Avenatti Exposed: He's a Scumbag

Considering we're talking about Avenatti, a NY attorney of a whore who has done nothing but try to smear Trump, I am surprised the irony is lost on you...or not <given your idiocy>.
Just another smear campaign against Trump critics.
If you were smart enough you could find the dozens of lawsuits Avanati is facing. He owes the IRA over 5 million in unpaid taxes you MUTT!
Go read the IRS documents. They are in the public domain.
Can we read dons IRS documents first?
Considering we're talking about Avenatti, a NY attorney of a whore who has done nothing but try to smear Trump, I am surprised the irony is lost on you...or not <given your idiocy>.
Just another smear campaign against Trump critics.
If you were smart enough you could find the dozens of lawsuits Avanati is facing. He owes the IRA over 5 million in unpaid taxes you MUTT!
Go read the IRS documents. They are in the public domain.
Can we read dons IRS documents first?
Sure. Madcow's got one. Read away. then stfu.
He's just a political hack with a law degree from some two bit law school...probably paid for it in some back alley someplace....
This guy is a goldmine of sleaze, perfect guy to represent a cum stained porn whore. He cheated Patrick Dempsey the actor in a coffee deal too!

Avenatti first purchased Tully’s in 2013 after going into business with actor Patrick Dempsey. The pair purchased the coffee chain through a parent company, Global Baristas LLC, closing the deal on June 30, 2013. Dempsey sued Avenatti just 10 weeks later.

“My decision to become a member and manager of Global Baristas was based, in part, on Michael Avenatti’s representation that he would provide both the capital to fund the entire Tully’s acquisition and sufficient working capital to allow Global Baristas to operate the Tully’s Coffee stores once the acquisition was completed,” Dempsey said in an August 20, 2013, affidavit.

“Michael Avenatti never notified me that he intended to have or caused Global Baristas to borrow $2,000,000 for working capital, nor did he notify me that he planned to have or caused the company to pledge substantially all, if not all, of its assets to secure any loan,” Dempsey charged. Avenatti denied the accusations but agreed to a settlement just three days later.
Scumbag took a $2 million loan against the business without telling his partner!

Grey’s Anatomy” star Patrick Dempsey pulled out of his Tully’s Coffee business partnership Friday.

Dempsey filed suit in King County Superior Court Tuesday alleging his business partner, Michael Avenatti, took out a $2 million loan against their new company, Global Baristas, without telling the actor. Actor Patrick Dempsey: Adios to Seattle-based Tully’s Coffee

Can we have a similar listing of dpn the cons thousands of lawsuits?
Are you are grad of the closed down trump university?
Wow, This sleaze has a lot of nerve claiming the "moral high ground" :rofl:

The lying scumbag owes $5,000,000 in taxes. There is a federal tax lien.
He fucked over a small company for $160,000
Is under investigation by the Bar Association of California and may be disbarred
and more.....

Avenatti Exposed: Stormy's Lawyer May Face Disbarrment, Legal Action As Past Catches Up

Oh the hypocrisy! :21:
If Avenatti is sleaze what does that make Trump? I mean seriously.
Trump has screwed over a thousand people, based on the 3500 judgements against him. Who can forget Trump University (fraud)? Trump the sex predator? His multiple bankruptcies? A porn star, really?
Now actually I do think Avenatti is a slickster. He sure appears sleazy.
But in the real world, Donald Trump is the Sleaze-in-Chief. Avenatti has a long ways to go to reach the Trumplevel of sleaze.
True story.
Considering we're talking about Avenatti, a NY attorney of a whore who has done nothing but try to smear Trump, I am surprised the irony is lost on you...or not <given your idiocy>.
Just another smear campaign against Trump critics.
If you were smart enough you could find the dozens of lawsuits Avanati is facing. He owes the IRA over 5 million in unpaid taxes you MUTT!
Go read the IRS documents. They are in the public domain.
Can we read dons IRS documents first?

Not a problem, how about we wait until you loons learn how to read.
Wow, This sleaze has a lot of nerve claiming the "moral high ground" :rofl:

The lying scumbag owes $5,000,000 in taxes. There is a federal tax lien.
He fucked over a small company for $160,000
Is under investigation by the Bar Association of California and may be disbarred
and more.....

