Backwards Anderson Cooper Depriving a Child of Its Mother

Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Nope. Don't want an open border. That's your constant false dichotomy position: either you support abusing children or you support an open border.

I'm calling you on it. Those are not the only choices and the fact you actively support one of those choices is appalling.

That is a false dichotomy, you're right. Because open borders harm far more children than closed borders. Those who support open borders support child rape, child abuse, rape of women, sex trafficking of young girls.
That is a false dichotomy.

Because virtually no one supports 'open borders'- America had open borders for the majority of our existence. But we haven't had open borders since about 1900.

Of course what you mean by a 'closed border' is separating children from their mothers and keeping them in cages. That is not a 'closed border'- that is just child abuse.

30 million illegals living in this country, says that we do have open borders.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

I am more concerned that he waited until he was so old to have the kid. Kid could be an orphan before it graduates college
.....he's 52? when the kid is 14 he'll be to old to be an efficient father/''mother''--like a lot of these jackasses having kids when they are 60 and 70

So this is the reason you don't like him being a parent? Because he is too old? I mean, its not like the tax payer will have to care for the child.
hahahhahahahah WRONG
..I'm not saying I don't like him for that
...I'm stating he cannot be an efficient/good/etc father because of it's close----these bastards that have kids when they are 60 are jackasses---it takes time and effort to raise kids ....52 is still a little too late
....I'm in my years but in great shape--still I might be taxed if I had a 10 or 14 year old driving them around to ballgames/etc .....
...also--plain and simple--if you believe in evolution or creation, kids were not meant to be raised by 2 men

I knew a girl who was an unexpected pregnancy when her mom was 50 and her dad was 53. When we were graduating college and all trying to get careers going, she was stuck going back to take care of her parents in their terminal decline years. It was unfair to her to not to get to have a life of her own until later than most people.

Unfair? How so? Was it unfair when her parents raised her? Changed her diapers, wiped her ass? Was it unfair when they worked their asses off to put a roof over her head? Was it unfair when they paid to send her to college?

Actually, they might have done her a favor. She'll have that caring-for-mom-and-dad phase over younger in life and while you're caring for your parents she'll be travelling the world. It's a task most children have to do (some, selfishly, refuse the task). Since this girl's parents stayed around to get her through college then it seems that they met their responsibility. On the other hand, they could have aborted her since she was an accident in their 50s. That probably would have been more fair... I guess they should have moved to Virginia about the time she was graduating college - the governor there is pushing for post-partem abortions... Perhaps her parents could have aborted her for the clear mental and emotional flaw of being ungrateful.

Leaving your only child no choice but to live where you live instead of where they want to live, have no social life because they are so busy waiting on you hand and foot, and stunting their careers because they can only take jobs that allow them the flexibility to haul your ass to the doctor constantly certainly was a generous and selfless act on their part. What was I thinking. Her parents should have been awarded the Nobel Prize. She can pick it up for them when she is running to get their blood pressure pills and putting them in the sorter because her parents are too senile to even manage their own medicine. She can pay for her airfare out of their account since they will never know since they can't manage their money either. What a glorious blessing for their daughter.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

I am more concerned that he waited until he was so old to have the kid. Kid could be an orphan before it graduates college
.....he's 52? when the kid is 14 he'll be to old to be an efficient father/''mother''--like a lot of these jackasses having kids when they are 60 and 70

So this is the reason you don't like him being a parent? Because he is too old? I mean, its not like the tax payer will have to care for the child.
hahahhahahahah WRONG
..I'm not saying I don't like him for that
...I'm stating he cannot be an efficient/good/etc father because of it's close----these bastards that have kids when they are 60 are jackasses---it takes time and effort to raise kids ....52 is still a little too late
....I'm in my years but in great shape--still I might be taxed if I had a 10 or 14 year old driving them around to ballgames/etc .....
...also--plain and simple--if you believe in evolution or creation, kids were not meant to be raised by 2 men

I knew a girl who was an unexpected pregnancy when her mom was 50 and her dad was 53. When we were graduating college and all trying to get careers going, she was stuck going back to take care of her parents in their terminal decline years. It was unfair to her to not to get to have a life of her own until later than most people.

