Attention Liberals - An AR-15 is NOT a Machine Gun

Nor is it a hunting rifle or much good for home defense. is a pretty good weapon for home defense....the AR-15 fires a round that is light and breaks up in you don't have to worry as much about hitting a neighbor....the recoil is almost non existent so women can shoot it easily compared to a shot gun.......there are three points of contact with the rifle, which aids shooting accuracy, and yet you can still have a light and laser on it without tying up a hand.....the regular magazine has more than enough rounds to deal with having to shoot the weapon without having to change the magazine....since you could very well start the encounter by being injured by an attacker, and the adrenaline will make it more difficult to change magazines...

Also...if you are in an isolated location, a farm, or a ranch on the AR-15 and several magazines may mean the difference between surviving till the police arrive...which could be an hour or more, and dying.........

Another good thing.....since you anti gun nuts have given it a reputation.......any criminal that sees an innocent victim with one will tend to over estimate it as a weapon....

So you are wrong...the AR-15 is a good self defense choice for some people....

You live in a fantasy where one day you will be in an extended firefight with a band of heavily armed interlopers. Pure fantasy.

A rifle is no good for home defense. If I am awakened by noise in my home, I'm reaching for my shotgun. In the darkened house, I only need point and not aim. Even if I just wing an intruder, he's messed up. So easy to miss with a rifle.

Showing you know nothing and are talking our of your ass......a shotgun pellet spread doesn't spread for quite a distance...definitely not inside a still have to try to aim what you shoot at.....
The AR-15 is an assault rifle with variants that include a fully automatic version. When used by the military they designate it as the M-16.
This is either an outright lie, or abject ignorance.
Feel free to tell us which.
The AR is scary looking so it's designed to kill people?
No it's designed to kill people because the designer designed it to kill people.
This is a lie.

A rifle designed to go into battle in wartime. What then is it designed for, target shooting?

The AR-15 is not a combat does not have select fire capability.....

A rifle of any kind is designed to save the life of the user...and the AR-15 can do this quite has already been pointed out....
No it's designed to kill people because the designer designed it to kill people.
This is a lie.
A rifle designed to go into battle in wartime. What then is it designed for, target shooting?
Unlike my M1 Garand, my M1 carbine and my 03A3 Springfield, the AR15 is not a rifle designed to go into battle in wartime; my AR15, specifically designed to participate in NRA DCM events is, indeed, designed for target shooting.
Feel free to lie some more.
Ah so YOUR AR-15 is what we are talking about?
I'm sorry that you do not understand that the example of my DCM-legal AR15, and every other DCM-legal AR15 sold by every AR15 manufacturer, disproves your claim.

Your position is nothing but unsupportable, dishonest, mindless nonsense; I have three rifles that -were- designed for war; the AR15, generally, and mine, specifically, is not among them.

May I simplify what you just typed....?

He is talking out of his ass....

There...I hope that helps......talking to a lefty/regressive about anything is not the most pleasent of experiences.....
Too funny that 'gun nuts' don't know guns. Go back and read my original post, maybe that will clear it up for you.

"My car isn't a car, it's an automobile"
"I don't have a house, it's a domicile"

"This weapon isn't made to kill people, it's meant to trigger a hammer that causes a release of hot gases that propel a bit of metal at anything but people. Just because it was originally designed and built for the military to use in war doesn't mean it was...."

You are ponderous slugs.
Too funny that 'gun nuts' don't know guns. Go back and read my original post, maybe that will clear it up for you.
"My car isn't a car, it's an automobile"
"I don't have a house, it's a domicile"
"This weapon isn't made to kill people, it's meant to trigger a hammer that causes a release of hot gases that propel a bit of metal at anything but people. Just because it was originally designed and built for the military to use in war doesn't mean it was...."
You are ponderous slugs.
Nothing here changes the fact that your "the AR15 was designed to go into battle in wartime" claim is unsupportable, dishonest, mindless nonsense.
Dumb fucks, no other industrial nation has the kill rate from guns that the US has. That is a fact. But we all know that the solution to that is to get more guns out on the street.

AR's and the other assault weapons were designed to kill humans. Simple fact. And the people like we have here on the wingnut special talk incessantly about their desire to shoot a few dozen liberals or 'thugs, or anyone that is a bit different in some way from them. Quite a disgusting and contemptible bunch,.

