Backwards Anderson Cooper Depriving a Child of Its Mother

Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Outside of breast feeding, what is the difference?

Mothers teach the soft skills, and bonding, and love, and tenderness. Fathers teach how to be a man... Cooper's son won't have anyone to teach either.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Outside of breast feeding, what is the difference?

Mothers teach the soft skills, and bonding, and love, and tenderness. Fathers teach how to be a man... Cooper's son won't have anyone to teach either.
I see. You are just another ignorant fuck. Is that what you treach your kids?
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Outside of breast feeding, what is the difference?

Mothers teach the soft skills, and bonding, and love, and tenderness. Fathers teach how to be a man... Cooper's son won't have anyone to teach either.
Oh, pulleeezzee. Being a "man" doesn't mean shooting guns, beating up LGBTs, mocking and subjugating women, swearing, drinking, being arrogant, and basically being disrespectful of others. It means being an adult.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

For decades millions of illegals have poured into this country. Both conservartives and liberals have used the issue for their own partisan politics. However, people from both sides have promoted plans to end illegal immigration- but the hardliners on both sides have always shot them down- because like yourself- the hardliners on both sides only want a 'win'- they don't actually care about the issue.

A great example of this is how you totally ignore the fact that the number of illegal immigrants went down continuously during the Obama administration.

Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Outside of breast feeding, what is the difference?

Mothers teach the soft skills, and bonding, and love, and tenderness. Fathers teach how to be a man... Cooper's son won't have anyone to teach either.
I am really sorry for you.

That your father never taught you anything about bonding, love and tenderness.

I learned so much about bonding, love and tenderness from my father- a great man who to this day continues to be, with my mom, my role model on bonding, love and tenderness.

In a perfect world, in my opinion, every child would have a mother and father- I recognize the differences between the genders- but we don't live in a perfect world. The primary reason why a child is raised by only one gender is because of divorce and abandonment- within heterosexual couples. Yet all of those criticizing Cooper's parenting never start threads about how horrible it is for a single father to be raising his kids without the mother.

As a parent myself, I have long since given up on criticizing other parents parenting styles or choices just so long as they doing the best that they can and are not abusive to their kids. Will Cooper be a good parent? I hope so- just as I hope so for every new parent.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Nope. Don't want an open border. That's your constant false dichotomy position: either you support abusing children or you support an open border.

I'm calling you on it. Those are not the only choices and the fact you actively support one of those choices is appalling.

That is a false dichotomy, you're right. Because open borders harm far more children than closed borders. Those who support open borders support child rape, child abuse, rape of women, sex trafficking of young girls.
That is a false dichotomy.

Because virtually no one supports 'open borders'- America had open borders for the majority of our existence. But we haven't had open borders since about 1900.

Of course what you mean by a 'closed border' is separating children from their mothers and keeping them in cages. That is not a 'closed border'- that is just child abuse.

30 million illegals living in this country, says that we do have open borders.

What 30 million illegals? So much for you being 'honest'

All crap based on the same crap numbers. The real number is much higher, as you know.

Then show me some evidence of 'non-crap' numbers. I know that providing actual evidence for what you believe might be a new concept for you- but push your comfort levels and try to back up what you claim.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Outside of breast feeding, what is the difference?

Mothers teach the soft skills, and bonding, and love, and tenderness. Fathers teach how to be a man... Cooper's son won't have anyone to teach either.
I am really sorry for you.

That your father never taught you anything about bonding, love and tenderness.

I learned so much about bonding, love and tenderness from my father- a great man who to this day continues to be, with my mom, my role model on bonding, love and tenderness.

In a perfect world, in my opinion, every child would have a mother and father- I recognize the differences between the genders- but we don't live in a perfect world. The primary reason why a child is raised by only one gender is because of divorce and abandonment- within heterosexual couples. Yet all of those criticizing Cooper's parenting never start threads about how horrible it is for a single father to be raising his kids without the mother.

As a parent myself, I have long since given up on criticizing other parents parenting styles or choices just so long as they doing the best that they can and are not abusive to their kids. Will Cooper be a good parent? I hope so- just as I hope so for every new parent.

Good points..
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Outside of breast feeding, what is the difference?

