Bad news for Obama.

How is this possible when 95% of DNCMSM reporting on Trump, is negative?

If Trump doesn't like negative reporting, he should quit doing stupid things. Do you really think there should always be an equal amount of good and bad reports on Trump no matter what he does? That's childish and dumb.
Please name the stupid things he has DONE. Twitter posts and silly statements don't count. Name what he has DONE!!!

Please. Pretty please.....just be honest for once.

Twitter posts and ignorant statements ARE things he has done. The world judges our country by the statements of our president. In this case, the words of our childish idiot president. Only an idiot would invite the Russians into the Oval Office and give them top secret information. That's much worse than a blowjob.
Your memory is short. BO had the Russians in the oval and told them wait till I get re-elected, then I can give you whatever you want.

You had no problem with that. So, what changed?

When did Obama give Russians an exclusive interview in the oval office? When did Obama reveal top secret information to the Russians? Link?

here... you only get OUTRAGED if the meeting is in the Oval Office?
If Trump doesn't like negative reporting, he should quit doing stupid things. Do you really think there should always be an equal amount of good and bad reports on Trump no matter what he does? That's childish and dumb.
Please name the stupid things he has DONE. Twitter posts and silly statements don't count. Name what he has DONE!!!

Please. Pretty please.....just be honest for once.

Twitter posts and ignorant statements ARE things he has done. The world judges our country by the statements of our president. In this case, the words of our childish idiot president. Only an idiot would invite the Russians into the Oval Office and give them top secret information. That's much worse than a blowjob.
Your memory is short. BO had the Russians in the oval and told them wait till I get re-elected, then I can give you whatever you want.

You had no problem with that. So, what changed?

When did Obama give Russians an exclusive interview in the oval office? When did Obama reveal top secret information to the Russians? Link?

here... you only get OUTRAGED if the meeting is in the Oval Office?

That wasn't an exclusive interview where American press wasn't even notified, much less allowed to attend, like trump's was. Obama didn't give them top secret information either. That's the problem with you crazy RWNJs, you try to take Obama's benign actions and compare them to Trump's crap..
Speaking of Obama, why didn't he destroy ISIS in his eight long years? It only took Trump 11 months.
By religiously FOLLOWING the Obama plan to defeat ISIS because Tramp saw Obama's REAL plan was better than Tramp's imaginary "secret" plan and the plan he told his generals to give him in 30 days combined.
He didn’t have a plan....
Trump is no where as popular as The Great Obama

The Great Obama was actually popularly elected

Nope, ISIS Barry was elected by the states through the electoral college, which is how we do it in America, Shitflinger.
President Obama, in both elections, won the popular vote and the EC.
2008. 52.9% of the voters, 365 EC. 2012, 51.1% of the voters, 332 EC. President Obama won both the popular vote, and the majority of voters both times.

The treasonous fat senile old orange clown 2016, 46.1% of the voters, 304 EC He actually got less of the popular vote than did Hillary Clinton. She had 48.2% of the vote. The clown was shy nearly 4% of the majority of voters. President Obama did far better on all counts.

ISIS Barry was president because he won sufficient electoral college votes.

We do not have national elections where New York and California choose our rulers.

Take a civics class, you drooling retard.
funny to because just how much the media

tries to prop up the claim that "obama is just loved" bs


It must really burn you that you have to resort to fake news to prop up Trump.

sorry you leftist run the fake news and fake polls and just about fake everything
Well they do believe a man can become a woman.

yeah then try to claim man global warming is a science --LOL
Now isn't it odd that all the Scientific Societies in the world, all the National Academy's of Science, and all the major Universities state that AGW is real, and that it is a clear and present danger. But of course, you know so much more than all the scientists in this and every other nation in the world. LOL

Are these the ones who predicted New York City would be under water by the year 2000 and polar bears extinct by 2010?

With such a sterling record, who could doubt the Syantest Shamans of the AGW cult..
It must really burn you that you have to resort to fake news to prop up Trump.

sorry you leftist run the fake news and fake polls and just about fake everything
Well they do believe a man can become a woman.

yeah then try to claim man global warming is a science --LOL
Now isn't it odd that all the Scientific Societies in the world, all the National Academy's of Science, and all the major Universities state that AGW is real, and that it is a clear and present danger. But of course, you know so much more than all the scientists in this and every other nation in the world. LOL

Are these the ones who predicted New York City would be under water by the year 2000 and polar bears extinct by 2010?

