Attacking police, a by product of the present political party in the white house

How do you feel about blacks?
I feel they've been victimized twice in this nation's history, first by the evils of slavery and then by those who claim to "care".

Now, why don't you actually respond to my post that describes how this administration has acted toward business and police?

I can't help that you view...

You can't help anyone... no imbecile can. Such is but one of the many downsides to imbecility.

You could have also answered the question(s)

You didn't ask any questions worthy of consideration. Your point was projection... of the Deceitful, Fraudulent variety, as a means to influence the lowest common denominators.
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I can't help that you view...

You can't help anyone... no imbecile can. Such is but one of the many downsides to imbecility.

You could have also answered the question(s)

You didn't ask any questions worthy of consideration. Your point was projection... of the deceitful Fraudulent variety, as a means to influence the lowest common denominators.
Got it

Well, project this.

I work with blacks, I live next door to blacks, and one of the last groupings I would consider is that they're black, in any observations I might share about them.

The things I don't like about them is that their kids are noisy.

That's about it
So there was a fucking rally where Obama voters (let me put it that way.) all chanted that they wanted dead cops, an attorney general and democrat politicians who called for officer Wilson to be indicted before any evidence was analyzed, the city of Baltimore where the democrat politicians and left wing community organizers called for and orgnaized violence against all cops, a left wing media flat out saying that cops are targeting poor Innocent black people and the fucking left deny these actions are the result of this administration who thrives and relies on such chaos?

God I fucking hate liberals.
Poor you.
How do you feel about blacks?
I feel they've been victimized twice in this nation's history, first by the evils of slavery and then by those who claim to "care".

Now, why don't you actually respond to my post that describes how this administration has acted toward business and police?

Sure Mr Poopy Pants

The administration has not acted in ways that undermine the police.

That's just what righty media is saying, and I don't agree
How do you feel about blacks?
I feel they've been victimized twice in this nation's history, first by the evils of slavery and then by those who claim to "care".

Now, why don't you actually respond to my post that describes how this administration has acted toward business and police?

Sure Mr Poopy Pants

The administration has not acted in ways that undermine the police.

That's just what righty media is saying, and I don't agree
Of course you don't agree.

You're ideologically obligated.

Well, project this.

ROFL! So you're recognized as projecting insane lies and your response is to demand the opposition project... .

Reader, you can't make this crap up.

I work with blacks, ...

Who doesn't?

And no one here has said a dam' thing which in anyway besmirches, belittles or otherwise condemns blacks, on any level, for any reason, except you and your soft bigotry, which conveys that any notice of a persons skin color is injurious and any notice of poor behavior, ludicrous statement, irrational choices, is tantamount to HATE.

Get bent loser...
From the background reading I was doing he was denied custody of his son by the judge because of a pattern of irrational behavior. That is usually a sign of mental illness even if he wasn't officially diagnosed as such.

I haven't read any explanation of why he was denied custody of his son, only that it happened some 12 to 13 years ago and he's had an animosity towards the police slowly building up since that time. Sounds like he finally snapped and had a break down. That doesn't necessarily mean he's mentally ill. Any person can be driven to a point of insanity. Mental illness is generally the result of a malfunction in the brain.

James Boulware 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

2. Boulware Caused Lockdowns After Threatening Shootings at Schools & Churches

According to a 2013 story from KXII, a James Lance Boulware, then 33, was arrested after threatening violence against his family, churches and schools.

The police report shows that the incident began at Boulware’s mother’s house in Dallas in May 2013. Police said Boulware grabbed his mother around the neck with both of his hands and began choking her. Boulware’s uncle then removed his hands from his mother’s throat and pushed him away. Boulware then punched his uncle several times, police said in the report. His mother call 911 and then struck Boulware in the back of the head several times with a laptop computer while he was fighting on the ground with his uncle.

3. Court Records Show a History of Mental Illness

The police report in the 2013 case shows that Boulware “talks to himself quite frequently and appears to be delusional,” but was not taking any medications. He did not have any prior criminal history.

During the 2013 incident, police said Boulware “began making comments about North and South Korea, and began rudely talking about religion, Jews and Christians.”

5. Custody of His Son Was Recently Given to Boulware’s Mother

According to court records, a judge recently granted custody of Boulware’s 11-year-old son to Boulware’s mother after both he and the child’s mother were determined to not be fit to be in sole possession of the son. Boulware and the boy’s mother retained some parental rights, according to the judge’s order, and must each pay child support.

The boy’s mother has a history of drug problems, according to the court filings.
From the background reading I was doing he was denied custody of his son by the judge because of a pattern of irrational behavior. That is usually a sign of mental illness even if he wasn't officially diagnosed as such.

