Backwards Anderson Cooper Depriving a Child of Its Mother

1. YOur refusal to admit that we even have valid interests, proves my point. Why would we vote for you or someone like you?

2. YOur vile misrepresenting of our interests, prove that you hate us. Why would we vote for someone who hates us, as you libs so obviously do?

3. And you still attack us for not actively support you libs, who obviously hate us, when it would be stupid of us to do so. Your level of entitlement is to a point that could arguably be considered literally insane. And you are an asshole. Ever fucking one of you.
If you hads valid interests you would nlot need to lie about others. Like when you & your assfuck buddies say we are for illegal immigration because we weren't so fucking stupid to want a wall.

What do you stand for???
Running up the debt?
Stealing children at the border?
Sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Americans to open the country too soon?
Trashing the environment.
Handing money to well off corporations.
Assaulting women
Insulting veterans

What about stealing children at the border? You mean the Obama-started practice of separating children from their criminal parents when the parents are jailed? Thank Goodness Trump ended that terrible thing at the border. Either you must love Trump for loving children or you're lying about your own concern for them.

Obama didn't start the practice of separating children from their parents at the border.

There has always some discretion for border patrol agents to separate children whom they thought might be trafficked, and they are taught to recognize the signs. When parents are incarcerated in jail - children get separated.

Here's where it gets dishonest. The Obama Administration has certainly had plenty of criticism leveled at it for how it has handled the border, but one thing it did was to try to keep families together, either incarcerated in family facilities or allowed free until their asylum hearings came up. Seeking asylum by the way, is legal.

The Trump administration changed that with a policy of 100% incarceration, 100% removal of children. That was THEIR policy, no one else's, and the purpose was to discourage asylum seekers by taking their children away. That is something Trump and Trump supporters fully own, and it has resulted in one of the most abusive practices we have had in a long time. It's child abuse.
1. YOur refusal to admit that we even have valid interests, proves my point. Why would we vote for you or someone like you?

2. YOur vile misrepresenting of our interests, prove that you hate us. Why would we vote for someone who hates us, as you libs so obviously do?

3. And you still attack us for not actively support you libs, who obviously hate us, when it would be stupid of us to do so. Your level of entitlement is to a point that could arguably be considered literally insane. And you are an asshole. Ever fucking one of you.
If you hads valid interests you would nlot need to lie about others. Like when you & your assfuck buddies say we are for illegal immigration because we weren't so fucking stupid to want a wall.

What do you stand for???
Running up the debt?
Stealing children at the border?
Sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Americans to open the country too soon?
Trashing the environment.
Handing money to well off corporations.
Assaulting women
Insulting veterans

What do you stand for? 3-plus TRILLION dollars in new national debt? It'll come up again in this response but the Constitution, and the reality, is that all bills of funding must originate in the House - currently the Nancy Pelosi run House. Running up the debt is certainly what the Republicans do but they don't hold a candle to the Democrats.

What about stealing children at the border? You mean the Obama-started practice of separating children from their criminal parents when the parents are jailed? Thank Goodness Trump ended that terrible thing at the border. Either you must love Trump for loving children or you're lying about your own concern for them.

More people are dying because they're not getting outside in fresh air and sunshine than are dying from going in public. No one has to go in public. And your numbers were plucked from your ass.

It's San Francisco and Los Angeles Democrats who are trashing the environment. Most of the world's plagues were spread and worsened by poor management of human sewage.

And, once again, it was Pelosi who handed money to well-off corporations. Bills of funding must originate in the House, remember?

Assaulting women? You mean like all of the immigrant women and small children raped and forced into sexual slavery and human trafficking coming to the open border to the United States?

And it is certainly not the right insulting veterans... That has been the job of the left since at least the mid-60s.
Lying fuck.

Bill Clinton: Balanced the budget & put us on a path to pay down the debt.

George Bush: Took that balanced budget, put in a series of tax cuts, unfunded wars, unfunded expansion to Medicare and left with the largest recession in 80 years.

Obama comes in and slashes the deficit & creates the longest streak of job gains & a steady growth.

Trump comes in & has us back in trillion dollar deficits by his third year.

And dumbfuck you claims Democrats are the ones the run up the debt? Really? You are this= fucking stupid>?

And then you lie about Obamna & children at the border. Obama dealt with a flood on unaccompanied children. Maybe you should look up what the term "unaccompanied": means.

You voted for Trump, you don't give a rat's about women being assaulted.

The fucking tax cut happened when Trump & Republicans ran the show.
1. YOur refusal to admit that we even have valid interests, proves my point. Why would we vote for you or someone like you?

2. YOur vile misrepresenting of our interests, prove that you hate us. Why would we vote for someone who hates us, as you libs so obviously do?

3. And you still attack us for not actively support you libs, who obviously hate us, when it would be stupid of us to do so. Your level of entitlement is to a point that could arguably be considered literally insane. And you are an asshole. Ever fucking one of you.
If you hads valid interests you would nlot need to lie about others. Like when you & your assfuck buddies say we are for illegal immigration because we weren't so fucking stupid to want a wall.

