Attacking police, a by product of the present political party in the white house

Please keep your posts on the subject at hand and not each other. Thanks
Suspect killed after attack on Dallas police headquarters - Yahoo News

Yup keep encouraging this kind of behavior. It helps so much.

Onus is on the OP to prove that the Dems are encouraging gun ownership by the mentally ill.

Golly, if "Gun Ownership' were the issue... that would be SUCH a great point. But of course, "Gun Ownership" is NOT at issue here... attacking the police, is the issue here.

Now with regard to Gun Ownership... the issue is RESPONSIBILITY.

Now the Left rejects the Right to Bear Arms, for the same reason that they reject the Right to be free... the right to be free comes with the RESPONSIBILITY to defend that freedom, by say refusing to celebrate debauchery and degeneracy.

Ya see Reader, all human rights come exclusively from God, who endows those rights to every human being and with those rights come the responsibility to not exercise those rights in such a way that injures the innocent; meaning that to sustain our rights; which means to sustain our means to remain free, we must never exercise our rights to the detriment of the means of another to exercise their own rights.

And THAT, while the most elementary of all possible human concepts is simply out of reach of the pitiful intellectual means of the lowly Relativist.

So they bray and cry, weep and gnash their collective tooth over those things that cause them to TRY... because, ot hear them tell it, 'it c'aint be 'free' if it cost ya somethin'.'
Suspect killed after attack on Dallas police headquarters - Yahoo News

Yup keep encouraging this kind of behavior. It helps so much.

Where is your evidence that Democrats are encouraging people to shoot up police stations?

they aren't encouraging to go shoot them up. but they are stirring up THE HATE against them
starting with Obama saying they acted Stupidly, to sharptons actions, that mayor and prosecutor of Baltimore. and on and on

Police do act stupidly sometimes. While I agree the left tends to unnecessarily stir the pot, why is it that none of you on the right will ever acknowledge that the police are also responsible for bringing this type of public animosity on themselves?

who on the right NEVER agrees they don't? We just don't get all dramatic over every single video posted out of 360 MILLION people in this country. and all of sudden the police has a hardon only FOR BLACK people in all these videos. But since all this we've seen innocent police officers attacked for no reason.
Let's just keep it simple so the Right Wing can's all President Obama's fault. There.
Well, he was a white dude, no? These kinds of attacks are usually carried out by your typical angry hateful white Republican guys. So. i'm going with that on this one too.
Which ones were Republicans?

If it's a failed attack especially, you know it was a dumb angry white Republican dude. Small dicks & small brains are what angry white Republican dudes are all about. They really should consult the angry Muslims they hate so much. At least those people have some degree of intelligence.

holy smokes. speaking about angry^^^^^
don't think you have room to judge others
You do understand the utter hypocrisy of your comment given your claim that every time a policeman is killed, it is because the president encouraged it? No, you probably don't understand. That would require an intellect God saw fit to deny you.

no absurdity about it. He's the one who got out on a National stage and said: the police acted Stupidly, or IF he had a son he could have been Trayvon Martian. and the absurd went on and on along with Shapton, holder and Deblasio.
and you're so freaking stupid and nasty. I'm sure all that came from the devil himself. now go sit down and while you're at it, go diddle yourself. You've been here for all of 200 something post and everyone of them has been NASTY
So, you read all of my posts? That, of course, is a lie. Lying comes so naturally, doesn't it? Without lying and saying hateful things about your betters, like the President, you would have little to say.
Suspect killed after attack on Dallas police headquarters - Yahoo News

Yup keep encouraging this kind of behavior. It helps so much.

Where is your evidence that Democrats are encouraging people to shoot up police stations?

they aren't encouraging to go shoot them up. but they are stirring up THE HATE against them
starting with Obama saying they acted Stupidly, to sharptons actions, that mayor and prosecutor of Baltimore. and on and on

Police do act stupidly sometimes. While I agree the left tends to unnecessarily stir the pot, why is it that none of you on the right will ever acknowledge that the police are also responsible for bringing this type of public animosity on themselves?

who on the right NEVER agrees they don't? We just don't get all dramatic over every single video posted out of 360 MILLION people in this country. and all of sudden the police has a hardon only FOR BLACK people in all these videos. But since all this we've seen innocent police officers attacked for no reason.
In 2009, Richard Poplawski, a white, right wing, racist who railed about the new President taking away his guns, laid in wait and ambushed three police officer, killing them. When a progressive magazine suggested he was inspired by gun rights advocates lies about the President coming after guns, most people, left and right, said it was wrong to blame conservatives for what some nut who happened to share some their views apparently don't agree; I guess you would agree that right wingers do bear responsibility for what Poplawski did. You would, if you had any integrity. But, you don't.
Suspect killed after attack on Dallas police headquarters - Yahoo News

Yup keep encouraging this kind of behavior. It helps so much.

