"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

The founders didn't mean the Republican PARTY, a/k/a the GOP. At the time of the signing of The Constitution, there were only two parties: The Federalists and (ironically) the Democratic-Republican Party! It wasn't until early in the 20th Century that the Democrats and Republicans split into the two parties we now know. Geesh--do some homework.

Um...the Republican Party was founded in 1854.

THE 19th Century.
As usual YOU are the one that needs to do some homework: Intellectual Lightweight.

You're fucking pitiful.
Gotta love the Election of 1860. 4 major candidates and the shambles of the Whig party, states rights, slavery and secession in the balance. The election of Lincoln guaranteed a civil war after the mess that Buchanan left when leaving office. I love Buchanan's quote to Lincoln as they met briefly to change power:

"If you are as happy a man to take the office of President as I am to leave it, you are a very happy man!"

Or Bush's private memo to Gore after the 911 attacks: "If you still want the job, it's yours."
(That was just a joke of course.)
...what if one is most happy when one is also unproductive?

See, that's the problem with Rand. Ultimately she's forced to accept contradictions, or be rejected completely.
And if unproductive people aren't subsidized by either the willing or the forced, they quickly starve and die. Somewhere before death, they cease being happy and either become unhappy productive people, or get the point that life involves work and come to terms with their lives and become happy productive people. Or die. that is still an option for those who refuse productivity and don't have a host in which to be a parasite on.

The most ungrateful person is a happy unproductive person. Their comfort is not theirs, and they know it can be taken from them once people figure out the scam. At least they admit that if they're intellectually honest. Most aren't.

So, your premise is flawed.

I happen to agree with you. But the unanswered question still remains, what to do about it? The only workable solution is to slowly wean those unproductive people OFF their support systems. And it won't happen overnight because there are too many unknowns: High unemployment, children who are unaware of the positions of their parent(s) who rely on life-sustaining programs, etc.
Thanks for agreeing with me that was are a Constitutional Republic. Without that the majority would rule.

The majority does rule in a constitutional republic in accordance with the law. The majority can always amend the Constitution.
You see one thing wrong with your socialist opinion is that because the minority is protected under the rule of law we are a Constitutional Republic.

The majority can amend the Constitution. For instance, a super majority could get rid of the 2nd Amendment. I would not support that, but it is a good example to help you put matters in perspective.
Of course anyone that agree's with a liberal is nothing but a liberal. You are a far left wacko futher than Longhner.

You are not a conservative, merely a far far wack silly libertarian. Don't ever think you understand the Constitution. Every true American on this Board repeatedly as exposed your silliness.

In fact, you have much in common with the shooter of Gabby Giffords, who despises your philosophies by the by.

You are a liberal socialist.
How so?
The founders didn't mean the Republican PARTY, a/k/a the GOP. At the time of the signing of The Constitution, there were only two parties: The Federalists and (ironically) the Democratic-Republican Party! It wasn't until early in the 20th Century that the Democrats and Republicans split into the two parties we now know. Geesh--do some homework.

Um...the Republican Party was founded in 1854.

THE 19th Century.
As usual YOU are the one that needs to do some homework: Intellectual Lightweight.

You're fucking pitiful.

I was guessing, but I'm more correct than WA. So? Sue me.

What is your fucking ISSUE with me, personally? Grow up, little man.

"the rest of the general public"

i don't think so eminem....

and..... Read it, then go play with yourself, probably the only useful thing you know how to do. see.. ayn rand would say "how does this benefit the rest of us in society, would he be paid for such unworldly acts?"

i liked the movie tickets would have to be bought with gold, pretty funny.
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Of course anyone that agree's with a liberal is nothing but a liberal. You are a far left wacko futher than Longhner.

You are not a conservative, merely a far far wack silly libertarian. Don't ever think you understand the Constitution. Every true American on this Board repeatedly as exposed your silliness.

In fact, you have much in common with the shooter of Gabby Giffords, who despises your philosophies by the by.

