Backwards Anderson Cooper Depriving a Child of Its Mother

Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

For decades millions of illegals have poured into this country. Both conservartives and liberals have used the issue for their own partisan politics. However, people from both sides have promoted plans to end illegal immigration- but the hardliners on both sides have always shot them down- because like yourself- the hardliners on both sides only want a 'win'- they don't actually care about the issue.

Bullshit. Your side's goal has been the status quo of unlimited and unchecked illegal Third World immigration.
Lying fuck.

Is all you Trumpettes do is lie? We don't want go waste money on as fucking stupid wall & you assfucks run screaming that we want unfettered immigration.

Under the previous administration, efforts to slow illegal immigration were increased.

Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Outside of breast feeding, what is the difference?

Mothers teach the soft skills, and bonding, and love, and tenderness. Fathers teach how to be a man... Cooper's son won't have anyone to teach either.
Oh, pulleeezzee. Being a "man" doesn't mean shooting guns, beating up LGBTs, mocking and subjugating women, swearing, drinking, being arrogant, and basically being disrespectful of others. It means being an adult.

Among many other things, being a man does mean
learn to shoot and to care for your guns
if it's broken, fix it
if it squeaks, oil it
if it's dull, sharpen it

For a longer list, more thorough, list, click below. These are many of the things a manly father teaches his sons.
I think Anderson Cooper is going to be a wonderful dad to his newborn son, Wyatt. I see Anderson as a sweet but lonely guy who was very close to his mother and this new baby is going to fill that void and be deeply loved and adored. He will receive much attention from his father and hopefully from Anderson's partner, Benjamin Maisani with whom he just recently reunited after being together for nine years and two years apart. ( 2018 )

Anderson Cooper Quietly Got Back Together With Benjamin Maisani
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

That changed for big Republicans when they couldn't use them for cheap labor anymore.

I'm not sure what you mean. The County Club Republicans in charge of the party has always been supportive of the illegal immigration also.

What do you mean, "that changed"?

Republicans in general, as long as, they were cheap labor republicans were all for illegal immigrants.

Some republicans yes, some for cheap labor as you say. Some for ideological reasons.

And most of them, still do.

But by and large the actual Republicans, no. We have been against it and not represented by our incompetent and corrupt Political Class leadership.

So, like I asked already, what do you mean, "that changed"?
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

For decades millions of illegals have poured into this country. Both conservartives and liberals have used the issue for their own partisan politics. However, people from both sides have promoted plans to end illegal immigration- but the hardliners on both sides have always shot them down- because like yourself- the hardliners on both sides only want a 'win'- they don't actually care about the issue.

Bullshit. Your side's goal has been the status quo of unlimited and unchecked illegal Third World immigration.
Lying fuck.

Is all you Trumpettes do is lie? We don't want go waste money on as fucking stupid wall & you assfucks run screaming that we want unfettered immigration.

Under the previous administration, efforts to slow illegal immigration were increased.


That is one of your most beloved tactics to avoid any action. Bog the discussion down on the best course of action to take.

We've been talking about that for generations, while the millions and millions keep flowing in.

Oh, we did try one. We did Amnesty once. And all that did was encourage more to come.

You guys loved that. Not that you give Reagan much credit for it.

It is funny the way you phrase your posts, as though you think you are fooling someone, when EVERYTIME, you do, you get called on it.

Are you hoping at some point, we get so bored, that we let it pass and that you might trick some stupid person with the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion?
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

That changed for big Republicans when they couldn't use them for cheap labor anymore.

I'm not sure what you mean. The County Club Republicans in charge of the party has always been supportive of the illegal immigration also.

What do you mean, "that changed"?

Republicans in general, as long as, they were cheap labor republicans were all for illegal immigrants.

Some republicans yes, some for cheap labor as you say. Some for ideological reasons.

And most of them, still do.

But by and large the actual Republicans, no. We have been against it and not represented by our incompetent and corrupt Political Class leadership.

So, like I asked already, what do you mean, "that changed"?

If that is the case then why do you keep putting them back in office. That pretty much speaks for itself.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Outside of breast feeding, what is the difference?

Mothers teach the soft skills, and bonding, and love, and tenderness. Fathers teach how to be a man... Cooper's son won't have anyone to teach either.
Oh, pulleeezzee. Being a "man" doesn't mean shooting guns, beating up LGBTs, mocking and subjugating women, swearing, drinking, being arrogant, and basically being disrespectful of others. It means being an adult.

