"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

Everyone can read post 147 then trace what you have done in posts since then. You took my material almost word for word. You finally got it right. However, either you stole it or you are stupid.

Or you are both. Yes, I vote for that: you are both.

with whom are you "voting" ?, see, this is a good example of the authoritarian(ism) that miss rand wrote about. (good morning)

if plagiarism was the criterion for firing, this place would be tumbleweeds.
I can't read his posts... I've got him on ignore. :razz: :dance:
Everyone can read post 147 then trace what you have done in posts since then. You took my material almost word for word. You finally got it right. However, either you stole it or you are stupid.

Or you are both. Yes, I vote for that: you are both.

with whom are you "voting" ?, see, this is a good example of the authoritarian(ism) that miss rand wrote about. (good morning)

if plagiarism was the criterion for firing, this place would be tumbleweeds.
I can't read his posts... I've got him on ignore. :razz: :dance:

we can't quit now fitz, i think they're starting to come around... like the movie, i think we can convince the "american "people" that obama is the weakest form of president (and greatest economic disaster) since the great depression

"i'm sitting here watching chris matthews, what a dick, and his panel are dicks." scott e.
Last edited:
Snap. Now check posts 125 and 151 along with 147. I guess you will have to gnaw your foot off. You are stupid.

Good night.

Run starkey lying little troll. I have always said America is a Constitutional Republic,

Got you good. Simply don't steal peoples' stuff, say they are not sayin what they actually are saying, then pretend the material is yours. I will out you every time you do it.
Snap. Now check posts 125 and 151 along with 147. I guess you will have to gnaw your foot off. You are stupid.

Good night.

Run starkey lying little troll. I have always said America is a Constitutional Republic,

Got you good. Simply don't steal peoples' stuff, say they are not sayin what they actually are saying, then pretend the material is yours. I will out you every time you do it.

Your problem is? He didn't.
I will answer for myself. Because I believe in a constitutional republic that its representatives are generally elected democratically, bigrebnc throws terms he does not understand around (like stalinist), because he apparently wants militia units to rule our country. bigreb, what are you? You are not a constitutionalist, that is for sure.

And you throw around incipid terms as 'soviet militias'...You therefore out yourself and what you think of the people defending themselves against tyrants to preserve their liberty. The Founders understood what was at stake...


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."~Thomas Jefferson

I think it is you that refuses to understand true Liberty, what the Founders gave us, and the means to preserve it.

True story :thup:

Words have meaning, behavior has consequences. You both get mad, and fitz runs away, because I hold you do what you say and do.
And you throw around incipid terms as 'soviet militias'...You therefore out yourself and what you think of the people defending themselves against tyrants to preserve their liberty. The Founders understood what was at stake...


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."~Thomas Jefferson

I think it is you that refuses to understand true Liberty, what the Founders gave us, and the means to preserve it.

True story :thup:

Words have meaning, behavior has consequences. You both get mad, and fitz runs away, because I hold you do what you say and do.
:lol: *YOU* don't hold anyone to squat.
Snap. Now check posts 125 and 151 along with 147. I guess you will have to gnaw your foot off. You are stupid.

Good night.

Run starkey lying little troll. I have always said America is a Constitutional Republic,

Got you good. Simply don't steal peoples' stuff, say they are not sayin what they actually are saying, then pretend the material is yours. I will out you every time you do it.
All you did was show how big of a lying troll you are. Take what Intense had to say to you.

Are we A. Constitutional Republic is a state where the officials are elected as representatives of the people, and must govern according to existing constitutional law that limits the government's power over citizens.

B. democracy is a form of government in which the people decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums.

James Madison
There are particular moments in public affairs when the people, stimulated by some irregular passion, or some illicit advantage, or misled by the artful misrepresentations of interested men, may call for measures which they themselves will afterwards be most ready to lament and condemn. In these critical moments, how salutary will be the interference of some temperate and respectable body of citizens, in order to check the misguided career and to suspend the blow meditated by the people against themselves, until reason, justice and truth can regain their authority over the public mind
(Federalist No. 63).

Benjamin Franklin

The Greatest Benjamin Franklin Quotes

"A. Constitutional Republic is a state where the officials are elected as representatives of the people, and must govern according to existing constitutional law that limits the government's power over citizens." So you cut out my corrections of your wrongheadedness, then you repost basically what I counseled you on, above, and you pretend it its yours?

You reposted my comments from #147 http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...face-of-american-politics-10.html#post3416276 Edited and pretended they are yours, bigrebnc. Well, at least you are finally getting the point correctly (republicanism is the democratic election of our representatives to govern, whether directly such as for school boards, city commissions, state legislatures, the national legislature; and indirectly, such as voting for the Electoral College).

Well, you have proven to all of us without any doubt: (1) you have no integrity, (2) you are stupid, and (3) you are arrogant in that you think you can get away with it.


Jake, You are misreading Intention here, and coming to a False Conclusion. Your Accusation of Plagiarism is Wrong.
And you throw around incipid terms as 'soviet militias'...You therefore out yourself and what you think of the people defending themselves against tyrants to preserve their liberty. The Founders understood what was at stake...


"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."~Thomas Jefferson

I think it is you that refuses to understand true Liberty, what the Founders gave us, and the means to preserve it.

True story :thup:

Words have meaning, behavior has consequences. You both get mad, and fitz runs away, because I hold you do what you say and do.

I get mad because you are dishonest. You are lowest of the low you are worse than rdean and truth matters, combined.
[Are we

A. Constitutional Republic is a state where the officials are elected as representatives of the people, and must govern according to existing constitutional law that limits the government's power over citizens.