I haven't read any explanation of why he was denied custody of his son, only that it happened some 12 to 13 years ago and he's had an animosity towards the police slowly building up since that time. Sounds like he finally snapped and had a break down. That doesn't necessarily mean he's mentally ill. Any person can be driven to a point of insanity. Mental illness is generally the result of a malfunction in the brain.

James Boulware 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

2. Boulware Caused Lockdowns After Threatening Shootings at Schools & Churches

According to a 2013 story from KXII, a James Lance Boulware, then 33, was arrested after threatening violence against his family, churches and schools.

The police report shows that the incident began at Boulware’s mother’s house in Dallas in May 2013. Police said Boulware grabbed his mother around the neck with both of his hands and began choking her. Boulware’s uncle then removed his hands from his mother’s throat and pushed him away. Boulware then punched his uncle several times, police said in the report. His mother call 911 and then struck Boulware in the back of the head several times with a laptop computer while he was fighting on the ground with his uncle.

3. Court Records Show a History of Mental Illness

The police report in the 2013 case shows that Boulware “talks to himself quite frequently and appears to be delusional,” but was not taking any medications. He did not have any prior criminal history.

During the 2013 incident, police said Boulware “began making comments about North and South Korea, and began rudely talking about religion, Jews and Christians.”

5. Custody of His Son Was Recently Given to Boulware’s Mother

According to court records, a judge recently granted custody of Boulware’s 11-year-old son to Boulware’s mother after both he and the child’s mother were determined to not be fit to be in sole possession of the son. Boulware and the boy’s mother retained some parental rights, according to the judge’s order, and must each pay child support.

The boy’s mother has a history of drug problems, according to the court filings.
But he attacked the cops because of Obama. At least that is what the racists posting here have been telling us.
How do you feel about blacks?
I feel they've been victimized twice in this nation's history, first by the evils of slavery and then by those who claim to "care".

Now, why don't you actually respond to my post that describes how this administration has acted toward business and police?

Sure Mr Poopy Pants

The administration has not acted in ways that undermine the police.

That's just what righty media is saying, and I don't agree
Of course you don't agree.

You're ideologically obligated.

I'm not ideologically obligated, I just haven't seen anything compelling as evidence besides righty media saying it's true.

That by itself isn't good enough, because the evidence presented by righty media isn't supported with facts
Well, project this.

ROFL! So you're recognized as projecting insane lies and your response is to demand the opposition project... .

Reader, you can't make this crap up.

I work with blacks, ...

Who doesn't?

And no one here has said a dam' thing which in anyway besmirches, belittles or otherwise condemns blacks, on any level, for any reason, except you and your soft bigotry, which conveys that any notice of a persons skin color is injurious and any notice of poor behavior, ludicrous statement, irrational choices, is tantamount to HATE.

Get bent loser...
I might sometimes notice someone is black because it can help me understand their identity and culture, and may help me understand something about their experiences.

You on the other hand want things only one of two ways.

You want to be free to call blacks the "N word", and bark out the word

in lieu of that...

Nobody can mention skin color anymore because you've been scolded for it yourself.

Both ways, you're very childish
I might sometimes notice someone is black because it can help me understand their identity and culture, and may help me understand something about their experiences.

Shut the fuck up ya deluded sack of Relativism.

Anyone with a decent set of eyes notices that someone is black, because the reflection of radiated energy informs the cones in their eyes that the pigment in their skin is black.

What informs them of their culture and their experiences is their behavior, what informs them of their identify is their profession of that identity.

That you need to claim otherwise is all anyone of reason needs to know, to recognize the low expectations of soft bigotry common to the evil that is manifested through the Relativism in which your mired.

Children of some strength of character, usually grow out of that nonsense... it's a shame that you didn't make it, but your every post, demonstrates why.
It this entire thread not one of those laying this and other attacks on the police has produced a single comment by the president or those in his admin that even remotely suggests support for attacks on police. Quite simply, he has done just the opposite, repeatedly. Bunch of racist, lying assholes.
I unconditionally condemn today’s murder of two police officers in New York City,” the president said in a statement released just after midnight on Sunday morning. “Two brave men won’t be going home to their loved ones tonight, and for that, there is no justification.”

Read more: Obama No justification for killing of NYC police officers - Adam Sneed - POLITICO

President Barack Obama signed legislation that creates a “Blue Alert” system for law enforcement in the United States. It establishes a network for alerting police expeditiously when there are “active threats” against police.

US President Barack Obama says there is "no excuse" for criminal acts in Ferguson, Missouri, one night after two police officers at a protest were shot.

He said the protesters had "legitimate grievances" but described the shooters as "criminals" who should be arrested

But, the president added, "the kind of violence that we saw from a handful of individuals in Baltimore -- there's no excuse for that. "That's just criminal behavior. It's counterproductive because it hurts the very communities that are already suffering a tragedy with Freddie Gray's death."

