Attempted Military Coup in Turkey

Erdogan gone is good for Syria, Russia and Iran and bad for the EU,Israel and the US governments so I hope the coup succeeds. On another note the coup leaders have declared martial law they need to start cutting the Internet off and shooting people breaking the curfew or at least arresting them. A strong government needs to rule with an iron fist
Erdogan gone is great for the West. If Erdogan succeeds, Turkey will become a full Islamic State with an Islamic constitution. The military are western oriented and will support the West and Nato. You don't know what you are talking about.
They want their freedom from erdogan

The people want Erdogon.......that's why they elected him. ..... :cool:

I wouldn't be surprised if Obama hasn't told the CIA and American military in Turkey to covertly help Erdogan put down the Military Coup.

We know how much Obama loves the Radical leaders who support ISIS types, he threw his support behind Mohammed Morsi, but that didn't work out that well as there's no American Military in great numbers based in Egypt.
Erdogan gone is great for the West. If Erdogan succeeds, Turkey will become a full Islamic State with an Islamic constitution. The military are western oriented and will support the West and Nato. You don't know what you are talking about.

The way it's heading Erdogan is going nowhere, I predict that within 48 hours he'll have fully regained control again and within the week those Military Coup leaders will have been executed after a quick showtrial.

I wanted the coup to succeed because Erdogan is a psychopath and a POS and Turkey and the world is better without him, now Turkey will become a full Caliphate with Erdogan as the Head Serpent, to continue spreading it and his venom in the Middle East and across Europa.

No doubt Traitor Bitch Merkel will be relieved, a successful Military Coup in Turkey would have ruined her plan of turning the European Continent into Eurarabia.

iran Foreign Ministe javad zarif
Turkish people's brave defense of democracy & their elected government proves that coups have no place in our region and are doomed to fail.

real translate= coup is failed
I have to agree with Lucy. It seems Obama is supporting the Islamization of Turkey.

He always did, just like with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, he always has tended given the choice between Secular and Islamic chosen the most Radical Islamic leaders.

I remember when Morsi declared himself the New Pharoah and Secular Egypt was like WTF? That's when they got onto the streets and demanded the army do something and they did.

Who knows what the public thinking is on the streets of Turkey, the whole Turkish media is under Erdogan's thumb and are his propaganda channels. Tons of Turkish journalists are in prison for refusing to be propaganda mouthpieces.

The same with Western MSM, they're just parroting what the WH is telling them to parrot.

iran Foreign Ministe javad zarif
Turkish people's brave defense of democracy & their elected government proves that coups have no place in our region and are doomed to fail.

real translate= coup is failed
That seems to be the feeling least on CNN...
Attempted Military Coup Underway in Turkey

An unity in army allied with Gulen, who live in USA, want to topple the democraty.

No....the Military is trying to get rid of a radical muslim extremist who is destroying the democracy in Turkey, and aiding isis and other muslim terrorists.....

They're saying that Erdogan is saying that the coup will fail and then this is going to be an opportunity to "clean up the army", probably that means mass executions or something.

Of course he'll get away with mass executions, Obama, the EU, the UN etc will all be silent about this, like they are about any atrocity Erdogan commits.

They're all such absolute hypocrites, any other nation that does half of what Turkey under Erdogan does gets sanctions put on it and threatened with invasion.

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