I find it interesting that such a HACK as you that doesn't and CAN'T tell the truth about himself is professing from some high horse what people are...and cannot support his assertion.

Jokey Fakey? You remain the largest JOKE on these boards.

Says the biggest joke next to bigrebnc.
You are not a conservative, merely a far far wack silly libertarian. Don't ever think you understand the Constitution. Every true American on this Board repeatedly as exposed your silliness.

In fact, you have much in common with the shooter of Gabby Giffords, who despises your philosophies by the by.

You are a liberal socialist.
How so?

He's using the same measuring stick that rightwingers used to declare John McCain a liberal.
Thanks for agreeing with me that was are a Constitutional Republic. Without that the majority would rule.

The majority does rule. A big enough majority can amend the Constitution to say anything they want it to say.

Not so sadly you are one of the minorites. If that was true, how many amendments have we had in the last 80 years?

How many do we need to have had to prove that the Constitution can be amended?

Let's get back to the thread topic, Ayn Rand.

Let's get back to her atheism, and here contempt for faith, for starters.

Is that the changing of the face of politics we're going to see after this stupid movie comes out?

...a rejection of faith as a meaningful component of American politics??
Jokey Fakey? You remain the largest JOKE on these boards.
this is true... where has dante been ?

ratified by three quarters of the states, including the ones that think they can secede from the union.
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You are not a conservative, merely a far far wack silly libertarian. Don't ever think you understand the Constitution. Every true American on this Board repeatedly as exposed your silliness.

In fact, you have much in common with the shooter of Gabby Giffords, who despises your philosophies by the by.

You are a liberal socialist.
How so?

My word, it's gold compared to your tin valued word.

As I said if I had liberals defending me as much as they do you I would have to change my point of view. If a person agrees with you, it's because they have the same belief system.
Let's get back to the thread topic, Ayn Rand.

Let's get back to her atheism, and here contempt for faith, for starters.

Is that the changing of the face of politics we're going to see after this stupid movie comes out?

...a rejection of faith as a meaningful component of American politics??
What contempt...and Faith? Since WHEN did *YOU* become an accolyte for faith since I have seen you do nothing but laugh at it?
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Not so sadly you are one of the minorites. If that was true, how many amendments have we had in the last 80 years?

How many do we need to have had to prove that the Constitution can be amended?


How many times has it been amended in the past 80 years?

Your question is rhetorical, and irrelevant to the discussion.

If you wish to dispute that the Constitution can be amended by a super majority, thus proving that ultimately, the majority rules in this country, then do so.

Good luck.
How many do we need to have had to prove that the Constitution can be amended?


How many times has it been amended in the past 80 years?

Your question is rhetorical, and irrelevant to the discussion.

If you wish to dispute that the Constitution can be amended by a super majority, thus proving that ultimately, the majority rules in this country, then do so.

Good luck.

it has EVERYTHING to do with the discussion. It is RARE...and difficult by design.

Progressives would rather obfuscate it by Fiat...
Let's get back to the thread topic, Ayn Rand.

Let's get back to her atheism, and here contempt for faith, for starters.

Is that the changing of the face of politics we're going to see after this stupid movie comes out?

...a rejection of faith as a meaningful component of American politics??
What contempt...and Faith? Since WHEN did *YOU* become an accolyte for faith since I have seen you do nothing but laugh at it?

Were you aware that Ayn Rand was an atheist? Were you aware that Ayn Rand was adamantly pro-choice? Were you aware that Ayn Rand despised Ronald Reagan?

For that matter, were you aware that Ayn Rand rejected any notion that she was a conservative?
How many times has it been amended in the past 80 years?

Your question is rhetorical, and irrelevant to the discussion.

If you wish to dispute that the Constitution can be amended by a super majority, thus proving that ultimately, the majority rules in this country, then do so.

Good luck.

it has EVERYTHING to do with the discussion. It is RARE...and difficult by design.

Progressives would rather obfuscate it by Fiat...

Conservative Presidents are rare too. Does that mean that Constitutionally, they are difficult by design?


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