You don't need guns to kill.

The U.S. Has More Guns, But Russia Has More Murders

According to, Russians have far fewer guns than Americans — and far more homicides.

There are fewer than 13 million firearms in circulation in Russia, compared with an estimated 300 million in the United States. That works out to about 9 guns per 100 people in Russia and closed to 100 guns per 100 people in America.

The most recent homicide statistics for Russia show that there were 21,603 killings in 2009.


According to the FBI, the United States had 13,636 homicides in 2009 with a population that is more than twice as large. More than 80 percent of those killings were gun-related.

It's difficult to make a direct comparison of gun homicides in the two countries because Russia doesn't break down its murder statistics.

Russian Gun Laws

Russia has tough gun laws on the books. It's illegal for Russian citizens to own automatic and semi-automatic guns. It's possible to apply for a handgun or shotgun license, though citizens are required to provide reasons such as hunting or target shooting.

Applicants face strict background checks, including criminal history, a full psychological evaluation and a medical exam. They must pass a test on firearm laws and safety.

Each weapon is then registered by the police during a home visit. Police take bullet patterns, test bullets and cartridges so bullets can be matched if the gun is used in a crime. A license lasts five years, after which applicants must go through the whole process again.

In spite of these laws, the country does have periodic mass shootings by people thought to be mentally ill.
Nor is it a hunting rifle or much good for home defense.
Loads are made specific to a task. The .223 round is perfectly suitable for home defense in an AR-15.

It will incapacitate an intruder with minimal risk of over penetration.
Many don't realize that. The round breaks apart and has less wall penetration than a 9mm handgun. Saw the demos on TV but admittedly haven't tried it at home.
An ar is a great hunting rifle... Dumbass

lol ... no it isn't; my grand dad's Army rifle is though, a Springfield 30-40.

Only weirdos want to screw around with AR-15's as if it makes them look 'all serious n stuff'. A recent incident here in Dallas involving a couple of well armed and body armored missionaries of the 'religion of peace' on their way to slaughter guests at an art display not long ago were taken out by a single police officer with his service side arm. Most sane people can do just fine with normal civilian firearms, no need for ridiculous frames and designs. I don't think they should be banned, but maybe the kind of morons who waste money on such gear as AR-15's should be examined far more closely.
An ar is a great hunting rifle... Dumbass

lol ... no it isn't; my grand dad's Army rifle is though, a Springfield 30-40.

Only weirdos want to screw around with AR-15's as if it makes them look 'all serious n stuff'. A recent incident here in Dallas involving a couple of well armed and body armored missionaries of the 'religion of peace' on their way to slaughter guests at an art display not long ago were taken out by a single police officer with his service side arm. Most sane people can do just fine with normal civilian firearms, no need for ridiculous frames and designs. I don't think they should be banned, but maybe the kind of morons who waste money on such gear as AR-15's should be examined far more closely.
You don't know much about hunting do you? It's hard to beat an AR or M4 for hunting.
So genius, tell all of us why An ar or M4 would not make a good hunting rifle? specific
Nor is it a hunting rifle or much good for home defense.

True. A shotgun with a short barrel is far better. A revolver is fine, too. If somebody is so bad a shot they need 20 round magazines and the like they should stay away from guns altogether.
An ar is a great hunting rifle... Dumbass

lol ... no it isn't; my grand dad's Army rifle is though, a Springfield 30-40.

Only weirdos want to screw around with AR-15's as if it makes them look 'all serious n stuff'. A recent incident here in Dallas involving a couple of well armed and body armored missionaries of the 'religion of peace' on their way to slaughter guests at an art display not long ago were taken out by a single police officer with his service side arm. Most sane people can do just fine with normal civilian firearms, no need for ridiculous frames and designs. I don't think they should be banned, but maybe the kind of morons who waste money on such gear as AR-15's should be examined far more closely.
You don't know much about hunting do you? It's hard to beat an AR or M4 for hunting.
So genius, tell all of us why An ar or M4 would not make a good hunting rifle? specific

I didn't say I cared whether mentally unstable trolls liked my posts or not.