Unfair? How so? Was it unfair when her parents raised her? Changed her diapers, wiped her ass? Was it unfair when they worked their asses off to put a roof over her head? Was it unfair when they paid to send her to college?

Actually, they might have done her a favor. She'll have that caring-for-mom-and-dad phase over younger in life and while you're caring for your parents she'll be travelling the world. It's a task most children have to do (some, selfishly, refuse the task). Since this girl's parents stayed around to get her through college then it seems that they met their responsibility. On the other hand, they could have aborted her since she was an accident in their 50s. That probably would have been more fair... I guess they should have moved to Virginia about the time she was graduating college - the governor there is pushing for post-partem abortions... Perhaps her parents could have aborted her for the clear mental and emotional flaw of being ungrateful.
I have lived in Virginia for many years. Our governor is not "pushing for post-partem abortions." No such thing is going on, and I don't know where you are getting this from. I don't even know what you mean by "post-partem abortions."
I had the same thought when Richard Greer, age 69, just had his new son the other day. Even my grandfather decided that once he hit his 80s, he was not going to get a new dog.
How can anyone at that age even think about a new son? That is insane and they will both be in diapers about the same time. And I thought the same when old time Hollywood he men like Anthony Quinn and Mick Jagger, Steve Martin, Rod Stewart and Charlie Chaplin (fathered a child at 81) had children well into their sixties and seventies and even beyond! Pure ego driven selfishness.
I think in Greer's case, his 35 year old wife probably begged him for a child. This will be hard on the child, who we know will lose their father as a very early age.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Let me respond with a similar argument.

You want an open season on Mexican children who cross the border. Be honest about it with the American people- you want American troops to shoot children crossing the border. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

But I don't. I just want the real issue to be taken seriously and solved. YOu want to pretend to do shit, while knowing that the end result will be millions more rolling in, only slightly hindered.

I'm being honest. YOu libs are not.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.

Numerous other administrations were not serious about deporting the tens of millions of illegals in this country.

You want an open border, be honest about it with the American people. Make the policy, make the case and defend it.

Don't hide behind children.

Nope. Don't want an open border. That's your constant false dichotomy position: either you support abusing children or you support an open border.

I'm calling you on it. Those are not the only choices and the fact you actively support one of those choices is appalling.

That is a false dichotomy, you're right. Because open borders harm far more children than closed borders. Those who support open borders support child rape, child abuse, rape of women, sex trafficking of young girls.
That is a false dichotomy.

Because virtually no one supports 'open borders'- America had open borders for the majority of our existence. But we haven't had open borders since about 1900.

Of course what you mean by a 'closed border' is separating children from their mothers and keeping them in cages. That is not a 'closed border'- that is just child abuse.

30 million illegals living in this country, says that we do have open borders.

What 30 million illegals? So much for you being 'honest'
here were 10.5 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. in 2017, representing 3.2% of the total U.S. population that year. The 2017 unauthorized immigrant total is a 14% drop from the peak of 12.2 million in 2007, when this group was 4% of the U.S. population.

2The number of Mexican unauthorized immigrants declined since 2007, while the total from other nations ticked up. Mexicans made up less than half of all unauthorized U.S. immigrants (47%) in 2017 for the first time, according to the Center’s estimate, compared with 57% in 2007. Their numbers (and share of the total) have been declining in recent years: There were 4.9 million Mexican unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. in 2017, down from 6.9 million in 2007.

3Number of unauthorized immigrants in U.S. workforce ticks downThe U.S. civilian workforce includes 7.6 million unauthorized immigrants, representing a decline since 2007. Between 2007 and 2017, the number of unauthorized immigrant workers fell by 625,000, as did their share of the total U.S. workforce over the same period.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Oh, don't start this crap again. There are and have been plenty of kids raised by only one parent, and I'm sure that Cooper will have a lot of help. Plus, he's much, much more interested in being a parent than some parents are. He volunteered to become a parent and had to arrange it, so it is highly unlikely that he will become one of those parents who, even if living with the other parent, spend more of their time on leisure activities and with friends or outside lovers than they spend raising their children.

