Attack Mullers ability to prosecute.

Odd, I spent three decades in and out of criminal court, and rarely did a competent defensce attorney attack the DA, usually the evidence and how it was collected was their defense. Those attorney's who attack the DDA would find deal making very hard, and their client would suffer as well as their future in that judicial district.

Point well taken. Trumps attacks on Mueller, Comey and even Sessions aren't very helpful, at least at this stage.

Ronald Reagan never attacked Lawrence Walsh. Clinton only attacked Ken Starr after Ken Starr started to go well beyond his original mandate of Whitewater into areas involving Clinton's sex life.

Trump attacking Mueller is just bad form and bad strategy
Clinton had his henchman, James Carville, attacking Starr from day one. I can still recall the time he said on the national news program
“If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

I know, you are speechless.
Who knows why you think that?
You don't recognize your portrait?
I recognize you're a brain-dead con who thinks Carville said that quote about Ken Starr and thinks Mueller is a Democrat.

I watched him say it on a Sunday morning news show myself, moron.
Suuure ya did. In your demented conservative hallucinations.

Mueller, 56, is a registered Republican, yet a striking number of people describe him as apolitical.

FBI Nominee Lauded for Tenacity

Also fucked up the Anthrax investigation with his prag Comey.
It happens all the time in court to prosicuters. IfWhy couldn't Trumps lawyers point out Comey and Mullers incompetence? They can nail them both with the same torpedo. Anyone remember the big Anthrax investigation that the grousom twosome fucked up so bad?

The third and most important factor tempering my enthusiasm for the new special prosecutor is that Comey and Mueller badly bungled the biggest case they ever handled. They botched the investigation of the 2001 anthrax letter attacks that took five lives and infected 17 other people, shut down the U.S. Capitol and Washington’s mail system, solidified the Bush administration’s antipathy for Iraq, and eventually, when the facts finally came out, made the FBI look feckless, incompetent, and easily manipulated by outside political pressure.
I'm sure that will convince so many people of trump's total innocence.
Odd, I spent three decades in and out of criminal court, and rarely did a competent defensce attorney attack the DA, usually the evidence and how it was collected was their defense. Those attorney's who attack the DDA would find deal making very hard, and their client would suffer as well as their future in that judicial district.

Point well taken. Trumps attacks on Mueller, Comey and even Sessions aren't very helpful, at least at this stage.

Ronald Reagan never attacked Lawrence Walsh. Clinton only attacked Ken Starr after Ken Starr started to go well beyond his original mandate of Whitewater into areas involving Clinton's sex life.

Trump attacking Mueller is just bad form and bad strategy
Clinton had his henchman, James Carville, attacking Starr from day one. I can still recall the time he said on the national news program
“If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

I know, you are speechless.
Facts always leave him speachless.
Ya mean facts like Carville said, "If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” about Ken Starr? Or did you mean facts like, "Mueller is a Democrat?"
Damn mormons. Again you are wrong as hell. Muller and Comey fucked the case up. I mean they could not get to the bottom of the anthrax thing. They Mormon to joe?

Well, they did get to the bottom of it, they got the right guy. A guy who was very clever in first trying to frame Muslims, and then one of his co-workers.

Clinton had his henchman, James Carville, attacking Starr from day one. I can still recall the time he said on the national news program
“If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

Which was a comment about Paula Jones civil suit, not Ken Starr. at the time he said this, the two were not connected. Only after Starr failed to prove Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate, etc involved any wrongdoing, did he go after whether or not Clinton showed Trailer Trash Paula his wang.

I don't know about the timing, but the fact is James Carville was on news programs every Sunday attacking Ken Starr. He did everything possible to paint Starr as some kind of monster.

As always, your characterization of what Clinton was charged with is a complete lie.
Perhaps he was....Ken Starr Stepping Down as Baylor University's Chancellor
Damn mormons. Again you are wrong as hell. Muller and Comey fucked the case up. I mean they could not get to the bottom of the anthrax thing. They Mormon to joe?