Among many other things, being a man does mean
learn to shoot and to care for your guns
if it's broken, fix it
if it squeaks, oil it
if it's dull, sharpen it

For a longer list, more thorough, list, click below. These are many of the things a manly father teaches his sons.
Nah, that's not necessary to be a man.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

That changed for big Republicans when they couldn't use them for cheap labor anymore.

I'm not sure what you mean. The County Club Republicans in charge of the party has always been supportive of the illegal immigration also.

What do you mean, "that changed"?

Republicans in general, as long as, they were cheap labor republicans were all for illegal immigrants.

Some republicans yes, some for cheap labor as you say. Some for ideological reasons.

And most of them, still do.

But by and large the actual Republicans, no. We have been against it and not represented by our incompetent and corrupt Political Class leadership.

So, like I asked already, what do you mean, "that changed"?

If that is the case then why do you keep putting them back in office. That pretty much speaks for itself.

Because they are still better than the alternatives offered by your side.

The moment I had a credible alternative, I was there. Hence the strong support for Trump from his base.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

That changed for big Republicans when they couldn't use them for cheap labor anymore.

I'm not sure what you mean. The County Club Republicans in charge of the party has always been supportive of the illegal immigration also.

What do you mean, "that changed"?

Republicans in general, as long as, they were cheap labor republicans were all for illegal immigrants.

Some republicans yes, some for cheap labor as you say. Some for ideological reasons.

And most of them, still do.

But by and large the actual Republicans, no. We have been against it and not represented by our incompetent and corrupt Political Class leadership.

So, like I asked already, what do you mean, "that changed"?

If that is the case then why do you keep putting them back in office. That pretty much speaks for itself.

Because they are still better than the alternatives offered by your side.

The moment I had a credible alternative, I was there. Hence the strong support for Trump from his base.

Trump & his base. A bigger bunch of stupid ignorant peiople has never ever been in existence. You people are so fucking stupid that you elected a proven fraud, business cheat, bankruptcy master, woman abuser, liar, and reality TV host.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

That changed for big Republicans when they couldn't use them for cheap labor anymore.

I'm not sure what you mean. The County Club Republicans in charge of the party has always been supportive of the illegal immigration also.

What do you mean, "that changed"?

Republicans in general, as long as, they were cheap labor republicans were all for illegal immigrants.

Some republicans yes, some for cheap labor as you say. Some for ideological reasons.

And most of them, still do.

But by and large the actual Republicans, no. We have been against it and not represented by our incompetent and corrupt Political Class leadership.

So, like I asked already, what do you mean, "that changed"?

If that is the case then why do you keep putting them back in office. That pretty much speaks for itself.

Because they are still better than the alternatives offered by your side.

The moment I had a credible alternative, I was there. Hence the strong support for Trump from his base.

Trump & his base. A bigger bunch of stupid ignorant peiople has never ever been in existence. You people are so fucking stupid that you elected a proven fraud, business cheat, bankruptcy master, woman abuser, liar, and reality TV host.

When we could have voted for someone like you, who obviously hates us, and was openly planning to attack our interests.

Mmmm, and you can't understand why we didn't support you and your hate of us?

LOL!!! Your hate has made you stupid.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

For decades millions of illegals have poured into this country. Both conservartives and liberals have used the issue for their own partisan politics. However, people from both sides have promoted plans to end illegal immigration- but the hardliners on both sides have always shot them down- because like yourself- the hardliners on both sides only want a 'win'- they don't actually care about the issue.

Bullshit. Your side's goal has been the status quo of unlimited and unchecked illegal Third World immigration.
Lying fuck.

Is all you Trumpettes do is lie? We don't want go waste money on as fucking stupid wall & you assfucks run screaming that we want unfettered immigration.

Under the previous administration, efforts to slow illegal immigration were increased.


That is one of your most beloved tactics to avoid any action. Bog the discussion down on the best course of action to take.

We've been talking about that for generations, while the millions and millions keep flowing in.

Oh, we did try one. We did Amnesty once. And all that did was encourage more to come.

You guys loved that. Not that you give Reagan much credit for it.

It is funny the way you phrase your posts, as though you think you are fooling someone, when EVERYTIME, you do, you get called on it.

Are you hoping at some point, we get so bored, that we let it pass and that you might trick some stupid person with the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion?