But hey, why not just sell surplus bombers and use those for hunting? You can take out entire herds! Much more efficient, don't you think? Grenades would be great for hunting too!
An ar is a great hunting rifle... Dumbass

lol ... no it isn't; my grand dad's Army rifle is though, a Springfield 30-40.

Only weirdos want to screw around with AR-15's as if it makes them look 'all serious n stuff'. A recent incident here in Dallas involving a couple of well armed and body armored missionaries of the 'religion of peace' on their way to slaughter guests at an art display not long ago were taken out by a single police officer with his service side arm. Most sane people can do just fine with normal civilian firearms, no need for ridiculous frames and designs. I don't think they should be banned, but maybe the kind of morons who waste money on such gear as AR-15's should be examined far more closely.
You don't know much about hunting do you? It's hard to beat an AR or M4 for hunting.
So genius, tell all of us why An ar or M4 would not make a good hunting rifle? specific

I didn't say I cared whether mentally unstable trolls liked my posts or not.

But hey, why not just sell surplus bombers and use those for hunting? You can take out entire herds! Much more efficient, don't you think? Grenades would be great for hunting too!
Just As I thought, all hat and no cattle....
An ar is a great hunting rifle... Dumbass

lol ... no it isn't; my grand dad's Army rifle is though, a Springfield 30-40.

Only weirdos want to screw around with AR-15's as if it makes them look 'all serious n stuff'. A recent incident here in Dallas involving a couple of well armed and body armored missionaries of the 'religion of peace' on their way to slaughter guests at an art display not long ago were taken out by a single police officer with his service side arm. Most sane people can do just fine with normal civilian firearms, no need for ridiculous frames and designs. I don't think they should be banned, but maybe the kind of morons who waste money on such gear as AR-15's should be examined far more closely.
You don't know much about hunting do you? It's hard to beat an AR or M4 for hunting.
So genius, tell all of us why An ar or M4 would not make a good hunting rifle? specific

I didn't say I cared whether mentally unstable trolls liked my posts or not.

But hey, why not just sell surplus bombers and use those for hunting? You can take out entire herds! Much more efficient, don't you think? Grenades would be great for hunting too!
Just As I thought, all hat and no cattle....

lol just admit you only like the AR because you think it makes you look 'dangerous n stuff' when you dress up in drag and pose in front of your mirror all day.
An ar is a great hunting rifle... Dumbass

lol ... no it isn't; my grand dad's Army rifle is though, a Springfield 30-40.

Only weirdos want to screw around with AR-15's as if it makes them look 'all serious n stuff'. A recent incident here in Dallas involving a couple of well armed and body armored missionaries of the 'religion of peace' on their way to slaughter guests at an art display not long ago were taken out by a single police officer with his service side arm. Most sane people can do just fine with normal civilian firearms, no need for ridiculous frames and designs. I don't think they should be banned, but maybe the kind of morons who waste money on such gear as AR-15's should be examined far more closely.
Morons? It's the most popular rifle in America by far. It's a great weapon, highly customizable, 30 rnd mags or more. Ask that cop if he would have rather had a AR or his sidearm. Don't make judgments about things you know NOTHING about. Libs do that all day long.
An ar is a great hunting rifle... Dumbass

lol ... no it isn't; my grand dad's Army rifle is though, a Springfield 30-40.

Only weirdos want to screw around with AR-15's as if it makes them look 'all serious n stuff'. A recent incident here in Dallas involving a couple of well armed and body armored missionaries of the 'religion of peace' on their way to slaughter guests at an art display not long ago were taken out by a single police officer with his service side arm. Most sane people can do just fine with normal civilian firearms, no need for ridiculous frames and designs. I don't think they should be banned, but maybe the kind of morons who waste money on such gear as AR-15's should be examined far more closely.
You don't know much about hunting do you? It's hard to beat an AR or M4 for hunting.
So genius, tell all of us why An ar or M4 would not make a good hunting rifle? specific

I didn't say I cared whether mentally unstable trolls liked my posts or not.

But hey, why not just sell surplus bombers and use those for hunting? You can take out entire herds! Much more efficient, don't you think? Grenades would be great for hunting too!
Just As I thought, all hat and no cattle....

lol just admit you only like the AR because you think it makes you look 'dangerous n stuff' when you dress up in drag and pose in front of your mirror all day.
Na, not really.
But I sell a shit load of them to all walks of life... Lol

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