Attempted Military Coup in Turkey

Obama might just lose an entire NATO nation right before convention. NOT GOOD.

I welcome the military coup in Turkey. Erdogan is a psychopath, he wants Turkey to be the HQ of the new Islamic Caliphate, he's been doing deals with ISIS and he's been blackmailing the European Continent.

So I wish the Turkish military the best of luck and I think many Europeans would agree with me.
I was looking at the NATO angle.
I don't see NATO supporting Erdogan. Türkiye has the second largest force in NATO and we have very close relations with the military. We train them, we supply them, their pilots come to the U.S. to fly jets over Oklahoma, Nevada to train.
There may be lip service, but tepid, not forceful.
But we have an idiot in office.
Looks like another strong move by Putin to oust NATO ally. Military might lean toward west but I doubt it. Our current president has as many balls as Hillary Clinton. Right at NONE! This is what happens when your POTUS is weak.

You actually think O'bama is the President of Turkey now?

No but his weakness empowers Putin. Ousted president of Turkey was enemy of Assad. Assad friend of Rusdia.Turkey shot down Russian jet. Turkey is in Russia's back yard. Putin has been tough on ISIS. This smells like vodka to me.
Former president Abdullah Gul call via visiophone the people to contest the coup because Defense presidency refuse this military putsch.

Turkey can't be ruled by a fistful of militaries.
I believe they usually give it to the first poster time wise.
There is a Military Coup underway in Turkey to oust the psychopath Erdogan, military jets, gun fire, tanks etc.

At this time the information is still coming in, but the Chief of the Armed Forces has said the military is now in charge and has taken control of Turkey.

The first below link is a Live Feed.

Turkey coup: military attempt to seize power from Erdogan as low flying jets and gunfire heard in Ankara and bridges across Bosphorus in Istanbul closed

Turkey coup: military attempt to seize power from Erdogan as low flying jets and gunfire heard in Ankara and bridges across Bosphorus in Istanbul closed

Apparent attempted military coup ongoing in Turkey

What's Going on in Turkey?

My thread for some bizarre reason has been taken off me and GIVEN to Freeman who has made only ONE post which has now become his "OP" after my entire thread was given to him.

Huh? WTF?

I posted at 9.44pm and Freeman posted at 9.44pm, so we're talking what mere SECONDS?

Freeman who has made just ONE post and NO other posts and contributed NO Live Updates or links or anything?

Oh well, I'll bail out of this thread now.

Hey Freeman get your ass here, you've been given my thread, so remember to provide Live Updates and a few more posts than your ONE single contribution which has been made your "OP"

Any further comments address to Freeman, I'm not participating in this thread anymore, I'm not having my thread swiped off me and staying in the thread under those circumstances.

Where the time is still allowing actually I'm deleting ALL of my posts that I'm still alllowed within the time frame to delete, except for this one.


Dear Lucy Hamilton
I'd still rather get updates on this from you, as a more direct source overseas and more reliable. Keep posting, it's clear to me that your thread is the one people are responding to. The system and moderation is never perfect, anywhere, please don't let that deter your posting that is far more important! Thanks!
Hostages taken at Turkish Military Headquarters

If NATO gets involved chaos will ensue...

This is exactly why this Islamist country should be booted out of NATO. No way we should be obligated to go to war for these Islamist phucks.

What are you talking about you idiot. The military in Turkey are anti-Islamist and follow Atatturk's westernization and secularization.
40 % of Turkey desire now Sharia Law.Will Military fights 40 % of Turkey?
Yes, if need be. The military does not fear the poor people in the countryside who basically are the more Islamic.

And fear of Erdogan may have skewed those poll results.

And all other Muslims will stay and calm see how Turkish military slaughter their brothers and sisters.....I sooner believe in the beginning of a big war in Europa now.
There is a Military Coup underway in Turkey to oust the psychopath Erdogan, military jets, gun fire, tanks etc.

At this time the information is still coming in, but the Chief of the Armed Forces has said the military is now in charge and has taken control of Turkey.

The first below link is a Live Feed.

Turkey coup: military attempt to seize power from Erdogan as low flying jets and gunfire heard in Ankara and bridges across Bosphorus in Istanbul closed

Turkey coup: military attempt to seize power from Erdogan as low flying jets and gunfire heard in Ankara and bridges across Bosphorus in Istanbul closed

Apparent attempted military coup ongoing in Turkey

What's Going on in Turkey?

This above post is the only one I can't delete, it WAS my OP post, it;s not needed now, so please delete post # 2.

That way I'm omitted completely from this thread. I'll delete this post within the time frame myself.
Hostages taken at Turkish Military Headquarters

If NATO gets involved chaos will ensue...

This is exactly why this Islamist country should be booted out of NATO. No way we should be obligated to go to war for these Islamist phucks.

What are you talking about you idiot. The military in Turkey are anti-Islamist and follow Atatturk's westernization and secularization.

Erdogan talked about radical fundamentalist behind the coup, a guy from USA.
Obama might just lose an entire NATO nation right before convention. NOT GOOD.

I welcome the military coup in Turkey. Erdogan is a psychopath, he wants Turkey to be the HQ of the new Islamic Caliphate, he's been doing deals with ISIS and he's been blackmailing the European Continent.

So I wish the Turkish military the best of luck and I think many Europeans would agree with me.
I was looking at the NATO angle.
I don't see NATO supporting Erdogan. Türkiye has the second largest force in NATO and we have very close relations with the military. We train them, we supply them, their pilots come to the U.S. to fly jets over Oklahoma, Nevada to train.
There may be lip service, but tepid, not forceful.
But we have an idiot in office.
^^^ This is what I get for responding to a retard.

Lesson learned. Ignore List comes next.

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