What do you stand for???
Running up the debt?
Stealing children at the border?
Sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Americans to open the country too soon?
Trashing the environment.
Handing money to well off corporations.
Assaulting women
Insulting veterans

What about stealing children at the border? You mean the Obama-started practice of separating children from their criminal parents when the parents are jailed? Thank Goodness Trump ended that terrible thing at the border. Either you must love Trump for loving children or you're lying about your own concern for them.

Obama didn't start the practice of separating children from their parents at the border.

There has always some discretion for border patrol agents to separate children whom they thought might be trafficked, and they are taught to recognize the signs. When parents are incarcerated in jail - children get separated.

Here's where it gets dishonest. The Obama Administration has certainly had plenty of criticism leveled at it for how it has handled the border, but one thing it did was to try to keep families together, either incarcerated in family facilities or allowed free until their asylum hearings came up. Seeking asylum by the way, is legal.

The Trump administration changed that with a policy of 100% incarceration, 100% removal of children. That was THEIR policy, no one else's, and the purpose was to discourage asylum seekers by taking their children away. That is something Trump and Trump supporters fully own, and it has resulted in one of the most abusive practices we have had in a long time. It's child abuse.

Not true. Obama greatly expanded family separation and putting children in cages. Trump has done all he can to end both. Obama: human trafficker. Trump: humanitarian.

Like Obama, Pelosi: human trafficker. She refused the President's request for funding for more beds to get illegal immigrants out of cages. She refused the President's request for funding to investigate human trafficking - probably afraid of getting caught herself, I guess.

Not being a career politician like Pelosi and Schumer and Biden, Trump didn't immediately realize what was happening on the border. As soon as he did, he changed things. Any attack on Trump for border policy is dishonest and stems only from TDS.
1. YOur refusal to admit that we even have valid interests, proves my point. Why would we vote for you or someone like you?

2. YOur vile misrepresenting of our interests, prove that you hate us. Why would we vote for someone who hates us, as you libs so obviously do?

3. And you still attack us for not actively support you libs, who obviously hate us, when it would be stupid of us to do so. Your level of entitlement is to a point that could arguably be considered literally insane. And you are an asshole. Ever fucking one of you.
If you hads valid interests you would nlot need to lie about others. Like when you & your assfuck buddies say we are for illegal immigration because we weren't so fucking stupid to want a wall.

What do you stand for???
Running up the debt?
Stealing children at the border?
Sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Americans to open the country too soon?
Trashing the environment.
Handing money to well off corporations.
Assaulting women
Insulting veterans

What do you stand for? 3-plus TRILLION dollars in new national debt? It'll come up again in this response but the Constitution, and the reality, is that all bills of funding must originate in the House - currently the Nancy Pelosi run House. Running up the debt is certainly what the Republicans do but they don't hold a candle to the Democrats.

What about stealing children at the border? You mean the Obama-started practice of separating children from their criminal parents when the parents are jailed? Thank Goodness Trump ended that terrible thing at the border. Either you must love Trump for loving children or you're lying about your own concern for them.

More people are dying because they're not getting outside in fresh air and sunshine than are dying from going in public. No one has to go in public. And your numbers were plucked from your ass.

It's San Francisco and Los Angeles Democrats who are trashing the environment. Most of the world's plagues were spread and worsened by poor management of human sewage.

And, once again, it was Pelosi who handed money to well-off corporations. Bills of funding must originate in the House, remember?

Assaulting women? You mean like all of the immigrant women and small children raped and forced into sexual slavery and human trafficking coming to the open border to the United States?

And it is certainly not the right insulting veterans... That has been the job of the left since at least the mid-60s.
Lying fuck.

Bill Clinton: Balanced the budget & put us on a path to pay down the debt.

George Bush: Took that balanced budget, put in a series of tax cuts, unfunded wars, unfunded expansion to Medicare and left with the largest recession in 80 years.

Obama comes in and slashes the deficit & creates the longest streak of job gains & a steady growth.

Trump comes in & has us back in trillion dollar deficits by his third year.

And dumbfuck you claims Democrats are the ones the run up the debt? Really? You are this= fucking stupid>?

And then you lie about Obamna & children at the border. Obama dealt with a flood on unaccompanied children. Maybe you should look up what the term "unaccompanied": means.

You voted for Trump, you don't give a rat's about women being assaulted.

The fucking tax cut happened when Trump & Republicans ran the show.

edited for the following: replaced my despise Trump with despise Bush.. I think Trump is great; I just mistyped.

I'm the lying fuck? Really? Nothing in your attack actually addresses anything I said. I despised Bush and, in fact, out of my disgust for Bush and the Republicans I voted for a Democrat, Barack Obama, for the first and only time in my life in 2008.

So let's talk about deficit. Obama oversaw the greatest increase, in dollars at over 5 trillion dollars, of any president in the history of the United States and the fifth largest percentage increase at 74%.

Oh, the article I linked above mentions Obama's 828 Billion dollar tax cuts..., most of which were extending or making permanent Bush's tax cuts. Obama ended up being so much like Bush, I called him the Bushmill President... Or Black Bush.


Your complaint about Trump cutting taxes will be more credible as soon as you post links to your complaints about Obama's tax cut.

