Athiest Playbook

Erastosthenes presented about 2300 years ago all known facts why the Earth is a globe. The knowledge itselve was older. He calculated the circumference of the Earth is 50 times the distance between Assuan and Alexandria. (= 835 km = 519 mi). 519 *50 = 25950 mi. For the first approximation this was very good.

What's wrong. Nicolaus Copernicus for example was a catholic capitular or Max Plank for example was a protestant. Both men believed in god.

You are a Nazi. The Nazis "teached" for example the sun is a special form of iceberg. No joke. No one is able to make Nazis dump. Nazis are dumpness per se. Even if Nazis say something what could sound first as if it could be true - there is for sure something behind this "truth" no one likes really to know.

He's a Christian. Christians don't live in fear of truth. Your are a Nazi. A Christian who would believe in anything what a Nazi says would be on the wrong way to Tipperary or any other place on Earth where's good to live. The Nazi-ideology (racism for example) leads everyone into death.

Overuse of the words Nazi, socialist & communism?

Left or right political spectrum is for me unimportant. And I'm also not thinking because someone is using a word like "antfascist" he is not a Nazi - or someone who speaks in the name of god is really a Jew, Christian or Muslim. You are fighting against the nature of the unalienable human rights - you are fighting against your own better knowledge for racism and mass-murder. What you "know" about 'science' is in most cases without real base. No doubt - you are a Nazi.

Give me some examples of how I remind you of Nazi's. Because if I'm not mistaken, they were mostly Catholics.'re mistaken.........

Explain to me the time frame when the German people stopped being Catholics and when they started being Catholics again.

Like, in 1935 were they all god fearing Catholics and then before WW2 they stopped? Then in 1946 did they go back to being Catholics? LOL.

I'm sure god will give you the right answer to your not existing question, Nazi.

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Explain to me the time frame when the German people stopped being Catholics and when they started being Catholics again.

Like, in 1935 were they all god fearing Catholics and then before WW2 they stopped? Then in 1946 did they go back to being Catholics? LOL.
classic logical error.......some Germans are Catholic......some Germans are Nazis........therefore, most Nazis were Catholics.......

true conclusion......all Seallybobo's are illogical.........

He attacks Catholics on the same psychological mechanism why Nazis call Jews Zionazis. They like to hurt. Pain is an instrument of their terror. I guess he likes the idea abortion because it kills our babies, wastes the souls of our women and he likes it to fight in this way against us. I don't think you will reach him with words any longer. He's out of logos.

Nuts like you and your preacher won't convince me. What will? .
nobody is going to waste their time trying to convince you......we're just here to tell you.......if you ignore us that is your choice......
Well what am I to do when what you tell me is ridiculous and unbelievable? A God sent his son 2000 years ago? Do you hear yourselves?
Explain to me the time frame when the German people stopped being Catholics and when they started being Catholics again.

Like, in 1935 were they all god fearing Catholics and then before WW2 they stopped? Then in 1946 did they go back to being Catholics? LOL.
classic logical error.......some Germans are Catholic......some Germans are Nazis........therefore, most Nazis were Catholics.......

true conclusion......all Seallybobo's are illogical.........

He attacks Catholics on the same psychological mechanism why Nazis call Jews Zionazis. They like to hurt. Pain is an instrument of their terror. I guess he likes the idea abortion because it kills our babies, wastes the souls of our women and he likes it to fight in this way against us. I don't think you will reach him with words any longer. He's out of logos.

How does abortion kill your babies? Did you get one?

And stop reading too much into this. And stop getting emotional about it. That's what theists do when they arguments are weak.

You know you can't convince anyone unless they are born to you and you get to program or brainwash them from birth.

Resorting to calling names tells me your feelings are hurt and you've run out of arguments
No, you listened to your ignorant preachers and elders.

So you hear God? Tell him to tell me go screw myself. I should hear it, right?

Only if you are one who expects your computer to reboot when you turn on your garden hose. :wink:

Would you open up a book about horses and then criticize that book because it didn't have enough cows? If you saw a picture in your horse book of a horse in a pasture, would you claim the book has to be wrong because the picture makes it seem as though the earth is flat?

Look, I don't fault you, because it believers who started using a book that recorded accounts of God's interactions with people, and tried to make it into an authority on physical science. Don't fall into that trap. The Bible is a collection of stories of people's experiences of God, not people's experiences of a flat or round planet.

In their own lives, in their own histories, people were simply saying, "We see the hand of God in this." If you can perceive the hand of God in your own life, then others' perceptions of the hand of God will be of interest to you, because you might be thinking, "I saw the hand of God...have others?" If you cannot perceive God working in your own life, it is doubtful you will be able to see God working anywhere, or any time, else.
No, you listened to your ignorant preachers and elders.

So you hear God? Tell him to tell me go screw myself. I should hear it, right?

Only if you are one who expects your computer to reboot when you turn on your garden hose. :wink:

Would you open up a book about horses and then criticize that book because it didn't have enough cows? If you saw a picture in your horse book of a horse in a pasture, would you claim the book has to be wrong because the picture makes it seem as though the earth is flat?

