Backfire: Memphis City Council Finds Out TN Law Says Nathanel Bedford Forrest Can't Be Removed

They are protecting dead racist democrats.
yep. dead racist conservative democrats.
Slavery has Nothing to do with conservatives. Controlling the lives of men is something liberals are very fond of. Prove me wrong.
The very character of southern conservatism and their embracing of that peculiar institution(slavery) proves you wrong! How much more controlling of lives do you need before it dawns on you just how stupid you sound!
What the hell is your defect liberals? The Civil War is been over for 150+ years and you're wanting to fight over again? Even Abraham Lincoln had Dixie played upon being notified that Robert E Lee handed over his sword to Grant at Appomattox. Here's a clue: all has been forgiven. Southerners are our brothers once again. We are all Americans. Enough of this flagburning. Pretty soon you're going to be burning books.

The Southern Conservative hierarchy lost the Civil War. Yet, it is the descendants of the losers who constantly wave that stinking rebel flag in our faces and dare to display it on public monuments at the expense of the taxpayers. That is a sign of defiance in the face of defeat. You haven't forgiven of forgotten anything. The KKK, the CCC , the Ameri-Nazi Party and many other hate groups show the true ugly spirit represented by your offensive "memorabilia ." When you and they "forgive," we won't see the icons of hate that now are so ubiquitous throughout the south!
What the hell is your defect liberals? The Civil War is been over for 150+ years and you're wanting to fight over again? Even Abraham Lincoln had Dixie played upon being notified that Robert E Lee handed over his sword to Grant at Appomattox. Here's a clue: all has been forgiven. Southerners are our brothers once again. We are all Americans. Enough of this flagburning. Pretty soon you're going to be burning books.

If the south had stopped acting like shitheads in 1865, I'd be happy to forgive them. Fuck, Germany can't stop apologizing for World War II, and I forgive them.
"If the south had stopped acting like shitheads in 1865, I'd be happy to forgive them. Fuck, Germany can't stop apologizing for World War II, and I forgive them".

That would be because the South neither wants or needs forgiveness for anything. Unfortunately the same is not true of the North. When is the North going to apologize for the atrocity known as "Reconstruction"? The KKK was initially formed to oppose that particular atrocity and- had I lived in those times-I would have been a proud member.
That would be because the South neither wants or needs forgiveness for anything. Unfortunately the same is not true of the North. When is the North going to apologize for the atrocity known as "Reconstruction"? The KKK was initially formed to oppose that particular atrocity and- had I lived in those times-I would have been a proud member.

You mean spending money to try to bring you guys up to the standards of the modern world.

Guy, I've been to the South. The problem is, you guys are a third world country and you don't realize it.
You mean like the standard of murder and gang warfare y'all have in Chicago? Thanks, but we'll pass.
"If the south had stopped acting like shitheads in 1865, I'd be happy to forgive them. Fuck, Germany can't stop apologizing for World War II, and I forgive them".

That would be because the South neither wants or needs forgiveness for anything. Unfortunately the same is not true of the North. When is the North going to apologize for the atrocity known as "Reconstruction"? The KKK was initially formed to oppose that particular atrocity and- had I lived in those times-I would have been a proud member.

Thanks to the benevolence of Lincoln and the Union in general, the South was able to retain some modicum of dignity. It didn't have to be that way.

Lincoln could have executed all the Confederate leaders. He could have been far less congenial than he was.

The North needs or wants no forgiveness for anything either. Especially since the North won the war!

If using terror to keep black Americans from enjoying full citizenship is at the core of your socio-political ideology, you are just as big a piece of shit as any of the other racist bahs-turds still fawning over confederate monuments!

if that is the law of the land It must be honored or changed. I doubt the latter will prevail. I can only wonder if the South would have been as congenial as the North had they won the war.I think not! And Blacks would still be in chains and a new dark age would have emerged.

Here is another little known fact that makes me bite my lower lip:

In 1958, U.S. Congress declared that anyone who served in theConfederate States of America, whether army or navy, was entitled to the same Civil War pension as they would have received if they had served in the military forces of the United States.

Current federal code, Title 38, says that the term “Civil War veteran” includes persons who served in the military of naval forces of the Confederate States of America.

President McKinley, who is not known by many Americans today, should perhaps be listened to again at this time as we attempt to rediscover what he called “the cordial feeling now happily existing between the North and South”.

There are no words to explain my feelings when reading the above!
Yet, I must ponder the bigger picture and consider that such benevolence paid off. The South has not risen again because if has no need to.

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