ATTENTION Trump voters - wear red on Election Day to defeat democrat voter fraud

The democrat voter fraud machine will be in full and lethal force on Election Day. The proposal is to wear red and polling counters will monitor the number of of people voting trump to keep the democrats from stealing another election..,

Do your part for America, she needs us all now to stop democrats....

Wear Red On Election Day

I am sure that its no coincidence that you chose red for your colors....
View attachment 93432View attachment 93433

Actually, it's the leftard clown posse that adopted the 1930's socialist model based on the works of Jesuit trained Karl Marx and his communist manifesto at a secret caucus in 1980.....certainly explains the candidates that they have picked since then. I believe the last count was 70 or so congress people that are communist or communist sympathizers?

The 1950's called................they'd like their McCarthyism back.

Hey, ya dope smoking dumb fuck......ever heard of the Venona Project? Recently released documents shows that McCarthy was absolutely right. SOOOO, once again, I kick your ass as if I was punting a football into the coffin corner.

You see, I know more than you....infinitely more. post 18 you tell us what a great guy you are, and in post 19, you spend it insulting others and showing what a cad you are.

Great job!
The democrat voter fraud machine will be in full and lethal force on Election Day. The proposal is to wear red and polling counters will monitor the number of of people voting trump to keep the democrats from stealing another election..,

Do your part for America, she needs us all now to stop democrats....

Wear Red On Election Day

I am sure that its no coincidence that you chose red for your colors....
View attachment 93432View attachment 93433

Actually, it's the leftard clown posse that adopted the 1930's socialist model based on the works of Jesuit trained Karl Marx and his communist manifesto at a secret caucus in 1980.....certainly explains the candidates that they have picked since then. I believe the last count was 70 or so congress people that are communist or communist sympathizers?

Wear your colors proudly

I love how you idiots talk about "McCarthyism" and then try to pretend you hate communists.

The ultimate example of cognitive dissonance.
Great, we'd like to know who you are.

Who is "we", Penelope and what would anyone that wears red have to fear from the likes of the leftard clown posse? I'm not participating in this fraud of an election but I have no problem wearing a red shirt and red bandanna HOPING that some leftard wants to take umbrage with me on election day. I will have them walking away with their heads on backwards wondering what the fuck just happened to them.

That is exactly what I mean, best to stay clear of anyone wearing red, they are probably packing a gun too, and they will be angry knowing they are going to loose. We , I mean Democrats.

"loose" as in describing your vagina???? I believe the word you were searching for was "lose".
As far as angry goes? I haven't seen anti-Hitlery people be violent, stage protests and stop traffic because people supported a candidate that they didn't like....but have seen plenty of maniacal leftards lose their fucking minds (which protests were funded by Hitlery supporter George Soros) and assault people wearing Trump hats. So go fuck yourself, you illiterate klunt......and based on that "loose" vagina" of yours, it will be a chasm that will be hard to fill.

Great, we'd like to know who you are.

Who is "we", Penelope and what would anyone that wears red have to fear from the likes of the leftard clown posse? I'm not participating in this fraud of an election but I have no problem wearing a red shirt and red bandanna HOPING that some leftard wants to take umbrage with me on election day. I will have them walking away with their heads on backwards wondering what the fuck just happened to them.

That is exactly what I mean, best to stay clear of anyone wearing red, they are probably packing a gun too, and they will be angry knowing they are going to loose. We , I mean Democrats.

"loose" as in describing your vagina???? I believe the word you were searching for was "lose".
As far as angry goes? I haven't seen anti-Hitlery people be violent, stage protests and stop traffic because people supported a candidate that they didn't like....but have seen plenty of maniacal leftards lose their fucking minds (which protests were funded by Hitlery supporter George Soros) and assault people wearing Trump hats. So go fuck yourself, you illiterate klunt......and based on that "loose" vagina" of yours, it will be a chasm that will be hard to fill.

Me thinks he won't be wearing red.....:lol:
The democrat voter fraud machine will be in full and lethal force on Election Day. The proposal is to wear red and polling counters will monitor the number of of people voting trump to keep the democrats from stealing another election..,

Do your part for America, she needs us all now to stop democrats....

Wear Red On Election Day

I am sure that its no coincidence that you chose red for your colors....
View attachment 93432View attachment 93433

Actually, it's the leftard clown posse that adopted the 1930's socialist model based on the works of Jesuit trained Karl Marx and his communist manifesto at a secret caucus in 1980.....certainly explains the candidates that they have picked since then. I believe the last count was 70 or so congress people that are communist or communist sympathizers?

The 1950's called................they'd like their McCarthyism back.

