Attorney in hijab calls for women at 9/11 hearing to wear 'appropriate' clothing

Attorney in hijab defends call for other women at 9/11 hearing to wear 'appropriate' clothing | Fox News

The defense attorney who wore a traditional Islamic outfit during the rowdy arraignment of the accused Sept. 11 terrorists is defending her courtroom appeal that other women in the room wear more "appropriate" clothing to the proceedings -- out of respect for her client's Muslim beliefs.

Cheryl Bormann, counsel for defendant Walid bin Attash, attended the arraignment Saturday dressed in a hijab, apparently because her client insisted on it. She further requested that the court order other women to follow that example so that the defendants do not have to avert their eyes "for fear of committing a sin under their faith."

At a press conference Sunday at Guantanamo Bay, Bormann said she dresses in a hijab at "all times" when she meets with her client "out of respect" for his beliefs.

that's pretty funny.

why do we care?

"I swear Achmed, I could see ALL of her ankle!"
Just waterboard those filthy muslims another 100 times.

And make the torture more severe. Torture them until they die.
The SOBs should be declared guilty and executed by firing squad. A Barrett 50 cal aimed at the nose and televised at high noon would make me very happy. We have spent enough money on these turds.

They should have been dealt that blow on the battlefield in which they were extracted...

yep, ammo is cheap compared to Club Gitmo.
The defense attorneys in the case have complained repeatedly about the proceedings and about the military tribunal system itself. Human rights groups and defense lawyers say the secrecy of Guantanamo and the military tribunals will make it impossible for the defense. They argued the U.S. kept the case out of civilian court to prevent disclosure of the treatment of prisoners like Mohammed, who was waterboarded 183 times

True. It makes it appear as if we have something to hide. We have the greatest judicial system in the world, no reason not to hold the trial in Federal court in NYC, the jurisdiction were the crime took place. And Federal courts have a much better conviction rate than military venues.

The entire premise of a Trial in Federal Court would be that their supposed rights under the US Constitution were adhered too. They were not given Miranda, they were not arrested, they were captured y the military. They were questioned using techniques barred in a federal Court room. But such techniques are NOT barred to a military venue.

Obama and Holder tried that and quickly were informed it could not work unless they simply want them released.

Which you would know ( and probably do know) if you paid any attention to this case.
The slow and deliberate insinuation of Islam into a society which has cast aside God from its public places and its roots. What can we expect? To put an end to this let us get God back into our government.
Attorney in hijab defends call for other women at 9/11 hearing to wear 'appropriate' clothing | Fox News

The defense attorney who wore a traditional Islamic outfit during the rowdy arraignment of the accused Sept. 11 terrorists is defending her courtroom appeal that other women in the room wear more "appropriate" clothing to the proceedings -- out of respect for her client's Muslim beliefs.

Cheryl Bormann, counsel for defendant Walid bin Attash, attended the arraignment Saturday dressed in a hijab, apparently because her client insisted on it. She further requested that the court order other women to follow that example so that the defendants do not have to avert their eyes "for fear of committing a sin under their faith."

At a press conference Sunday at Guantanamo Bay, Bormann said she dresses in a hijab at "all times" when she meets with her client "out of respect" for his beliefs.

Dear Ms Bormann,

The UCMJ has strict guidelines for womens uniforms. It is very modest and not the least revealing.

So please go fuck yourself you arrogant cock sucking liberal twat.

And please refrain from trying to give orders to other freedom loving Americans, especially Veterans.

Sincerely, ET2/SS Thumbs
The SOBs should be declared guilty and executed by firing squad. A Barrett 50 cal aimed at the nose and televised at high noon would make me very happy. We have spent enough money on these turds.

They should have been dealt that blow on the battlefield in which they were extracted...


We've gotten tons of great intel from them. Hell, it's how we got obl.

Once this is over though, I'd like to remind everyone that they have no right to a painless death.
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Attorney in hijab defends call for other women at 9/11 hearing to wear 'appropriate' clothing | Fox News

The defense attorney who wore a traditional Islamic outfit during the rowdy arraignment of the accused Sept. 11 terrorists is defending her courtroom appeal that other women in the room wear more "appropriate" clothing to the proceedings -- out of respect for her client's Muslim beliefs.

Cheryl Bormann, counsel for defendant Walid bin Attash, attended the arraignment Saturday dressed in a hijab, apparently because her client insisted on it. She further requested that the court order other women to follow that example so that the defendants do not have to avert their eyes "for fear of committing a sin under their faith."

At a press conference Sunday at Guantanamo Bay, Bormann said she dresses in a hijab at "all times" when she meets with her client "out of respect" for his beliefs.

Oh we have to make sure the respect the terrorists beliefs, wow, so if I go on trial I can request the women wear lingerie and dance on stripper poles for me? fuck that.
What this woman wants to do is set a prescedent that will be used across the US. She wants to create a new presumption, that a woman not dressed according to traditional islamic dress is automatically prejudicial to muslims. Thousands of appeals would immediately be made that muslim men were and are denied a fair trial because women were not dressed appropriately.

If you want to know where this goes, women IF they can sit on juries at all will have to wear islamic dress. Perhaps if the muslim religion is to be absolutely respected, women would not be permitted to sit in judgment of muslim men at all. This will advance another step, which is no infidel is qualified to judge a muslim.

So in the future all juries and judges for Muslims will have to be of the Islamic faith.:doubt:
If her clients are that upset over women wearing non traditional Muslim clothing in court I would suggest they not commit crimes against non Muslim countries. If this really upsets them so much I wish some women would show up there wearing a thong bikini that might make there heads explode.

We need to send these girls into the court room.

So this woman is an idiot who prostitutes herself to extremism. Not really surprising.

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