Avenatti Exposed: Stormy's Lawyer May Face Disbarrment, Legal Action As Past Catches Up

Oh the hypocrisy! :21:
If Avenatti is sleaze what does that make Trump? I mean seriously.
Trump has screwed over a thousand people, based on the 3500 judgements against him. Who can forget Trump University (fraud)? Trump the sex predator? His multiple bankruptcies? A porn star, really?
Now actually I do think Avenatti is a slickster. He sure appears sleazy.
But in the real world, Donald Trump is the Sleaze-in-Chief. Avenatti has a long ways to go to reach the Trumplevel of sleaze.
True story.
There's no comparison, dumbass. The bogus scandals you snowflakes invented from whole cloth don't mean jack shit. The are all fake.
Wow, This sleaze has a lot of nerve claiming the "moral high ground" :rofl:

The lying scumbag owes $5,000,000 in taxes. There is a federal tax lien.
He fucked over a small company for $160,000
Is under investigation by the Bar Association of California and may be disbarred
and more.....

Avenatti Exposed: Stormy's Lawyer May Face Disbarrment, Legal Action As Past Catches Up

Oh the hypocrisy! :21:
If Avenatti is sleaze what does that make Trump? I mean seriously.
Trump has screwed over a thousand people, based on the 3500 judgements against him. Who can forget Trump University (fraud)? Trump the sex predator? His multiple bankruptcies? A porn star, really?
Now actually I do think Avenatti is a slickster. He sure appears sleazy.
But in the real world, Donald Trump is the Sleaze-in-Chief. Avenatti has a long ways to go to reach the Trumplevel of sleaze.
True story.
There's no comparison, dumbass. The bogus scandals you snowflakes invented from whole cloth don't mean jack shit. The are all fake.
Poor Trumpies. Willfully blind rubes who can't take their own medicine! :lol:

If the Naked Emperor had kept his zipper up, he wouldn't be in this mess with the shark lawyer.

"It takes a thief to catch a thief."
Wow, This sleaze has a lot of nerve claiming the "moral high ground" :rofl:

The lying scumbag owes $5,000,000 in taxes. There is a federal tax lien.
He fucked over a small company for $160,000
Is under investigation by the Bar Association of California and may be disbarred
and more.....

Avenatti Exposed: Stormy's Lawyer May Face Disbarrment, Legal Action As Past Catches Up

Oh the hypocrisy! :21:
If Avenatti is sleaze what does that make Trump? I mean seriously.
Trump has screwed over a thousand people, based on the 3500 judgements against him. Who can forget Trump University (fraud)? Trump the sex predator? His multiple bankruptcies? A porn star, really?
Now actually I do think Avenatti is a slickster. He sure appears sleazy.
But in the real world, Donald Trump is the Sleaze-in-Chief. Avenatti has a long ways to go to reach the Trumplevel of sleaze.
True story.
There's no comparison, dumbass. The bogus scandals you snowflakes invented from whole cloth don't mean jack shit. The are all fake.
Poor Trumpies. Willfully blind rubes who can't take their own medicine! :lol:

If the Naked Emperor had kept his zipper up, he wouldn't be in this mess with the shark lawyer.

"It takes a thief to catch a thief."

Stormy is entirely a creation of Dim smear merchants.
Wow, This sleaze has a lot of nerve claiming the "moral high ground" :rofl:

The lying scumbag owes $5,000,000 in taxes. There is a federal tax lien.
He fucked over a small company for $160,000
Is under investigation by the Bar Association of California and may be disbarred
and more.....

Avenatti Exposed: Stormy's Lawyer May Face Disbarrment, Legal Action As Past Catches Up

Oh the hypocrisy! :21:
If Avenatti is sleaze what does that make Trump? I mean seriously.
Trump has screwed over a thousand people, based on the 3500 judgements against him. Who can forget Trump University (fraud)? Trump the sex predator? His multiple bankruptcies? A porn star, really?
Now actually I do think Avenatti is a slickster. He sure appears sleazy.
But in the real world, Donald Trump is the Sleaze-in-Chief. Avenatti has a long ways to go to reach the Trumplevel of sleaze.
True story.
There's no comparison, dumbass. The bogus scandals you snowflakes invented from whole cloth don't mean jack shit. The are all fake.
Poor Trumpies. Willfully blind rubes who can't take their own medicine! :lol:

If the Naked Emperor had kept his zipper up, he wouldn't be in this mess with the shark lawyer.

