ATTENTION Trump voters - wear red on Election Day to defeat democrat voter fraud

Tump voters don't have to wear red. They can be identified because they are white, wear backwards baseball hats if young, and are scowling if old. As for women Trump supporters, the job of identifying them is a little harder. They have been asked to vote topless.
Bring your blackjack.....I dare you.....:lol:
Make sure you bring enough for everyone:
The democrat voter fraud machine will be in full and lethal force on Election Day. The proposal is to wear red and polling counters will monitor the number of of people voting trump to keep the democrats from stealing another election..,

Do your part for America, she needs us all now to stop democrats....

Wear Red On Election Day

Lots of red here...and it fits: View attachment 93594
You democrats and your disgusting flag....

View attachment 93595
Yeah...that's why it says Drumpf on're such a brilliant guy.
That is exactly what I mean, best to stay clear of anyone wearing red, they are probably packing a gun too, and they will be angry knowing they are going to loose. We , I mean Democrats.

"loose" as in describing your vagina???? )

Dale: I am one of the nicest people you will ever meet in real time

You are one of the biggest hypocrites I would meet in real time.

I make no apologies at all for despising your ilk......none whatsoever.

Of course you don't- you hate Americans.
No one likes you fascist democrats.....
OMIGOD! I haven't heard that kind of "insult" since Elementary School.......:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Great, we'd like to know who you are.

Who is "we", Penelope and what would anyone that wears red have to fear from the likes of the leftard clown posse? I'm not participating in this fraud of an election but I have no problem wearing a red shirt and red bandanna HOPING that some leftard wants to take umbrage with me on election day. I will have them walking away with their heads on backwards wondering what the fuck just happened to them.

That is exactly what I mean, best to stay clear of anyone wearing red, they are probably packing a gun too, and they will be angry knowing they are going to loose. We , I mean Democrats.

"loose" as in describing your vagina???? I believe the word you were searching for was "lose".
As far as angry goes? I haven't seen anti-Hitlery people be violent, stage protests and stop traffic because people supported a candidate that they didn't like....but have seen plenty of maniacal leftards lose their fucking minds (which protests were funded by Hitlery supporter George Soros) and assault people wearing Trump hats. So go fuck yourself, you illiterate klunt......and based on that "loose" vagina" of yours, it will be a chasm that will be hard to fill.


Spoken like a true Texan. Yes lose which is what your going to do. Texans hate to pay taxes, so what are you complaining about, but you love Federal Aid. I'm sure you meant ****, not klunt. What the heck is klunt. Texan ****?

A Texan living in Florida that is an American that is no longer a U.S citizen and under the U.C.C. I am no longer a corporate citizen of USA.INC (which is akin to being an employee of Wal-Mart, McDonalds or Microsoft, etc, etc) I do not vote in your corporate elections where the shareholders present their choices for the next CEO of their corporate empire for you to choose from thus giving you the illusion that you have a say on how you are ruled. You see, I know more than you because I have made it my mission to figure out how to make it through this maze of deceptions and lies and it's not a pretty picture at all. I don't want a fucking thing from this federal "gubermint" that has leeched off of me my whole life. I owe them nothing and that includes any loyalty...get it now? Since we are no longer a republic, I don't get all weepy-eyed when I see their corporate banner with gold fringe nor do I get choked up when I hear the national anthem. I stopped being a sucker...but you drop to your knees on command, no doubt.

BTW, learn the difference between "your" and you're"....when you don't use the right one, it makes you look even dumber than you probably are....just a "head's up" need to thank's what I do.

Can I still get an "employee discount" since I did not know?
I've just alerted my FEMA supervisor to round up all the people in red shirts on election day.

100% admit it. When I turn on Sig lines and I see yours.........I am cracked up every time. I can't stop starting at it............thank you. LOL! LOL!
That is exactly what I mean, best to stay clear of anyone wearing red, they are probably packing a gun too, and they will be angry knowing they are going to loose. We , I mean Democrats.

"loose" as in describing your vagina???? I believe the word you were searching for was "lose".
As far as angry goes? I haven't seen anti-Hitlery people be violent, stage protests and stop traffic because people supported a candidate that they didn't like....but have seen plenty of maniacal leftards lose their fucking minds (which protests were funded by Hitlery supporter George Soros) and assault people wearing Trump hats. So go fuck yourself, you illiterate klunt......and based on that "loose" vagina" of yours, it will be a chasm that will be hard to fill.


Spoken like a true Texan. Yes lose which is what your going to do. Texans hate to pay taxes, so what are you complaining about, but you love Federal Aid. I'm sure you meant ****, not klunt. What the heck is klunt. Texan ****?

A Texan living in Florida that is an American that is no longer a U.S citizen and under the U.C.C. I am no longer a corporate citizen of USA.INC (which is akin to being an employee of Wal-Mart, McDonalds or Microsoft, etc, etc) I do not vote in your corporate elections where the shareholders present their choices for the next CEO of their corporate empire for you to choose from thus giving you the illusion that you have a say on how you are ruled. You see, I know more than you because I have made it my mission to figure out how to make it through this maze of deceptions and lies and it's not a pretty picture at all. I don't want a fucking thing from this federal "gubermint" that has leeched off of me my whole life. I owe them nothing and that includes any loyalty...get it now? Since we are no longer a republic, I don't get all weepy-eyed when I see their corporate banner with gold fringe nor do I get choked up when I hear the national anthem. I stopped being a sucker...but you drop to your knees on command, no doubt.

