Attempted Military Coup in Turkey

Why would I check FOX News? It's being carried by legitimate news sources.

And how is Kerry clueless? Better yet, is he as clueless as the current regime?
One need not look beyond Syria and Iran....and now he's surprised by the turkey coup...he has no sources?
The exiled leader is urging the people to take to the streets in protest.....but with guns and shit all over the place who is that brave.......Again the world is looking at the US to solve this mf problem, while China, the Saudis and the rest of the planet, count their coins and go with business as usual. Its time the US leave the muslim countries to their own demise, if their people don't give a shit and want to flee, than gotdamit why must we give a fuck>>>>>

Who is saying we should solve Turkey's problems?
More as 70 % european Turks support Erdogan. It is difficult to believe that outraged fundamentalists will keep quite and silence in the next two or three weeks.European police shall be prepared for everything, I'm afraid that Nice and Coup in Turkey are the beginning of a war in Europe.
Well isn't that something
There is a Military Coup underway in Turkey to oust the psychopath Erdogan, military jets, gun fire, tanks etc.

At this time the information is still coming in, but the Chief of the Armed Forces has said the military is now in charge and has taken control of Turkey.

The first below link is a Live Feed.

Turkey coup: military attempt to seize power from Erdogan as low flying jets and gunfire heard in Ankara and bridges across Bosphorus in Istanbul closed

Turkey coup: military attempt to seize power from Erdogan as low flying jets and gunfire heard in Ankara and bridges across Bosphorus in Istanbul closed

Apparent attempted military coup ongoing in Turkey

What's Going on in Turkey?

Wow! That is a shocker. Isn't Turkey supposed to be a rare democracy in that part of the World? We're not talking some third world banana republic, Turkey has all the trappings of a legitimate modern state, member of NATO, member of the G-20, all that jazz. Around Christmas time my doctor spent a week there on her way to Iran for a visit with family. She was impressed with the progress it had made culturally and in some ways politically. She didn't hear a breath apparently of anything like this.

I follow current affairs in the M.E. as closely as most I guess but I really missed any hints of this extraordinary event, if the hints were there . I don't even know if I should have seen it coming or if everybody else is surprised as I am. Thanks for the heads-up.
Wow, it seems Turkey has a history of banning religious parties. Very interesting to see where this path leads from here...

All previous Islamist parties in Turkey had been shut down by either military intervention or rulings by the constitutional court: The National Order Party, founded in 1970, was banned by the Constitutional Court in 1971. The National Salvation Party, founded in 1972, was outlawed after the 1980 military coup. The Welfare Party, founded in 1983, was banned by the Constitutional Court in 1998. The Virtue Party, founded in 1997, was banned in 2001.

Turkey is notable because its Islamist parties have reemerged, more moderate and pragmatic, after each closure. “Autocratic regimes in the Muslim world often ban religious parties, which then go underground and turn violent. Turkey’s Islamists have taken a different path. Despite being repeatedly outlawed and ejected from power, pious politicians have shunned violence, embraced democracy, and moved into the mainstream,” The Economist noted in 2008. “No Islamic party has been as moderate and pro-Western as the AKP, which catapulted into government in 2002 promising to lead Turkey into the European Union.”

Erdoğan, who founded the party, actually rejects defining the AKP in religious terms. “We are not an Islamic party, and we also refuse labels such as Muslim-democrat,” he said in 2005. The AKP leader instead calls the party’s agenda “conservative democracy.”

Islamist Politics in Turkey: The New Model?

The only way a Muslim country can be remotely peaceful is if it's ruled by an iron secular fist. If you let Muslims vote, they'll always end up voting in more and more extremists.
That's absolutely false. They voted for Tanser Ciller (a woman!) in 1990(?), Yilmaz, Gul, Demirel, Ecovit, Ozal, and others since the last coup in 1980. None of them tried to turn the country into an Islamist regime until Erdogan.

Tansu Çiller was pretty good for Secular Turkey.

Tansu Çiller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I liked her! She was PM when I spent time in Türkiye and first fell in love with that country.

Unfortunately she was felled by a corruption scandal.
Yeah gotta let this play out and see what need to rush I to this yet......I'm for them ousting that but there, but this is major, major if only germany could do that
Obama might just lose an entire NATO nation right before convention. NOT GOOD.

I welcome the military coup in Turkey. Erdogan is a psychopath, he wants Turkey to be the HQ of the new Islamic Caliphate, he's been doing deals with ISIS and he's been blackmailing the European Continent.

So I wish the Turkish military the best of luck and I think many Europeans would agree with me.
I was looking at the NATO angle.
Erdogan is on the line)
adressing the nation
Hurray, viva Ataturk. Let's hope the military can topple that Islamist piece of shit Erdogan and return Turkey to secularism. Ban the Hijab!

Stupid!, all the military coups since 1960 were sponsored by the Americans.

This is a coup from a group of army allied with religious confraternity of Fathullah Gullen who live in Pennsylvania USA.

Actually there is tick off between police and this group of army, the people is contesting the putch in the streets of Istanbul.
Successful coup pointers:

1. Wait for the president to go on vacation.
2. Surround nonsupporting general's homes with troops.
3. Control television and radio.
4. Drive armored vehicles through the streets and fly jets overhead.
A coup against Turkey’s increasingly erratic leader is in the cards
This is from March

Well isn't that something
There is a Military Coup underway in Turkey to oust the psychopath Erdogan, military jets, gun fire, tanks etc.

At this time the information is still coming in, but the Chief of the Armed Forces has said the military is now in charge and has taken control of Turkey.

The first below link is a Live Feed.

Turkey coup: military attempt to seize power from Erdogan as low flying jets and gunfire heard in Ankara and bridges across Bosphorus in Istanbul closed

Turkey coup: military attempt to seize power from Erdogan as low flying jets and gunfire heard in Ankara and bridges across Bosphorus in Istanbul closed

Apparent attempted military coup ongoing in Turkey

What's Going on in Turkey?

Wow! That is a shocker. Isn't Turkey supposed to be a rare democracy in that part of the World? We're not talking some third world banana republic, Turkey has all the trappings of a legitimate modern state, member of NATO, member of the G-20, all that jazz. Around Christmas time my doctor spent a week there on her way to Iran for a visit with family. She was impressed with the progress it had made culturally and in some ways politically. She didn't hear a breath apparently of anything like this.

I follow current affairs in the M.E. as closely as most I guess but I really missed any hints of this extraordinary event, if the hints were there . I don't even know if I should have seen it coming or if everybody else is surprised as I am. Thanks for the heads-up.

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