Bad precedent to penalize Greene

All this stuff does is make her a martyr for the Q/Trumpsters. Unless she literally breaks a rule or law, they just have to deal with it.

The Republicans have a bigger problem here than the Democrats do, that's for sure.

The problem that Republicans have is getting a record of accomplishment to run on before the next election cycle, now that Congressional Republicans have denounced President Trump in the vote yesterday.

Rep. Greene hasn't been around that long, but I don't see how telling the people of Georgia's 14th CD to "Fuck Off, they don't count" helps with solving that problem. The GOP, one would think, needs every warm body they can muster in elective office. If they fail, they can expect a royal schlonging in the next election cycle, even with a pathetic excuse like Sleepy Joe at the helm for the other side.
Greene's district has many just like her. Batshit crazy.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

Dude, you live in a bubble if you haven't seen the crap she has done and said SINCE she was elected.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.

If she was elected for her crazy, well good luck with that.
I can say the same about Ilhan Omar. Who are you or I to tell the voters what to do or call them crazy? You're definitely a leftist.

I have noted for months that the (D)'s would lose the House in 2022. I am now hedging that claim because the GOP is backing even more crazy.

Republicans are going to have to build a record of Excellence on their own to win in 2022, now that they have purged Trump with their vote for Liz Cheney.

Frankly, I don't see that happening.

It hurts but Pelosi has lost seats both times she was speaker. For some reason the GOP has decided to help her out here.

It is sort of goofy for the GOP to attack the Trumpster, at least before they have someone else who has a record of accomplishment who is ready to lead.

Attack Trump? The argument is to recognize crazy and don't put crazy in leadership roles.

The Republican caucus attacked Trump by installing Trump Impeacher Liz Cheney into leadership.

You don't see this as an attack on the 75 million little Trumpsters?

I see it as a small move away from crazy.

Well in a way. Electing a Cheney is crazy.
Yep. Dick Cheney in a dress. She is so special. The best the GOP has to offer.
Bad precedent to penalize Greene.
Sent to my congressman:
I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. Respectfully, Supposn

I tend to agree. Not because I support what she said or's all bat-shit crazy stuff as are her supporters. But, what happens is that whenever a majority uses it's authority in some new way, the moment the other major party gets that authority, they ratchet it upward. Pelosi will be kicked off every committee in 2022 if the GOP gets the house? The reason? Spite.

Just let her sit there and ask her questions for 5 minutes during the meetings. If she tries to co-sponsor a bill that you tell the secretary that you don't want her name on your bill. Just marginalize her. She will probably serve 80 years in the House or whatever... big deal.
The problem is her constituents voted her in so she has authority. Ilhan Omar is an overt antisemite and awful human being but she has every right to sit in Congress since she was VOTED in!

Its not a problem... Both MTG and Omar and Gromert or whatever that jerk's name is have every right to be there. The Dems are making a mistake by taking this action. Pass a resolution condemning her...sure. But just ignore her otherwise.

The argument isn't that they shouldn't be there.
That is precisely what it is as the plan from cancel culture Democrats is to keep her away from any and all committees.

Which doesn't stop her from being there. Stripping people from their committee assignments isn't all that uncommon. It' doesn't happen a lot but it does happen.
Stripping them until they even get to a committee? She was voted in for a reason. You do this and if the GOP captures the House in two years, people like Swallowswell will be on the street too. VERY BAD idea but cancel culture party Democrats or the well on its way to silencing those they disagree with.

If she was elected for her crazy, well good luck with that.
I can say the same about Ilhan Omar. Who are you or I to tell the voters what to do or call them crazy? You're definitely a leftist.

I have noted for months that the (D)'s would lose the House in 2022. I am now hedging that claim because the GOP is backing even more crazy.

Republicans are going to have to build a record of Excellence on their own to win in 2022, now that they have purged Trump with their vote for Liz Cheney.

Frankly, I don't see that happening.

It hurts but Pelosi has lost seats both times she was speaker. For some reason the GOP has decided to help her out here.

It is sort of goofy for the GOP to attack the Trumpster, at least before they have someone else who has a record of accomplishment who is ready to lead.

Attack Trump? The argument is to recognize crazy and don't put crazy in leadership roles.

The Republican caucus attacked Trump by installing Trump Impeacher Liz Cheney into leadership.

You don't see this as an attack on the 75 million little Trumpsters?

I see it as a small move away from crazy.

