Attagirl, Ann!!

I wonder what my bank would have done if I told them that I had given you people all you need to know and refused to hand over three years of tax returns when I was applying for my home loan.
Couple of things. Those of you who think she was talking to the "liberal media" - I posted a link. Did you hear Robin and George fawning all over them, pre-interview? I sure did. Who has been demanding the tax returns? The media doesn't operate in a vacuum. And she didn't say "The Obama campaign," who is undoubtedly leading the charge.

However, fellow republicans are increasing in volume, as are poll results. If it was only addressed to Robin, as the current representative of the media, it was in incredibly poor taste. But I don't buy that. I think she spoke like a woman who is used to not being questioned.

I also find it amusing that she was out there, rather than Willard.
Serious question: Who paid their college and living expenses while the Romneys were in college - and also raising a family? Investments? What investments? Mitt said he gave his inheritance away.

Serious question: What is Obama hiding in his college records? Who payed for it and how?

"You people are a joke"
Couple of things. Those of you who think she was talking to the "liberal media" - I posted a link. Did you hear Robin and George fawning all over them, pre-interview? I sure did. Who has been demanding the tax returns? The media doesn't operate in a vacuum. And she didn't say "The Obama campaign," who is undoubtedly leading the charge.

However, fellow republicans are increasing in volume, as are poll results. If it was only addressed to Robin, as the current representative of the media, it was in incredibly poor taste. But I don't buy that. I think she spoke like a woman who is used to not being questioned.

I also find it amusing that she was out there, rather than Willard.

What a stretch.... Enjoy the faux outrage though.

I hear its good for the heart.
Couple of things. Those of you who think she was talking to the "liberal media" - I posted a link. Did you hear Robin and George fawning all over them, pre-interview? I sure did. Who has been demanding the tax returns? The media doesn't operate in a vacuum. And she didn't say "The Obama campaign," who is undoubtedly leading the charge.

However, fellow republicans are increasing in volume, as are poll results. If it was only addressed to Robin, as the current representative of the media, it was in incredibly poor taste. But I don't buy that. I think she spoke like a woman who is used to not being questioned.

I also find it amusing that she was out there, rather than Willard.

Good for Ann telling the hacks to shove it. :thup:
The desperation of the Left is growing
day by day

USMB is suffering because of it if ya ask me.... there is no more really good debate to be had out there.

Ya got the "POTUS" (IF THATS WHAT YA WANT TO CALL THE IDIOT) out there denegrating business owners, and this is the kind of clap trap we hear.... "eeewwww, she said you people" :cheeky-smiley-018:

Fucking babies!!!
Couple of things. Those of you who think she was talking to the "liberal media" - I posted a link. Did you hear Robin and George fawning all over them, pre-interview? I sure did. Who has been demanding the tax returns? The media doesn't operate in a vacuum. And she didn't say "The Obama campaign," who is undoubtedly leading the charge.

However, fellow republicans are increasing in volume, as are poll results. If it was only addressed to Robin, as the current representative of the media, it was in incredibly poor taste. But I don't buy that. I think she spoke like a woman who is used to not being questioned.

I also find it amusing that she was out there, rather than Willard.

Good for Ann telling the hacks to shove it. :thup:

Anyone with half a brain knows what she meant, and she is right.... the MSM and Dems only want it for cannon fodder and nothing more.

I say FUCK EM!!
Couple of things. Those of you who think she was talking to the "liberal media" - I posted a link. Did you hear Robin and George fawning all over them, pre-interview? I sure did. Who has been demanding the tax returns? The media doesn't operate in a vacuum. And she didn't say "The Obama campaign," who is undoubtedly leading the charge.

However, fellow republicans are increasing in volume, as are poll results. If it was only addressed to Robin, as the current representative of the media, it was in incredibly poor taste. But I don't buy that. I think she spoke like a woman who is used to not being questioned.

I also find it amusing that she was out there, rather than Willard.

Good for Ann telling the hacks to shove it. :thup:

Anyone with half a brain knows what she meant, and she is right.... the MSM and Dems only want it for cannon fodder and nothing more.

I say FUCK EM!!

ZOMG! He's rich! :rolleyes:
Couple of things. Those of you who think she was talking to the "liberal media" - I posted a link. Did you hear Robin and George fawning all over them, pre-interview? I sure did. Who has been demanding the tax returns? The media doesn't operate in a vacuum. And she didn't say "The Obama campaign," who is undoubtedly leading the charge.

However, fellow republicans are increasing in volume, as are poll results. If it was only addressed to Robin, as the current representative of the media, it was in incredibly poor taste. But I don't buy that. I think she spoke like a woman who is used to not being questioned.

I also find it amusing that she was out there, rather than Willard.
Imagine how the RW would have reacted had Michelle Obama said that. They would have crucified her...upside down.

Bet your bottom-dollar that it would not have been a "non-issue" then.
WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney saved himself hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes in 2010 by transferring stock in two companies from his personal account to a nonprofit entity he set up. The stock maneuver included $172,397 in shares of Sensata Technologies, a company now under fire for a high-profile effort to offshore central Illinois jobs to China.

More: Mitt Romney Avoided Major Tax Hit By Shifting Stock Of Offshoring Firm
Imagine how the RW would have reacted had Michelle Obama said that. They would have crucified her...upside down.

Bet your bottom-dollar that it would not have been a "non-issue" then.

Is any right winger making an issue of Obama's tax returns?
Way to go, Mrs. Romney!!

Ann Romney “We’ve given all You People Need to Know”. In an interview on Good Morning America with Robin Roberts, Ann Romney referred to the rest of America as “You People”.

She even referred this “you people” business, to Robin Roberts as if as a woman who has also suffered from breast cancer, she was a meaningless entity reporter that did not have any value, and that she did not respect.

You don’t call your interviewer “You people”, and it showed great disrespect to Robin Roberts.

Ann Romney also mentioned that her husband gives to the church, so that proves he is not hiding anything in his taxes.

Again, if that were truly the case, he should release his 23 years of tax returns since he’s such an honest guy. But just donating to a church doesn’t prove your being truthful, it was a spin attempt by Ann Romney that just doesn’t fly with the public.

Ann Romney has an offensive, condescending attitude that continues to insult, demean and reveals much of how the Romney’s feel about the rest of America.

People are suffering terrible losses, terrible unemployment, terrible times trying to feed their families and Mrs. Romney can’t have one iota of feeling for those less fortunate than herself. She offers nothing to the narrative of how Romney would suddenly reverse a global recession all by himself.

Read more: Ann Romney “We’ve Given Enough to You People” ABC GMA | Politicol Commentary News

All that giving enough to a church to effect your tax burden means is that you control enough resources to force the middle class to subsidize your religious beliefs.

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