Attagirl, Ann!!

[ame=]Ann Romney: "We need to respect the choices that women make" - YouTube[/ame]
What Romney's returns will show is absolutely no wrongdoing. He has very good lawyers to prevent that sort of thing. However, as legal as they will be, they will also show someone in the upper 1% of wealth making millions and paying no taxes at the very time that so many of his fellow citizens lost their jobs, homes, and health insurance.

You seem to be saying you prefer a candidate who has been collecting unemployment for the last 20 years.
Boy Ann and Mittens sure had a hard knock life!
What Romney's returns will show is absolutely no wrongdoing. He has very good lawyers to prevent that sort of thing. However, as legal as they will be, they will also show someone in the upper 1% of wealth making millions and paying no taxes at the very time that so many of his fellow citizens lost their jobs, homes, and health insurance.

You seem to be saying you prefer a candidate who has been collecting unemployment for the last 20 years.

Only a stinking lib retard would imply that being successful is a disqualification for office. Libs prefer candidates who have been sucking off the government their entire lives. We can't have candidates with any exposure to the real world. They might understand concepts like supply and demand or meeting a payroll.

Heaven for-fend!
No one yet. But I cannot see any other reason why he will not show his 2009 taxes. The market took a real dump that year, and he could obviously claim some losses, even while putting money in the bank. I am not accusing Governor Romney of anything illegal, or even immoral. He is taking advantage of tax laws set up by his class of people, and we, the electorate, have let them do it. For better or worse, that is how a democracy works.

Here is how democracy works: There is no legal requirement for a candidate to release his tax record, so suck on it, asshole.

However, his fear of what this will look like to so many of the middle class, and those formerly in the middle class, that are now working poor, is apparent.

It not a "fear" of anything. It's certain knowledge that media propagandists will try to use anything they find as ammunition against him - to pain him as a plutocrat.

Meanwhile, Obama has yet to release his college records or the requested "Fast and Furious" documents. Liberal outrage is entirely selective.
What Romney's returns will show is absolutely no wrongdoing. He has very good lawyers to prevent that sort of thing. However, as legal as they will be, they will also show someone in the upper 1% of wealth making millions and paying no taxes at the very time that so many of his fellow citizens lost their jobs, homes, and health insurance.

You seem to be saying you prefer a candidate who has been collecting unemployment for the last 20 years.

Only a stinking lib retard would imply that being successful is a disqualification for office. Libs prefer candidates who have been sucking off the government their entire lives. We can't have candidates with any exposure to the real world. They might understand concepts like supply and demand or meeting a payroll.

Heaven for-fend!
You mean like professional teet-suckers like Moochelle Barkmann?!??

Rep. Michele Bachmann: She's had her share of government aid - Los Angeles Times
Michele Bachmann Lies About Profiting From Govt Subsidized Dairy Farm
Michele Bachmann Repeatedly Sought Stimulus, EPA, Other Government Funds
Bachmann Has Income from Subsidized Farm - Bloomberg

This..."lady" has spent her entire life sucking off the government teet.

What a fraud. RepubliCON$ and especially TeaBaggers absolutely LOVE her.

Queen Ann Romney has had just about enough questions from the great unwashed of America!

“We’ve given all you people need to know” about their tax returns.

Ann Romney vs. You the People - ComPost - The Washington Post

How DARE we question Bishop Romney! They have given millions to the Mormon church! So in her Royal Mind, nobody should question whether King Willard has anything untoward in his tax returns.

ABC: No, Ann Romney didn’t say ‘you people’ « Hot Air :eusa_whistle:
Already a thread on this crap.

Of course it just crap when it's a Republican.

Day late, Synth. Dollar short.

Didn't see it on the Politics page - I looked first.

And does ANYBODY doubt that when Mrs. Romney spoke about "you people" she was talking about the biased liberal media folks?

Yes. I doubt it.

She was talking about *sniff* 'the little people'. You know, the type that serve the 'refreshments'. The 'nails ladies'. The non-VIPs, who don't have a special entrance, and their very own car elevators. *sniff*
Are you making a pass?

Have I ever ask you to pay before? Are the presidents kids suppose to stay home? Many, many other kids go to Mexico on break, even with warnings.
Of course you have never asked me to pay. That is why comparing a presidents vacation expenditures to your own is foolish. I thought you might grasp that, but am hopeful that your looks make up for your obliviousness.

As for obama's kids, he'll no I don't think they should stay home. And to go anywhere they are gonna need a hell of a security detail. Of course, the other 25 friends are a different story.

Don't know what to tell you, it's a free country.
. You realize that " it's a free country" does not mean free as in, freebies, dontcha cutie?
Queen Ann Romney has had just about enough questions from the great unwashed of America!

“We’ve given all you people need to know” about their tax returns.

Ann Romney vs. You the People - ComPost - The Washington Post

How DARE we question Bishop Romney! They have given millions to the Mormon church! So in her Royal Mind, nobody should question whether King Willard has anything untoward in his tax returns.