"It takes a thief to catch a thief."

Stormy is entirely a creation of Dim smear merchants.
You wish! :lol:

Trump fucked her. And the beauty queen. No doubt about it.
Wow, This sleaze has a lot of nerve claiming the "moral high ground" :rofl:

The lying scumbag owes $5,000,000 in taxes. There is a federal tax lien.
He fucked over a small company for $160,000
Is under investigation by the Bar Association of California and may be disbarred
and more.....

Avenatti Exposed: Stormy's Lawyer May Face Disbarrment, Legal Action As Past Catches Up

Oh the hypocrisy! :21:
If Avenatti is sleaze what does that make Trump? I mean seriously.
Trump has screwed over a thousand people, based on the 3500 judgements against him. Who can forget Trump University (fraud)? Trump the sex predator? His multiple bankruptcies? A porn star, really?
Now actually I do think Avenatti is a slickster. He sure appears sleazy.
But in the real world, Donald Trump is the Sleaze-in-Chief. Avenatti has a long ways to go to reach the Trumplevel of sleaze.
True story.
There's no comparison, dumbass. The bogus scandals you snowflakes invented from whole cloth don't mean jack shit. The are all fake.
Poor Trumpies. Willfully blind rubes who can't take their own medicine! :lol:

If the Naked Emperor had kept his zipper up, he wouldn't be in this mess with the shark lawyer.

"It takes a thief to catch a thief."

Stormy is entirely a creation of Dim smear merchants.
You wish! :lol:

Trump fucked her. And the beauty queen. No doubt about it.
And your proof of this claim is?
Oh the hypocrisy! :21:
If Avenatti is sleaze what does that make Trump? I mean seriously.
Trump has screwed over a thousand people, based on the 3500 judgements against him. Who can forget Trump University (fraud)? Trump the sex predator? His multiple bankruptcies? A porn star, really?
Now actually I do think Avenatti is a slickster. He sure appears sleazy.
But in the real world, Donald Trump is the Sleaze-in-Chief. Avenatti has a long ways to go to reach the Trumplevel of sleaze.
True story.
There's no comparison, dumbass. The bogus scandals you snowflakes invented from whole cloth don't mean jack shit. The are all fake.
Poor Trumpies. Willfully blind rubes who can't take their own medicine! :lol:

If the Naked Emperor had kept his zipper up, he wouldn't be in this mess with the shark lawyer.

"It takes a thief to catch a thief."

Stormy is entirely a creation of Dim smear merchants.
You wish! :lol:

Trump fucked her. And the beauty queen. No doubt about it.
And your proof of this claim is?
The NDA. The fact Trump has not denied it.

If he hadn't fucked her, he'd be tweeting a denial every day.

He has never denied it.

You know why? Because the shark lawyer has proof, and Trump can't lie about it.

Sorry. He fucked her.

You know it. I know it. Melania knows it.
There's no comparison, dumbass. The bogus scandals you snowflakes invented from whole cloth don't mean jack shit. The are all fake.
Poor Trumpies. Willfully blind rubes who can't take their own medicine! :lol:

If the Naked Emperor had kept his zipper up, he wouldn't be in this mess with the shark lawyer.

"It takes a thief to catch a thief."

Stormy is entirely a creation of Dim smear merchants.
You wish! :lol:

Trump fucked her. And the beauty queen. No doubt about it.
And your proof of this claim is?
The NDA. The fact Trump has not denied it.

If he hadn't fucked her, he'd be tweeting a denial every day.

He has never denied it.

You know why? Because the shark lawyer has proof, and Trump can't lie about it.

Sorry. He fucked her.

You know it. I know it. Melania knows it.

Tweeting about it only calls attention to it.

If the scumbucket lawyer had proof it would be broadcast on every fake news network 50 times a day.

You're another smear merchent, just like every douchebag snowflake in this forum.
Poor Trumpies. Willfully blind rubes who can't take their own medicine! :lol:

If the Naked Emperor had kept his zipper up, he wouldn't be in this mess with the shark lawyer.

