Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal ended today with 11 arrests


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
That's certainly a "diverse" looking crowd of criminals

Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal ended today with 11 arrests, 1 is pregnant

This is no April Fools joke. Eleven of 12 former Atlanta Public Schools employees were found guilty of cheating, today April 1, 2015 in Fulton County [Georgia] Superior Court. One of the accused, Shani Robinson (#7 in above photo), is pregnant is the only one of the 11 who wasn’t remanded into custody because she is near her due date.

Judge Jerry Baxter ordered the guilty to jail immediately, telling defense attorneys, “They have made their bed and they’re going to have to lie in it and it starts today.”

OK, that is a racialist comment by a racialist.

That shit aside, the convictions are good and put all of public education on notice. The DOE needs to go away, and power needs to be returned to the school districts.

The struggle for good education in the future will not be about race and an overweening government, but about class putting the children of the elite interests above that of all children in a district.
I thought Affirmative action make it legal for blacks to cheat?
So America lowers the education standards so minorities can pass to graduate but it turns out they are still incapable of getting a passing grade on the simplest tests. The school "leaders" decide it is better to cheat and so they
take the test score cards to their homes and sit down and erase the answers and mark in the correct answers.
Keeping in mind their ever continuing charge of racism by whites, how much good does this do for people incapable of learning? Now that they have "passed" tests to graduate what type of job can they find? Also we all know how well or awful we did on a test so what do there "students" think to themselves when they see they received a passing grade on a test they knew they flunked? What does that teach them? The people committing this crime should be tried as well for racial discrimination as the crime deliberately assures the student zero chance of accomplishing anything after school years. Trust me this is going on every where and the Atlanta cheaters got caught doing it. The convicted persons should also be charged with encouraging slavery.
Cheating by negro school officials is endemic across the USA. But why not?
Everyone knows the 'tests' are simply too difficult for negroes.
It's like have 13% of the population being 'special needs'.
That's what they are and all the 'AA' and test cheating and 'free shit' just reinforces the fact.
Some people are never going keep up with others. The 'others' are growing very tired of handing over their hard earned money to people who instead of showing any interest in achieving something are instead demanding more and more b/c their ancestors sold their ancestors to people in exchange for broken pieces of mirror.
Mankind is not immune to the basic principles of Social Darwinism' matter how many negro (cough) educators fuck up the future of the people they are being paid to help get ahead in life.
"I have a dream that one day my Black brothers and sisters will be just as corrupt as the White man".

- Al Sharpton?
They're not arrests. They're convictions!!! And they're all or nearly all black. The "Today" show gave this story a lot of coverage this morning and that surprised me. Even showed pics of the criminals so you could see they were black.
Cheating by negro school officials is endemic across the USA. But why not?
Everyone knows the 'tests' are simply too difficult for negroes.
It's like have 13% of the population being 'special needs'.
That's what they are and all the 'AA' and test cheating and 'free shit' just reinforces the fact.
Some people are never going keep up with others. The 'others' are growing very tired of handing over their hard earned money to people who instead of showing any interest in achieving something are instead demanding more and more b/c their ancestors sold their ancestors to people in exchange for broken pieces of mirror.
Mankind is not immune to the basic principles of Social Darwinism' matter how many negro (cough) educators fuck up the future of the people they are being paid to help get ahead in life.

No comment needed

Everyone knows the 'tests' are simply too difficult for negroes.
It's like have 13% of the population being 'special needs'.

Exactly. Fact is blacks do move miserably on all tests. LSAT SAT ACT MCAT even cop and fireman tests. And the tests are NOT culturally biased because asians do very well on the same tests.

Blacks are born mentally inferior and the evidence is overwhelming and everybody knows it. Time to say it.

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