"People who engage in that type of violence, it needs to stop," he said, adding that "my hope is that people heed the call of Freddie Gray's family."

Who said this: "They're just words, just speeches..."?

Now here's a clue, that's the same guy that sent his fully compromised, thoroughly politicized Attorney General to Jefferson, MO to foment riots and condemn the police, who did abso-fuckin'-lutely nothin' wrong in the killing of one Mike Brown... a black kid who had learned his Liberal Lessons well, and like children and fools will, he took the idea that he was entitled to other people's property, seriously; at which point and in the process he forfeited his right to his life and died as a result of richly deserving it.

The same being true for the respective asshats in NYC and Baltimore... .

Now at each of those would indicators of the Leftist Spring... the Peasantpimp and his cult brought in the customary race-baiters and their rent-a-mobs and fomented civil disorder, disrespect for lawful authority, resulting in the deaths of two peace-officers in NYC and several more ambushed officers since... . Such was done intentionally and with malice and with intent to injure the means of local authorities to police their respective communities, with the McKinney incident being no exception; wherein the usual communist rent-a-mobs came into town right on schedule; to raise hell and stir the pot until that officer resigned.

Such is being managed through social media and is designed to run its course until it inevitably the police are rendered ineffective and the Federal Leftist Cult demands that it must be given the authority to nationalize the Police.

At which time the United States Federal Government will officially be at war with the Americans, of which you and your fellow comrades are not a party and to whom you would-be 'people', will be held to account.
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Who said this: "They're just words, just speeches..."?

Now here's a clue, that's the same guy that sent his fully compromised, thoroughly politicized Attorney General to Jefferson, MO to foment riots and condemn the police, who did abso-fuckin'-lutely nothin' wrong in the killing of one Mike Brown... a black kid who had learned his Liberal Lessons well, and like children and fools will, he took the idea that he was entitled to other people's property, seriously; at which point and in the process he forfeited his right to his life and died as a result of richly deserving it.

The same being true for the respective asshats in NYC and Baltimore... .

Now at each of those would indicators of the Leftist Spring... the Peasantpimp and his cult brought in the customary race-baiters and their rent-a-mobs and fomented civil disorder, disrespect for lawful authority, resulting in the deaths of two peace-officers in NYC and several more ambushed officers since... . Such was done intentionally and with malice and with intent to injure the means of local authorities to police their respective communities, with the McKinney incident being no exception; wherein the usual communist rent-a-mobs came into town right on schedule; to raise hell and stir the pot until that officer resigned.

Such is being managed through social media and is designed to run its course until it inevitably the police are rendered ineffective and the Federal Leftist Cult demands that it must be given the authority to nationalize the Police.

At which time the United States Federal Government will officially be at war with the Americans, of which you and your fellow comrades are not a party and to whom you would-be 'people', will be held to account.
You are, without a doubt, the dumbest fuck I have encountered here. Congrats.

Who said this: "They're just words, just speeches..."?

Now here's a clue, that's the same guy that sent his fully compromised, thoroughly politicized Attorney General to Jefferson, MO to foment riots and condemn the police, who did abso-fuckin'-lutely nothin' wrong in the killing of one Mike Brown... a black kid who had learned his Liberal Lessons well, and like children and fools will, he took the idea that he was entitled to other people's property, seriously; at which point and in the process he forfeited his right to his life and died as a result of richly deserving it.

The same being true for the respective asshats in NYC and Baltimore... .

Now at each of those would indicators of the Leftist Spring... the Peasantpimp and his cult brought in the customary race-baiters and their rent-a-mobs and fomented civil disorder, disrespect for lawful authority, resulting in the deaths of two peace-officers in NYC and several more ambushed officers since... . Such was done intentionally and with malice and with intent to injure the means of local authorities to police their respective communities, with the McKinney incident being no exception; wherein the usual communist rent-a-mobs came into town right on schedule; to raise hell and stir the pot until that officer resigned.

Such is being managed through social media and is designed to run its course until it inevitably the police are rendered ineffective and the Federal Leftist Cult demands that it must be given the authority to nationalize the Police.

At which time the United States Federal Government will officially be at war with the Americans, of which you and your fellow comrades are not a party and to whom you would-be 'people', will be held to account.
You are, without a doubt, the dumbest fuck I have encountered here. Congrats.

I SO adore the sweeter Irony.

Reader, you cannot hide a traitor to the United States and that is because they're just too fuckin' stupid to hide... .

Who said this: "They're just words, just speeches..."?