He's interested only in training a new generation of homosexuals. Men who want to be fathers marry the woman they want to be the mother.

How does one "train" kids to be homosexual? I've never seen a study that shows children with gay parents having a higher rate of homosexuality than the regular population.

Most people marry who they love. And wanting children with that person is normal.
Considering that the vast, vast majority of all people were born to heterosexual parents, and raised by heterosexual parents who generally wanted to raise heterosexual children- I would say that 'training' children to be attracted to one gender or another doesn't appear to be working too well.

Parents have been duped into allowing their children to get their moral training from the socialists in the public schools. I remember a discussion with my granddaughter, after her high school graduation but before she started college, about a story on the news on TV. The story was about a woman who had a wife... In discussing the story, I referred to the woman as a lesbian. My granddaughter, and her visiting friend, were shocked that I would assume that a woman with a wife was a lesbian. What kind of right-wing monster was I?

Of course I was stunned. How in the world did I get that wrong? They explained to me that the woman might be bisexual. I had no right to assume any person's "gender" or sexual preference.

So, you're right. We're letting schools break down the family and destroy our values and causing real confusion in our children. It's something we'd better fix soon or the world as we know it is over.

Technically, your granddaughter was right.

But I question why it matters. The woman is married to another woman. Why is it a requirement that we categorize them as gay or bisexual? Unless you intend to try and seduce them, their sexual orientation doesn't matter. Or it shouldn't.
‘Best friends’ doesn’t earn tax breaks from the government. Homo marriage is as irrelevant as best friends so you defeat any argument for ‘legal’ homo marriage.
Marriages entered into by two persons are legal, so you don't have to put it in quotes.
Marriage is a concept. You can marry a blade of grass. It’s between you and the blade of grass. ‘Legal’ status forces everyone to recognize and subsidize your marriage. That’s the distinction.
Marriage is a legal concept. Legal status forces everyone to recognize and 'subsidize' your marriage- regardless of whether we approve of your marriage or not.

Many Americans do not approve of divorced people remarrying. Others don't approve of mixed races or mixed religions marrying each other. And others don't approve of same gender couples marrying each other.

Regardless- those are all legal marriages because we treat all of those couples equally.

If you don't like 'subsidizing' marriages(a dubious claim that marriages are actually subsidized)- then advocate for ending legal marriages and any financial 'benefits' that may come from them(as someone who has been married almost 30 years, I haven't seen my subsidy yet.....)
‘Legal’ marriage is a legal construct. Marriage itself is a concept.
Marriage itself is a construct. But great way to avoid everything else I said.

Marriage is a legal concept. Legal status forces everyone to recognize and 'subsidize' your marriage- regardless of whether we approve of your marriage or not.

Many Americans do not approve of divorced people remarrying. Others don't approve of mixed races or mixed religions marrying each other. And others don't approve of same gender couples marrying each other.

Regardless- those are all legal marriages because we treat all of those couples equally.

If you don't like 'subsidizing' marriages(a dubious claim that marriages are actually subsidized)- then advocate for ending legal marriages and any financial 'benefits' that may come from them(as someone who has been married almost 30 years, I haven't seen my subsidy yet.....)
..and they brainwash their kids that they are VICTIMS/whiners/etc

I have not heard of any gay or lesbian parent say anything like that.
jesus christ!! it's like the blacks chronically brainwashing their kids that they are VICTIMS
...I had a thread on this with examples don't think they raise their kids telling them how they were/are bullied/etc???

Don't pretend that there is no racism. Just the other day, a USMB poster referred to an adult American woman as a "groid sow." I had to goggle it to even know what he meant. It was disgusting. No matter what demographic group one is, s/he still has to educate their children how to cope with these attacks. Women, people of many ethnic backgrounds, many religions, LGBTs, have all been attacked, and we all must educate our children in how to cope with this shit and not yield ourselves to these freaks or submit to them.
....hahhahahahah--sure there is..but NOWHERE near the amount from whites that blacks and the MSM says there is
.>AND,, there is a lot more racism from blacks, which the MSM and blacks hardly ever [ if at all ] talk about
..blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites = FACT
Every time harmonica claims something is a fact, an Angel loses a wing.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