How is increasing border security not taking action?

Your buddy Trump had a Republican Congress for two years. What did he do? Cry & whine for a stupid fucking wall which failed because Republicans even knew that was stupid.

You stupid fucks get suckered by Republicans every yerar with their preternd outrage against illegal immigration. Just like they dupe your stupid assess with abortion and deficits. And you are so God damn stupid that you fall for it over & over.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

For decades millions of illegals have poured into this country. Both conservartives and liberals have used the issue for their own partisan politics. However, people from both sides have promoted plans to end illegal immigration- but the hardliners on both sides have always shot them down- because like yourself- the hardliners on both sides only want a 'win'- they don't actually care about the issue.

Bullshit. Your side's goal has been the status quo of unlimited and unchecked illegal Third World immigration.
Lying fuck.

Is all you Trumpettes do is lie? We don't want go waste money on as fucking stupid wall & you assfucks run screaming that we want unfettered immigration.

Under the previous administration, efforts to slow illegal immigration were increased.


That is one of your most beloved tactics to avoid any action. Bog the discussion down on the best course of action to take.

We've been talking about that for generations, while the millions and millions keep flowing in.

Oh, we did try one. We did Amnesty once. And all that did was encourage more to come.

You guys loved that. Not that you give Reagan much credit for it.

It is funny the way you phrase your posts, as though you think you are fooling someone, when EVERYTIME, you do, you get called on it.

Are you hoping at some point, we get so bored, that we let it pass and that you might trick some stupid person with the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion?

How is increasing border security not taking action?

30 million illegals in the country, shows that it was nothing.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

That changed for big Republicans when they couldn't use them for cheap labor anymore.

I'm not sure what you mean. The County Club Republicans in charge of the party has always been supportive of the illegal immigration also.

What do you mean, "that changed"?

Republicans in general, as long as, they were cheap labor republicans were all for illegal immigrants.

Some republicans yes, some for cheap labor as you say. Some for ideological reasons.

And most of them, still do.

But by and large the actual Republicans, no. We have been against it and not represented by our incompetent and corrupt Political Class leadership.

So, like I asked already, what do you mean, "that changed"?

If that is the case then why do you keep putting them back in office. That pretty much speaks for itself.

Because they are still better than the alternatives offered by your side.

The moment I had a credible alternative, I was there. Hence the strong support for Trump from his base.

Trump & his base. A bigger bunch of stupid ignorant peiople has never ever been in existence. You people are so fucking stupid that you elected a proven fraud, business cheat, bankruptcy master, woman abuser, liar, and reality TV host.

When we could have voted for someone like you, who obviously hates us, and was openly planning to attack our interests.

Mmmm, and you can't understand why we didn't support you and your hate of us?

LOL!!! Your hate has made you stupid.
I didn't vote for Trump. And when your interests are racism, bigotry, white supremacy, running up the debt, stealing children at the border, handing billions to corporate America, trasdhing the environmermt,. praising woman abusers, and loving it when Trump lies to you, then yes, I hate you for being such a poor ecxcuse for a human being and American.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

For decades millions of illegals have poured into this country. Both conservartives and liberals have used the issue for their own partisan politics. However, people from both sides have promoted plans to end illegal immigration- but the hardliners on both sides have always shot them down- because like yourself- the hardliners on both sides only want a 'win'- they don't actually care about the issue.

Bullshit. Your side's goal has been the status quo of unlimited and unchecked illegal Third World immigration.
Lying fuck.

Is all you Trumpettes do is lie? We don't want go waste money on as fucking stupid wall & you assfucks run screaming that we want unfettered immigration.

Under the previous administration, efforts to slow illegal immigration were increased.


That is one of your most beloved tactics to avoid any action. Bog the discussion down on the best course of action to take.

We've been talking about that for generations, while the millions and millions keep flowing in.

Oh, we did try one. We did Amnesty once. And all that did was encourage more to come.

You guys loved that. Not that you give Reagan much credit for it.

It is funny the way you phrase your posts, as though you think you are fooling someone, when EVERYTIME, you do, you get called on it.

Are you hoping at some point, we get so bored, that we let it pass and that you might trick some stupid person with the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion?

How is increasing border security not taking action?

30 million illegals in the country, shows that it was nothing.

Because it could be 40 million ?
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

That changed for big Republicans when they couldn't use them for cheap labor anymore.