Now here's a clue, that's the same guy that sent his fully compromised, thoroughly politicized Attorney General to Jefferson, MO to foment riots and condemn the police, who did abso-fuckin'-lutely nothin' wrong in the killing of one Mike Brown... a black kid who had learned his Liberal Lessons well, and like children and fools will, he took the idea that he was entitled to other people's property, seriously; at which point and in the process he forfeited his right to his life and died as a result of richly deserving it.

The same being true for the respective asshats in NYC and Baltimore... .

Now at each of those would indicators of the Leftist Spring... the Peasantpimp and his cult brought in the customary race-baiters and their rent-a-mobs and fomented civil disorder, disrespect for lawful authority, resulting in the deaths of two peace-officers in NYC and several more ambushed officers since... . Such was done intentionally and with malice and with intent to injure the means of local authorities to police their respective communities, with the McKinney incident being no exception; wherein the usual communist rent-a-mobs came into town right on schedule; to raise hell and stir the pot until that officer resigned.

Such is being managed through social media and is designed to run its course until it inevitably the police are rendered ineffective and the Federal Leftist Cult demands that it must be given the authority to nationalize the Police.

At which time the United States Federal Government will officially be at war with the Americans, of which you and your fellow comrades are not a party and to whom you would-be 'people', will be held to account.
You are, without a doubt, the dumbest fuck I have encountered here. Congrats.

I SO adore the sweeter Irony.

Reader, you cannot hide a traitor to the United States and that is because they're just too fuckin' stupid to hide... .
Get help.

Who said this: "They're just words, just speeches..."?

Now here's a clue, that's the same guy that sent his fully compromised, thoroughly politicized Attorney General to Jefferson, MO to foment riots and condemn the police, who did abso-fuckin'-lutely nothin' wrong in the killing of one Mike Brown... a black kid who had learned his Liberal Lessons well, and like children and fools will, he took the idea that he was entitled to other people's property, seriously; at which point and in the process he forfeited his right to his life and died as a result of richly deserving it.

The same being true for the respective asshats in NYC and Baltimore... .

Now at each of those would indicators of the Leftist Spring... the Peasantpimp and his cult brought in the customary race-baiters and their rent-a-mobs and fomented civil disorder, disrespect for lawful authority, resulting in the deaths of two peace-officers in NYC and several more ambushed officers since... . Such was done intentionally and with malice and with intent to injure the means of local authorities to police their respective communities, with the McKinney incident being no exception; wherein the usual communist rent-a-mobs came into town right on schedule; to raise hell and stir the pot until that officer resigned.

Such is being managed through social media and is designed to run its course until it inevitably the police are rendered ineffective and the Federal Leftist Cult demands that it must be given the authority to nationalize the Police.

At which time the United States Federal Government will officially be at war with the Americans, of which you and your fellow comrades are not a party and to whom you would-be 'people', will be held to account.
You are, without a doubt, the dumbest fuck I have encountered here. Congrats.

I SO adore the sweeter Irony.

Reader, you cannot hide a traitor to the United States and that is because they're just too fuckin' stupid to hide... .
Get help.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(And THAT Reader is truly all there is to this.

Remember, the key to defeating Leftists in debate, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)

Who said this: "They're just words, just speeches..."?

Now here's a clue, that's the same guy that sent his fully compromised, thoroughly politicized Attorney General to Jefferson, MO to foment riots and condemn the police, who did abso-fuckin'-lutely nothin' wrong in the killing of one Mike Brown... a black kid who had learned his Liberal Lessons well, and like children and fools will, he took the idea that he was entitled to other people's property, seriously; at which point and in the process he forfeited his right to his life and died as a result of richly deserving it.

The same being true for the respective asshats in NYC and Baltimore... .

Now at each of those would indicators of the Leftist Spring... the Peasantpimp and his cult brought in the customary race-baiters and their rent-a-mobs and fomented civil disorder, disrespect for lawful authority, resulting in the deaths of two peace-officers in NYC and several more ambushed officers since... . Such was done intentionally and with malice and with intent to injure the means of local authorities to police their respective communities, with the McKinney incident being no exception; wherein the usual communist rent-a-mobs came into town right on schedule; to raise hell and stir the pot until that officer resigned.

Such is being managed through social media and is designed to run its course until it inevitably the police are rendered ineffective and the Federal Leftist Cult demands that it must be given the authority to nationalize the Police.

At which time the United States Federal Government will officially be at war with the Americans, of which you and your fellow comrades are not a party and to whom you would-be 'people', will be held to account.
You are, without a doubt, the dumbest fuck I have encountered here. Congrats.

I SO adore the sweeter Irony.

Reader, you cannot hide a traitor to the United States and that is because they're just too fuckin' stupid to hide... .
Get help.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(And THAT Reader is truly all there is to this.

Remember, the key to defeating Leftists in debate, rests upon two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)
What a sad, deluded little prick you are.

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