Attagirl, Ann!!

Couple of things. Those of you who think she was talking to the "liberal media" - I posted a link. Did you hear Robin and George fawning all over them, pre-interview? I sure did. Who has been demanding the tax returns? The media doesn't operate in a vacuum. And she didn't say "The Obama campaign," who is undoubtedly leading the charge.

However, fellow republicans are increasing in volume, as are poll results. If it was only addressed to Robin, as the current representative of the media, it was in incredibly poor taste. But I don't buy that. I think she spoke like a woman who is used to not being questioned.

I also find it amusing that she was out there, rather than Willard.
Imagine how the RW would have reacted had Michelle Obama said that. They would have crucified her...upside down.

Bet your bottom-dollar that it would not have been a "non-issue" then.

No it wouldn't be a non issue if Michelle had used "you people" in any context. You would literally be able to hear Rush Limbaugh's fat head explode.
Couple of things. Those of you who think she was talking to the "liberal media" - I posted a link. Did you hear Robin and George fawning all over them, pre-interview? I sure did. Who has been demanding the tax returns? The media doesn't operate in a vacuum. And she didn't say "The Obama campaign," who is undoubtedly leading the charge.

However, fellow republicans are increasing in volume, as are poll results. If it was only addressed to Robin, as the current representative of the media, it was in incredibly poor taste. But I don't buy that. I think she spoke like a woman who is used to not being questioned.

I also find it amusing that she was out there, rather than Willard.
Imagine how the RW would have reacted had Michelle Obama said that. They would have crucified her...upside down.

Bet your bottom-dollar that it would not have been a "non-issue" then.

No it wouldn't be a non issue if Michelle had used "you people" in any context. You would literally be able to hear Rush Limbaugh's fat head explode.

yeah, I suppose that crystal ball told YOU PEOPLE that one
gawd, :eusa_hand:
like I said, YOU PEOPLE are bottem feeding LOSERS
links in article at site

ABC: No, Ann Romney didn’t say ‘you people’
posted at 9:21 pm on July 19, 2012 by Mary Katharine Ham
Audio of an interview with Ann Romney on “Good Morning America” appears to exonerate her from a mini-scandal gleefully flogged by the Left today.
Asked on GMA about the Romneys’ tax returns, Romney replied, as reported by ABC:

“There are so many things that will be open again for more attack,” Ann Romney told ABC’s Robin Roberts on “Good Morning America” when asked about releasing tax returns. “And you just want to give more material for more attack. And that’s really — that’s just the answer.”
She added, “And we’ve given all our people need to know and understand about our financial situation and about how — you know, how we live our life.”
To some, it sounded like Romney said “And we’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and about how — you know, how we live our life.”

As this was bubbling up online, I thought before watching the tape that it was a clumsy construction and one that would lend itself perfectly to the portrayal of the Romneys as out of touch. It didn’t sound in keeping with Ann Romney’s reputation for a good political ear and skill on the trail, but I figured she could have been just a little ticked about this and letting it show, referring to Democrats and the press as “you people” in a moment of pique. That moment was, of course, interpreted gladly as a reference to the American people by political adversaries.

ABC takes up the mini-scandal of the day and delivers its verdict:

Our ruling after reviewing the original audio is that she did not include the “you.”
New York Magazine rules for Ann Romney, too:

all of it here
ABC: No, Ann Romney didn’t say ‘you people’ « Hot Air lying ears!!

like I said, YOU PEOPLE are bottem feeding LOSERS
links in article at site

ABC: No, Ann Romney didn’t say ‘you people’
posted at 9:21 pm on July 19, 2012 by Mary Katharine Ham
Audio of an interview with Ann Romney on “Good Morning America” appears to exonerate her from a mini-scandal gleefully flogged by the Left today.
Asked on GMA about the Romneys’ tax returns, Romney replied, as reported by ABC:

“There are so many things that will be open again for more attack,” Ann Romney told ABC’s Robin Roberts on “Good Morning America” when asked about releasing tax returns. “And you just want to give more material for more attack. And that’s really — that’s just the answer.”
She added, “And we’ve given all our people need to know and understand about our financial situation and about how — you know, how we live our life.”
To some, it sounded like Romney said “And we’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and about how — you know, how we live our life.”