Mothers teach the soft skills, and bonding, and love, and tenderness. Fathers teach how to be a man... Cooper's son won't have anyone to teach either.
I am really sorry for you.

That your father never taught you anything about bonding, love and tenderness.

I learned so much about bonding, love and tenderness from my father- a great man who to this day continues to be, with my mom, my role model on bonding, love and tenderness.

In a perfect world, in my opinion, every child would have a mother and father- I recognize the differences between the genders- but we don't live in a perfect world. The primary reason why a child is raised by only one gender is because of divorce and abandonment- within heterosexual couples. Yet all of those criticizing Cooper's parenting never start threads about how horrible it is for a single father to be raising his kids without the mother.

As a parent myself, I have long since given up on criticizing other parents parenting styles or choices just so long as they doing the best that they can and are not abusive to their kids. Will Cooper be a good parent? I hope so- just as I hope so for every new parent.

The one thing that no one can measure is the amount of parents who live in the same house with the other parent and the children, but who leave all of the parenting duties to the other parent and basically act in their daily lives as single people with no children. They share an address, but that's all.

I think that Cooper will be a good parent based on the fact that he has wanted it so much and it wasn't easy getting there.

There are some people who just should not be parents. They are not up to the job and don't care. LGBTs cannot be parents by accident, but heterosexuals can become parents by accident and there is no way to measure how many don't care and simply ignore their children.

A little history here. I was almost not here, since my own father was really scared by what happened to my mother giving birth to my older brother, and he almost lost her, but she wanted one more child. When I came along, he was always with me, from six pounds+ to an adult. Feeding, wiping, cleaning, checking for monsters under the bed, sharing books and debating history, taking me to dinner to celebrate my Catholic confirmation, coming to the plays I was in, all the way up to crying when I crossed the stage to accept my law degree. I was honored in his last years to try to return something to him for all of his good deeds, and clean up the bathroom after him, wash his clothes, serve him in his many trips to the ER, cook for him.

TIP FOR YOU GUYS OUT THERE: watch your prostate. My father did not have prostate cancer, but it was enlarged and he could not urinate and had to live his last years on a catheter. I saw incredible suffering. Don't be so fearful macho that you refuse to take care of it. Face it. Now.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Outside of breast feeding, what is the difference?
It’s an inherent need for gender examples. Post-1960’s data bears this out empirically. Probably beyond your grasp.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

As long as there is true love there I don't have a problem with same sex parents having adopted kids or kids through a surrogate. Let's be honest here, Kiddies...there are a lot of traditional couples that should NEVER be allowed to have a child because they're terrible parents. If Anderson Cooper turns out to be a good dad then more power to him!
The data is in and its post-1960’s leftist. Kids are best off with their actual two parents, their mother and father, which every human in history has had. Alternatives should only be last resort, not optional.
I'm a conservative actually. I just don't have an issue with same sex marriage. To be quite blunt...with all of the other fucked up things we have to deal with these days...people that love each matter what their sexual way down on my list of "problems"! Kids are best off in a setting where there are parents who love them...and god knows there are traditional marriages where a couple shouldn't be allowed to have a pet let alone a kid!
You probably live in a mostly-non-Black neighborhood.
My neighbors on one side are both neighbors on the other side are black and oriental. Across the street from me is a good ole boy from Alabama. We all get along just fine though. Good people are good people...all the racial shit is just that...SHIT!
So you live in a mostly non-black locale. That would mean that most of the families are structured (mom and dad) and you likely have low crime and better schools. did you arrive at THAT conclusion from what I posted? My point was that my neighborhood is rather diverse and that we get along quite nicely.
Because if it was mostly black you wouldn’t be making the report you did.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Outside of breast feeding, what is the difference?

Mothers teach the soft skills, and bonding, and love, and tenderness. Fathers teach how to be a man... Cooper's son won't have anyone to teach either.
I am really sorry for you.

That your father never taught you anything about bonding, love and tenderness.

I learned so much about bonding, love and tenderness from my father- a great man who to this day continues to be, with my mom, my role model on bonding, love and tenderness.