B. democracy is a form of government in which the people decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums.

Direct Democracy and Representative Democracy are two recognized forms of DEMOCRACY.

So, in short, you are talking nonsense.


form of government in which a state is ruled by representatives elected by its populace. The term was originally applied to a form of government in which the leader is periodically appointed under a constitution; it was contrasted with governments in which leadership is hereditary. A republic may also be distinguished from direct democracy, though modern representative democracies are by and large republics.
mmmm hare splitting for failed political point.


Pointing out that the U. S. is in fact a democracy is hair splitting?
Direct Democracy and Representative Democracy are two recognized forms of DEMOCRACY.

So, in short, you are talking nonsense.


form of government in which a state is ruled by representatives elected by its populace. The term was originally applied to a form of government in which the leader is periodically appointed under a constitution; it was contrasted with governments in which leadership is hereditary. A republic may also be distinguished from direct democracy, though modern representative democracies are by and large republics.
mmmm hare splitting for failed political point.


Pointing out that the U. S. is in fact a democracy is hair splitting?[/QUOTE]

And I pointed out that you are wrong. The people [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]DO NOT [/SIZE][/COLOR]decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums. The majority does not get to dictate the rules. The Constitution does.
mmmm hare splitting for failed political point.


Pointing out that the U. S. is in fact a democracy is hair splitting?[/quote]

And I pointed out that you are wrong. The people [COLOR=red][SIZE=5]DO NOT [/SIZE][/COLOR]decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums. The majority does not get to dictate the rules. The Constitution does.[/quote]

They'll understand one day when they are left to understand that their liberty has been stolen from them.
Run starkey lying little troll. I have always said America is a Constitutional Republic,

Got you good. Simply don't steal peoples' stuff, say they are not sayin what they actually are saying, then pretend the material is yours. I will out you every time you do it.
All you did was show how big of a lying troll you are. Take what Intense had to say to you.

"A. Constitutional Republic is a state where the officials are elected as representatives of the people, and must govern according to existing constitutional law that limits the government's power over citizens." So you cut out my corrections of your wrongheadedness, then you repost basically what I counseled you on, above, and you pretend it its yours?

You reposted my comments from #147 http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...face-of-american-politics-10.html#post3416276 Edited and pretended they are yours, bigrebnc. Well, at least you are finally getting the point correctly (republicanism is the democratic election of our representatives to govern, whether directly such as for school boards, city commissions, state legislatures, the national legislature; and indirectly, such as voting for the Electoral College).

Well, you have proven to all of us without any doubt: (1) you have no integrity, (2) you are stupid, and (3) you are arrogant in that you think you can get away with it.


Jake, You are misreading Intention here, and coming to a False Conclusion. Your Accusation of Plagiarism is Wrong.

A clear reading of the posts reveal what bigrebnc did.
mmmm hare splitting for failed political point.


Pointing out that the U. S. is in fact a democracy is hair splitting?[/QUOTE]

And I pointed out that you are wrong. The people [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]DO NOT [/SIZE][/COLOR]decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums. The majority does not get to dictate the rules. The Constitution does.[/QUOTE]

First of all, the Constitution protects minority rights because a MAJORITY decided that the Constitution would do so.

Secondly, none of what you said changes the FACT that the U.S. is a REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY, nor does it change the fact that you are wrong to believe or claim otherwise.
mmmm hare splitting for failed political point.


Pointing out that the U. S. is in fact a democracy is hair splitting?[/QUOTE]

And I pointed out that you are wrong. The people [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]DO NOT [/SIZE][/COLOR]decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums. The majority does not get to dictate the rules. The Constitution does.[/QUOTE]

Dead wrong as always, not just as usual. The constitutional process runs by republican government generally decided by democratic votes: such as for the House and the Senate, for state legislatures, for local school boards, etc.

You mistake "constitutional" for "republican".
Pointing out that the U. S. is in fact a democracy is hair splitting?

And I pointed out that you are wrong. The people DO NOT decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums. The majority does not get to dictate the rules. The Constitution does.

They'll understand one day when they are left to understand that their liberty has been stolen from them.

We will not let you steal our liberty; you are right about that.
And I pointed out that you are wrong. The people DO NOT decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums. The majority does not get to dictate the rules. The Constitution does.

They'll understand one day when they are left to understand that their liberty has been stolen from them.

We will not let you steal our liberty; you are right about that.

Who's WE? And what stealing of liberty? You have a fuckin' FROG in yer pocket?

Jake? Yer pathetic.
Pointing out that the U. S. is in fact a democracy is hair splitting?

And I pointed out that you are wrong. The people DO NOT decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums. The majority does not get to dictate the rules. The Constitution does.

First of all, the Constitution protects minority rights because a MAJORITY decided that the Constitution would do so.

Secondly, none of what you said changes the FACT that the U.S. is a REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY, nor does it change the fact that you are wrong to believe or claim otherwise.

First of all, the Constitution protects minority rights because a MAJORITY decided that the Constitution would do so.
Thanks for agreeing with me that was are a Constitutional Republic. Without that the majority would rule.
Pointing out that the U. S. is in fact a democracy is hair splitting?

And I pointed out that you are wrong. The people DO NOT decide policy matters directly--through town hall meetings or by voting on ballot initiatives and referendums. The majority does not get to dictate the rules. The Constitution does.

Dead wrong as always, not just as usual. The constitutional process runs by republican government generally decided by democratic votes: such as for the House and the Senate, for state legislatures, for local school boards, etc.

You mistake "constitutional" for "republican".

Of course anyone that agree's with a liberal is nothing but a liberal. You are a far left wacko futher than Longhner.

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