Attention Liberals - An AR-15 is NOT a Machine Gun

All guns are to LIB pussys a threat to their masculinity.
They fear them. They see men and women who are not afraid of guns as 'stronger' than they are and by extension a threat to them.
They sense that those who are comfortable with guns are not into the 'participation trophies' for everyone bullshit.
They are sure that if no one had a gun then everyone would be equal.
These of course are the 'man-bun' pussies who will drive an extra forty miles to avoid any 'inner-city' negro shithole in the country.
Left wing anti 2nd Amendment idiots don't know the difference between automatic fire and semi-automatic and they think a bolt is a thing that holds a fender on and lever action is used when you pop the top of a can of Bud and they don't care. The bigots prefer to wallow in ignorance and hatred.
Dumb fucks, no other industrial nation has the kill rate from guns that the US has. That is a fact. But we all know that the solution to that is to get more guns out on the street.

AR's and the other assault weapons were designed to kill humans. Simple fact. And the people like we have here on the wingnut special talk incessantly about their desire to shoot a few dozen liberals or 'thugs, or anyone that is a bit different in some way from them. Quite a disgusting and contemptible bunch,.

I just love responses like this.

"No other industrialized nation"

Just what does that mean?

And, ahem, it clearly ignores all those others nations where hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people are killed by automatic weapons, along with all sorts of other stuff.

What about them?
Dumb fucks, no other industrial nation has the kill rate from guns that the US has. That is a fact. But we all know that the solution to that is to get more guns out on the street.

AR's and the other assault weapons were designed to kill humans. Simple fact. And the people like we have here on the wingnut special talk incessantly about their desire to shoot a few dozen liberals or 'thugs, or anyone that is a bit different in some way from them. Quite a disgusting and contemptible bunch,.

I just love responses like this.

"No other industrialized nation"

Just what does that mean?

And, ahem, it clearly ignores all those others nations where hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people are killed by automatic weapons, along with all sorts of other stuff.

What about them?

They put in "industrialized" nations so they don't have to acknowledge all the countries with complete gun control with higher gun murder rates than the U.S.....

It also allows them to exclude Mexico for some reason....which has strict gun control and a higher gun murder rate than the U.S............I posted a study that showed that the Mexican states on the border with the U.S. have strict gun control and more gun murder than the U.S. counties on the border that have free access to guns.....
For all the gun owners who 'are just defending the 2nd amendment', be sure to sling your AR-15 over your shoulder, head to and attend the Republican convention in Cleveland, and don't let those gun-grabber Republicans deny you your 2nd amendment rights. They want to make it another 'gun-free zone'. You're not going to let them take your rights from you, are you? And what better weapon to exercise your 1st amendment rights and make a true statement for your 2nd amendment rights than the AR-15.-
...OR we can just continue our lives and continue to let libs wet themselves.
Here's a video, dumbed-down low enough, that even you idiots should get it. After you view it, you'll be armed with some valuable information you can use to correct your lying Congressman who's trying to outlaw them. Thanks.

The AR-15 is an assault rifle with variants that include a fully automatic version. When used by the military they designate it as the M-16.

For all the gun owners who 'are just defending the 2nd amendment', be sure to sling your AR-15 over your shoulder, head to and attend the Republican convention in Cleveland, and don't let those gun-grabber Republicans deny you your 2nd amendment rights. They want to make it another 'gun-free zone'. You're not going to let them take your rights from you, are you? And what better weapon to exercise your 1st amendment rights and make a true statement for your 2nd amendment rights than the AR-15.

"It's what I would take to the convention." - Ghost of Reagan -

3,750,000 million AR-15s in private hands...the number used each year for crime......about 5...if that.

So again......why do you nuts worry so much about AR-15s?
For all the gun owners who 'are just defending the 2nd amendment', be sure to sling your AR-15 over your shoulder, head to and attend the Republican convention in Cleveland, and don't let those gun-grabber Republicans deny you your 2nd amendment rights. They want to make it another 'gun-free zone'. You're not going to let them take your rights from you, are you? And what better weapon to exercise your 1st amendment rights and make a true statement for your 2nd amendment rights than the AR-15.-
...OR we can just continue our lives and continue to let libs wet themselves.

When you have nothing to offer, you offer nothing. Your day is complete.

Easy to notice cons are fine with gun-free zones when their masters designate it. Not only the AR-15 but all guns are banned at the Republican convention.

Where is the outrage from the NRA?
For all the gun owners who 'are just defending the 2nd amendment', be sure to sling your AR-15 over your shoulder, head to and attend the Republican convention in Cleveland, and don't let those gun-grabber Republicans deny you your 2nd amendment rights. They want to make it another 'gun-free zone'. You're not going to let them take your rights from you, are you? And what better weapon to exercise your 1st amendment rights and make a true statement for your 2nd amendment rights than the AR-15.-
...OR we can just continue our lives and continue to let libs wet themselves.

