awful news for obama from ohio

some people just saying now its not real data. hope their right. otherwise shit.
this would be awful news if it,s true but since it's not true it is good but what if it,s really true then it would be awful news
this would be awful news if it,s true but since it's not true it is good but what if it,s really true then it would be awful news
all im saying is if those numbers do prove the case tonight then that it for obama in ohio and with it the election. we see
President-Elect Romney is able to see turn out as we speak thanks to 20,000 volunteer Poll watchers with PROJECT ORCA- who used and will use our Iphones, smart phones already loaded with an app created by the campaign that holds all voter info in those specific precincts.. We are able to show the voter turn out IMMEDIATELY. :)

Have a great day!!
A sincere thanks to Dan Centinello for all of the hard work he put in to this project!.. and for the really awesome call last night that featured Neil Newhouse and Rich Beeson who provided some great internal polling and boosted morale even further!

GOD BLESS THE ROMNEY campaign and the Romney supporters! We're going to win this.

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