As this was bubbling up online, I thought before watching the tape that it was a clumsy construction and one that would lend itself perfectly to the portrayal of the Romneys as out of touch. It didn’t sound in keeping with Ann Romney’s reputation for a good political ear and skill on the trail, but I figured she could have been just a little ticked about this and letting it show, referring to Democrats and the press as “you people” in a moment of pique. That moment was, of course, interpreted gladly as a reference to the American people by political adversaries.

ABC takes up the mini-scandal of the day and delivers its verdict:

Our ruling after reviewing the original audio is that she did not include the “you.”
New York Magazine rules for Ann Romney, too:

all of it here
ABC: No, Ann Romney didn’t say ‘you people’ « Hot Air lying ears!!


not our fault YOU PEOPLE all fell for it..but nothing new
it whipped up a good faux outrage for the day which is something some of YOU PEOPLE thrive on
Last edited:
Imagine how the RW would have reacted had Michelle Obama said that. They would have crucified her...upside down.

Bet your bottom-dollar that it would not have been a "non-issue" then.

No it wouldn't be a non issue if Michelle had used "you people" in any context. You would literally be able to hear Rush Limbaugh's fat head explode.

yeah, I suppose that crystal ball told YOU PEOPLE that one
gawd, :eusa_hand:

No, my crystal ball wasn't needed for that summation. All you have to do is listen to 30 seconds of one of Limpballs "Moochelle" rants to know he'd have a coronary if Michelle Obama ever used "you people".
Imagine how the RW would have reacted had Michelle Obama said that. They would have crucified her...upside down.

Bet your bottom-dollar that it would not have been a "non-issue" then.

Is any right winger making an issue of Obama's tax returns?

There's no there there...what nonsense are you talking about?

There's no there there in the case of Romney's tax returns either. When has that ever been an obstacle for Democrats?
No it wouldn't be a non issue if Michelle had used "you people" in any context. You would literally be able to hear Rush Limbaugh's fat head explode.

yeah, I suppose that crystal ball told YOU PEOPLE that one
gawd, :eusa_hand:

No, my crystal ball wasn't needed for that summation. All you have to do is listen to 30 seconds of one of Limpballs "Moochelle" rants to know he'd have a coronary if Michelle Obama ever used "you people".

oh well, I don't listen to Limbaugh, so I don't care..
like that has anything to do with this thread and how pathetically wrong YOU PEOPLE were..
Can someone tell me why the left continues to wage war on republican women?? Why do they hate republican women so much?? I think I have a very good idea. ;)

oh don't you know..according to them, all Republican women are stupid..

how any woman can stand with the viciousness they speak about women and still be part of the Democrat party I'll never understand.
Couple of things. Those of you who think she was talking to the "liberal media" - I posted a link. Did you hear Robin and George fawning all over them, pre-interview? I sure did. Who has been demanding the tax returns? The media doesn't operate in a vacuum. And she didn't say "The Obama campaign," who is undoubtedly leading the charge.

However, fellow republicans are increasing in volume, as are poll results. If it was only addressed to Robin, as the current representative of the media, it was in incredibly poor taste. But I don't buy that. I think she spoke like a woman who is used to not being questioned.

I also find it amusing that she was out there, rather than Willard.
Imagine how the RW would have reacted had Michelle Obama said that. They would have crucified her...upside down.

Bet your bottom-dollar that it would not have been a "non-issue" then.

No it wouldn't be a non issue if Michelle had used "you people" in any context. You would literally be able to hear Rush Limbaugh's fat head explode.

Yes you are right, rush is as much a partisan hack as people such as yourself who are making a giant deal over this.
Can someone tell me why the left continues to wage war on republican women?? Why do they hate republican women so much?? I think I have a very good idea. ;)

oh don't you know..according to them, all Republican women are stupid..

how any woman can stand with the viciousness they speak about women and still be part of the Democrat party I'll never understand.

Its only successful republican women who don't tow the democrat party "women are helpless and need govt to succeed in life" line.

#youpeople, way fun read on Twitter.

She may be the first lady, Del. I think it's good to know about her Marie Antoinette mentality. She should sound off more often.

Don't you mean Marie Antoinette and her expensive vacations with her extended family members on the taxpayers dime Obama?

And tell us again how Obama spent $200 million per day in India!