Well, they did get to the bottom of it, they got the right guy. A guy who was very clever in first trying to frame Muslims, and then one of his co-workers.

Clinton had his henchman, James Carville, attacking Starr from day one. I can still recall the time he said on the national news program
“If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

Which was a comment about Paula Jones civil suit, not Ken Starr. at the time he said this, the two were not connected. Only after Starr failed to prove Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate, etc involved any wrongdoing, did he go after whether or not Clinton showed Trailer Trash Paula his wang.

I don't know about the timing, but the fact is James Carville was on news programs every Sunday attacking Ken Starr. He did everything possible to paint Starr as some kind of monster.

As always, your characterization of what Clinton was charged with is a complete lie.
Perhaps he was....Ken Starr Stepping Down as Baylor University's Chancellor

Proof right there. Special investigations aren't helpful for anyone on either side.
It happens all the time in court to prosicuters. IfWhy couldn't Trumps lawyers point out Comey and Mullers incompetence? They can nail them both with the same torpedo. Anyone remember the big Anthrax investigation that the grousom twosome fucked up so bad?

The third and most important factor tempering my enthusiasm for the new special prosecutor is that Comey and Mueller badly bungled the biggest case they ever handled. They botched the investigation of the 2001 anthrax letter attacks that took five lives and infected 17 other people, shut down the U.S. Capitol and Washington’s mail system, solidified the Bush administration’s antipathy for Iraq, and eventually, when the facts finally came out, made the FBI look feckless, incompetent, and easily manipulated by outside political pressure.
Trump's new lawyer knows how serious Mueller's investigation is and is taking a cautious approach of cooperation. He's not as fucking stupid as you Trumpies.
Damn mormons. Again you are wrong as hell. Muller and Comey fucked the case up. I mean they could not get to the bottom of the anthrax thing. They Mormon to joe?

Well, they did get to the bottom of it, they got the right guy. A guy who was very clever in first trying to frame Muslims, and then one of his co-workers.

Clinton had his henchman, James Carville, attacking Starr from day one. I can still recall the time he said on the national news program
“If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

Which was a comment about Paula Jones civil suit, not Ken Starr. at the time he said this, the two were not connected. Only after Starr failed to prove Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate, etc involved any wrongdoing, did he go after whether or not Clinton showed Trailer Trash Paula his wang.

I don't know about the timing, but the fact is James Carville was on news programs every Sunday attacking Ken Starr. He did everything possible to paint Starr as some kind of monster.

As always, your characterization of what Clinton was charged with is a complete lie.
Perhaps he was....Ken Starr Stepping Down as Baylor University's Chancellor

Proof right there. Special investigations aren't helpful for anyone on either side.
Did you say that during the Bill Clinton investigation?
Odd, I spent three decades in and out of criminal court, and rarely did a competent defensce attorney attack the DA, usually the evidence and how it was collected was their defense. Those attorney's who attack the DDA would find deal making very hard, and their client would suffer as well as their future in that judicial district.

Point well taken. Trumps attacks on Mueller, Comey and even Sessions aren't very helpful, at least at this stage.

Ronald Reagan never attacked Lawrence Walsh. Clinton only attacked Ken Starr after Ken Starr started to go well beyond his original mandate of Whitewater into areas involving Clinton's sex life.

Trump attacking Mueller is just bad form and bad strategy
Clinton had his henchman, James Carville, attacking Starr from day one. I can still recall the time he said on the national news program
“If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

I know, you are speechless.
Who knows why you think that?
He thinks that because, unlike you, he is able to commit logic.
It happens all the time in court to prosicuters. IfWhy couldn't Trumps lawyers point out Comey and Mullers incompetence? They can nail them both with the same torpedo. Anyone remember the big Anthrax investigation that the grousom twosome fucked up so bad?

