Baby killers at Disney threaten not to film in Georgia...

Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Iger says his film and TV studios are likely to vacate Georgia as a production hub if the state’s controversial heartbeat abortion bill becomes law.

Speaking with Reuters at Disney’s theme park in Anaheim, Calif., Iger said it would be “very difficult” for the content giant to remain in the face of the legislation. The bill seeks to ban abortion after the detection of a fetal heartbeat,

“I rather doubt we will,” he continued. “I think many people who work for us will not want to work there, and we will have to heed their wishes in that regard. Right now we are watching it very carefully.”


Disney Likely to Leave Georgia if Anti-Abortion Legislation Becomes Law, Says Bob Iger

How many of you believe Georgia will go through w/this foolishness?

I hope they do go through with it. The same with Alabama, Missouri, etc... it’s time that those of us on the Right start stepping up and saying that we cannot be moved by boycotts or other economic responses to Moral actions.

Let Disney and Netflix go somewhere else. It will provide space for more Morally led employers to come into the market.

Like the Dollar General.

That's funny though, get rid of employers so that other employers can move in.
Let me get this straight, the Disney corporation that depends on kids and toddlers for it's very existence is threatening to pull out of Georgia unless they promote the murder of the unborn. The world is freaking upside down.

.....but, you.....will always have the NRA for your "spiritual" guidance.
Let's put Disney to the test.
I'm going to tell my State Rep and State Sen to pass a heartbeat bill in Florida...
It’s about taking away woman’s rights . Cons don’t care about children . They vote down prenatal care and child welfare programs .
There's a very simple solution to this. If Disney, Netflix, and whoever else want to play this tit-for-tat game, then states like Georgia should ban their products from being sold in their state.

Something tells me they'd change their tune right fucking quick.
Let me get this straight, the Disney corporation that depends on kids and toddlers for it's very existence is threatening to pull out of Georgia unless they promote the murder of the unborn. The world is freaking upside down.

Honk honk.
There's a very simple solution to this. If Disney, Netflix, and whoever else want to play this tit-for-tat game, then states like Georgia should ban their products from being sold in their state.

Something tells me they'd change their tune right fucking quick.

and here we have another big government liberal running to the government to save them from the big evil private corporations.
"Man in charge of a company that creates entertainment for children says he can't do business with a state that protects innocent babies from being aborted"
There's a very simple solution to this. If Disney, Netflix, and whoever else want to play this tit-for-tat game, then states like Georgia should ban their products from being sold in their state.

Something tells me they'd change their tune right fucking quick.

and here we have another big government liberal running to the government to save them from the big evil private corporations.

Like the Dollar General.

That's funny though, get rid of employers so that other employers can move in.

I was thinking more like Smith & Wesson, Colt, and a number of other manufacturers who are fed up with things here in the Northeast.
Like the Dollar General.

That's funny though, get rid of employers so that other employers can move in.

I was thinking more like Smith & Wesson, Colt, and a number of other manufacturers who are fed up with things here in the Northeast.

Why would they move? Because you guys are butt hurt about Netflix and Disney? S&W and Colt ain't got no time for your whine.
Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Iger says his film and TV studios are likely to vacate Georgia as a production hub if the state’s controversial heartbeat abortion bill becomes law.

Speaking with Reuters at Disney’s theme park in Anaheim, Calif., Iger said it would be “very difficult” for the content giant to remain in the face of the legislation. The bill seeks to ban abortion after the detection of a fetal heartbeat,

“I rather doubt we will,” he continued. “I think many people who work for us will not want to work there, and we will have to heed their wishes in that regard. Right now we are watching it very carefully.”


Disney Likely to Leave Georgia if Anti-Abortion Legislation Becomes Law, Says Bob Iger

How many of you believe Georgia will go through w/this foolishness?

I don't know if they will but I think more companies should boycott all states that pass laws that take a woman's choice from them.

No employer should want to do business with a state that puts women's lives in jeopardy and forces survivors of rape and incest to carry a pregnancy to term.

I support Disney and Netflix for their choices. Hopefully since decency isn't any concern to those states maybe money might persuade them.
Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Iger says his film and TV studios are likely to vacate Georgia as a production hub if the state’s controversial heartbeat abortion bill becomes law.

Speaking with Reuters at Disney’s theme park in Anaheim, Calif., Iger said it would be “very difficult” for the content giant to remain in the face of the legislation. The bill seeks to ban abortion after the detection of a fetal heartbeat,

“I rather doubt we will,” he continued. “I think many people who work for us will not want to work there, and we will have to heed their wishes in that regard. Right now we are watching it very carefully.”


Disney Likely to Leave Georgia if Anti-Abortion Legislation Becomes Law, Says Bob Iger

How many of you believe Georgia will go through w/this foolishness?
States can't let pro-abortionists who seek to legalize the murder of newborns and who seek to legalize / protect / defend barbaric partial-birth abortions blackmail them...
There was no error.

you are a liberal and you love taxes and you go running to the government to save you from evil private corporations. The government is your first answer to every problem.

Ah yes!

An uber-lib, golfboi, accusing others of that which you do yourself. Welcome to the "ignore" list!
Why would they move? Because you guys are butt hurt about Netflix and Disney? S&W and Colt ain't got no time for your whine.

Both are already looking to move due to business and economic reasons and the anti-gun culture here in the Northeast. S&W just moved it’s warehouse/distribution facility out off MA for similar reasons.
Why would they move? Because you guys are butt hurt about Netflix and Disney? S&W and Colt ain't got no time for your whine.

Both are already looking to move due to business and economic reasons and the anti-gun culture here in the Northeast. S&W just moved it’s warehouse/distribution facility out off MA for similar reasons.

S&W already moved and Colt is in bankruptcy.
The central issue remains the will of the people, if this is what they want so be it. So who the hell are you to dictate another’s choice? I guess if your a blue city rodent it makes sense, beyond your pay grade.

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