Attention Atheist Leftwingers: Please Go Live in One of the 5 Officially Atheist Countries For a Year. Then We'll See if You Sing the Same Tune

Thanks again for saying you refuse to live in those atheist sh*tholes. We are in agreement on that.

Once again, you are trying to put words in my mouth.

I didn't call any place a shithole. The ONLY thing I did was say that I want to continue to live in my country, and would fight to maintain out Bill of Rights.
I notice none of the five atheist countries are on your bucket list. You and agree they are depraved sh*tholes not worth visiting.

The nations on my bucket list are secular nations, some with a higher percentage of atheists than China.
The nations on my bucket list are secular nations, some with a higher percentage of atheists than China.
No country has a higher percentage of atheists than China.

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Percentage of Atheists - WIN-Gallup 2017:​

  1. China - 91%
  2. Japan - 87%
  3. Sweden - 78%
  4. Czech Republic - 76%
  5. United Kingdom - 73%
  6. Belgium - 72%
  7. Estonia - 72%
  8. Norway - 70%
  9. Australia - 69%
  10. Denmark - 68%

Now, let's move the goalposts.
England and your Catholic Bloody Mary would disagree.
Her killing of two people as part of a coup attempt was not a Christian act. What year was that again? Now, let's talk about the 150 million atheists killed in the last century.
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Soon with zealot republicans winning it will be a Christian Nation. They will do anything to win.
Her killing of two people as part of a coup attempt was not a Christian act. What year was that again? Now, let's talk about the 150 million atheists killed in the last century.
A hell of a lot of Christians have abortions. Its a fallacy that the bible has anything against abortion, do you know if a women have adultery it a priest job to terminate the pg, and a man or women says something against their father its a job to murder him.
A hell of a lot of Christians have abortions. Its a fallacy that the bible has anything against abortion, do you know if a women have adultery it a priest job to terminate the pg, and a man or women says something against their father its a job to murder him.
No practicing Christian has abortions.
It's becoming apparent this thread is a home run. Atheists have only two choices;

1) they can claim the five atheist countries are better than Christian countries and look silly (like Surada did).
2) they are forced to admit the five atheist countries are sh*tholes they wouldn't even want to visit like (Winterborn did), Atheists further are forced to admit these countries are sh*tholes BECAUSE of their atheism.

So I will now pose this question. If atheism is indeed the way to live and is so much more enlightened and loving than Christianity, then why are atheist governments not equally enlightened and loving? Isn't it time for you people to acknowledge the obvious? Atheism is negative and promotes every evil. So now you have to confront the question: "Why do you embrace such a negative and inferior belief as atheism?
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Her killing of two people as part of a coup attempt was not a Christian act. What year was that again? Now, let's talk about the 150 million atheists killed in the last century.
Hundreds actually. Your knowledge of your Catholic history
It's becoming apparent this thread is a home run. Atheists have only two choices;

1) they can claim the five atheist countries are better than Christian countries and look silly (like Surada did).
2) they are forced to admit the five atheist countries are sh*tholes they wouldn't even want to visit like (Winterborn did), Atheists further are forced to admit these countries are sh*tholes BECAUSE of their atheism.

So I will now pose this question. If atheism is indeed the way to live and is so much more enlightened and loving than Christianity, then why are atheist governments not equally enlightened and loving? Isn't it time for you people to acknowledge the obvious? Atheism is negative and promotes every evil. So now you have to confront the question: "Why do you embrace such a negative and inferior belief as atheism?

Who said the atheist countries were shitholes? You have claimed that I said that. Several times, as a matter of fact.

Many, like me, simply prefer the freedom afforded us by the US Constitution and the, ever important, Bill of Rights. I prefer to stay in my own homeland and fight against the tyranny you propose.

I was one of the first to start and sign petitions to have Judge Roy Moore's 2 ton monument of the 10 Commandment removed from the Alabama Supreme Court lobby. We were able to get that done, thanks to the constitution.
It's becoming apparent this thread is a home run. Atheists have only two choices;

1) they can claim the five atheist countries are better than Christian countries and look silly (like Surada did).
2) they are forced to admit the five atheist countries are sh*tholes they wouldn't even want to visit like (Winterborn did), Atheists further are forced to admit these countries are sh*tholes BECAUSE of their atheism.

So I will now pose this question. If atheism is indeed the way to live and is so much more enlightened and loving than Christianity, then why are atheist governments not equally enlightened and loving? Isn't it time for you people to acknowledge the obvious? Atheism is negative and promotes every evil. So now you have to confront the question: "Why do you embrace such a negative and inferior belief as atheism?
I lived in Switzerland for a year and have visited France, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway many times. You don't have many religious fanatics but the countries are safe, clean and prosperous. The people seem happier and less violent than in the US.
I lived in Switzerland for a year and have visited France, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway many times. You don't have many religious fanatics but the countries are safe, clean and prosperous. The people seem happier and less violent than in the US.
That's why they have so many suicides.

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