Onus is on the OP to prove that the Dems are encouraging gun ownership by the mentally ill.

No doctors have stated this man was mentally ill.

Boulware's father said that his son had strong feelings against law enforcement after he lost custody of his son, now 12 or 13 years old.

Boulware spent several hours Friday at his father's home in Carrollton, a Dallas suburb and talked about how well his recently-purchased van drove, the father said.

But he also discussed a widely-publicized video of a police officer in McKinney, Texas pushing a black teenager to the ground and brandishing his gun at other teenagers.

His father last spoke with Boulware by telephone about three hours before Dallas police said the shooting began.

"Not being able to get a job and the legal system letting him down, (he) finally snapped," the elder James Boulware said in a telephone interview before police arrived.

From the background reading I was doing he was denied custody of his son by the judge because of a pattern of irrational behavior. That is usually a sign of mental illness even if he wasn't officially diagnosed as such.
So there was a fucking rally where Obama voters (let me put it that way.) all chanted that they wanted dead cops, an attorney general and democrat politicians who called for officer Wilson to be indicted before any evidence was analyzed, the city of Baltimore where the democrat politicians and left wing community organizers called for and orgnaized violence against all cops, a left wing media flat out saying that cops are targeting poor Innocent black people and the fucking left deny these actions are the result of this administration who thrives and relies on such chaos?

God I fucking hate liberals.
From the background reading I was doing he was denied custody of his son by the judge because of a pattern of irrational behavior. That is usually a sign of mental illness even if he wasn't officially diagnosed as such.

I haven't read any explanation of why he was denied custody of his son, only that it happened some 12 to 13 years ago and he's had an animosity towards the police slowly building up since that time. Sounds like he finally snapped and had a break down. That doesn't necessarily mean he's mentally ill. Any person can be driven to a point of insanity. Mental illness is generally the result of a malfunction in the brain.

can you post a similar chart for Baltimore and Chicago?

Can you post a chart of brain waves? Preferably magnified to the point where they can be seen with the human eye?

Are police killings up since Obama took office?

How about we start there, idiots...
So there was a fucking rally where Obama voters (let me put it that way.) all chanted that they wanted dead cops, an attorney general and democrat politicians who called for officer Wilson to be indicted before any evidence was analyzed, the city of Baltimore where the democrat politicians and left wing community organizers called for and orgnaized violence against all cops, a left wing media flat out saying that cops are targeting poor Innocent black people and the fucking left deny these actions are the result of this administration who thrives and relies on such chaos?

God I fucking hate liberals.
Must be a strong hate since it caused you to post all of those lies.
Suspect killed after attack on Dallas police headquarters - Yahoo News

Yup keep encouraging this kind of behavior. It helps so much.

Onus is on the OP to prove that the Dems are encouraging gun ownership by the mentally ill.

No doctors have stated this man was mentally ill.

Boulware's father said that his son had strong feelings against law enforcement after he lost custody of his son, now 12 or 13 years old.

Boulware spent several hours Friday at his father's home in Carrollton, a Dallas suburb and talked about how well his recently-purchased van drove, the father said.

But he also discussed a widely-publicized video of a police officer in McKinney, Texas pushing a black teenager to the ground and brandishing his gun at other teenagers.

His father last spoke with Boulware by telephone about three hours before Dallas police said the shooting began.

"Not being able to get a job and the legal system letting him down, (he) finally snapped," the elder James Boulware said in a telephone interview before police arrived.

From the background reading I was doing he was denied custody of his son by the judge because of a pattern of irrational behavior. That is usually a sign of mental illness even if he wasn't officially diagnosed as such.
Educating yourself about the facts so your opinions are well based in fact? That is cheating. It is pretty clear that most posting here would never let a fact get in the way of their opinions.
It is a byproduct of the current progressive agenda and Obama has done NOTHING to curb it.
A deadbeat nutjob in red-blooded Texas going on a shooting spree with assault weapons because he lost custody of his kids is a byproduct of the progressive agenda?