The third and most important factor tempering my enthusiasm for the new special prosecutor is that Comey and Mueller badly bungled the biggest case they ever handled. They botched the investigation of the 2001 anthrax letter attacks that took five lives and infected 17 other people, shut down the U.S. Capitol and Washington’s mail system, solidified the Bush administration’s antipathy for Iraq, and eventually, when the facts finally came out, made the FBI look feckless, incompetent, and easily manipulated by outside political pressure.
Trump's new lawyer knows how serious Mueller's investigation is and is taking a cautious approach of cooperation. He's not as fucking stupid as you Trumpies.
Cooperating with people who are trying to destroy you is stupid.

Note to Trump's lawyer: Do not cooperate with Mueller lynch mob
Point well taken. Trumps attacks on Mueller, Comey and even Sessions aren't very helpful, at least at this stage.

Ronald Reagan never attacked Lawrence Walsh. Clinton only attacked Ken Starr after Ken Starr started to go well beyond his original mandate of Whitewater into areas involving Clinton's sex life.

Trump attacking Mueller is just bad form and bad strategy
Clinton had his henchman, James Carville, attacking Starr from day one. I can still recall the time he said on the national news program
“If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

I know, you are speechless.
Facts always leave him speachless.
Ya mean facts like Carville said, "If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” about Ken Starr? Or did you mean facts like, "Mueller is a Democrat?"
Both, although the first one is documented. Mewler is a Democrat who's still in the closet.
Clinton had his henchman, James Carville, attacking Starr from day one. I can still recall the time he said on the national news program
“If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

I know, you are speechless.
Facts always leave him speachless.
Ya mean facts like Carville said, "If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” about Ken Starr? Or did you mean facts like, "Mueller is a Democrat?"
Both, although the first one is documented. Mewler is a Democrat who's still in the closet.
Neither is factual. Both stem from your demented conservative brain.

I know, you are speechless.
Facts always leave him speachless.
Ya mean facts like Carville said, "If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” about Ken Starr? Or did you mean facts like, "Mueller is a Democrat?"
Both, although the first one is documented. Mewler is a Democrat who's still in the closet.
Neither is factual. Both stem from your demented conservative brain.
Wrongo, asshole. I saw the first one occur with my own eyes. Do a Google search and you will find numerous sources that confirm it.
Mueller has already sabotaged his own efforts through his own Conflict of Interest but also by assembling the extremely Partisan 'Mother Of All All-Star Conflict-Of-Interest' 'Political Assassination Squad' comprised of DNC / Hillary donors and Hillary lawyers.

Meh, no worse than the team Ken Starr assembled when he engaged in a 70 million dollar panty raid.

Here's the real problem you guys have got. Any case is going to be heard in DC.

Where they vote 96% Democratic.
I don't know about the timing, but the fact is James Carville was on news programs every Sunday attacking Ken Starr. He did everything possible to paint Starr as some kind of monster.

As always, your characterization of what Clinton was charged with is a complete lie.

Well, Ken Starr was a monster. The kind of monster that covered up REAL rapes when he was chancellor of Baylor University.

To the point, though, let's look at Ken's Hall of Shame.

Whitewater- The Clintons did nothing wrong.
Filegate - The Clintons did nothing wrong.
Travelgate - The Clintons did nothing wrong.
Vince Foster - Concluded it was a suicide, the Clinton's did nothing wrong.
Castle Grande - The Clintons did nothing wrong
Kathleen Willey- Ken Starr admitted she wasn't credible.
Juanita Brodderick - Ken Starr took no position on her story

So frankly, the guy spent 70 million dollars flinging shit at the Clintons for five years.

Then dumped the whole mess off on a guy named Charles Ray who had to clean up the mess.

Imagine if we took the effort put into investigating jizz stains on dresses and put it into stopping terrorism.
I know, you are speechless.
Facts always leave him speachless.
Ya mean facts like Carville said, "If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” about Ken Starr? Or did you mean facts like, "Mueller is a Democrat?"
Both, although the first one is documented. Mewler is a Democrat who's still in the closet.
Neither is factual. Both stem from your demented conservative brain.
Wrongo, asshole. I saw the first one occur with my own eyes. Do a Google search and you will find numerous sources that confirm it.
You prove once again you're completely senile. Not necessary, but, whatever.