Then I want to hear about that racist Shirley Sherrod again!

Way to go, Mrs. Romney!!

Ann Romney “We’ve given all You People Need to Know”. In an interview on Good Morning America with Robin Roberts, Ann Romney referred to the rest of America as “You People”.

She even referred this “you people” business, to Robin Roberts as if as a woman who has also suffered from breast cancer, she was a meaningless entity reporter that did not have any value, and that she did not respect.

You don’t call your interviewer “You people”, and it showed great disrespect to Robin Roberts.

Ann Romney also mentioned that her husband gives to the church, so that proves he is not hiding anything in his taxes.

Again, if that were truly the case, he should release his 23 years of tax returns since he’s such an honest guy. But just donating to a church doesn’t prove your being truthful, it was a spin attempt by Ann Romney that just doesn’t fly with the public.

Ann Romney has an offensive, condescending attitude that continues to insult, demean and reveals much of how the Romney’s feel about the rest of America.

People are suffering terrible losses, terrible unemployment, terrible times trying to feed their families and Mrs. Romney can’t have one iota of feeling for those less fortunate than herself. She offers nothing to the narrative of how Romney would suddenly reverse a global recession all by himself.

Read more: Ann Romney “We’ve Given Enough to You People” ABC GMA | Politicol Commentary News

Now Romney knows what its like to be hounded for something. He and his ilk were happy to badger Obama for his birth certificate, now he can't handle being badgered for his tax returns!

how about Obama show his college transcripts?
Way to go, Mrs. Romney!!

Ann Romney “We’ve given all You People Need to Know”. In an interview on Good Morning America with Robin Roberts, Ann Romney referred to the rest of America as “You People”.

She even referred this “you people” business, to Robin Roberts as if as a woman who has also suffered from breast cancer, she was a meaningless entity reporter that did not have any value, and that she did not respect.

You don’t call your interviewer “You people”, and it showed great disrespect to Robin Roberts.

Ann Romney also mentioned that her husband gives to the church, so that proves he is not hiding anything in his taxes.

Again, if that were truly the case, he should release his 23 years of tax returns since he’s such an honest guy. But just donating to a church doesn’t prove your being truthful, it was a spin attempt by Ann Romney that just doesn’t fly with the public.

Ann Romney has an offensive, condescending attitude that continues to insult, demean and reveals much of how the Romney’s feel about the rest of America.

People are suffering terrible losses, terrible unemployment, terrible times trying to feed their families and Mrs. Romney can’t have one iota of feeling for those less fortunate than herself. She offers nothing to the narrative of how Romney would suddenly reverse a global recession all by himself.

Read more: Ann Romney “We’ve Given Enough to You People” ABC GMA | Politicol Commentary News

this just in from any libtard media, ANN ROMNEY has refered to the planets as "THOSE PLANETS" now dont be alarmed the planet association is being formed and they are taken offense to this and demand an apology, the gall of this woman refering those beautiful human things out there in space as planets is just a tragedy, I mean a real tragedy. Yes Brian Terry is still dead, we dont have confirmation but the GOP is in a uproar about that, yes no one is held accountable and yes people are still not working. But damn it people Ann has insulted those planets and I for one will not stand for it and as soon as that planet association is formed we are formally writing Mrs Ann Romney and demanding an apology at time square THIS I VOW PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What Romney's returns will show is absolutely no wrongdoing. He has very good lawyers to prevent that sort of thing. However, as legal as they will be, they will also show someone in the upper 1% of wealth making millions and paying no taxes at the very time that so many of his fellow citizens lost their jobs, homes, and health insurance.

It will show her as receiving a few companies, to keep them off the track of Mittens.
Can someone tell me why the left continues to wage war on republican women?? Why do they hate republican women so much?? I think I have a very good idea. ;)

oh don't you know..according to them, all Republican women are stupid..

how any woman can stand with the viciousness they speak about women and still be part of the Democrat party I'll never understand.

Its only successful republican women who don't tow the democrat party "women are helpless and need govt to succeed in life" line.

Queen Ann is successful?

Please list her professional resume.
It's so cute how the sheep libs think that their effort to denigrate the wife of the GOP candidate by calling her "Queen Ann" is somehow clever, witty or sophisticated.

Those libs are a damn trite lot.

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