Hey, ya dope smoking dumb fuck......ever heard of the Venona Project? Recently released documents shows that McCarthy was absolutely right. SOOOO, once again, I kick your ass as if I was punting a football into the coffin corner.

You see, I know more than you....infinitely more. post 18 you tell us what a great guy you are, and in post 19, you spend it insulting others and showing what a cad you are.

Great job!

I give back what is given to me. You want to be respected, then respect others. If not? Don't be a whiny bitch when you get busted on for doing the same thing you do to others. It's not that hard of a concept to figure out.

Personally, I can't think of a single scenario where I would ever wish to curry favor with the likes of a dope smoking biker wannabe leftard that whines when he gets back what he gives out.......not a single one.

Hope this helps!

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Great, we'd like to know who you are.

Who is "we", Penelope and what would anyone that wears red have to fear from the likes of the leftard clown posse? I'm not participating in this fraud of an election but I have no problem wearing a red shirt and red bandanna HOPING that some leftard wants to take umbrage with me on election day. I will have them walking away with their heads on backwards wondering what the fuck just happened to them.

That is exactly what I mean, best to stay clear of anyone wearing red, they are probably packing a gun too, and they will be angry knowing they are going to loose. We , I mean Democrats.

"loose" as in describing your vagina???? I believe the word you were searching for was "lose".
As far as angry goes? I haven't seen anti-Hitlery people be violent, stage protests and stop traffic because people supported a candidate that they didn't like....but have seen plenty of maniacal leftards lose their fucking minds (which protests were funded by Hitlery supporter George Soros) and assault people wearing Trump hats. So go fuck yourself, you illiterate klunt......and based on that "loose" vagina" of yours, it will be a chasm that will be hard to fill.


Spoken like a true Texan. Yes lose which is what your going to do. Texans hate to pay taxes, so what are you complaining about, but you love Federal Aid. I'm sure you meant ****, not klunt. What the heck is klunt. Texan ****?
The democrat voter fraud machine will be in full and lethal force on Election Day. The proposal is to wear red and polling counters will monitor the number of of people voting trump to keep the democrats from stealing another election..,

Do your part for America, she needs us all now to stop democrats....

Wear Red On Election Day

I am sure that its no coincidence that you chose red for your colors....
View attachment 93432View attachment 93433

Actually, it's the leftard clown posse that adopted the 1930's socialist model based on the works of Jesuit trained Karl Marx and his communist manifesto at a secret caucus in 1980.....certainly explains the candidates that they have picked since then. I believe the last count was 70 or so congress people that are communist or communist sympathizers?

Wear your colors proudly


So perhaps we should take the red stripes out of the flag since it represents communism? According to YOUR logic, that is what that color represents.
Great, we'd like to know who you are.

Who is "we", Penelope and what would anyone that wears red have to fear from the likes of the leftard clown posse? I'm not participating in this fraud of an election but I have no problem wearing a red shirt and red bandanna HOPING that some leftard wants to take umbrage with me on election day. I will have them walking away with their heads on backwards wondering what the fuck just happened to them.

That is exactly what I mean, best to stay clear of anyone wearing red, they are probably packing a gun too, and they will be angry knowing they are going to loose. We , I mean Democrats.

"loose" as in describing your vagina???? I believe the word you were searching for was "lose".
As far as angry goes? I haven't seen anti-Hitlery people be violent, stage protests and stop traffic because people supported a candidate that they didn't like....but have seen plenty of maniacal leftards lose their fucking minds (which protests were funded by Hitlery supporter George Soros) and assault people wearing Trump hats. So go fuck yourself, you illiterate klunt......and based on that "loose" vagina" of yours, it will be a chasm that will be hard to fill.


Spoken like a true Texan. Yes lose which is what your going to do. Texans hate to pay taxes, so what are you complaining about, but you love Federal Aid. I'm sure you meant ****, not klunt. What the heck is klunt. Texan ****?
Spelling error or not, he still kicked the shit out of you and Hillary supporters with that post.
You need to give the voters a "pen" test. Hand them a pen. If they take it with their left hand, take their name and send it in to central headquarters.
Great, we'd like to know who you are.

Who is "we", Penelope and what would anyone that wears red have to fear from the likes of the leftard clown posse? I'm not participating in this fraud of an election but I have no problem wearing a red shirt and red bandanna HOPING that some leftard wants to take umbrage with me on election day. I will have them walking away with their heads on backwards wondering what the fuck just happened to them.

That is exactly what I mean, best to stay clear of anyone wearing red, they are probably packing a gun too, and they will be angry knowing they are going to loose. We , I mean Democrats.