I am more concerned that he waited until he was so old to have the kid. Kid could be an orphan before it graduates college
.....he's 52? when the kid is 14 he'll be to old to be an efficient father/''mother''--like a lot of these jackasses having kids when they are 60 and 70

So this is the reason you don't like him being a parent? Because he is too old? I mean, its not like the tax payer will have to care for the child.
hahahhahahahah WRONG
..I'm not saying I don't like him for that
...I'm stating he cannot be an efficient/good/etc father because of it's close----these bastards that have kids when they are 60 are jackasses---it takes time and effort to raise kids ....52 is still a little too late
....I'm in my years but in great shape--still I might be taxed if I had a 10 or 14 year old driving them around to ballgames/etc .....
...also--plain and simple--if you believe in evolution or creation, kids were not meant to be raised by 2 men

I knew a girl who was an unexpected pregnancy when her mom was 50 and her dad was 53. When we were graduating college and all trying to get careers going, she was stuck going back to take care of her parents in their terminal decline years. It was unfair to her to not to get to have a life of her own until later than most people.

Unfair? How so? Was it unfair when her parents raised her? Changed her diapers, wiped her ass? Was it unfair when they worked their asses off to put a roof over her head? Was it unfair when they paid to send her to college?

Actually, they might have done her a favor. She'll have that caring-for-mom-and-dad phase over younger in life and while you're caring for your parents she'll be travelling the world. It's a task most children have to do (some, selfishly, refuse the task). Since this girl's parents stayed around to get her through college then it seems that they met their responsibility. On the other hand, they could have aborted her since she was an accident in their 50s. That probably would have been more fair... I guess they should have moved to Virginia about the time she was graduating college - the governor there is pushing for post-partem abortions... Perhaps her parents could have aborted her for the clear mental and emotional flaw of being ungrateful.
I have lived in Virginia for many years. Our governor is not "pushing for post-partem abortions." No such thing is going on, and I don't know where you are getting this from. I don't even know what you mean by "post-partem abortions."
Your gov said on WTOP that killing a living fetus outside the womb is OK per a discussion between the mom and the physician.
Whenever you say liberals want an open border you are lying- you aren't being honest. And every time you claim that liberals want 'open borders' you sabotage any actual discussion of the issue.

I do believe that you want to completely close down the border. I want an actual solution that prevents illegal immigration.
Isn't it equally as put offish, when you cite the later in bold?
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Unless of course those kids immigrated here from Guatemala or Honduras. Then all that concern is flushed down the crapper.
What does that mean? You talking about illegal immigrants risking separation due to their illegal activity? You need to take that up with the criminal parents putting their kids at risk.
Completely separate issue from contrived homo ‘families’.
Absolute horseshit. They want children for the same reasons straight people want children.
Homo's want to raise kids to be gay so they and their friends can molest them. Sickening but true.

No, it is not true. The rate of children being gay is consistent, whether the parents are gay or straight. And the overwhelming majority of gay or lesbian parents do not molest their children. Those are the absolute facts.

Of course the majority don't molest their kids. But the fact remains that homosexuals molest kids at a rate much higher than straight people do. Dems da facts.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

I am more concerned that he waited until he was so old to have the kid. Kid could be an orphan before it graduates college
.....he's 52? when the kid is 14 he'll be to old to be an efficient father/''mother''--like a lot of these jackasses having kids when they are 60 and 70

So this is the reason you don't like him being a parent? Because he is too old? I mean, its not like the tax payer will have to care for the child.
hahahhahahahah WRONG
..I'm not saying I don't like him for that
...I'm stating he cannot be an efficient/good/etc father because of it's close----these bastards that have kids when they are 60 are jackasses---it takes time and effort to raise kids ....52 is still a little too late
....I'm in my years but in great shape--still I might be taxed if I had a 10 or 14 year old driving them around to ballgames/etc .....
...also--plain and simple--if you believe in evolution or creation, kids were not meant to be raised by 2 men

I knew a girl who was an unexpected pregnancy when her mom was 50 and her dad was 53. When we were graduating college and all trying to get careers going, she was stuck going back to take care of her parents in their terminal decline years. It was unfair to her to not to get to have a life of her own until later than most people.