You clearly have stage IV TDS. Not a thing you said is true or even logical. It's nothing more than Orange Man Bad.
1. YOur refusal to admit that we even have valid interests, proves my point. Why would we vote for you or someone like you?

2. YOur vile misrepresenting of our interests, prove that you hate us. Why would we vote for someone who hates us, as you libs so obviously do?

3. And you still attack us for not actively support you libs, who obviously hate us, when it would be stupid of us to do so. Your level of entitlement is to a point that could arguably be considered literally insane. And you are an asshole. Ever fucking one of you.
If you hads valid interests you would nlot need to lie about others. Like when you & your assfuck buddies say we are for illegal immigration because we weren't so fucking stupid to want a wall.

What do you stand for???
Running up the debt?
Stealing children at the border?
Sacrificing hundreds of thousands of Americans to open the country too soon?
Trashing the environment.
Handing money to well off corporations.
Assaulting women
Insulting veterans

What do you stand for? 3-plus TRILLION dollars in new national debt? It'll come up again in this response but the Constitution, and the reality, is that all bills of funding must originate in the House - currently the Nancy Pelosi run House. Running up the debt is certainly what the Republicans do but they don't hold a candle to the Democrats.

What about stealing children at the border? You mean the Obama-started practice of separating children from their criminal parents when the parents are jailed? Thank Goodness Trump ended that terrible thing at the border. Either you must love Trump for loving children or you're lying about your own concern for them.

More people are dying because they're not getting outside in fresh air and sunshine than are dying from going in public. No one has to go in public. And your numbers were plucked from your ass.

It's San Francisco and Los Angeles Democrats who are trashing the environment. Most of the world's plagues were spread and worsened by poor management of human sewage.

And, once again, it was Pelosi who handed money to well-off corporations. Bills of funding must originate in the House, remember?

Assaulting women? You mean like all of the immigrant women and small children raped and forced into sexual slavery and human trafficking coming to the open border to the United States?

And it is certainly not the right insulting veterans... That has been the job of the left since at least the mid-60s.
Lying fuck.

Bill Clinton: Balanced the budget & put us on a path to pay down the debt.

George Bush: Took that balanced budget, put in a series of tax cuts, unfunded wars, unfunded expansion to Medicare and left with the largest recession in 80 years.

Obama comes in and slashes the deficit & creates the longest streak of job gains & a steady growth.

Trump comes in & has us back in trillion dollar deficits by his third year.

And dumbfuck you claims Democrats are the ones the run up the debt? Really? You are this= fucking stupid>?

And then you lie about Obamna & children at the border. Obama dealt with a flood on unaccompanied children. Maybe you should look up what the term "unaccompanied": means.

You voted for Trump, you don't give a rat's about women being assaulted.

The fucking tax cut happened when Trump & Republicans ran the show.

edited for the following: replaced my despise Trump with despise Bush.. I think Trump is great; I just mistyped.

I'm the lying fuck? Really? Nothing in your attack actually addresses anything I said. I despised Bush and, in fact, out of my disgust for Bush and the Republicans I voted for a Democrat, Barack Obama, for the first and only time in my life in 2008.

So let's talk about deficit. Obama oversaw the greatest increase, in dollars at over 5 trillion dollars, of any president in the history of the United States and the fifth largest percentage increase at 74%.

Oh, the article I linked above mentions Obama's 828 Billion dollar tax cuts..., most of which were extending or making permanent Bush's tax cuts. Obama ended up being so much like Bush, I called him the Bushmill President... Or Black Bush.

View attachment 332709

Your complaint about Trump cutting taxes will be more credible as soon as you post links to your complaints about Obama's tax cut.

You clearly have stage IV TDS. Not a thing you said is true or even logical. It's nothing more than Orange Man Bad.

You said Obama started stealing children at the border. THAT isd a lie./

'But you love Trump therefore you love liars.

Obama's tax cuts were part of the stimulus bill and targeted working Americans. Why did we need a stimulus bill?

We needed no stimulus action when Trump got his tax cut. Trump borrowed 1.5 trillion dollars, giving a large percentage to well off coprporations & wealthy people/. Why? To prop up the economy to make him look good. Look at trhe 2019 GDP numbers & see thatr I am eright.

But hey, be the good little Trumpette & blame Obama for the deficits created by trhe Bush recession . Obama inherited the worst recerssion in 80 years, a housing collapse, two quagmire wars, a near financial meltdown & loosing 800 jobs a month.

Your fat assed ora mge buddy ingherioted a god econopmy & run up 2.5 trillion in his first 3 years. 2020 was heading to a trillion plus before the COVID. That would have made it 3.5 trillipn in 4 years (plus the covid losses).
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Oh piss off with the homophobia. Gays make AS good if not BETTER parents. Congrats Anderson!

I would love to see every father hold each of his babies like this. Mothers, too.

There is this, then there are the drunks of the world, the "party types," the chris watts types, the cheaters, and those who never spent one minute of their day caring for their little ones. Take trump. Five little ones. Does he even know what a diaper looks like?

Nope, the Orange Man-Baby has never changed a diaper including his own. That's what Bill Barr is for. :)

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