August Inflation report - CPI up 8.3% rate vs 8.1% expected

Yeah. Your current President is working hard to dig us out of the hole his predecessor left us in after his disasterous one term!

It is really a shame too because Barack Obama left Captain Orange Chaos left the greatest economic recovery in the history of our country.

So much so that Trump spent the first to years of his tenure ( the in between impeachments years) riding on Obama's coat tails....trying to take credit for Obama's success.

Then of course Trump's bungled, incompetent response to the first real challenge of his presidency (the Covid pandemic) destroyed our economy, and we are just beginning to bounce slowly back.

ALL thanks to American voters who had the good sense to kick the orange shit stain FAKE 45th POTUS to the curb and elect the BETTER candidate!

Have faith. Things are getting better.

And they will continue to get better as long as we continue to make sure that idiots like MAGAT's are not allowed to install anymore incompetent freaks like the 45th into office EVER again.


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"Bidenflation"? What powers did or did not do by President Biden to be responsible for inflation?

What bills passed in the H. of Rep and the VP signed in the Senate and signed by Biden to create inflation?

You, and the others who freak out have no clue to explain inflation. One is panic, and people like you continue to fear monger; a second one is greed.

Take a note that the stock market sell off is wonderful for the corporations who will buy up their own stock as the prices fall.

Q. Did you ever take and pass economics 101?

"Bidenflation"? What powers did or did not do by President Biden to be responsible for inflation?

Too much spending. Encouraging consumption, discouraging production.

He should have gotten the Fed to stop QE, instead of expanding it.

Take a note that the stock market sell off is wonderful for the corporations who will buy up their own stock as the prices fall.

Dems think corporations shouldn't be allowed to do that.

Did you ever take and pass economics 101?

What would you like me to help you with?
I'm always happy to explain reality to confused liberals.
Actually, using the same criteria to measure inflation as was used during the Jimmy Carter era, we're at double-digit inflation.

The Blue line below shows inflation using the same criteria as was used in 1982.


The Blue line below shows inflation using the same criteria as was used in 1982.

ShadowStats is fakey-fakey.

He doesn't calculate anything.
Yeah. Your current President is working hard to dig us out of the hole his predecessor left us in after his disasterous one term!

It is really a shame too because Barack Obama left Captain Orange Chaos left the greatest economic recovery in the history of our country.

So much so that Trump spent the first to years of his tenure ( the in between impeachments years) riding on Obama's coat tails....trying to take credit for Obama's success.

Then of course Trump's bungled, incompetent response to the first real challenge of his presidency (the Covid pandemic) destroyed our economy, and we are just beginning to bounce slowly back.

ALL thanks to American voters who had the good sense to kick the orange shit stain FAKE 45th POTUS to the curb and elect the BETTER candidate!

Have faith. Things are getting better.

And they will continue to get better as long as we continue to make sure that idiots like MAGAT's are not allowed to install anymore incompetent freaks like the 45th into office EVER again.
Are you serious?
The Blue line below shows inflation using the same criteria as was used in 1982.

ShadowStats is fakey-fakey.

He doesn't calculate anything.
Specifically, along with your reliable source and working link, share with us how ShadowStats is fake. They show today's statistics and statistics using the same criteria used in 1980. How is that fake?
"Bidenflation"? What powers did or did not do by President Biden to be responsible for inflation?

What bills passed in the H. of Rep and the VP signed in the Senate and signed by Biden to create inflation?

You, and the others who freak out have no clue to explain inflation. One is panic, and people like you continue to fear monger; a second one is greed.

Take a note that the stock market sell off is wonderful for the corporations who will buy up their own stock as the prices fall.

Q. Did you ever take and pass economics 101?

There's nothing you can say or do to deny that Joe Biden and the Democrats did not cause the inflation rate to rise dramatically. It wasn't Trump, it wasn't Putin, and it wasn't the war in Ukraine. Joe Biden owns this. The Democrats own this. And you own this.

Specifically, along with your reliable source and working link, share with us how ShadowStats is fake. They show today's statistics and statistics using the same criteria used in 1980. How is that fake?

They show today's statistics and statistics using the same criteria used in 1980.

What does that mean, "using the same criteria"?
Does he take the hundreds of thousands of prices collected today and use the 1980 formula?
Does he use the government collected prices today, or does he collect his own price data?
Meanwhile, if you read the article, you find inflation over August was 0.1%, which would annualize to 1.2%.

Oops. So much for the Trumptard victory dance.

So why the 8.3 reported? It's not a conspiracy. It's just how BLS reports things. BLS doesn't report last month's inflation. It reports last _year's_ total inflation. That smooths out the wiggles.

So, right wing trolls, why do you think inflation was so low in August? It's not debatable that it was low. BLS said so, and you've spent this whole thread telling us how credible BLS is.

Yes, I know you won't answer. You'll all cry and deflect. None of you has the guts or brains to tell the truth. Please proceed.
There's nothing you can say or do to deny that Joe Biden and the Democrats did not cause the inflation rate to rise dramatically. It wasn't Trump, it wasn't Putin, and it wasn't the war in Ukraine. Joe Biden owns this. The Democrats own this. And you own this.

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Prove it! How does any one President create inflation? Spending which puts people to work is not inflationary. Fiscal conservatism is to kick the can down the road; fiscal responsibility is putting money into the pockets of skilled workers to begin repairing bridges, dams, tunnels, highways, seaports and airports. These highly paid workers pay taxes, buy homes and cars and goods on Main Streets of America, providing jobs in communities all over the USA.

BTW: There are lies, damn lies and statistics.
That's probably fair to say.

His policy changes should start really showing up on the radar this next year and the effects lasting till about two years after the end of his second term.

Presidents don't just walk into office and flip a switch on the first day and everything magically "changes."

Policy changes are more like starting and stopping a long, heavy freight train.

It takes time....and distance.

Well, this time it did.
If fact it even started earlier.
People inherently know that coups do not improve a country.

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