've had these perfect contradictions and human battles. We even have a moral values war in regards to which religion caused the most deaths including atheism. These can't just be chalked up to mere coincidences. Satan exists.

Maybe he can't help himself, but to contradict what God said in the Bible. It's one thing to claim multiverses vs. an universe, but to have so many contradictions and have people ready to fight over them is ridiculous. There was a poster here who was so insistent that birds are dinosaurs that he was going to fight me over it. You could just feel the bulges sticking out his neck lol. Thus, Satan exists and casts a power over the atheists, evos, and all.

Thus, we have evidence for God and now we have evidence for Satan. There you go.
So one of your invisible imaginary friends is laughing at me. Is this something I should care about? :dunno:

View attachment 273956

You can't figure this out either? Satan is going to get a kick out of you. He's not imaginary and he's not my friend, but your master. Otherwise, Christianity would have been destroyed centuries ago.
Are you 10 years old? What about Santa? He real too?

Shouldn't we wrap this up? I had my fun trolling you.

How come you keep asking questions of me? Normally, people present arguments like ToE or big bang to counter, but no one has been able to contradict the Bible and what God said except Satan. Not exactly contradict, but make people believe his lies and deception, i.e. his contradictions. Talk about magic. Talk about the flying spaghetti monster.

I think it was this thread that I discovered the evidence for Satan. The evidence for Jesus is in the Resurrection and there were multiple different witnesses who saw him alive again with the wounds and all. We also have the hard evidence of the large stone to his tomb being moved aside. There would be no way to move it and even then how could one fake Jesus' dead body?

Thus, the atheists/evos claim Jesus didn't exist and all the rest of their bull. This is part of the evidence for Satan, but it's not really a strong argument.

Do you remember what the evidence for Satan was? He is pretty slick. The slickest I've ever witnessed. He doesn't want us to know he exists, so he hides from us. All we know is when he appeared to Eve as a voice of the serpent. He also appeared before Jesus as voice to tempt him and become ruler of the world. He tempted him to use his powers to provide food and drink for himself when he was starving and thirsty in the desert. Any other Satan appearances?

However, God said that Satan would provide the antiChrist and tribulation or the end of the world. This hasn't happened yet. I'm not as familiar if there are any others. What Satan also did is provide the antiGenesis. You cannot deny that this was a coincidence. Look at everything the atheists/evos believe and argue about compared to what God said in the Bible. It contradicts his every word.
The bible was written by men, so god didn’t actually say anything in the bible. Jesus may have existed but nothing he did can be proven to have happened.
It's not just in science and prophecies that Satan has contradictions. It's with moral values, too. We have abortion vs. saving a fetus. We have homosexuality vs. heterosexuality. I mean what the Bible or God said can't change, but throughout human history, we've had these perfect contradictions and human battles. We even have a moral values war in regards to which religion caused the most deaths including atheism. These can't just be chalked up to mere coincidences. Satan exists.

Maybe he can't help himself, but to contradict what God said in the Bible. It's one thing to claim multiverses vs. an universe, but to have so many contradictions and have people ready to fight over them is ridiculous. There was a poster here who was so insistent that birds are dinosaurs that he was going to fight me over it. You could just feel the bulges sticking out his neck lol. Thus, Satan exists and casts a power over the atheists, evos, and all.

Thus, we have evidence for God and now we have evidence for Satan. There you go.
So why doesn’t god destroy Satan? Is god too weak?
The bible was written by men, so god didn’t actually say anything in the bible. Jesus may have existed but nothing he did can be proven to have happened.

Again, your ignorance is showing. Satan also had people write and populate his contradictions throughout the ages. The mountain of evidence is uncanny that he exists. At first, I thought he contradicted the first two books of Genesis, but it permeates everything.

For example, the end of the world isn't in Genesis. However, we find that people have come up with their own end of the world scenario. Maybe global warming was too much like global fire, so Satan changed it lol. Anyway, both comes from the sky.

So why doesn’t god destroy Satan? Is god too weak?

We don't know. God isn't too weak, but he's waiting and that which has been prophecized, such as another global conflict and famines, has to take place first or it contradicts the Bible.

Anyway, I think my work is done here. I'm off for a vacation and maybe I'll pop in on the Epstein threads. Even Trump thinks it was Arkancide.
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The bible was written by men, so god didn’t actually say anything in the bible. Jesus may have existed but nothing he did can be proven to have happened.

Again, your ignorance is showing. Satan also had people write and populate his contradictions throughout the ages. The mountain of evidence is uncanny that he exists. At first, I thought he contradicted the first two books of Genesis, but it permeates everything.

For example, the end of the world isn't in Genesis. However, we find that people have come up with their own end of the world scenario. Maybe global warming was too much like global fire, so Satan changed it lol. Anyway, both comes from the sky.

So why doesn’t god destroy Satan? Is god too weak?

We don't know. God isn't too weak, but he's waiting and that which has been prophecized, such as another global conflict and famines, has to take place first or it contradicts the Bible.

Anyway, I think my work is done here. I'm off for a vacation and maybe I'll pop in on the Epstein threads. Even Trump thinks it was Arkancide.
Satan also had people write and populate his contradictions throughout the ages

especially those that would like for satan to be alive unlike what they did to jesus by putting him in their grave - then wrote the 4th century book of forgeries the christian bible to use throughout the centuries for their nefarious objectives. taking away the good to enshrine their evil. through their forgeries.

satan lives in their hearts only where others have laid them to their grave to live the true message of the 1st century.

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