I'm not sure what you mean. The County Club Republicans in charge of the party has always been supportive of the illegal immigration also.

What do you mean, "that changed"?

Republicans in general, as long as, they were cheap labor republicans were all for illegal immigrants.

Some republicans yes, some for cheap labor as you say. Some for ideological reasons.

And most of them, still do.

But by and large the actual Republicans, no. We have been against it and not represented by our incompetent and corrupt Political Class leadership.

So, like I asked already, what do you mean, "that changed"?

If that is the case then why do you keep putting them back in office. That pretty much speaks for itself.

Because they are still better than the alternatives offered by your side.

The moment I had a credible alternative, I was there. Hence the strong support for Trump from his base.

Trump & his base. A bigger bunch of stupid ignorant peiople has never ever been in existence. You people are so fucking stupid that you elected a proven fraud, business cheat, bankruptcy master, woman abuser, liar, and reality TV host.

When we could have voted for someone like you, who obviously hates us, and was openly planning to attack our interests.

Mmmm, and you can't understand why we didn't support you and your hate of us?

LOL!!! Your hate has made you stupid.
I didn't vote for Trump. And when your interests are racism, bigotry, white supremacy, running up the debt, stealing children at the border, handing billions to corporate America, trasdhing the environmermt,. praising woman abusers, and loving it when Trump lies to you, then yes, I hate you for being such a poor ecxcuse for a human being and American.

1. YOur refusal to admit that we even have valid interests, proves my point. Why would we vote for you or someone like you?

2. YOur vile misrepresenting of our interests, prove that you hate us. Why would we vote for someone who hates us, as you libs so obviously do?

3. And you still attack us for not actively support you libs, who obviously hate us, when it would be stupid of us to do so. Your level of entitlement is to a point that could arguably be considered literally insane. And you are an asshole. Ever fucking one of you.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

For decades millions of illegals have poured into this country. Both conservartives and liberals have used the issue for their own partisan politics. However, people from both sides have promoted plans to end illegal immigration- but the hardliners on both sides have always shot them down- because like yourself- the hardliners on both sides only want a 'win'- they don't actually care about the issue.

Bullshit. Your side's goal has been the status quo of unlimited and unchecked illegal Third World immigration.
Lying fuck.

Is all you Trumpettes do is lie? We don't want go waste money on as fucking stupid wall & you assfucks run screaming that we want unfettered immigration.

Under the previous administration, efforts to slow illegal immigration were increased.


That is one of your most beloved tactics to avoid any action. Bog the discussion down on the best course of action to take.

We've been talking about that for generations, while the millions and millions keep flowing in.

Oh, we did try one. We did Amnesty once. And all that did was encourage more to come.

You guys loved that. Not that you give Reagan much credit for it.

It is funny the way you phrase your posts, as though you think you are fooling someone, when EVERYTIME, you do, you get called on it.

Are you hoping at some point, we get so bored, that we let it pass and that you might trick some stupid person with the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion?

How is increasing border security not taking action?

30 million illegals in the country, shows that it was nothing.

Because it could be 40 million ?

It should be far lower, if our political class were not incompetent and corrupt.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

That changed for big Republicans when they couldn't use them for cheap labor anymore.

I'm not sure what you mean. The County Club Republicans in charge of the party has always been supportive of the illegal immigration also.

What do you mean, "that changed"?

Republicans in general, as long as, they were cheap labor republicans were all for illegal immigrants.

Some republicans yes, some for cheap labor as you say. Some for ideological reasons.

And most of them, still do.

But by and large the actual Republicans, no. We have been against it and not represented by our incompetent and corrupt Political Class leadership.

So, like I asked already, what do you mean, "that changed"?

If that is the case then why do you keep putting them back in office. That pretty much speaks for itself.

Because they are still better than the alternatives offered by your side.

The moment I had a credible alternative, I was there. Hence the strong support for Trump from his base.

Trump & his base. A bigger bunch of stupid ignorant peiople has never ever been in existence. You people are so fucking stupid that you elected a proven fraud, business cheat, bankruptcy master, woman abuser, liar, and reality TV host.

When we could have voted for someone like you, who obviously hates us, and was openly planning to attack our interests.

Mmmm, and you can't understand why we didn't support you and your hate of us?

