Authorities releasing video of crimes will make you racist...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
Yep... That is the justification of the San Francisco Transit Authority for their refusal to release footage of crimes committed under their jurisdiction to the media...

...cuz you seeing them will make you racist...

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Story seems to be dated from 2017. Well I would agree that that there is no need for them to show it. Yeah if your are a racist then the viewing of it would confirm that. IF your not then never mind.
We are not children.

We know that when there is a violent crime on public transportation, we KNOW there is a 99% chance the perp is from two certain ethnicities.

There's nothing wrong about "stereotypes." It just means a generalization.

For example, Asians and Jewish students are generalized as outstanding students -- which is true!
We are not children.

We know that when there is a violent crime on public transportation, we KNOW there is a 99% chance the perp is from two certain ethnicities.

There's nothing wrong about "stereotypes." It just means a generalization.

For example, Asians and Jewish students are generalized as outstanding students -- which is true!

And Asians and Jewish are low on the list of committing violent crimes.

According to the left, if there is an inconvenient truth, simply sweep it under the rug.
The past 2 years blacks themselves have already made me racist. One on one I know there are plenty of find black people. But as a whole? Their garbage that needs to be taken to the dump.

And saying "we can't tell you their race because it will make you racist" pretty much says "blacks are committing shitloads of crimes all the time to the point you'll hate them because of what they do". It's like using the "n word" well when you say that you just put the word ****** in my head without saying it so what's the point?
In my opinion, there are two types of "racists."

TYPE 1: Joe just dislikes, say, Martians. Maybe it's their looks (He cannot stand their green color). He just does not like Martians. And he will discriminate against Martians as much as he can. There are very few racists like Joe in 2022 America.

TYPE 2: Mona does NOT dislike Martians. But she IS wary of them. A few years ago, a Martian stole her car. Last year, a Martian sucker punched an Asian friend, and at work, her co-workers share horror stories about their unpleasant verbal & physical encounters with Martians. There are many racists like Mona in 2022 America.
In my opinion, there are two types of "racists."

TYPE 1: Joe just dislikes, say, Martians. Maybe it's their looks (He cannot stand their green color). He just does not like Martians. And he will discriminate against Martians as much as he can. There are very few racists like Joe in 2022 America.

TYPE 2: Mona does NOT dislike Martians. But she IS wary of them. A few years ago, a Martian stole her car. Last year, a Martian sucker punched an Asian friend, and at work, her co-workers share horror stories about their unpleasant verbal & physical encounters with Martians. There are many racists like Mona in 2022 America.

Type 3: Blacks move into your city. Your stores close down because of shoplifting and theft, drive-by shootings start to happen, your city goes from one murder every 10 or 15 years to four a year, your schools become war zones, they make noise constantly, throw garbage all over your tree lawn, your police start quitting the force because the job became too political and dangerous. Dollar stores, Goodwill, nail salons and daycare centers dominate the city. Your property value starts losing some major money. So you try to move as far as hell away from them as you can.

Bring back segregation. The melting pot was a bad idea and total failure.
Bring back segregation.
1. You know what a certain Senator Biden said about integrated schools!!!

2. No, bringing back de jure segregation is out of the question.

3. But everyone (including middle-class African Americans) try their darnest to keep away from certain neighborhoods and certain public accommodations.

It's a crying shame!
1. You know what a certain Senator Biden said about integrated schools!!!

2. No, bringing back de jure segregation is out of the question.

3. But everyone (including middle-class African Americans) try their darnest to keep away from certain neighborhoods and certain public accommodations.

It's a crying shame!

That wouldn't be a problem. The problem is when you move, they follow you.

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