Well in a way. Electing a Cheney is crazy.
Yep. Dick Cheney in a dress. She is so special. The best the GOP has to offer.
Nope. You're wrong yet again, leftist.

... I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. ...
That's an interesting spin. No matter what somebody did prior to getting elected, if they kept it secret, it shouldn't be held against them.
This isn't "the people elected them, knowing what they did" argument.
Dragonlady and Postman, this is analogous to the point in a wedding ceremony when it’s announced, “speak up or forever hold your peace”.
The election was held and the congress accepted the member. The only possible legal remedy should be a criminal prosecution for election fraud. Otherwise, every federal election could be subject to reversal by political powers. Respectfully, Supposn
Last edited:
When we know that our politicians and government shitheads are hiding things from us, a cultish phenom like Q will thrive.

People know they are being mislead on MANY things. It creates an environment for conspiracy theories.

I understand some things even if I don't believe it myself but space lasers starting fires?

Also Trump said he was going to expose things and didn't so does that mean they don't exist?
The wild fires offer a great example for what I mean. People suspect that the California "wild" fires are not natural because they happen 10x more than fires naturally occur anywhere else in the world. That clear inconsistency is ignored or dismissed by government and its pets in the MSM who do government's bidding. Someone with apparent knowledge or authority offers up a crazy theory and suddenly it is believed by thousands. That doesn't happen when our gov is being straight with us. I am almost 100% certain that ecoterrorists are starting the California wild fires. Who stands to gain when laser conspiracy theories are spread?

On the Trump thing, maybe you are right. Maybe there is nothing. Do you really believe that?

What else am I to believe and more important if even Trump was going to keep it all secret why should I worry about it?
... I fear penalizing congresswoman Greene for anything done or said prior to being accepted as a member of the House would set a bad precedent. I urge you and your fellow members of congress to consider her activity only after having joined the congress. ...
... Committee assignments are honors based on your abilities, seniority and trust....she has none.
Rightwinger, most people would consider me to be on the leftward side of the political spectrum. I believe congress changing conventional House policy for such a purpose is both political and legal bad precedent. Respectfully, Supposn
Democrats have become totalitarians. They can't deal with other peoples opinions. These Marxist bigots are against everything this great country was founded on, especially the first amendment. Democrats are evil.

How do you deal with an opinion that wildfires are started by lasers in space?
She never said that, you lying NAZI.
Democrats have become totalitarians. They can't deal with other peoples opinions. These Marxist bigots are against everything this great country was founded on, especially the first amendment. Democrats are evil.

How do you deal with an opinion that wildfires are started by lasers in space?
The person she ran against was the person to deal with asinine statements like that. That kind of shit "should be" campaign gold for the opposition.
So that tells me her opposition was not prepared for the task?

I have no idea who her opposition was. Anyone that would vote for someone that thinks that an island can tip over or that wildfires are started by lasers in space should look deep inside themselves.
The difference is that the first thing was actually said. There's no evidence the MTG ever said the second. It's a smear.
Qanon betty has been rejected & dejected.

this should send a signal to Qanon veronica from colorado to watch her step & reel in theCONspiracy cray cray or she'll be next.
Why are Republicans forcing Democrats to do their dirty work for them?

They refuse to take any action against Trump or Greene

Democrats forced members out who acted inappropriately
The KOOK Party is in the hands of a minority party. The same party that only gets election wins with dirty tricks and governs likewise.
Just to see massive physical altercations in the congress will be worth it if we can elect people who do not take any crap. Civility only led to to a major party that was formerly Democrats turn into Progressive Socialists and hegemony over a nation.
All this stuff does is make her a martyr for the Q/Trumpsters. Unless she literally breaks a rule or law, they just have to deal with it.

The Republicans have a bigger problem here than the Democrats do, that's for sure.

The problem that Republicans have is getting a record of accomplishment to run on before the next election cycle, now that Congressional Republicans have denounced President Trump in the vote yesterday.

Rep. Greene hasn't been around that long, but I don't see how telling the people of Georgia's 14th CD to "Fuck Off, they don't count" helps with solving that problem. The GOP, one would think, needs every warm body they can muster in elective office. If they fail, they can expect a royal schlonging in the next election cycle, even with a pathetic excuse like Sleepy Joe at the helm for the other side.
Greene's district has many just like her. Batshit crazy.

Marjorie Taylor Greene makes Republicans look BAD... like sniveling cowards who don't know right from wrong.

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