LOL!!! Your hate has made you stupid.
I didn't vote for Trump. And when your interests are racism, bigotry, white supremacy, running up the debt, stealing children at the border, handing billions to corporate America, trasdhing the environmermt,. praising woman abusers, and loving it when Trump lies to you, then yes, I hate you for being such a poor ecxcuse for a human being and American.

1. YOur refusal to admit that we even have valid interests, proves my point. Why would we vote for you or someone like you?

2. YOur vile misrepresenting of our interests, prove that you hate us. Why would we vote for someone who hates us, as you libs so obviously do?

3. And you still attack us for not actively support you libs, who obviously hate us, when it would be stupid of us to do so. Your level of entitlement is to a point that could arguably be considered literally insane. And you are an asshole. Ever fucking one of you.
If you hads valid interests you would nlot need to lie about others. Like when you & your assfuck buddies say we are for illegal immigration because we weren't so fucking stupid to want a wall.

What do you stand for???
Running up the debt?
Stealing children at the border?
Sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Americans to open the country too soon?
Trashing the environment.
Handing money to well off corporations.
Assaulting women
Insulting veterans
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

That changed for big Republicans when they couldn't use them for cheap labor anymore.

I'm not sure what you mean. The County Club Republicans in charge of the party has always been supportive of the illegal immigration also.

What do you mean, "that changed"?

Republicans in general, as long as, they were cheap labor republicans were all for illegal immigrants.

Some republicans yes, some for cheap labor as you say. Some for ideological reasons.

And most of them, still do.

But by and large the actual Republicans, no. We have been against it and not represented by our incompetent and corrupt Political Class leadership.

So, like I asked already, what do you mean, "that changed"?

If that is the case then why do you keep putting them back in office. That pretty much speaks for itself.

Because they are still better than the alternatives offered by your side.

What side is that?

The moment I had a credible alternative, I was there. Hence the strong support for Trump from his base.

Lame excuse.
1. YOur refusal to admit that we even have valid interests, proves my point. Why would we vote for you or someone like you?

2. YOur vile misrepresenting of our interests, prove that you hate us. Why would we vote for someone who hates us, as you libs so obviously do?

3. And you still attack us for not actively support you libs, who obviously hate us, when it would be stupid of us to do so. Your level of entitlement is to a point that could arguably be considered literally insane. And you are an asshole. Ever fucking one of you.
If you hads valid interests you would nlot need to lie about others. Like when you & your assfuck buddies say we are for illegal immigration because we weren't so fucking stupid to want a wall.

What do you stand for???
Running up the debt?
Stealing children at the border?
Sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Americans to open the country too soon?
Trashing the environment.
Handing money to well off corporations.
Assaulting women
Insulting veterans

What do you stand for? 3-plus TRILLION dollars in new national debt? It'll come up again in this response but the Constitution, and the reality, is that all bills of funding must originate in the House - currently the Nancy Pelosi run House. Running up the debt is certainly what the Republicans do but they don't hold a candle to the Democrats.

What about stealing children at the border? You mean the Obama-started practice of separating children from their criminal parents when the parents are jailed? Thank Goodness Trump ended that terrible thing at the border. Either you must love Trump for loving children or you're lying about your own concern for them.

More people are dying because they're not getting outside in fresh air and sunshine than are dying from going in public. No one has to go in public. And your numbers were plucked from your ass.

It's San Francisco and Los Angeles Democrats who are trashing the environment. Most of the world's plagues were spread and worsened by poor management of human sewage.

And, once again, it was Pelosi who handed money to well-off corporations. Bills of funding must originate in the House, remember?

Assaulting women? You mean like all of the immigrant women and small children raped and forced into sexual slavery and human trafficking coming to the open border to the United States?

And it is certainly not the right insulting veterans... That has been the job of the left since at least the mid-60s.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Outside of breast feeding, what is the difference?

Mothers teach the soft skills, and bonding, and love, and tenderness. Fathers teach how to be a man... Cooper's son won't have anyone to teach either.
Oh, pulleeezzee. Being a "man" doesn't mean shooting guns, beating up LGBTs, mocking and subjugating women, swearing, drinking, being arrogant, and basically being disrespectful of others. It means being an adult.

Among many other things, being a man does mean
learn to shoot and to care for your guns
if it's broken, fix it
if it squeaks, oil it
if it's dull, sharpen it

For a longer list, more thorough, list, click below. These are many of the things a manly father teaches his sons.
Nah, that's not necessary to be a man.

Yes it is. Men take care of business.

Forum List