The "first one" being, "Ya mean facts like Carville said, "If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” about Ken Starr?"

No, dumbfuck, Carville did not say that about Ken Starr. He said that about Paula Jones...

Clinton’s camp was cruel. Longtime loyalist James Carville famously said of Jones, “If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

Paula Jones to Penthouse: The Right ‘Used Me’

Facts always leave him speachless.
Ya mean facts like Carville said, "If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” about Ken Starr? Or did you mean facts like, "Mueller is a Democrat?"
Both, although the first one is documented. Mewler is a Democrat who's still in the closet.
Neither is factual. Both stem from your demented conservative brain.
Wrongo, asshole. I saw the first one occur with my own eyes. Do a Google search and you will find numerous sources that confirm it.
You prove once again you're completely senile. Not necessary, but, whatever.

The "first one" being, "Ya mean facts like Carville said, "If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” about Ken Starr?"

No, dumbfuck, Carville did not say that about Ken Starr. He said that about Paula Jones...

Clinton’s camp was cruel. Longtime loyalist James Carville famously said of Jones, “If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

Paula Jones to Penthouse: The Right ‘Used Me’

Ya mean facts like Carville said, "If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” about Ken Starr? Or did you mean facts like, "Mueller is a Democrat?"
Both, although the first one is documented. Mewler is a Democrat who's still in the closet.
Neither is factual. Both stem from your demented conservative brain.
Wrongo, asshole. I saw the first one occur with my own eyes. Do a Google search and you will find numerous sources that confirm it.
You prove once again you're completely senile. Not necessary, but, whatever.

The "first one" being, "Ya mean facts like Carville said, "If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” about Ken Starr?"

No, dumbfuck, Carville did not say that about Ken Starr. He said that about Paula Jones...

Clinton’s camp was cruel. Longtime loyalist James Carville famously said of Jones, “If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

Paula Jones to Penthouse: The Right ‘Used Me’

Spits the rightard who actually claims Carville made that comment about Starr; even when he's shown the comment was made about Jones. :cuckoo:
Both, although the first one is documented. Mewler is a Democrat who's still in the closet.
Neither is factual. Both stem from your demented conservative brain.
Wrongo, asshole. I saw the first one occur with my own eyes. Do a Google search and you will find numerous sources that confirm it.
You prove once again you're completely senile. Not necessary, but, whatever.

The "first one" being, "Ya mean facts like Carville said, "If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” about Ken Starr?"

No, dumbfuck, Carville did not say that about Ken Starr. He said that about Paula Jones...

Clinton’s camp was cruel. Longtime loyalist James Carville famously said of Jones, “If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

Paula Jones to Penthouse: The Right ‘Used Me’

Spits the rightard who actually claims Carville made that comment about Starr; even when he's shown the comment was made about Jones. :cuckoo:
Your quibbling about minutiae what doesn't matter. That's what snowflake douche bags always do when the facts don't support their narrative.
Neither is factual. Both stem from your demented conservative brain.
Wrongo, asshole. I saw the first one occur with my own eyes. Do a Google search and you will find numerous sources that confirm it.
You prove once again you're completely senile. Not necessary, but, whatever.

The "first one" being, "Ya mean facts like Carville said, "If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” about Ken Starr?"

No, dumbfuck, Carville did not say that about Ken Starr. He said that about Paula Jones...

Clinton’s camp was cruel. Longtime loyalist James Carville famously said of Jones, “If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find.”

Paula Jones to Penthouse: The Right ‘Used Me’

Spits the rightard who actually claims Carville made that comment about Starr; even when he's shown the comment was made about Jones. :cuckoo:
Your quibbling about minutiae what doesn't matter. That's what snowflake douche bags always do when the facts don't support their narrative.
You were proven wrong, I don't care how brain-dead conservative you are.

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