ABC: No, Ann Romney didn’t say ‘you people’ « Hot Air :eusa_whistle:

ABC needs to sort this out. They should certainly be authorities on what words were said in their interviews (assuming one of the options is [garbled]). As your link makes clear, Z. Byron Wolf, writing for ABC's "The Note" says that their (perhaps inexpert) review of the audio indicates that Ann said "all people...". However,

the ABC blog post ( now says that it is unclear whether Ann said "all you people" and suggest that she said "all our people". Listening to the audio myself (the relevant syllables come at 2:08) I can't see how it could be consistent with "all people" or "all our people" (the latter not making much sense semantically, anyway). To me, there certainly seems to be an "ooo" sound between "all" and "people". Perhaps audio experts will be able to give an authoritative answer.

In any event, given that ABC is backtracking, it seems that there is enough ambiguity that pro-Romney forces will insist that there was no "you" and at least some anti-Romney forces will insist that there was.
What Romney's returns will show is absolutely no wrongdoing. He has very good lawyers to prevent that sort of thing. However, as legal as they will be, they will also show someone in the upper 1% of wealth making millions and paying no taxes at the very time that so many of his fellow citizens lost their jobs, homes, and health insurance.

Slow down, there! Not so sure about that. There have been a few noted financial experts who have speculated that his returns may show some 'gray tax shelters'.

From - NOT a Liberal site:
Further, without an audit of his specific activity, it appears Romney is taking advantage of planning allowed under federal tax law. By allowed I mean loopholes and even gray areas of the law where his tax advisors determined that no special disclosure to the IRS was required. Just like his 2010 and 2011 returns, this information could tell us of foreign interests that could be in conflict with his position as president. Although Romney may not think this is so, it is for the voters (not Romney) to decide whether a conflict exists.

It is possible more is going on in years prior to 2010. I would want to know whether and when he fully disclosed foreign account information for the tax years since such filings were required. I raised this issue in January when I thought more filing information was forthcoming. Please see my article, Does the IRS Have its Mitts on Romney’s Foreign Accounts? Federal banking law requires US citizens and residents to annually disclose information regarding foreign bank and financial accounts they own, or have signature or other authority over. This filing is done each year on form TD F 90-22.1, commonly referred to as the FBAR. Failure to disclose foreign account information can result in severe civil penalties, as well as criminal penalties including prison. Is it possible Romney was not in compliance during a period when the federal government was not actively pursuing foreign accounts? Did Romney “quietly” catch up with the FBAR filings, or did he participate in an IRS’s voluntary program, so as to avoid the government discovering his noncompliance first? Is it possible that Romney did not report all of his foreign source income for years when an FBAR was not filed or complete? As I said in my prior article, substantial noncompliance could end his run for president. Romney should be able to resolve these questions by fully disclosing his FBAR filings along with his tax returns for prior years.

Prior year returns may also reveal that what was thought to be a gray area in the law was actually black, such as certain basis generating transactions used to shelter capital gains. This would mean Romney may have substantially underpaid taxes in prior years. Again, these issues could be resolved if Romney discloses information for prior years.


Now, this Forbes columnist certainly know and understands that Bishop Romney has very good tax lawyers and accountants, and is still putting this speculation forth.

Way to go, Mrs. Romney!!

Ann Romney “We’ve given all You People Need to Know”. In an interview on Good Morning America with Robin Roberts, Ann Romney referred to the rest of America as “You People”.

She even referred this “you people” business, to Robin Roberts as if as a woman who has also suffered from breast cancer, she was a meaningless entity reporter that did not have any value, and that she did not respect.

You don’t call your interviewer “You people”, and it showed great disrespect to Robin Roberts.

Ann Romney also mentioned that her husband gives to the church, so that proves he is not hiding anything in his taxes.

Again, if that were truly the case, he should release his 23 years of tax returns since he’s such an honest guy. But just donating to a church doesn’t prove your being truthful, it was a spin attempt by Ann Romney that just doesn’t fly with the public.

Ann Romney has an offensive, condescending attitude that continues to insult, demean and reveals much of how the Romney’s feel about the rest of America.

People are suffering terrible losses, terrible unemployment, terrible times trying to feed their families and Mrs. Romney can’t have one iota of feeling for those less fortunate than herself. She offers nothing to the narrative of how Romney would suddenly reverse a global recession all by himself.

Read more: Ann Romney “We’ve Given Enough to You People” ABC GMA | Politicol Commentary News

Another non issue

ABC takes up the mini-scandal of the day and delivers its verdict:

Our ruling after reviewing the original audio is that she did not include the “you.”

New York Magazine rules for Ann Romney,
Sounds more like “We’ve given all [stumble] people need to know,” if you ask us. The letter y definitely makes an appearance in there, but the word you does not. Maybe Romney was going to say, “We’ve given all you need to know,” and decided at the last moment to replace “you” with “people.”

More proof that the Left can not run on Papa Obama's record
Ann Romney has an offensive, condescending attitude that continues to insult, demean and reveals much of how the Romney’s feel about the rest of America.

Ann and Mitt, Patrician republicans – how unsurprising.

She has long ago admitted she never suffered for money, but she undergone serious illnesses, the great leveler.

Oh, it was a leveler until she returned to the castle.

I was the first person on the board who said "She gave birth five times, believe me; that woman has labored."

What I find ironic is the "Obama is being mean to me!!" sob/sniffle/whine - and then she says something like this. I don't even have to say "Oh, Ann; tell us how you really feel."

She just did.

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