Attention Liberals - An AR-15 is NOT a Machine Gun

Here's a video, dumbed-down low enough, that even you idiots should get it. After you view it, you'll be armed with some valuable information you can use to correct your lying Congressman who's trying to outlaw them. Thanks.

The dumbass media and their pawns, career politicians. Are too stupid to know any difference.
Anyway, everyone that has an IQ above single digits knows that guns don't kill people people kill people.
Dumb fucks, no other industrial nation has the kill rate from guns that the US has. That is a fact. But we all know that the solution to that is to get more guns out on the street.

AR's and the other assault weapons were designed to kill humans. Simple fact. And the people like we have here on the wingnut special talk incessantly about their desire to shoot a few dozen liberals or 'thugs, or anyone that is a bit different in some way from them. Quite a disgusting and contemptible bunch,.
Only Dumbass motherfuckers think more laws will help... Gun violence in this country is a non-issue.
Here's a video, dumbed-down low enough, that even you idiots should get it. After you view it, you'll be armed with some valuable information you can use to correct your lying Congressman who's trying to outlaw them. Thanks.

The AR-15 is an assault rifle with variants that include a fully automatic version. When used by the military they designate it as the M-16.

For all the gun owners who 'are just defending the 2nd amendment', be sure to sling your AR-15 over your shoulder, head to and attend the Republican convention in Cleveland, and don't let those gun-grabber Republicans deny you your 2nd amendment rights. They want to make it another 'gun-free zone'. You're not going to let them take your rights from you, are you? And what better weapon to exercise your 1st amendment rights and make a true statement for your 2nd amendment rights than the AR-15.

"It's what I would take to the convention." - Ghost of Reagan -

Dumb fuck, an ar15 is not a military grade weapon. Get your head out of your ass.
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For all the gun owners who 'are just defending the 2nd amendment', be sure to sling your AR-15 over your shoulder, head to and attend the Republican convention in Cleveland, and don't let those gun-grabber Republicans deny you your 2nd amendment rights. They want to make it another 'gun-free zone'. You're not going to let them take your rights from you, are you? And what better weapon to exercise your 1st amendment rights and make a true statement for your 2nd amendment rights than the AR-15.-
...OR we can just continue our lives and continue to let libs wet themselves.

When you have nothing to offer, you offer nothing. Your day is complete.

Easy to notice cons are fine with gun-free zones when their masters designate it. Not only the AR-15 but all guns are banned at the Republican convention.

Where is the outrage from the NRA?

I would bet there is going to be armed security at the convention.
For all the gun owners who 'are just defending the 2nd amendment', be sure to sling your AR-15 over your shoulder, head to and attend the Republican convention in Cleveland, and don't let those gun-grabber Republicans deny you your 2nd amendment rights. They want to make it another 'gun-free zone'. You're not going to let them take your rights from you, are you? And what better weapon to exercise your 1st amendment rights and make a true statement for your 2nd amendment rights than the AR-15.-
...OR we can just continue our lives and continue to let libs wet themselves.

When you have nothing to offer, you offer nothing. Your day is complete.

Easy to notice cons are fine with gun-free zones when their masters designate it. Not only the AR-15 but all guns are banned at the Republican convention.

Where is the outrage from the NRA?

I would bet there is going to be armed security at the convention.

I would bet you are right, but this goes to the point. Denying people the right to carry firearms is not violating their 2nd amendment rights. If it is, and someone diagrees, then show up packing heat and walk in. Or try to as you scream 'don't taz me bro'.
The AR-15 is an assault rifle with variants that include a fully automatic version. When used by the military they designate it as the M-16.
This is either an outright lie, or abject ignorance.
Feel free to tell us which.

The AR is scary looking so it's designed to kill people?

No it's designed to kill people because the designer designed it to kill people. They weren't looking at deer hunters as their clientele. They took into consideration what men wanting to hunt and kill other men wanted, and then designed a weapon for that. You can put a blade on the front of a tank and move dirt. But it's designed for something else.
The AR-15 is an assault rifle with variants that include a fully automatic version. When used by the military they designate it as the M-16.
This is either an outright lie, or abject ignorance.
Feel free to tell us which.

The AR is scary looking so it's designed to kill people?

No it's designed to kill people because the designer designed it to kill people. They weren't looking at deer hunters as their clientele. They took into consideration what men wanting to hunt and kill other men wanted, and then designed a weapon for that. You can put a blade on the front of a tank and move dirt. But it's designed for something else.

What is it about the design indicates that?
Be specific.
The AR-15 is an assault rifle with variants that include a fully automatic version. When used by the military they designate it as the M-16.
This is either an outright lie, or abject ignorance.
Feel free to tell us which.

The AR is scary looking so it's designed to kill people?

No it's designed to kill people because the designer designed it to kill people. They weren't looking at deer hunters as their clientele. They took into consideration what men wanting to hunt and kill other men wanted, and then designed a weapon for that. You can put a blade on the front of a tank and move dirt. But it's designed for something else.
An ar is a great hunting rifle... Dumbass
The AR-15 is an assault rifle with variants that include a fully automatic version. When used by the military they designate it as the M-16.
This is either an outright lie, or abject ignorance.
Feel free to tell us which.

The AR is scary looking so it's designed to kill people?

No it's designed to kill people because the designer designed it to kill people. They weren't looking at deer hunters as their clientele. They took into consideration what men wanting to hunt and kill other men wanted, and then designed a weapon for that. You can put a blade on the front of a tank and move dirt. But it's designed for something else.

No...the designer designed the weapon to keep the user alive when he is attacked....
The AR-15 is an assault rifle with variants that include a fully automatic version. When used by the military they designate it as the M-16.
This is either an outright lie, or abject ignorance.
Feel free to tell us which.

The AR is scary looking so it's designed to kill people?

No it's designed to kill people because the designer designed it to kill people. They weren't looking at deer hunters as their clientele. They took into consideration what men wanting to hunt and kill other men wanted, and then designed a weapon for that. You can put a blade on the front of a tank and move dirt. But it's designed for something else.

You never got specific.....why is that?
The AR-15 is an assault rifle with variants that include a fully automatic version. When used by the military they designate it as the M-16.
This is either an outright lie, or abject ignorance.
Feel free to tell us which.
The AR is scary looking so it's designed to kill people?
No it's designed to kill people because the designer designed it to kill people.
This is a lie.
Nor is it a hunting rifle or much good for home defense. is a pretty good weapon for home defense....the AR-15 fires a round that is light and breaks up in you don't have to worry as much about hitting a neighbor....the recoil is almost non existent so women can shoot it easily compared to a shot gun.......there are three points of contact with the rifle, which aids shooting accuracy, and yet you can still have a light and laser on it without tying up a hand.....the regular magazine has more than enough rounds to deal with having to shoot the weapon without having to change the magazine....since you could very well start the encounter by being injured by an attacker, and the adrenaline will make it more difficult to change magazines...

Also...if you are in an isolated location, a farm, or a ranch on the AR-15 and several magazines may mean the difference between surviving till the police arrive...which could be an hour or more, and dying.........

Another good thing.....since you anti gun nuts have given it a reputation.......any criminal that sees an innocent victim with one will tend to over estimate it as a weapon....

So you are wrong...the AR-15 is a good self defense choice for some people....
Addressing anti gun morons......

Why do you have to lie about guns in the United States? The facts, the truth and reality show that you are wrong....on all levels...on every aspect of the issue of guns in the United States...yet you continue to lie.....what is it with you nuts?

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