AWFUL! Angry Leftists Are Now Doxing Contributors to the #GoFundTheWall Campaign

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
THIS is the perfect example why we need these people doing this dispatched!....It will soon come down to this, as the black shirted. Masked ANTIFA & BLM take up their mobs of violence.....We have to be prepared for this NAZI onslaught!

Leftists are now doxing people who have contributed to the #GoFundTheWall campaign using their real names.

The crowdfunding campaign to fund a wall at the southern border of the US has raised over nine million dollars in three days. Over 150,000 people have contributed to the cause.

Oh boy, will they be getting a call from the State Troopers benefit charity salesman..
Please, please, please let them Dox me!!!! When their supporters show up at my place I’ll serve them lead and copper, hot out of the barrel.

Doxing is the act of publicly posting the personal information (name, address, phone number, etc...) of a public figure or anonymous online persona for the purpose of allowing their enemies to more efficiently attack them.
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The American left are bound and determined to destroy any and every attempt to stop illegal immigration. They hate citizenship, and a country's sovereignty rights.

Remember that next time you vote for a piece of shit Dimocrat.

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