When you have nothing to offer, you offer nothing. Your day is complete.

Easy to notice cons are fine with gun-free zones when their masters designate it. Not only the AR-15 but all guns are banned at the Republican convention.

Where is the outrage from the NRA?
How is that remotely related? Think!
For all the gun owners who 'are just defending the 2nd amendment', be sure to sling your AR-15 over your shoulder, head to and attend the Republican convention in Cleveland, and don't let those gun-grabber Republicans deny you your 2nd amendment rights. They want to make it another 'gun-free zone'. You're not going to let them take your rights from you, are you? And what better weapon to exercise your 1st amendment rights and make a true statement for your 2nd amendment rights than the AR-15.-
...OR we can just continue our lives and continue to let libs wet themselves.

When you have nothing to offer, you offer nothing. Your day is complete.

Easy to notice cons are fine with gun-free zones when their masters designate it. Not only the AR-15 but all guns are banned at the Republican convention.

Where is the outrage from the NRA?
How is that remotely related? Think!

The argument for the AR-15 is '2nd amendment rights'. The Republican party is denying '2nd amendment rights' by making their convention a gun-free zone. They are 'gun grabbers' as cons would say.

The two are inherently related.
For all the gun owners who 'are just defending the 2nd amendment', be sure to sling your AR-15 over your shoulder, head to and attend the Republican convention in Cleveland, and don't let those gun-grabber Republicans deny you your 2nd amendment rights. They want to make it another 'gun-free zone'. You're not going to let them take your rights from you, are you? And what better weapon to exercise your 1st amendment rights and make a true statement for your 2nd amendment rights than the AR-15.-
...OR we can just continue our lives and continue to let libs wet themselves.

When you have nothing to offer, you offer nothing. Your day is complete.

Easy to notice cons are fine with gun-free zones when their masters designate it. Not only the AR-15 but all guns are banned at the Republican convention.

Where is the outrage from the NRA?
How is that remotely related? Think!

The argument for the AR-15 is '2nd amendment rights'. The Republican party is denying '2nd amendment rights' by making their convention a gun-free zone. They are 'gun grabbers' as cons would say.

The two are inherently related.
You said "their convention". That should speak to you.
For all the gun owners who 'are just defending the 2nd amendment', be sure to sling your AR-15 over your shoulder, head to and attend the Republican convention in Cleveland, and don't let those gun-grabber Republicans deny you your 2nd amendment rights. They want to make it another 'gun-free zone'. You're not going to let them take your rights from you, are you? And what better weapon to exercise your 1st amendment rights and make a true statement for your 2nd amendment rights than the AR-15.-
...OR we can just continue our lives and continue to let libs wet themselves.

When you have nothing to offer, you offer nothing. Your day is complete.

Easy to notice cons are fine with gun-free zones when their masters designate it. Not only the AR-15 but all guns are banned at the Republican convention.

Where is the outrage from the NRA?
How is that remotely related? Think!

The argument for the AR-15 is '2nd amendment rights'. The Republican party is denying '2nd amendment rights' by making their convention a gun-free zone. They are 'gun grabbers' as cons would say.

The two are inherently related.
That is one of the stupidest fucking posts I have ever read, which is saying something with you people.
For all the gun owners who 'are just defending the 2nd amendment', be sure to sling your AR-15 over your shoulder, head to and attend the Republican convention in Cleveland, and don't let those gun-grabber Republicans deny you your 2nd amendment rights. They want to make it another 'gun-free zone'. You're not going to let them take your rights from you, are you? And what better weapon to exercise your 1st amendment rights and make a true statement for your 2nd amendment rights than the AR-15.-
...OR we can just continue our lives and continue to let libs wet themselves.

When you have nothing to offer, you offer nothing. Your day is complete.

Easy to notice cons are fine with gun-free zones when their masters designate it. Not only the AR-15 but all guns are banned at the Republican convention.

Where is the outrage from the NRA?
How is that remotely related? Think!

The argument for the AR-15 is '2nd amendment rights'. The Republican party is denying '2nd amendment rights' by making their convention a gun-free zone. They are 'gun grabbers' as cons would say.

The two are inherently related.
You said "their convention". That should speak to you.

So steaming dripping hypocrisy is unknown to you.

Well it is well known to the rest of the population. Do a simple search on this board to a plethora of 'those damn libruls and their gun-free zones'.

I mean stop being an idgit. You are fine with gun-free zones as long as your handlers are doing it.
Here's a video, dumbed-down low enough, that even you idiots should get it. After you view it, you'll be armed with some valuable information you can use to correct your lying Congressman who's trying to outlaw them. Thanks.

Well, I'm a 'liberal', and I know very well what AR-15's are; fetish gear for gay leather queens.

Any other questions for a liberal you need answering, now that you jumped up and down for my attention?

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