"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

And I pointed out that you are wrong. The people DO NOT decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums. The majority does not get to dictate the rules. The Constitution does.

First of all, the Constitution protects minority rights because a MAJORITY decided that the Constitution would do so.

Secondly, none of what you said changes the FACT that the U.S. is a REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY, nor does it change the fact that you are wrong to believe or claim otherwise.

First of all, the Constitution protects minority rights because a MAJORITY decided that the Constitution would do so.
Thanks for agreeing with me that was are a Constitutional Republic. Without that the majority would rule.

The majority does rule. A big enough majority can amend the Constitution to say anything they want it to say.
First of all, the Constitution protects minority rights because a MAJORITY decided that the Constitution would do so.

Secondly, none of what you said changes the FACT that the U.S. is a REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY, nor does it change the fact that you are wrong to believe or claim otherwise.

First of all, the Constitution protects minority rights because a MAJORITY decided that the Constitution would do so.
Thanks for agreeing with me that was are a Constitutional Republic. Without that the majority would rule.

The majority does rule. A big enough majority can amend the Constitution to say anything they want it to say.

Not so sadly you are one of the minorites. If that was true, how many amendments have we had in the last 80 years?
And I pointed out that you are wrong. The people DO NOT decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums. The majority does not get to dictate the rules. The Constitution does.

First of all, the Constitution protects minority rights because a MAJORITY decided that the Constitution would do so.

Secondly, none of what you said changes the FACT that the U.S. is a REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY, nor does it change the fact that you are wrong to believe or claim otherwise.

First of all, the Constitution protects minority rights because a MAJORITY decided that the Constitution would do so.
Thanks for agreeing with me that was are a Constitutional Republic. Without that the majority would rule.

The majority does rule in a constitutional republic in accordance with the law. The majority can always amend the Constitution.
And I pointed out that you are wrong. The people DO NOT decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums. The majority does not get to dictate the rules. The Constitution does.

Dead wrong as always, not just as usual. The constitutional process runs by republican government generally decided by democratic votes: such as for the House and the Senate, for state legislatures, for local school boards, etc.

You mistake "constitutional" for "republican".

Of course anyone that agree's with a liberal is nothing but a liberal. You are a far left wacko futher than Longhner.

You are not a conservative, merely a far far wack silly libertarian. Don't ever think you understand the Constitution. Every true American on this Board repeatedly as exposed your silliness.

In fact, you have much in common with the shooter of Gabby Giffords, who despises your philosophies by the by.
I will answer for myself. Because I believe in a constitutional republic that its representatives are generally elected democratically, bigrebnc throws terms he does not understand around (like stalinist), because he apparently wants militia units to rule our country. bigreb, what are you? You are not a constitutionalist, that is for sure.
You are the one that calls America a democratic Republic, and in this thread you called it a social democracy. You're contridicting yourself their sport.

It is a social democracy. What do you think you're doing when you post on message boards? You're exercising your right to free speech in a social forum. They're all just words, you know.
You know, it would really be poetic justice if the only thing accepted to buy tickets to see the movie were gold coins. ;)

How so? Are you going to have the integrity to make sure what you say is accurate or are you content to keep spewing your inaccurate crap?
bill gates, warren buffet, mark zuckerberg... only interested in profit... howard hughs, the rockefellers...?

The first two spend billions of their own money on their philanthropic projects. Your point?

that these great builders of corporations are interested in things other than profit. that they are compassionate and social

you know... with great wealth (created by capitalism)

also "i think happiness is a by product if you are doing everything else you're supposed to do" johnny carson

when did a simple majority become "mob rule" it wasn't a mob that voted in obama.... was it ?

I wasn't the one who called a majority "mob rule." I believe you did. I don't think we do have "mob rule," so if you don't either, then I don't know what you're talking about. And Johnny Carson was right. Read what he said again. The question becomes what ARE you "supposed to do," from a moral standpoint?
First of all, the Constitution protects minority rights because a MAJORITY decided that the Constitution would do so.

Secondly, none of what you said changes the FACT that the U.S. is a REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY, nor does it change the fact that you are wrong to believe or claim otherwise.

First of all, the Constitution protects minority rights because a MAJORITY decided that the Constitution would do so.
Thanks for agreeing with me that was are a Constitutional Republic. Without that the majority would rule.

The majority does rule in a constitutional republic in accordance with the law. The majority can always amend the Constitution.
You see one thing wrong with your socialist opinion is that because the minority is protected under the rule of law we are a Constitutional Republic.
Dead wrong as always, not just as usual. The constitutional process runs by republican government generally decided by democratic votes: such as for the House and the Senate, for state legislatures, for local school boards, etc.

You mistake "constitutional" for "republican".

Of course anyone that agree's with a liberal is nothing but a liberal. You are a far left wacko futher than Longhner.

You are not a conservative, merely a far far wack silly libertarian. Don't ever think you understand the Constitution. Every true American on this Board repeatedly as exposed your silliness.

In fact, you have much in common with the shooter of Gabby Giffords, who despises your philosophies by the by.