In a perfect world, in my opinion, every child would have a mother and father- I recognize the differences between the genders- but we don't live in a perfect world. The primary reason why a child is raised by only one gender is because of divorce and abandonment- within heterosexual couples. Yet all of those criticizing Cooper's parenting never start threads about how horrible it is for a single father to be raising his kids without the mother.

As a parent myself, I have long since given up on criticizing other parents parenting styles or choices just so long as they doing the best that they can and are not abusive to their kids. Will Cooper be a good parent? I hope so- just as I hope so for every new parent.

Good points..
No, they’re excuses.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Outside of breast feeding, what is the difference? Does anyone have to be taught to be an adult of either gender?
It’s an inherent need for gender examples. Post-1960’s data bears this out empirically. Probably beyond your grasp.

What do you mean by "gender examples"? Is there such a thing? Does anyone have to be taught to be an adult of either sex?
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Outside of breast feeding, what is the difference?
It’s an inherent need for gender examples. Post-1960’s data bears this out empirically. Probably beyond your grasp.
So do you want to require all children to be raised in a single household by the mother and father?

I happen to think that it is great when a child has both a female and male role model in their households- but as I have pointed out the single biggest reason any child is raised without either a mother or a father is because of divorce and abandonment within heterosexual couples. And I see no threads bemoaning that fact.

Beyond that one of the most stressful parenting and family aspects is financial- which is why children raised by two parents generally are raised more financially secure. In the case of Cooper and his husband- they will not be suffering any financial problems- so there is a much better chance for this child, than a child raised by a single mom, after the alcoholic dad abandoned the family.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Outside of breast feeding, what is the difference?

Mothers teach the soft skills, and bonding, and love, and tenderness. Fathers teach how to be a man... Cooper's son won't have anyone to teach either.
I am really sorry for you.

That your father never taught you anything about bonding, love and tenderness.

I learned so much about bonding, love and tenderness from my father- a great man who to this day continues to be, with my mom, my role model on bonding, love and tenderness.

In a perfect world, in my opinion, every child would have a mother and father- I recognize the differences between the genders- but we don't live in a perfect world. The primary reason why a child is raised by only one gender is because of divorce and abandonment- within heterosexual couples. Yet all of those criticizing Cooper's parenting never start threads about how horrible it is for a single father to be raising his kids without the mother.

As a parent myself, I have long since given up on criticizing other parents parenting styles or choices just so long as they doing the best that they can and are not abusive to their kids. Will Cooper be a good parent? I hope so- just as I hope so for every new parent.

Good points..
No, they’re excuses.

Tell me more about how my father being a role model for bonding, love and tenderness is just an 'excuse'- your insights fascinate me.
It's a matter of a parent being there through the good times and the hard times and providing hands-on care.

A few years ago, I saw a video of a heterosexual couple about to give birth. The infant was in the female's abdomen. He stepped into a pool full of water. She stepped in and positioned herself between his spread legs so that he could hold onto her. He held on to her while she struggled through the birthing process. Then the infant emerged from her body and there were three. FAMILY! BEAUTIFUL!

How do we hold onto this and reject people who merely contribute chromosomes but don't want to be family?
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

I can't stand my parents but thanks for trying to reinforce a theory..
The empirical has no place in the dem sheep narrative.
Is that what makes them annoying?
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

That changed for big Republicans when they couldn't use them for cheap labor anymore.

I'm not sure what you mean. The County Club Republicans in charge of the party has always been supportive of the illegal immigration also.

What do you mean, "that changed"?

Republicans in general, as long as, they were cheap labor republicans were all for illegal immigrants.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.

For decades literally tens of millions of illegals have poured into this country, and while some conservatives have raised concerns and possible solutions, liberals have employed a number of tactics obviously aimed at maintaining the status quo of nearly unchecked and unlimited flow.

Looked at in context, the intent of your side's actions are clear and your denial is just part of your Big Lie.

For decades millions of illegals have poured into this country. Both conservartives and liberals have used the issue for their own partisan politics. However, people from both sides have promoted plans to end illegal immigration- but the hardliners on both sides have always shot them down- because like yourself- the hardliners on both sides only want a 'win'- they don't actually care about the issue.

Bullshit. Your side's goal has been the status quo of unlimited and unchecked illegal Third World immigration.

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