You're an idiot
My comment is about our current state of affairs with all the blacks running amuck. I don't know anything about the individual you're talking about. In fact, before reading this thread I hadn't even heard of this.

And as I said, Obama has done NOTHING to quell the violence. In fact quite the opposite
And yet, crime has been steadily dealing since 2009. So, you would support having the federal government take over local law enforcement duties?
Crime is NOT declining in the communities that Obama has involved himself in. And that as far as I'm concerned is the point of this discussion
It is a byproduct of the current progressive agenda and Obama has done NOTHING to curb it.
A deadbeat nutjob in red-blooded Texas going on a shooting spree with assault weapons because he lost custody of his kids is a byproduct of the progressive agenda?


You're an idiot
My comment is about our current state of affairs with all the blacks running amuck. I don't know anything about the individual you're talking about. In fact, before reading this thread I hadn't even heard of this.

And as I said, Obama has done NOTHING to quell the violence. In fact quite the opposite
And yet, crime has been steadily dealing since 2009. So, you would support having the federal government take over local law enforcement duties?
Crime is NOT declining in the communities that Obama has involved himself in. And that as far as I'm concerned is the point of this discussion
The point of the discussion is idiots blaming the president without any factual basis to do so. The "community" the president is involved in is the nation and, across the nation, crime is down. I don't think the president has much to do with that other than presiding over an improving economy; just as he has little to do with the fact that there are less attacks on police.
It is a byproduct of the current progressive agenda and Obama has done NOTHING to curb it.
A deadbeat nutjob in red-blooded Texas going on a shooting spree with assault weapons because he lost custody of his kids is a byproduct of the progressive agenda?


You're an idiot
My comment is about our current state of affairs with all the blacks running amuck. I don't know anything about the individual you're talking about. In fact, before reading this thread I hadn't even heard of this.

And as I said, Obama has done NOTHING to quell the violence. In fact quite the opposite
And yet, crime has been steadily dealing since 2009. So, you would support having the federal government take over local law enforcement duties?
Crime is NOT declining in the communities that Obama has involved himself in. And that as far as I'm concerned is the point of this discussion
In Chicago, crime has declined since 2009. Crime in Chicagoland -- It has also dropped in Baltimore at about the same rate it has dropped nationally.
why not just throw fruit/vegetables at them like we did in the 70's. (anyone remember that monty python sketch?)
It is a byproduct of the current progressive agenda and Obama has done NOTHING to curb it.
Like a weapons ban?
No, like ows shitting on cop cars or blacks burning down & looting entire sections of cities or Obama sending delegates to the funerals of criminals.
When did Obama endorse shitting on cop cars, or burning and looting?...Answer: he didn't.

OWS doesn't even exist anymore.

Obama may not have done anything to curb the recent anti police mood amongst blacks, and it's not a byproduct of a "progressive agenda". It's a byproduct of every US citizen having a video camera in their phone
Every US citizen isn't looting, burning & committing crimes against cops. Mostly poor blacks are.

I'm sure you like the outcome you're just too cowardly to join your idiotic black brethren in their endeavors

That's one of your biggest problems. You're sure of so many things that just aren't backed up by the facts.
It is a byproduct of the current progressive agenda and Obama has done NOTHING to curb it.
Like a weapons ban?
No, like ows shitting on cop cars or blacks burning down & looting entire sections of cities or Obama sending delegates to the funerals of criminals.
When did Obama endorse shitting on cop cars, or burning and looting?...Answer: he didn't.

OWS doesn't even exist anymore.

Obama may not have done anything to curb the recent anti police mood amongst blacks, and it's not a byproduct of a "progressive agenda". It's a byproduct of every US citizen having a video camera in their phone
Every US citizen isn't looting, burning & committing crimes against cops. Mostly poor blacks are.

I'm sure you like the outcome you're just too cowardly to join your idiotic black brethren in their endeavors

That's one of your biggest problems. You're sure of so many things that just aren't backed up by the facts.
No, every American citizen is not committing crimes. Most that are doing so are white.

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