You are a liberal socialist.
I will answer for myself. Because I believe in a constitutional republic that its representatives are generally elected democratically, bigrebnc throws terms he does not understand around (like stalinist), because he apparently wants militia units to rule our country. bigreb, what are you? You are not a constitutionalist, that is for sure.
You are the one that calls America a democratic Republic, and in this thread you called it a social democracy. You're contridicting yourself their sport.

It is a social democracy. What do you think you're doing when you post on message boards? You're exercising your right to free speech in a social forum. They're all just words, you know.

You see one thing wrong with your socialist opinion is that because the minority is protected under the rule of law we are a Constitutional Republic.
Dead wrong as always, not just as usual. The constitutional process runs by republican government generally decided by democratic votes: such as for the House and the Senate, for state legislatures, for local school boards, etc.

You mistake "constitutional" for "republican".

Of course anyone that agree's with a liberal is nothing but a liberal. You are a far left wacko futher than Longhner.

You are not a conservative, merely a far far wack silly libertarian. Don't ever think you understand the Constitution. Every true American on this Board repeatedly as exposed your silliness.

In fact, you have much in common with the shooter of Gabby Giffords, who despises your philosophies by the by.

I find it interesting that such a HACK as you that doesn't and CAN'T tell the truth about himself is professing from some high horse what people are...and cannot support his assertion.

Jokey Fakey? You remain the largest JOKE on these boards.
However, in the last decade we've witnessed UNhappy workers because their employers don't care anymore about employee morale (again, a generalization).

When wages remain flat while bonuses for the top get increased, or people get fired from an 8-hour job and replaced by two part-timers just so a company won't have to pay overtime or benefits, the rest of the staff gets restless. And eventually the product itself suffers.

You wouldn't have, like, an example or two to support your absurd pablum.


Nah, that would take effort, well beyond your ability.

Read it, then go play with yourself, probably the only useful thing you know how to do.

Longer Hours, Less Pay - Labor Department
Of course anyone that agree's with a liberal is nothing but a liberal. You are a far left wacko futher than Longhner.

You are not a conservative, merely a far far wack silly libertarian. Don't ever think you understand the Constitution. Every true American on this Board repeatedly as exposed your silliness.

In fact, you have much in common with the shooter of Gabby Giffords, who despises your philosophies by the by.

I find it interesting that such a HACK as you that doesn't and CAN'T tell the truth about himself is professing from some high horse what people are...and cannot support his assertion.

Jokey Fakey? You remain the largest JOKE on these boards.

I tried to rep you but it would not let me. True story :thup:
But of course your elected official(s) represent a lot of other people, not just YOU.
and must govern according to existing constitutional law that limits the government's power over citizens. Meaning the minority rights are also protected.

i think wisconsin is a good example. the democrat party and the publik unions were outmaneuvered, and they didn't like it. just as we were outmaneuvered by the big three obama reid pelosi) over healthcare, we didn't like it, but it was legal (not very ethical)
this all according to the law, and subsequent judicial review (if necessary)
by the way good catch on "they didn't mean the republican party" i was dangling a literal motzaball. u r sharp maggie

While the unions were "out-maneuvered," the rest of the general public doesn't like what went on in Wisconsin. This has become a national issue now, which appears to be backfiring big time against the Repubicans.

The founders didn't mean the Republican PARTY, a/k/a the GOP. At the time of the signing of The Constitution, there were only two parties: The Federalists and (ironically) the Democratic-Republican Party! It wasn't until early in the 20th Century that the Democrats and Republicans split into the two parties we now know. Geesh--do some homework.

Um...the Republican Party was founded in 1854.

THE 19th Century.
As usual YOU are the one that needs to do some homework: Intellectual Lightweight.

You're fucking pitiful.

I was guessing, but I'm more correct than WA. So? Sue me.

What is your fucking ISSUE with me, personally? Grow up, little man.
Atlas Shrugged with not change the face of American politics.

Next topic.

Maybe, maybe not. It might get people to re-examine a few things, and challange their world views, and even themselves and what they have been taught from a historical standpoint.

this is a good example of liberal debate. "no, that's it, next subject", seems dogmatic to me.
T you nailed it, i believe this political philosophy will be well received, partly because it's great, but mostly because i think there are still alot of people that haven't heard it, that will like it. as my dad used to say;
"let's run it up the flagpole and see who salutes"

reasons like... Amazing. Most public school kids like me never even heard of the book.
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And you base this assumption on what evidence? Most college students or professors EVER read Ayn Rand. She's darn near persona non grata in the colleges these days.

I had to choose to read it on my own as an adult and that was only after someone tipped me off that it was an interesting read. The Fountainhead took me 4 tries before I finally got into it, and then I LOVED it, regardless of it's stilted nature. Atlas Shrugged I consumed in 4 days as hard as it was to read the whole John Galt Speaks section... MAN that was dry.

I had to read it in high school. Perhaps most college professors are silly enough to believe that it still might happen that high school students get a good education. I read it as part of my Economics 101 course over a six-month period, where we had pop quizzes on the chapters as they applied to known applications.
Amazing. Most public school kids like me never even heard of the book.

I was blessed with two of the best: My English teacher and Economics/Bookkeeping teacher in my senior year. My American History teacher, not so much. If you could get him talking football, class was over. I had to learn history on my own, much later.

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