BTW, learn the difference between "your" and you're"....when you don't use the right one, it makes you look even dumber than you probably are....just a "head's up" need to thank's what I do.

Oh believe me I'm not under any delusions. I do vote anyway. So your not a U.C.C. what is that? I don't work at a corp either, but I'm still a citizen and have to pay taxes. Apparently you don't like the US, there are worst places to live, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Syria come to mind right now.

U.C.C = Universal Commercial Code i.e "admiralty law of commerce". because your government is nothing but a corporate entity. It was been bankrupted four times. All it is to do is provide the 19 enumerated/essential services per their corporate constitution charter per the Act of 1871. You were made surety on the debt incurred by this corporate entity with the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 and the nations REAL money was confiscated and given federal reserve notes in exchange for gold., something with an intrinsic value. If the people only knew what has been done to them and the outright theft of their sweat equity, there would be a revolution before tomorrow. Yeah, I am disgusted with this corporate "gubermint" and I have no respect for it or the lackeys that take their orders form the international bankers that own USA.INC.

Watch this if you want to see what we are facing. What Stan Jones said in 2006 is coming to fruition.

Stan Jones does talk about "one world" communist government (starting with European Union). He was a senate canidate........but I did not hear on "faux news"? (note: browser crashed 100% after I played Stan Jones. All open tabs went down? operator errror? bad mouse click? hmm).
"loose" as in describing your vagina???? )

Dale: I am one of the nicest people you will ever meet in real time

You are one of the biggest hypocrites I would meet in real time.

I make no apologies at all for despising your ilk......none whatsoever.

Of course you don't- you hate Americans.
No one likes you fascist democrats.....
OMIGOD! I haven't heard that kind of "insult" since Elementary School.......:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: are like the booger flicking kid that always sits in the back of the room mocking the smarter kids to cover up your stupidity....imagine that? (snicker)
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Dale: I am one of the nicest people you will ever meet in real time

You are one of the biggest hypocrites I would meet in real time.

I make no apologies at all for despising your ilk......none whatsoever.

Of course you don't- you hate Americans.

No, I hate leftards ....not the same thing as Americans.

You do have lots of hate in you.

Why wouldn't I? ?

Indeed- why would you not hate.........your life is just filled with hate.

Your own personal hell.
My daughter's springer spaniel. He is old now. I do not know whether I have another dog in my after he passes.

One guy on USMB posts about people buying large bags of dog food on EBT cards or food stamps along with cigarettes etc. when he is in checkout lines. LOL! Big 50lb sack of Purina.
The democrat voter fraud machine will be in full and lethal force on Election Day. The proposal is to wear red and polling counters will monitor the number of of people voting trump to keep the democrats from stealing another election..,

Do your part for America, she needs us all now to stop democrats....

Wear Red On Election Day

Lots of red here...and it fits: View attachment 93594
God damn, where can I get one of those? My daughter will fall down laughing if she sees one in the house when she comes home from college at Christmas.
I make no apologies at all for despising your ilk......none whatsoever.

Of course you don't- you hate Americans.

No, I hate leftards ....not the same thing as Americans.

You do have lots of hate in you.

Why wouldn't I? ?

Indeed- why would you not hate.........your life is just filled with hate.

Your own personal hell.

I hate injustice while you embrace it.....since it's the means to an end that includes totalitarian control in a communist style feudal system. You can't wait for it. Yeah, I hate evil and I stand up and speak out against it. I am armed with the truth and I will speak out as long as there are those willing to hear it. I know more than you because I have made it my mission to know the things I do at great personal sacrifice.
The democrat voter fraud machine will be in full and lethal force on Election Day. The proposal is to wear red and polling counters will monitor the number of of people voting trump to keep the democrats from stealing another election..,

Do your part for America, she needs us all now to stop democrats....

Wear Red On Election Day

The only way to shut down this democrat crap is to take away the thing the democrats love more than anything else...more than their children, their if they care about the wives.........their own lives........their seat in government.....take that away and they don't know what to do with themselves...

if we want to stop this crap that happens to republicans every year...we need to go out and vote Trump into office in such vast numbers that the democrats stop acting like the assholes they are.....
if we want to stop this crap that happens to republicans every year...we need to go out and vote Trump into office in such vast numbers that the democrats stop acting like the assholes they are.....

says the asshole right wing nut job poster who hates all democrats.
Of course you don't- you hate Americans.

No, I hate leftards ....not the same thing as Americans.

You do have lots of hate in you.

Why wouldn't I? ?

Indeed- why would you not hate.........your life is just filled with hate.

Your own personal hell.

I hate injustice while you embrace it...

You hate Americans.

I don't.

Hence the difference between us.
(cue doom music)

(cue voter fraud graphic with lots of black people in it)

FOX NEWS HOST: This just in. Fox News has searched for days all over the country, and we have found a black neighborhood in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with a 100 percent vote tally for Hillary Clinton! Hey hon, what do you make of this obvious voter fraud?

FOX NEWS BABE: (uncrosses and crosses legs, flashing panties) I can't believe the Obama Administration is doing nothing about this.

FOX NEWS HOST: Oh, I can bleev it, and Obama will probably pardon Hillary for it before he leaves office.

FOX NEWS BABE: Here's a photo from Election Day of that voting precinct. Notice the black woman wearing a red shirt? That's a Trump voter!

FOX NEWS HOST: (pausing dramatically as he cocks an eyebrow at the camera) Theeeeere you go, folks. It doesn't get more crooked than this.

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