"loose" as in describing your vagina???? I believe the word you were searching for was "lose".
As far as angry goes? I haven't seen anti-Hitlery people be violent, stage protests and stop traffic because people supported a candidate that they didn't like....but have seen plenty of maniacal leftards lose their fucking minds (which protests were funded by Hitlery supporter George Soros) and assault people wearing Trump hats. So go fuck yourself, you illiterate klunt......and based on that "loose" vagina" of yours, it will be a chasm that will be hard to fill.


Spoken like a true Texan. Yes lose which is what your going to do. Texans hate to pay taxes, so what are you complaining about, but you love Federal Aid. I'm sure you meant ****, not klunt. What the heck is klunt. Texan ****?

A Texan living in Florida that is an American that is no longer a U.S citizen and under the U.C.C. I am no longer a corporate citizen of USA.INC (which is akin to being an employee of Wal-Mart, McDonalds or Microsoft, etc, etc) I do not vote in your corporate elections where the shareholders present their choices for the next CEO of their corporate empire for you to choose from thus giving you the illusion that you have a say on how you are ruled. You see, I know more than you because I have made it my mission to figure out how to make it through this maze of deceptions and lies and it's not a pretty picture at all. I don't want a fucking thing from this federal "gubermint" that has leeched off of me my whole life. I owe them nothing and that includes any loyalty...get it now? Since we are no longer a republic, I don't get all weepy-eyed when I see their corporate banner with gold fringe nor do I get choked up when I hear the national anthem. I stopped being a sucker...but you drop to your knees on command, no doubt.

BTW, learn the difference between "your" and you're"....when you don't use the right one, it makes you look even dumber than you probably are....just a "head's up" need to thank's what I do.
I've just alerted my FEMA supervisor to round up all the people in red shirts on election day.
Great, we'd like to know who you are.

Who is "we", Penelope and what would anyone that wears red have to fear from the likes of the leftard clown posse? I'm not participating in this fraud of an election but I have no problem wearing a red shirt and red bandanna HOPING that some leftard wants to take umbrage with me on election day. I will have them walking away with their heads on backwards wondering what the fuck just happened to them.

I am one of the nicest people you will ever meet in real time but I despise bullies and those that attempt to use intimidation. I especially despise the left that has been using a mob mentality to try and intimidate those that aren't leftards. I wouldn't put up with neocons using the same tactics either. The right to freely express your beliefs is not a right granted to us by a benevolent "gubermint" but a God given right. The day we submit to be ruled even more than we are right now? We might as well start wearing chains. I don't fear confrontation...I welcome it.

One last thing, if I was a coward, I wouldn't post the things I do. I am on the radar and I wear it like a badge of honor. I have had over 2,000 posts deleted from various blog sites as it pertains to the central bank and this was around the time a top to bottom audit of the Fed was being blocked by the senate demcrats on the banking committee.
You said you're not voting anyways....
The democrat voter fraud machine will be in full and lethal force on Election Day. The proposal is to wear red and polling counters will monitor the number of of people voting trump to keep the democrats from stealing another election..,

Do your part for America, she needs us all now to stop democrats....

Wear Red On Election Day

How bout this....

Hey Democrats.... Everyone wear red when voting...
How funny will that be....

I think you need to work this out more with Alex Jones...

Wear red and do the Hilly ShimmY....

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Great, we'd like to know who you are.

Who is "we", Penelope and what would anyone that wears red have to fear from the likes of the leftard clown posse? I'm not participating in this fraud of an election but I have no problem wearing a red shirt and red bandanna HOPING that some leftard wants to take umbrage with me on election day. I will have them walking away with their heads on backwards wondering what the fuck just happened to them.

I am one of the nicest people you will ever meet in real time but I despise bullies and those that attempt to use intimidation. I especially despise the left that has been using a mob mentality to try and intimidate those that aren't leftards. I wouldn't put up with neocons using the same tactics either. The right to freely express your beliefs is not a right granted to us by a benevolent "gubermint" but a God given right. The day we submit to be ruled even more than we are right now? We might as well start wearing chains. I don't fear confrontation...I welcome it.

One last thing, if I was a coward, I wouldn't post the things I do. I am on the radar and I wear it like a badge of honor. I have had over 2,000 posts deleted from various blog sites as it pertains to the central bank and this was around the time a top to bottom audit of the Fed was being blocked by the senate demcrats on the banking committee.
You said you're not voting anyways....

Nope, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't wear a red shirt and have a Trump cap on in hopes that some leftard would try to accost me so I could given them a verbal beat down or more if a problem with that, klunt???

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