"It takes a thief to catch a thief."

Stormy is entirely a creation of Dim smear merchants.
You wish! :lol:

Trump fucked her. And the beauty queen. No doubt about it.
And your proof of this claim is?
The NDA. The fact Trump has not denied it.

If he hadn't fucked her, he'd be tweeting a denial every day.

He has never denied it.

You know why? Because the shark lawyer has proof, and Trump can't lie about it.

Sorry. He fucked her.

You know it. I know it. Melania knows it.

Tweeting about it only calls attention to it.

If the scumbucket lawyer had proof it would be broadcast on every fake news network 50 times a day.

You're another smear merchent, just like every douchebag snowflake in this forum.
We are in this topic because the shark lawyer is broadcasting information bit by bit.

Trump fucked her. You know it. I know it. Melania knows it. ;)

Trump is not denying it. Because he knows his balls are in the wringer.
Stormy is entirely a creation of Dim smear merchants.
You wish! :lol:

Trump fucked her. And the beauty queen. No doubt about it.
And your proof of this claim is?
The NDA. The fact Trump has not denied it.

If he hadn't fucked her, he'd be tweeting a denial every day.

He has never denied it.

You know why? Because the shark lawyer has proof, and Trump can't lie about it.

Sorry. He fucked her.

You know it. I know it. Melania knows it.

Tweeting about it only calls attention to it.

If the scumbucket lawyer had proof it would be broadcast on every fake news network 50 times a day.

You're another smear merchent, just like every douchebag snowflake in this forum.
We are in this topic because the shark lawyer is broadcasting information bit by bit.

Trump fucked her. You know it. I know it. Melania knows it. ;)

Trump is not denying it. Because he knows his balls are in the wringer.
You don't know it. You wish it was true. Therefore you conclude it is true.

You're an irrational dumbass snowflake.
There's no comparison, dumbass. The bogus scandals you snowflakes invented from whole cloth don't mean jack shit. The are all fake.
Poor Trumpies. Willfully blind rubes who can't take their own medicine! :lol:

If the Naked Emperor had kept his zipper up, he wouldn't be in this mess with the shark lawyer.

"It takes a thief to catch a thief."

Stormy is entirely a creation of Dim smear merchants.
You wish! :lol:

Trump fucked her. And the beauty queen. No doubt about it.
And your proof of this claim is?
The NDA. The fact Trump has not denied it.

If he hadn't fucked her, he'd be tweeting a denial every day.

He has never denied it.

You know why? Because the shark lawyer has proof, and Trump can't lie about it.

Sorry. He fucked her.

You know it. I know it. Melania knows it.

Sure don't recall you denying you're gay, or a dumbass...therefore you obviously are.
Poor Trumpies. Willfully blind rubes who can't take their own medicine! :lol:

If the Naked Emperor had kept his zipper up, he wouldn't be in this mess with the shark lawyer.

"It takes a thief to catch a thief."

Stormy is entirely a creation of Dim smear merchants.
You wish! :lol:

Trump fucked her. And the beauty queen. No doubt about it.
And your proof of this claim is?
The NDA. The fact Trump has not denied it.

If he hadn't fucked her, he'd be tweeting a denial every day.

He has never denied it.

You know why? Because the shark lawyer has proof, and Trump can't lie about it.

Sorry. He fucked her.

You know it. I know it. Melania knows it.

Sure don't recall you denying you're gay, or a dumbass...therefore you obviously are.
G5000's "logic" always bites him in the ass.
Stormy is entirely a creation of Dim smear merchants.
You wish! :lol:

Trump fucked her. And the beauty queen. No doubt about it.
And your proof of this claim is?
The NDA. The fact Trump has not denied it.

If he hadn't fucked her, he'd be tweeting a denial every day.

He has never denied it.

You know why? Because the shark lawyer has proof, and Trump can't lie about it.

Sorry. He fucked her.

You know it. I know it. Melania knows it.

Sure don't recall you denying you're gay, or a dumbass...therefore you obviously are.
G5000's "logic" always bites him in the ass.

Gtard5000 insists he is a conservative!! He's a Jake Starkey "conservative" AKA full of baloney!


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