With such a sterling record, who could doubt the Syantest Shamans of the AGW cult..
And you lie just like the fat fucker in the White House.
Please name the stupid things he has DONE. Twitter posts and silly statements don't count. Name what he has DONE!!!

Please. Pretty please.....just be honest for once.

Twitter posts and ignorant statements ARE things he has done. The world judges our country by the statements of our president. In this case, the words of our childish idiot president. Only an idiot would invite the Russians into the Oval Office and give them top secret information. That's much worse than a blowjob.
Your memory is short. BO had the Russians in the oval and told them wait till I get re-elected, then I can give you whatever you want.

You had no problem with that. So, what changed?

When did Obama give Russians an exclusive interview in the oval office? When did Obama reveal top secret information to the Russians? Link?

here... you only get OUTRAGED if the meeting is in the Oval Office?

That wasn't an exclusive interview where American press wasn't even notified, much less allowed to attend, like trump's was. Obama didn't give them top secret information either. That's the problem with you crazy RWNJs, you try to take Obama's benign actions and compare them to Trump's crap..

So it has to be exclusive and in the Oval Office to get you upset. LMFAO!

Obama was never benign and thinking so, makes you a dupe.
There is no revisionist history occuring yet.


ISIS Barry was ARMING the terrorists, calling them "Syrian Rebels."

Jeff Bezos hate blog attempting to give ISIS Barry credit for Trump destroying the group that ISIS Barry created by his incompetence in Iraq and then openly armed and funded just ain't going to fly.

ISIS Barry was FAR too involved in protecting Hezbollah drug running and helping Iran get nuclear weapons to fight ISIS.
It must really burn you that you have to resort to fake news to prop up Trump.

sorry you leftist run the fake news and fake polls and just about fake everything
Well they do believe a man can become a woman.

yeah then try to claim man global warming is a science --LOL
Now isn't it odd that all the Scientific Societies in the world, all the National Academy's of Science, and all the major Universities state that AGW is real, and that it is a clear and present danger. But of course, you know so much more than all the scientists in this and every other nation in the world. LOL

Are these the ones who predicted New York City would be under water by the year 2000 and polar bears extinct by 2010?

With such a sterling record, who could doubt the Syantest Shamans of the AGW cult..
I know, I live in Simpsonville, by their predictions, I should have beach front property.
sorry you leftist run the fake news and fake polls and just about fake everything
Well they do believe a man can become a woman.

yeah then try to claim man global warming is a science --LOL
Now isn't it odd that all the Scientific Societies in the world, all the National Academy's of Science, and all the major Universities state that AGW is real, and that it is a clear and present danger. But of course, you know so much more than all the scientists in this and every other nation in the world. LOL

Are these the ones who predicted New York City would be under water by the year 2000 and polar bears extinct by 2010?

With such a sterling record, who could doubt the Syantest Shamans of the AGW cult..
And you lie just like the fat fucker in the White House.

What am I lying about, sucks old cocks?

From "An Inconvenient Truth"

{According to July 5, 1989, article in the Miami Herald, the then-director of the New York office of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Noel Brown, warned of a “10-year window of opportunity to solve” global warming. According to the 1989 article, “A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ‘eco-refugees,’ threatening political chaos.”}
sorry you leftist run the fake news and fake polls and just about fake everything
Well they do believe a man can become a woman.

yeah then try to claim man global warming is a science --LOL
Now isn't it odd that all the Scientific Societies in the world, all the National Academy's of Science, and all the major Universities state that AGW is real, and that it is a clear and present danger. But of course, you know so much more than all the scientists in this and every other nation in the world. LOL

Are these the ones who predicted New York City would be under water by the year 2000 and polar bears extinct by 2010?

With such a sterling record, who could doubt the Syantest Shamans of the AGW cult..
I know, I live in Simpsonville, by their predictions, I should have beach front property.

Pope Algore, the lying sack of shit that he is, actually rewrote those parts of his Sci-Fi novel.

Remember; this lying pompous fool claimed;

{In his 2006 film, Gore warned, “If Greenland broke up and melted or if half of Greenland and half of West Antarctica broke up and melted this is what would happen to the sea level in Florida [animation shown with much of the state underwater].”

“But this is what would happen to Manhattan, they can measure this precisely,” Gore warned as he showed his audience much of the city underwater, including the area where the memorial would be built.}

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