Unfair? How so? Was it unfair when her parents raised her? Changed her diapers, wiped her ass? Was it unfair when they worked their asses off to put a roof over her head? Was it unfair when they paid to send her to college?

Actually, they might have done her a favor. She'll have that caring-for-mom-and-dad phase over younger in life and while you're caring for your parents she'll be travelling the world. It's a task most children have to do (some, selfishly, refuse the task). Since this girl's parents stayed around to get her through college then it seems that they met their responsibility. On the other hand, they could have aborted her since she was an accident in their 50s. That probably would have been more fair... I guess they should have moved to Virginia about the time she was graduating college - the governor there is pushing for post-partem abortions... Perhaps her parents could have aborted her for the clear mental and emotional flaw of being ungrateful.
I have lived in Virginia for many years. Our governor is not "pushing for post-partem abortions." No such thing is going on, and I don't know where you are getting this from. I don't even know what you mean by "post-partem abortions."
Your gov said on WTOP that killing a living fetus outside the womb is OK per a discussion between the mom and the physician.

Specifics please. Links. Context. I doubt that Northam said anything of the sort. At least gillespie isn't governor. That's a relief.

We relied on WTOP for information on school closures and how much snow we were going to get. Remember Snowmageddon?
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Oh piss off with the homophobia. Gays make AS good if not BETTER parents. Congrats Anderson!

Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Unless of course those kids immigrated here from Guatemala or Honduras. Then all that concern is flushed down the crapper.
What does that mean? You talking about illegal immigrants risking separation due to their illegal activity? You need to take that up with the criminal parents putting their kids at risk.
Completely separate issue from contrived homo ‘families’.
Hatefulness can provide a rationalization for every circumstance.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

I am more concerned that he waited until he was so old to have the kid. Kid could be an orphan before it graduates college
.....he's 52? when the kid is 14 he'll be to old to be an efficient father/''mother''--like a lot of these jackasses having kids when they are 60 and 70

So this is the reason you don't like him being a parent? Because he is too old? I mean, its not like the tax payer will have to care for the child.
hahahhahahahah WRONG
..I'm not saying I don't like him for that
...I'm stating he cannot be an efficient/good/etc father because of it's close----these bastards that have kids when they are 60 are jackasses---it takes time and effort to raise kids ....52 is still a little too late
....I'm in my years but in great shape--still I might be taxed if I had a 10 or 14 year old driving them around to ballgames/etc .....
...also--plain and simple--if you believe in evolution or creation, kids were not meant to be raised by 2 men

I knew a girl who was an unexpected pregnancy when her mom was 50 and her dad was 53. When we were graduating college and all trying to get careers going, she was stuck going back to take care of her parents in their terminal decline years. It was unfair to her to not to get to have a life of her own until later than most people.

Unfair? How so? Was it unfair when her parents raised her? Changed her diapers, wiped her ass? Was it unfair when they worked their asses off to put a roof over her head? Was it unfair when they paid to send her to college?

Actually, they might have done her a favor. She'll have that caring-for-mom-and-dad phase over younger in life and while you're caring for your parents she'll be travelling the world. It's a task most children have to do (some, selfishly, refuse the task). Since this girl's parents stayed around to get her through college then it seems that they met their responsibility. On the other hand, they could have aborted her since she was an accident in their 50s. That probably would have been more fair... I guess they should have moved to Virginia about the time she was graduating college - the governor there is pushing for post-partem abortions... Perhaps her parents could have aborted her for the clear mental and emotional flaw of being ungrateful.
I have lived in Virginia for many years. Our governor is not "pushing for post-partem abortions." No such thing is going on, and I don't know where you are getting this from. I don't even know what you mean by "post-partem abortions."
Your gov said on WTOP that killing a living fetus outside the womb is OK per a discussion between the mom and the physician.

Specifics please. Links. Context. I doubt that Northam said anything of the sort. At least gillespie isn't governor. That's a relief.

We relied on WTOP for information on school closures and how much snow we were going to get. Remember Snowmageddon?

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