Look, I don't fault you, because it believers who started using a book that recorded accounts of God's interactions with people, and tried to make it into an authority on physical science. Don't fall into that trap. The Bible is a collection of stories of people's experiences of God, not people's experiences of a flat or round planet.

In their own lives, in their own histories, people were simply saying, "We see the hand of God in this." If you can perceive the hand of God in your own life, then others' perceptions of the hand of God will be of interest to you, because you might be thinking, "I saw the hand of God...have others?" If you cannot perceive God working in your own life, it is doubtful you will be able to see God working anywhere, or any time, else.
I'm sorry I just don't perceive God is real.
People have also perceived Satan. They have also seen the hand of Satan. It's not Satan. There is no Satan, right? That's man made superstitious stories.
People have also perceived Satan. They have also seen the hand of Satan. It's not Satan. There is no Satan, right? That's man made superstitious stories.

Depends. There are demons, and a ruler of demons. While demons were known in Old Testament times, they were not given names. Lucifer, is a Christian term referencing the ruler of demons. Satan, in Jewish thought is not a demon, but rather a tester from God.

When Jesus told Peter, "Get behind me, Satan," he most likely was not calling Peter a demon, but someone who was testing his will. On the other hand, Jesus did reference the ruler of demons as someone who was a liar and a murderer from the beginning, which may argue against the tale of this ruler once being the Prince of Angels.

There are some true, very weird stories of possession, where it seems indeed, an evil entity, with one's consent, can take possession of an individual, which can take quite a bit of strength, both of will and physically, to drive him out.
People have also perceived Satan. They have also seen the hand of Satan. It's not Satan. There is no Satan, right? That's man made superstitious stories.

Depends. There are demons, and a ruler of demons. While demons were known in Old Testament times, they were not given names. Lucifer, is a Christian term referencing the ruler of demons. Satan, in Jewish thought is not a demon, but rather a tester from God.

When Jesus told Peter, "Get behind me, Satan," he most likely was not calling Peter a demon, but someone who was testing his will. On the other hand, Jesus did reference the ruler of demons as someone who was a liar and a murderer from the beginning, which may argue against the tale of this ruler once being the Prince of Angels.

There are some true, very weird stories of possession, where it seems indeed, an evil entity, with one's consent, can take possession of an individual, which can take quite a bit of strength, both of will and physically, to drive him out.
So Satan is metaphor? Maybe God is metaphor for good.
So Satan is metaphor? Maybe God is metaphor for good.

You may need to re-read my post, but no, Satan is not a metaphor. Just saying the Christian's Satan is not the Jew's Satan, but two different entities.
People have also perceived Satan. They have also seen the hand of Satan. It's not Satan. There is no Satan, right? That's man made superstitious stories.

Depends. There are demons, and a ruler of demons. While demons were known in Old Testament times, they were not given names. Lucifer, is a Christian term referencing the ruler of demons. Satan, in Jewish thought is not a demon, but rather a tester from God.

When Jesus told Peter, "Get behind me, Satan," he most likely was not calling Peter a demon, but someone who was testing his will. On the other hand, Jesus did reference the ruler of demons as someone who was a liar and a murderer from the beginning, which may argue against the tale of this ruler once being the Prince of Angels.

There are some true, very weird stories of possession, where it seems indeed, an evil entity, with one's consent, can take possession of an individual, which can take quite a bit of strength, both of will and physically, to drive him out.

Don't you think maybe they are just crazy?? :)
Don't you think maybe they are just crazy?? :)

There is crazy...and there is possessed. F. Scott Peck, a psychiatrist and Protestant, had his doubts at first, too. Catholic exorcisms only take place after "crazy" is ruled out, that something else is going on.
Don't you think maybe they are just crazy?? :)

There is crazy...and there is possessed. F. Scott Peck, a psychiatrist and Protestant, had his doubts at first, too. Catholic exorcisms only take place after "crazy" is ruled out, that something else is going on.
It's psychological. If a person thinks they are possessed then performing an exorcism could help like a placebo
Nuts like you and your preacher won't convince me. What will? .
nobody is going to waste their time trying to convince you......we're just here to tell you.......if you ignore us that is your choice......
Well what am I to do when what you tell me is ridiculous and unbelievable? A God sent his son 2000 years ago? Do you hear yourselves?
obviously if you find it unbelievable you choose not to believe it............just don't pretend its our job to convince you........
Nuts like you and your preacher won't convince me. What will? .
nobody is going to waste their time trying to convince you......we're just here to tell you.......if you ignore us that is your choice......
Well what am I to do when what you tell me is ridiculous and unbelievable? A God sent his son 2000 years ago? Do you hear yourselves?
obviously if you find it unbelievable you choose not to believe it............just don't pretend its our job to convince you........
Then don't try to make America a country that endorses a superstition that can't be proved. How dumb is a society that does that? Like Iran.

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